[翻譯] Dream Theater - The Count of Tuscany

看板RockMetal作者 (如腐敗入骨,如身居火宅)時間15年前 (2009/08/02 22:59), 編輯推噓110(110012)
留言122則, 27人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(因水管限制長度被切成兩半) pt.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e9jvkYaGS8
pt2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgaTAw5bvYc
歌詞據說是JP的真實經歷 The Count of Tuscany 托斯卡尼伯爵 Dream Theater Several years ago In a foreign town Far away from home I met the Count of Tuscany 多年之前 離家萬里 異鄉的城鎮 我遇到那位托斯卡尼的伯爵 A young eccentric man Bred from royal blood Took me for a ride Across the open country side 這位年輕而古怪的男子 出身高貴 載我一同 穿越開曠的鄉野 Get into my car Let's go for a drive Along the way I'll be your guide Just step inside 「上車來吧 讓我載你一程 一路上 我會為你導覽 進來吧 Maybe you recall A cannibal curator A character inspired by my brother's life 也許你會想起 食人魔的故事 那角色的靈感來自家兄呢!」 Winding through the hills The city far behind On and on we drove Down narrow streets and dusty roads 繞過丘陵 城市在遙遠的後方 我們不停前進 行過狹窄的街道與塵土飛揚的道路 At last we came upon A picturesque estate On sprawling emerald fields An ancient world of times gone by 最後我們來到 一處美侖美奐的莊園 坐落在如茵綠野 屬於遙遠過去的古老世界 Let me introduce My brother A bearded gentleman Historian Sucking on his pipe Distinguished accent Making me uptight No accident 「讓我向您介紹 這位便是家兄」 這位蓄鬍的紳士 歷史學者 抽著他的煙斗 高雅的口音 令我感到不安 這絕非偶然 I want to stay alive Everything about this place Just doesn't feel right I I don't want to die Suddenly I'm frightened for my life 我還想活下去 這地方的一切 都令人感到不對勁 我 我還不想死 突然之間,我好怕失去生命 I want to say goodbye This could be the last time You see me alive I I may not survive Knew it From the moment we arrived 我想跟你們道別 這也許是最後一次 你們在我生前看到我了 我 我也許無法逃過此劫 抵達此處的那一刻起 我就知道了 Would you like to see Our secret holy place? I come here late at night To pray to him by candlelight Then peering through the glass I saw with disbelief Still dressed in royal clothes The saint behind the altar 「要不要看看 我們的秘密聖地呢?」 我在夜深時來到這裡 點燃蠟燭向祂禱告 當我的視線透過玻璃 簡直不敢相信自己所見 聖徒正在祭壇後方 衣著華貴 History recalls During times of war Legend has been traced Back inside these castle walls 回顧歷史 在戰爭時期 傳奇可以追溯到 城堡的這些牆壁後方 Where soldiers came to hide In barrels filled with wine Never to escape These tombs of oak Are where they died 士兵跑到那兒 躲進裝滿紅酒的木桶中 再也沒逃出來 這些橡木製的墓塚 便是他們葬身之處 Down the cellar stairs I disappear Like the angel's share The end is near 一旦走下地窖的階梯 恐怕我就要像天使的那份酒 消失得無影蹤 末路近了 [註]天使的那份酒(angel's share)是釀酒的術語。當原酒放入木桶後,酒精會隨時間 逸失,這些逸失的酒精被稱為angel's share,指它們「被天使喝掉了」。 Come and have a taste A rare vintage All the finest wines Improved with age 「過來一品 這稀有的珍釀 這些都是經過歲月洗禮的 上好紅酒」 I want to stay alive Everything about this place Just doesn't feel right I I don't want to die Suddenly I'm frightened for my life 我還想活下去 這地方的一切 都令人感到不對勁 我 我還不想死 突然之間,我好怕失去生命 I want to say goodbye This could be the last time You see me alive I I may not survive Knew it From the moment we arrived 我想跟你們道別 這也許是最後一次 你們在我生前看到我了 我 我也許無法逃過此劫 抵達此處的那一刻起 我就知道了 Could this be the end? Is this the way I die? Sitting here alone No one by my side 這是末路了嗎? 是否我就要這樣死去? 獨自一人坐在此處 無人陪伴我的身邊 I don't understand I don't feel that I deserve this What did I do wrong? I just don't understand 我不明白 我不該遇到這種事 我做錯了什麼? 我真的不知道 Give me one more chance Let me please explain It's all been circumstance I'll tell you once again 「再給我一次機會 讓我能夠好好說明 整件事都是因緣際會 我來重新說一遍 You took me for a ride Promising a vast adventure Next thing that I know I'm frightened for my life 你載我一程 答應我有趟精采的旅程 但接下我卻發現 自己有性命之憂」 Now wait a minute man That's not how it is You must be confused That isn't who I am 「等一下,老兄 事情不是這樣 你一定搞錯了 我並不是壞人 Please don't be afraid I would never try to hurt you This is how we live Strange although it seems Please try to forgive 請不要害怕 我不會傷害你 這就是我們過的生活 儘管看來有點奇怪 但還請你諒解 The chapel and the saint The soldiers and the wine The fables and the tales All handed down through time 教堂與聖徒 英魂與醇酒 寓言與傳說 都是歷史悠久的傳承 Of course you're free to go Go and tell the world my story Tell about my brother Tell them about me 你當然可以自由離去 去告訴世界這個故事 告訴他們家兄之事 告訴他們關於我 The Count of Tuscany 托斯卡尼伯爵的故事」 (高仕艷 譯) -- ...aye, a thousand shadows there Shall leap and flicker and stir and stay and run, Like petrels of the changing foul or fair; Like ghosts of twilight, of the moon, of him Whose homeland lies past each horizon's rim... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 22:59, , 1F
蛋蛋人 R U READY?
08/02 22:59, 1F

08/02 23:01, , 2F
有人要推爆這篇了 顆顆
08/02 23:01, 2F

08/02 23:01, , 3F
08/02 23:01, 3F

08/02 23:10, , 4F
由於違反了使用條款,此影片已移除。 不過還是推一下翻譯
08/02 23:10, 4F
抱歉沒注意到影片被移除了,已更換連結^^ ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (08/02 23:14)

08/02 23:28, , 5F
08/02 23:28, 5F

08/02 23:39, , 6F
08/02 23:39, 6F

08/02 23:54, , 7F
08/02 23:54, 7F

08/03 01:14, , 8F
08/03 01:14, 8F

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08/03 09:46, 11F

08/03 10:10, , 12F
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08/03 10:28, , 13F
我來了,不過要先準備一下。 ㄎㄎ
08/03 10:28, 13F

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08/03 10:31, , 23F
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08/03 10:32, , 24F
怎麼沒有Take the time??
08/03 10:32, 24F

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08/03 10:35, , 37F
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08/03 10:35, , 38F
08/03 10:35, 38F
還有 44 則推文
08/03 10:44, , 83F
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08/03 10:47, , 102F
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08/03 10:48, , 103F
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08/03 10:48, , 104F
搞定了 ㄎㄎ 輕鬆的跟吃飯一樣
08/03 10:48, 104F

08/03 10:52, , 105F
08/03 10:52, 105F

08/03 10:52, , 106F
有程式可以設定 一分鐘大概就能推爆了XD
08/03 10:52, 106F

08/03 10:56, , 107F
不行 用電腦推爆 沒誠意
08/03 10:56, 107F

08/03 11:40, , 108F
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08/03 14:08, , 109F
08/03 14:08, 109F

08/03 15:01, , 110F
08/03 15:01, 110F

08/03 18:31, , 111F
我要the dark eternal night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
08/03 18:31, 111F

08/03 19:39, , 112F
1fuck 超屌
08/03 19:39, 112F

08/03 19:50, , 113F
超愛這首歌 推推!!!
08/03 19:50, 113F

08/03 20:24, , 114F
08/03 20:24, 114F

08/03 21:10, , 115F
08/03 21:10, 115F

08/03 21:59, , 116F
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08/03 22:18, , 117F
08/03 22:18, 117F

08/03 22:47, , 118F
08/03 22:47, 118F

08/03 23:26, , 119F
仔細一看才發現有分身 好多的圈圈XD
08/03 23:26, 119F

08/04 00:45, , 120F
08/04 00:45, 120F

08/04 01:27, , 121F
Constant Motion ㄆㄆ
08/04 01:27, 121F

08/04 08:43, , 122F
08/04 08:43, 122F
文章代碼(AID): #1ATQd6DZ (RockMetal)