
看板Road_Running作者 (ASKA)時間14年前 (2010/06/29 11:44), 編輯推噓8(803)
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原文於部落格 http://ncuaska.blogspot.com/2010/06/ted.html --- ===以下是我自己翻譯「赤腳泰德」的網站,內容有一點多。此篇網友暫勿轉載。 版權屬原作者 ted。=== So, you wanna start running barefoot? 所以,你想要開始赤腳跑步了嗎? Firstly, before you begin, you want to evaluate what it is that is leading you to even accept the logic behind the concept of barefoot running. We all know that barefoot running has gotten a lot of attention lately. Much of it is valid and deserves your attention. 在開始之前,你有可能會想要知道,到底你怎麼會接受赤腳跑步呢?我們都知道赤足跑步 最近還蠻熱門的,有很多討論都還蠻有道理的,並且值得注意看看。 Yet, one must still ask: is this a viable option for me? 然而,還是有人會問:這是真的還是假的? Before you answer that question, let me explain why I think barefoot or minimal footwear running may not be good for you. It is not good if you are thinking it is some sort of cure-all that only requires taking off your shoes and starting to run injury free without radical changes in the way you may have been thinking of running up to now. If your running strategy has been about very specific time or distance goals, and you have been willing to push through pain to injury, then I would caution you: your bare feet will not allow you to continue this way. 在你回答這個問題之前,讓我解釋一下,為何我覺得用赤腳或是極簡鞋款來跑步,可能會 產生什麼問題。如果你不做一些慢跑的想法、姿勢上的徹底改變,單純覺得開始赤足跑步 就是一種無痛保證的萬靈丹-相信我那絕對不是件好事。如果你慢跑的策略是強調時間上 、距離上的突破,而且你可以接受痛苦變成傷害,那我必須要警告你:你的腳不可能讓你 一直這樣幹的。 Alas, the hallmark of my barefoot running philosophy is regaining connectedness, mindfulness, and presence in your running and in your body. 其實啊,我的赤腳哲學的特點,是讓你重新找回連結性,警覺性,在你慢跑時你身體的存 在感。 Barefoot running is not about blocking or pushing through pain, or at least it shouldn't be. Rather it is about tuning-in to your own body's highly sophisticated set of integrated awareness systems, systems that communicate through feelings and senses that are being collected in real-time as you move. From my perspective, learning how to run well means learning how to tap into the feeling of running well, which more often than not requires baring the foot to get the full feel of what happens when you move. 赤足跑步並不是透過痛苦來去阻擋或是逼迫自己,至少它不該是這樣。它應該是重新開啟 你身體高度智慧的整合覺知系統,這個系統透過感覺與偵測器來溝通,在你移動的時候能 即時傳達任何訊息。從我的觀點來看,學著如何跑的更好,代表學著如何接近那種「跑的 更好」的感覺,而這不代表你一定要脫了鞋子才能夠感受到。 However, even if you decide that barefoot is the route for you, take one step backward and realize you are most likely in the process of rehabilitating your feet and legs from years of being differently-abled, shoed, and cast. Atrophy, loss of range of motion, weakness, neglect, the foot has not been treated well lately. All the padding and support and protection has not led to stronger feet...sadly. 然而,就算你決定可以來赤腳看看了,你應該先來想想,你可能要經歷一些重建的過程, 畢竟這些年來,你的雙腳就像殘廢一樣,被鞋子裝著,然後放在一邊。這讓你的腳萎縮, 減少移動能力,腳虛弱了,被忽視了,可以說它實在過的不怎麼好。糟糕的是,所有的護 墊與支撐、保護,並沒有讓雙腳變的更強健。 So, the first key is to start slowly, incrementally and avoid over-exuberance, avoid being driven by your ego. Think orchard growing, not fast food. Think lifetime of development and growth. Think joy. 所以,第一件重要的事就是慢慢的開始,漸近式的,不要太興致勃勃、自我感覺良好。想 想果園裡的水果吧,它們可不是麥當勞。想想生命的發展、成長,想想快樂的地方。 So, what are my secrets, what is it I share with clients who take my Introduction to Barefoot Running Clinic? 所以,我的秘訣是什麼?我與那些拿著指引,走入赤足診所的病患分享了什麼? My goal is to get people to learn how to feel what good running feels like. I want them to develop a feeling for it. One of the primary feelings becomes an awareness of the texture and hardness of terrain and of impact. This awareness is the beginning. 我的目標是讓人們學著:學著感覺什麼是良好的跑步感。我想要他們去發展這樣的知覺。 其中一個重要的感覺就是,你開始感受到地面的材質、硬度與衝擊感。這樣的覺知只是第 一步。 To master this awareness, I have clients learn to move on hard surfaces first. Not focusing on distance or speed, I have my clients first walk and then trot on hard, fairly smooth surfaces. I work with them to focus on and begin to master three goals: quiet, quick, in balance. 為了學習這樣的覺知能力,我讓他們去學著在硬質的地面上移動看看。先不管距離或是速 度,我讓他們先走走看,然後在這些硬且光滑的地面上小跑看看。我和他們一起實驗,並 開始了解以下三個目標 : 安靜、快速與平衡。 The Three Goals 三個目標 1. Master gentle, quiet, forefoot-centric landings, silent and smooth. 學習優雅、安靜、前足著地、寧靜且順暢的進行。 Learn to move with no hard edges, no pounding, by learning how to have the impact of landing flow through the entire foot, starting in the forefoot and quickly spreading through the legs smoothly. Notice how silent your movement becomes. Imagine the movement of a big cat. Watch your dogs trot. Let them be models for tuned-in, flowing movement that wastes little energy on pound or sound. 學著不和地面硬碰硬,不重踩,學著如何把衝擊分散在整個腳底上,開始用前足著地,並 快速的將衝擊分散到整隻腳下。你可以體驗到,你的移動變的多麼的安靜。想像大貓的移 動,看看你家的小狗如何邁步,流暢的移動,避免一些能量浪費在腳掌與地面的撞擊上。 2. Quicken your cadence: Running in bare feet encourages this naturally. 加快你的步頻 : 赤足慢跑自然會讓你做的很自然 Some shoe runners are plodders. You can hear them coming. Lots of wasted energy on poorly timed impact. Quicker cadence ends up making sense when you realize that your ability to absorb and recoil energy through elasticity in your body dissipates quickly and is lost if not used. Learning how to get back in touch with the sweet spot of optimal recoil efficiency is easier to find when you can feel your feet, feeling that encourages a landing phase with foot more in line with your center of gravity (thinking about how you land if you jump down onto a hard surface in barefeet, not on your heels!). Overstriding is discouraged, nearly impossible barefooted. 有些動作沉悶又遲緩的跑者,你大老遠的就可以聽到它們趴達趴達的聲音。大部份的能量 都浪費在不協調的衝擊上。當你了解到,透過你身體的彈性,就能抵銷衝擊,吸收力量後 可產生足夠的後座力前進時,快頻的踏步對你來說變的相當自然,若不這樣做,這些好處 就得不到了。當你可以明顯感受到你的雙腳時,學著找找後座力的效率甜蜜點就容易的多 ,這種感覺會鼓勵你在足部著地時,與你的中心重力一致。(想像你是如何著地的,如果 你赤腳跳到一個硬質的地面上,你是不會用腳根著地的!)。跨的太大步會讓你沮喪,並且 對赤足慢跑來說也是不太可能的。 3. Stable upright posture: balanced head, core engaged, unbent torso, the feeling of balance, relaxed, yet strong. 穩定筆直的姿勢,頭和身體是直線的 : 頭部保持平衡,專注在核心肌群,軀幹別在跑步 時前後搖晃,要感覺到平衡、放鬆但是仍強而有力。 I think that good running can be judged aesthetically. It should look good, not painful. When you see someone moving or running well, it looks smooth and fluid and graceful and efficient. The opposite looks painful, when someone is hunched and stiff, robotic and plodding. Indeed efficient running is tall and stable, the upper body acting as the fulcrum from which the legs and arms can move freely with a serious lack of bouncing or swaying of the head. 我覺得良好的慢跑動作,也可以從審美的觀點上來判斷。看起來要很自在,而不是很痛苦 的感覺。當你看到有人移動或是跑起來很不錯的時候,它必定是流暢、優雅並有效率的。 相反的,當一個人縮成一團、僵硬無比、像個機器人並蹣跚而行的時候,想必看起來是很 痛苦的。有效率的慢跑動作是正直且穩定的,上半身的驅幹像是個穩定的支點一般,腳部 和手部自在的移動,頭部也不會上下左右的晃動。 Ultimately my coaching goal is to help people perfect what I call a persistent hunt trot...a gait not purely about speed, but about smooth, flowing, efficient, sustainable movement, movement that leaves you ready to hunt or play another day. 我最終的目的是幫助人們更加完美,我叫它「持久獵殺小跑步」,這種步法不是為了速度 ,應該說是一種行雲流水般,有效率並能長時間的移動,讓你每一天都能隨時做好獵捕或 玩耍的準備。 Barefooting itself is all about mindfulness and presence. Running like an upright Primate, not like a Robot. Aware of your body and your environment AT ALL TIMES. 赤足本身代表全然的注意與臨在。像個靈長類動物,不要像個機器人般。在任何時候,都 要覺察你的身體與外在環境。 Listen to your body...learn to hear what it is telling you. Adjust accordingly. Advance accordingly. 傾聽你的身體,學著傾聽他告訴你的訊息,如是來調整與進步。 ------末後感想 我知道有很多人會擔心,赤足會踩到什麼鬼東西,這是一定的! 當你脫掉鞋子的時候,你得要考慮到這種風險, 但是你有眼睛,你可以避開那些明顯的危機。 PU跑道沒有那麼天然,但是我覺得是不錯的開始, 畢竟跑道上的危險物相對較少,尤其在前幾圈也請你務必仔細瞧瞧, 盡量不要在黑夜時赤足跑步(雖然我也幹過),尖刺物品因為無法反光,你的確有可能踩到 這個我倒不是那麼擔心,我擔心的是踩到蟑螂...上次就差一點踩到。 請保持一個觀念,脫了鞋子自己就要警覺且負責,沒有人能保證赤足跑步是100%安全的! 國外有一些跑者,赤足之後造成了更多的問題,主要是在新的使用肌肉群沒辦法跟上, 這些出問題的人,反而是有經驗的跑者,因為他的心肺強,但並不代表他的的新肌肉 可以馬上跟上,最脆弱的地方往往最早爆掉,可謂善泳者溺。 我目前可以在pu上跑到5km,跑完沒有什麼感覺,但是前幾次都還蠻累的。 預計往8km邁近。 目前可以赤腳走石板路上承天寺,石板路的狀況比pu跑道更多,地形也是3d的 腳底板、足弓、要承受更多未知的角度的變化。 第一次爬上,下 再+了一點往善息寺的路,回到家腳並沒有太慘,但是超想睡 想必是做了過多的腳底按摩 XD 昨日再試一次,一下就抵達寺廟入口,比想像中進步的還快。 我並不鼓勵大家一開始就試爬山路,山路要更多的警覺性,山路也有溼滑的石塊 也更磨腳皮,因為石版中有一些增加磨擦力的…礦物質? 此文並不全然鼓勵你脫掉鞋子在路上亂晃,反之是提醒該注意的事, 與一些赤足的心得爾。希望有興趣的人也一起討論~ -- http://ncuaska.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/29 13:16, , 1F
推翻譯 為了訓練中前足著地 也開始在PU赤腳跑 感覺不錯^^
06/29 13:16, 1F

06/29 16:42, , 2F
06/29 16:42, 2F

06/29 17:03, , 3F
06/29 17:03, 3F

06/29 17:57, , 4F
06/29 17:57, 4F

06/29 18:38, , 5F
06/29 18:38, 5F

06/30 19:03, , 6F
也許先穿Free 3.0跑 XD
06/30 19:03, 6F

06/30 19:22, , 7F
3.0 我覺得後面足部太高…試穿感覺很怪就沒買了。
06/30 19:22, 7F

06/30 23:31, , 8F
06/30 23:31, 8F

06/30 23:32, , 9F
06/30 23:32, 9F

07/01 01:55, , 10F
老一輩說赤腳走路對身體有益~ 或許吧
07/01 01:55, 10F

04/05 22:46, , 11F
04/05 22:46, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1CAMmEF1 (Road_Running)