[翻譯] Benighted - Slut

看板RockMetal作者 (便當的飯永遠那麼少)時間14年前 (2009/12/13 13:32), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Suddenly a yawning gulf appears under my feet Now I can see the real face of the traitor Paralysed by the unconceivable I'm still petrified I see the fear in your eyes as you realize The vile depth of your treachery 腳下忽然出現巨大的鴻溝 終於能看清這叛徒的真面目 但我卻也被嚇呆了 妳的眼睛說明了妳的恐懼 可恨的背叛 You deserve my wrath, deserve to suffer Deserve to feel what I felt The features are different, The mask of beauty is fissured And lets appear insane baseness of your soul Harmony is collapsed The ugly drowns the carnal shell little by little in an ocean of dust 準備受苦吧,感受我的憤怒 感受我所遭遇的一切吧! 你的容貌看起來再也不同 你美麗的假面具已出現裂痕 讓他們顯現出你靈魂深處的卑劣吧 和諧的假象已然崩潰 無盡的塵埃逐漸淹沒你醜陋的軀殼 I really saw you behind your disguise, the artifacts fall, The evil stands at the same time fascinating and terrifying 我清楚看見妳偽裝背後的真面目 所有偽裝已然瓦解 只剩下邪惡存在,既迷人,又可怖 Stench replaces the sweet perfume Desires become disgust Hypocrisy trickles from your smile Your words are poison Each tear you shed is an insult to me Each sob is a lie All from you, slut, is dead to me 香氣已被惡臭取代 欲望已成厭惡 微笑中流淌著虛偽 字句成為毒藥 妳落下的每一滴淚對我都是種侮辱 每一聲啜泣都是個謊言 媽的婊子 我對妳早就沒感覺了 The own idea of your existence inside Will be soon an old memory Buried in my nightmares 妳將在我的記憶中消逝 與我的夢魘一起埋葬 -- 恰~~離~恰~~~離~跟我們 喔~當你心情低落需要東西振奮時 嘔~他們偷走了 去糖果山 ﹏﹏ ﹏﹏ ﹏﹏ ﹏﹏ 就馬上 我的腎臟 ◢██ ◢◣︶ ██ ◢◣︶ ⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ ⊙⊙˙ 來到 ██ 好啦~ ██ █ ▄▄ / ▄▄e 糖果山 ▄▄ ▄▄◢◣ ▄▄ ▄▄ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 洞穴~ ψQSWEET -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/13 15:30, , 1F
12/13 15:30, 1F
update:感謝酷飛大姐接指點( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ ※ 編輯: knight00931 來自: (12/16 10:10)
文章代碼(AID): #1B97nGKa (RockMetal)