[翻譯] Testament - Into The Pit

看板RockMetal作者 (如腐敗入骨,如身居火宅)時間15年前 (2009/11/30 16:08), 編輯推噓9(900)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Into The Pit 進入戰壕 Testament Deep in the pit and lying alone Where death has reared itself a throne We're all the good, the bad The worst and the best And where they land is their eternal rest 在戰壕深處,獨自躺著 死神在此樹立他的王座 我們有好人有惡棍 有人罪大惡極,有人仁慈善良 而他們落腳處便是長眠之地 Foul plays of passion At twilight's dim In joy of woe, of good and sin Winds of storm and fates overcast Darkly my presence Is now your past 日夜交接,晦暗朦朧 展開那激昂憤慨的醜惡遊戲 在那因悲痛、因善與罪而生的喜悅中 命運暴虐的狂風黯淡了四周 不知不覺,我的現在 成了你的過去 Join the insanity Or die as you fall Into the pit! The mass production And the killing of all Into the pit! The future screams for help Are fading away Into the pit! The world tomorrow Will it die for today? Into the pit! 徹底瘋狂 或死去倒下 進入戰壕! 製造戰亂 殺光所有人 進入戰壕! 未來尖叫求救 並正消失無蹤 進入戰壕! 世界的將來 會否在今天終結? 進入戰壕! So in the sad, silent watches of night The lonely pathway envisions my sight Echoes of laughter And boundless cries So here I wander under infinite skies 憂傷寂静的守夜之中 那條孤獨的道路在我眼前浮現 笑聲的回音與無數 哭號,回蕩耳邊 於是我在廣袤的天空下徘徊 Join the insanity Or die as you fall Into the pit! The mass production And the killing of all Into the pit! The future screams for help Are fading away Into the pit! The world tomorrow Will it die for today? Into the pit! 徹底瘋狂 或死去倒下 進入戰壕! 製造戰亂 殺光所有人 進入戰壕! 未來尖叫求救 並正消失無蹤 進入戰壕! 世界的將來 會否在今天終結? 進入戰壕! (高仕艷 譯) -- I had nothing but the embittered sun... 我一無所有,除卻那怨毒的太陽…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/30 16:15, , 1F
11/30 16:15, 1F

11/30 17:07, , 2F
Into the pit!!!!!!!!!!!
11/30 17:07, 2F

11/30 17:24, , 3F
11/30 17:24, 3F

11/30 18:05, , 4F
推!! 爽歌!!
11/30 18:05, 4F

11/30 23:26, , 5F
11/30 23:26, 5F

11/30 23:29, , 6F
11/30 23:29, 6F

11/30 23:58, , 7F
11/30 23:58, 7F

12/01 01:06, , 8F
12/01 01:06, 8F

12/01 01:17, , 9F
12/01 01:17, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1B4ts4FF (RockMetal)