[翻譯] Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse 全專輯翻譯

看板RockMetal作者 (企鵝)時間15年前 (2009/08/27 23:53), 編輯推噓22(2202)
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翻到一半才發現內容深度超乎我的能力>< 校稿校了半天還是有些看不大懂的橋段,只好憑自己的感覺硬翻...有錯歡迎指正 這是Opeth的一張概念式專輯,算得上他們作品的前三名 敘說一名已死的男子在看見傷心欲絕的愛人後,決定以靈魂的形式重返人間, 故事貫穿春夏秋冬四個季節,最後迎接主角的,是一場無止盡的悲劇... 由於她的愛人無法接受男子的死亡,也無法接受男子以靈魂的身分再度出現 使得主角傷心欲絕,讓自己的靈魂陷入無盡的痛苦輪迴記憶之中。 看過歌詞後就會知道,每首歌的歌名都是上一首歌的最後一個字 而最後一首歌也因此與第一首歌再度連結,成為一個永遠循環的故事 也就代表主角將自己引入這段無盡的痛苦記憶中不斷循環 常說人在死後常常會念念不忘一件事,就是這個意思 曲目 1. Prologue 2. April Ethereal 3. When Listen 4. Madrigal 5. Amen Corner 6. Demon of the Fall 7. Credence 8. Karma 9. Epilogu 1. Prologue 序曲 [Instrumental] A morning in magenta, the petals fed from the dew. She held her breath for a moment, to pause off the stream. Still clinging to vast, old memories. And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain. The coffin is beautifully engraved. Stained by soil, symbols of death. All of which are stared upon, with porcelain eyes it seems. Some spoke, and it was my turn to go. In death entwined, I could not believe. But it hangs around my neck. A soft breeze passed me by, somewhat warmer for a second. I knew it was the coming of spring, thus our APRIL ETHEREAL. 在一個紅色的早晨,花瓣被露水所滋潤 她停止激動的情緒,屏息而待這個瞬間 她從未遺忘那深深的回憶 我驚訝於她的美麗,從雨中歸來 葬下的棺木是如此美麗 被泥土玷汙,是死亡的象徵 所有的人透過陶瓷般的眼睛注視這個景象 談話聲此起彼落,談論著關於我的死亡 死亡過程中的纏繞感覺逐漸出現,令我無法置信 但這個感覺逐漸接近我的脖子 我感受到一秒鐘的溫暖,一陣溫和的微風逐漸離我而去 我知道這是春天到來的象徵,屬於我們的永恆四月 2. April Ethereal 永恆的四月 It was me, peering through the looking-glass. Beyond the embrace of Christ. Like the secret face within the tapestry. Like a bird of prey over the crest. And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask. 透過鏡子,我看到了自己 不被主所眷顧 像是臉上罩了一條神秘面紗 像一隻位於山頂的鳥 也看到她被悲傷所包圍,就像從悲傷中出生一樣 Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled. Emptiness followed by her wake. I could clasp her in undying love. Within ghostlike rapture the final word was mine. 她的燭光熄滅,畫像在微笑 空虛伴隨著她清醒 我擁抱著她,這份愛至死不渝 在我心中有一股鬼魅似的瘋狂迷戀 She faced me in awe. 'twas a token of ebony colour. Embodied in faint vapour. Wandering through April's fire. Compelled to grasp and to hold the one that was you. 她畏懼的望著我 一個黑檀木顏色的形體,出現在令人暈眩的迷霧中 穿越過四月的火光 強迫抓住並且試圖掌控著她 I will endure, hide away. I would outrun the scythe, glaring with failure. 我會忍耐,並且隱藏 我會快速離去,不被這次失敗所困 It is a mere destiny I thought, a threshold I had crossed before. The rain was waving goodbye, and when the night came the forest folded its branches around me. Something passed by, and I went into a dream. She laughing and weeping at once: "take me away". 我想這些都是命中注定,而這道門檻我之前便已跨過 當夜晚到來,這場大雨看起來像是在道別 森林中的樹叢圍繞著我 有些事物已經離去,而我進入夢中 她流著淚,笑著說:「帶我走吧」 I don't know how or why, I'll never know WHEN. 我不知道這場夢怎麼樣,或者是為什麼,也不知道是何時 3. When 何時 Red sun rising somewhere through the dense fog. The portrait of the jaded dawn who had seen it all before. 血紅的太陽從濃霧中升起 似曾相似的疲倦黎明 This day wept on my shoulders. Still the same as yesterday. This path seems endless, body is numb. The soul has lost its flame. Walking in familiar traces to find my way back home. 今日在我的肩膀上哭泣 就像昨日一般 這條路似乎永無止境,身體開始麻木 靈魂在火焰中消逝 在熟悉的道路上尋找歸途 So there I was. Within the sobriety of the immortals. A semblance of supernatural winds passing through. The garden sighs, flowers die. 因此我在這裡 內心永遠保持清醒 超自然般的景象開始出現 花園開始嘆息,花草開始凋謝 The gate was closed that day, but I was bound to carry on. She could not see me through the windows. In dismay, strangest twist upon her lips. Graven face, she said my name. 今日她家中大門深鎖,但我從未放棄 她看不到我經過窗邊 驚慌及疑惑扭曲著她的嘴唇 一張雕刻般的臉,呢喃著我的名子 Once inside I heard whispers in the parlour. The gilded faces grin, aware of my final demise. 當我在客廳,聽到輕聲細語 一張粉臉笑著,而我明白我最後的結局 And I cried, I knew she had lied. Her obsession had died, it had died. 我開始哭泣,我知道這一切都是謊言 她對我的迷戀已經消逝,已經消逝 When can I take you from this place? When is the word but a sigh? When is death our lone beholder? When do we walk the final steps? When can we scream instead of whisper? 何時我能夠帶妳離開此地? 何時不再有嘆息? 何時不再孤獨地死亡 何時我們能進行最後一步? 何時我們能以尖叫代替細語? When is the new beginning, the end of this sad MADRIGAL. 何時會有新的開始? 就在這悲傷的小調之後 4. Madrigal 小調 [Instrumental] Our abode 'mongst the stars is waiting, long enough for our last breath of life. You stare at nothing, right through me, at times resembling the Devil's concubine. And me, I am the idol that would long to caress our eyes until they would open no more. I would comfort you if I only could, but as we all know by now... I am just thin air. Unaware as you are of my presence, you are losing yourself. Hiding within THE AMEN CORNER. 天上的星星正等待著我們回歸 足夠我們嚥下生命中最後一口氣 妳雙眼無神的看著我,就像惡魔的小妾一般 而我,則渴望輕撫著我至愛的雙眼,直到她不再張開 我多麼希望能夠安慰妳,但是現在的我只不過有如薄薄的一層空氣 儘管妳並不知道我的存在 但妳正在迷失自己 將自已隱藏在祈禱的角落中 5. The Amen Corner 祈禱的角落 White summer. So far I have gone to see you again. Hiding your face in the palm of your hands. Finding solace in the words I do despise. 蒼白的夏日 我已經再次的見到妳 妳將妳的臉隱藏在手心中 我從這些我輕視的祈禱字眼中找尋到安慰 You snatch at every sound. And even though you believe that I am shackled within death, memories are tainted with paleness. Crestfallen still. Those eyes... empty like a barren well. 妳試圖抓住每個聲音 妳雖然相信我已經死亡,但記憶仍被染上黯淡的顏色 妳仍然垂頭喪氣 雙眼像一口枯井一般空虛 It was the only task I would undertake. To reap the harvest that was mine. The seed that had sprung into a florid meadow, and left me helpless in your embrace. The bond we never spoke of, once stark and enticing, now slowly smoldering to dust. 這是我唯一在執行的一件任務 來收割屬於我的作物 這顆無助的種子曾經進入一處美麗的農場,並在妳的擁抱中留下。 這是我們從未提及的誓言,曾經如此迷人,而現下緩慢地化為塵埃 The celestial touch, from grey to black. A fathomless void enclosing. Unwritten secrets beneath the cobwebs. I can not endure. 天空由灰轉黑 被深不可測的空白包圍 我無法忍受位於蜘蛛網下未知的祕密 And so I rose from my sleep. The moon turned away its face. Overture of the long, black night begins... something you said: "Eerie circles upon the waters". 因此我悠悠醒轉 月亮別過它的臉 冗場的序曲,黑夜開始... 水面上出現令人毛骨悚然的波紋 Until now we have shared the same aura. My ashes within your hands. 直到我們已經開始分享相同的氣息 妳的手中握有我的骨灰 My breath in the sepulchral mound. You know that your night is my day. The final spark that blew life into me, the DEMON OF THE FALL. 我的氣息瀰漫在陰森的小丘 妳知道夜晚將由我掌管 把最後的火花吹進我的生命 惡魔降臨 6. Demon Of The Fall 惡魔降臨 Silent dance with death. Everything is lost. Torn by the arrival of Autumn. The blink of an eye, you know it's me You keep the dagger close at hand. 靜靜的與死亡共舞 萬物皆失落 被秋天的到來打破 一眼瞬間,妳便知道是我 妳緊握住手中的短劍 And you saw nothing. False love turned to pure hate. The wind cried a lamentation before merging with the grey. 而妳什麼也沒看見。 錯誤的愛變為純粹的恨。 在與灰色合併之前 風編織出一首哀歌 Demon of the fall. 惡魔降臨 Gasping for another breath. She rose, screaming at closed doors. Seductive faint mist forging through the cracks in the wall. 倒抽一口涼氣 她在緊閉的門旁尖叫 因為在牆的裂縫中 出現一陣詭異的霧氣 I shant resist. In tears for all of eternity. She turned around and faced me for the first time. 我不再忍耐 在永恆的淚水中 她轉身並且第一次面對我 Run away, run away. Just one second, and I was left with nothing. Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air. That day came to an end. 逃跑,逃跑。 僅僅一秒,讓我一無所有。 她的芳香仍然穿過潮濕的空氣 而那天便這樣結束 And she had lost in me, her CREDENCE. 而她已經失去了我對她所有的信任 7. Credence 信任 Deserted again. You speak to me through the shadows. Walking in closed rooms, using cold words. Captured by the night. The yearning escapes from my embrace. 再次被拋棄。 妳透過陰影與我對話。 在緊閉的房間裡走動,使用冰冷的字眼。 被夜晚所俘虜 渴望逃離我的擁抱。 Strange silhouettes whisper your thoughts, scream your sadness. And they all turned away, unable to face more of this death. 陌生的側臉低聲地說妳的想法,尖聲叫喊妳的悲哀。 並且轉過臉去, 不願相信我的死亡 Credence in my word. Written in dust, tainted by memories. I confess my hope, recognize my loneliness. 我相信自己的諾言。 用塵埃書寫,被記憶感染。 我承認我的希望,認出我的孤獨。 Your laughter weeps the truth. Push me into corners. Confirming the epitaph of my soul and displaying the once unknown KARMA. 妳的笑抹去事實。 把我推入深淵。 確認我的靈魂的墓志銘 並且展示未知的輪迴。 8. Karma 輪迴 And as they say, grief is only able to possess. The rotting body clad in ancient clothes is left behind with a wave of the hand. 正如她們所說,悲痛能只獨自擁有。 穿著古老的衣服的腐朽身體被遺棄 I have gone away. The bed is cold and empty. Trees bend their boughs toward the earth. And nighttime birds float as black faces. 我已經離開。床是如此冰冷和空虛 樹把她們的樹枝向地面彎曲 夜間的鳥有如一張張黑色的臉般漂浮 It was the hand reaching out through the mirror. Unknown and scarred by life... the luring eyes, you had never seen. 這是透過鏡子伸出的手 被生命留下瘡疤... 妳從未看見這雙誘騙的眼睛 You have nothing more to find. You have nothing more to loose. 妳什麼都找不到 妳什麼都無法釋放 The cold season drifts over the land. They huddle in the brown corners. 冰冷的季節在大地上方漂流。 依偎在棕色的角落。 Some would settle for less. The castles were all empty, asleep. Long awaiting their king. Beckoning round the bend. 勉強接受 空虛的城堡沉睡著 等待她們的國王。 不斷彎曲循環 Amidst the forest one would hear that I had been there. Draped within a fate I could not change, and always welcoming Winter's EPILOGUE. 森林一聽說我到過那裡 且無法改變命運的布局 所以永遠歡迎冬天的終曲。 9. Epilogue 終曲 [Instrumental] There it was. The final destiny. A sunrise that never came, still the night lamp that never faded away. Farewell was the word, and the afterglow was the brave morning. Rising and telling everyone about the beauty of its PROLOGUE. 這最後的命運就在那裏。 日出從未來臨 仍然是從未消失的夜晚營火。 告別只是一句話 將夕陽餘暉當作是勇敢的早晨。 升起並告訴每個人 關於這個美麗的序曲 -- Eternal Autumn... http://cnc414.pixnet.net/blog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/27 23:55, , 1F
我現在唯一能想到的就是...你一定很愛Opeth吧? = =||||
08/27 23:55, 1F

08/27 23:56, , 2F
08/27 23:56, 2F

08/28 00:02, , 3F
推!!! 這張我很喜歡
08/28 00:02, 3F

08/28 00:03, , 4F
第一次聽到Opeth就是這張的Credence ㄎㄎ
08/28 00:03, 4F

08/28 00:07, , 5F
08/28 00:07, 5F

08/28 00:10, , 6F
其實很多都翻得很心虛 尤其是後幾首 好難= = 歡迎指點
08/28 00:10, 6F

08/28 00:23, , 7F
推 以後再看~
08/28 00:23, 7F

08/28 01:16, , 8F
08/28 01:16, 8F

08/28 01:31, , 9F
好強 囧!!
08/28 01:31, 9F

08/28 02:28, , 10F
08/28 02:28, 10F

08/28 02:46, , 11F
下午才在聽這張 為了你的用心決定先不賣這片 ㄆㄆ
08/28 02:46, 11F

08/28 04:16, , 12F
雖然我還是最尬以Orchid 但這張實在也是不錯
08/28 04:16, 12F

08/28 07:54, , 13F
08/28 07:54, 13F

08/28 08:56, , 14F
08/28 08:56, 14F

08/28 10:54, , 15F
08/28 10:54, 15F

08/28 11:01, , 16F
08/28 11:01, 16F

08/28 12:00, , 17F
08/28 12:00, 17F

08/28 12:02, , 18F
推j52k34~ 黑水公園順便吧XDDDDDDDDDDDD
08/28 12:02, 18F

08/28 12:04, , 19F
08/28 12:04, 19F

08/28 16:32, , 20F
Opeth 音樂的氣氛真的很棒
08/28 16:32, 20F

08/28 23:04, , 21F
08/28 23:04, 21F

08/29 00:47, , 22F
08/29 00:47, 22F

08/29 01:54, , 23F
08/29 01:54, 23F

08/29 22:00, , 24F
08/29 22:00, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1AbglrDP (RockMetal)