[翻譯] Dream Theater - Pull Me Under

看板RockMetal作者 (無知是謊言的幫兇)時間15年前 (2009/04/18 19:37), 編輯推噓24(24015)
留言39則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1

04/17 14:23,
有人可以翻pull me under嗎?
04/17 14:23
因為看到這個推文,所以小妹就來獻醜了 第一次在金屬版貼文,好害羞喔>\\\\< Pull Me Under 拖我下沉 Dream Theater Lost in the sky Clouds roll by and I roll with them Arrows fly Seas increase and then fall again 迷失在天空 雲層捲動流過 我與它們共同流轉 箭矢疾飛 海潮增長 隨即再度墜落 This world is spinning around me This world is spinning without me Every day send future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last 世界在我週遭旋轉 世界沒了我照樣旋轉 每日都是把未來送往過去 每次呼吸都是削減 我的生命 Watch the sparrow falling Gives new meaning to it all If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day 看見麻雀墜落 讓一切又有新意義 如果不是今天或是明天 便是未來某一天註1 I'll take seven lives for one And then my only father's son As sure as I did ever love him I am not afraid 我會以七命償一命註2 其後是我親父之子 儘管我確定曾愛過他 我絲毫無懼註3 This world is spinning around me The whole world keeps spinning around me All life is future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last 世界在我週遭旋轉 整個世界持續 在我週遭轉個不停 整整一生都是葬送未來 每次呼吸都是削減 我的生命 Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I'm not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is set it right 拖我下沉,拖我下沉 拖我下沉,我無懼 我只感到光榮與怨恨 我唯有使一切復歸原位註4 Dust fills my eyes Clouds roll by and I roll with them Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again 塵土矇蔽我的雙眼 雲層捲動流過 我與它們共同流轉 百代同嚎 秩序灰飛 而我再度墜落 This world is spinning inside me The whole world is spinning inside of me Every day sends future to past Every step brings me closer to my last 世界在我體內旋轉 整個世界都在 我體內轉動 每日都是把未來送往過去 每個步伐都帶我更接近 我的盡頭 Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I'm not afraid Living my life too much in the sun Only until your will is done 拖我下沉,拖我下沉 拖我下沉,我無懼 就讓我在烈日下 生活太久吧註5 直到你願望實現 Oh that this too… too solid flesh… would melt… 噢,這太…… 太堅固的肉體…… 將消融分解而……註6 (高仕艷 譯) [註1]Pull Me Under的靈感來自莎翁四大悲劇之一的哈姆雷特。此段疑似典出哈姆雷特之 台詞”There's a speciall Prouidence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come: if it bee not to come, it will bee now: if it be not now; yet it will come.”(一隻麻雀死,也是天命。命中注定是現在,便不能在將來;如不 在將來,必定在現在;如不在現在,將來總要來。) [註2]哈姆雷特之父死後至哈姆雷特死前,總共死了大臣、奧菲莉亞、羅可、葛夫、王后 、賴爾蒂斯、國王,正好是七個人。 [註3]此言應是指自我了斷。 [註4]此句與以下兩句,皆為《哈姆雷特》第一幕中的台詞。此為哈姆雷特從父王的鬼魂 口中得知,父親是遭叔父毒殺後所言:”The time is out of ioynt: Oh cursed spight, that euer I was borne to set it right.” (這時代是全盤的錯亂;啊!可恨的冤孽!我生不辰,竟要我來糾正!) [註5]哈姆雷特尚不知父親死因時,對今王:「你臉上罩著愁雲。」一話回答道:’” Not so my Lord, I am too much i'th' Sun.” (不,陛下。我太陽曬得太多了。) [註6]哈姆雷特見父死母嫁,有感於世事之污穢,不免有悲憤輕生之意,遂言:” Oh that this too too solid Flesh, would melt, thaw, and resolue it selfe into a Dew.”(噢,我願這太、太堅固的肉體將消融分解而成露水。) 以上《哈姆雷特》台詞中譯乃參考梁實秋先生之譯本, -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/18 19:39, , 1F
嗯那順便來個自介文吧 XDXD
04/18 19:39, 1F
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (04/18 19:41)

04/18 19:44, , 2F
唔 原po沒翻譯的話我根本不知道這首歌和莎士比亞有關係啊
04/18 19:44, 2F

04/18 19:45, , 3F
好翻譯 原來跟哈姆雷特有關阿!
04/18 19:45, 3F

04/18 19:46, , 4F
推!! 翻的真的太專業了
04/18 19:46, 4F

04/18 19:46, , 5F
另外建議把Pull Me Under改成拉我下面ㄎㄎ
04/18 19:46, 5F

04/18 19:50, , 6F
看MV的話還蠻容易看出和哈姆雷特的關聯 但光聽歌很難= =bb
04/18 19:50, 6F

04/18 19:54, , 7F
04/18 19:54, 7F

04/18 20:05, , 8F
04/18 20:05, 8F

04/18 20:07, , 9F
04/18 20:07, 9F

04/18 20:09, , 10F
TO op301大 我是指普遍來說啦:$ 因為我也有翻別首:$
04/18 20:09, 10F

04/18 20:10, , 11F
04/18 20:10, 11F

04/18 20:12, , 12F
是喔 那你現在愛哪團 DT聽到應該會哭哭喔
04/18 20:12, 12F

04/18 20:13, , 13F
他們的幾首長篇Scenes from a Memory、A Change of Season
04/18 20:13, 13F

04/18 20:14, , 14F
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence我也都有翻:$
04/18 20:14, 14F

04/18 20:16, , 15F
04/18 20:16, 15F

04/18 20:16, , 16F
對不起啦~DT的大家> <bbb 但我現在愛上了AC/DC >\\\<
04/18 20:16, 16F

04/18 20:18, , 17F
專業推~這首是Kevin No Moore寫的~ (有人完整檔嗎? 誤~)
04/18 20:18, 17F

04/18 20:19, , 18F
不用道歉啦 不過從DT跳到AC/DC怎麼好像怪怪的
04/18 20:19, 18F

04/18 20:20, , 19F
因為一個走複雜深度風 一個走歡樂無腦風嗎?XD
04/18 20:20, 19F

04/18 20:22, , 20F
04/18 20:22, 20F

04/18 20:23, , 21F
04/18 20:23, 21F

04/18 20:24, , 22F
04/18 20:24, 22F

04/18 20:25, , 23F
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap ~
04/18 20:25, 23F

04/18 20:28, , 24F
let me put my love into you, baby ~~~ (AC/DC)
04/18 20:28, 24F

04/18 20:28, , 25F
The Jack也很賤很好笑,雙關語的傑作XD
04/18 20:28, 25F

04/18 20:30, , 26F
04/18 20:30, 26F

04/18 20:45, , 27F
翻的真的不錯 原本看不懂的地方都有翻到 3Q3Q
04/18 20:45, 27F

04/18 21:25, , 28F
04/18 21:25, 28F

04/18 22:21, , 29F
04/18 22:21, 29F

04/18 22:37, , 30F
DT的歌就這一首跟Another day我比較熟,其它就沒多大印象XD
04/18 22:37, 30F

04/18 23:02, , 31F
04/18 23:02, 31F

04/18 23:19, , 32F
04/18 23:19, 32F

04/18 23:26, , 33F
04/18 23:26, 33F

04/18 23:35, , 34F
04/18 23:35, 34F

04/18 23:40, , 35F
推 專業!!
04/18 23:40, 35F

04/18 23:47, , 36F
04/18 23:47, 36F

04/19 07:37, , 37F
04/19 07:37, 37F

04/19 08:40, , 38F
太屌啦~ 長知識!
04/19 08:40, 38F

04/19 18:02, , 39F
專業推!!! 歌曲俗名:拉我下面
04/19 18:02, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #19wRjgN9 (RockMetal)