[討論] Free Agent Profile: Francisco Liriano

看板RedSox作者 (sadnessflower)時間9年前 (2014/11/08 17:17), 9年前編輯推噓17(1706)
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http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2014-15-free-agent-profiles Francisco Liriano‘s last venture into the free agent market came on the heels of a down season split between the Twins and White Sox, and resulted in a low-risk two-year deal for the Pirates. After playing an integral role in two straight postseason appearances for Pittsburgh, the lefty will hit the open market in a much stronger position. 上一次Liriano幾乎是生涯最低點進到FA,也因此只能拿到樂透級的二年約 在連續兩年的好表現帶海賊打進季後賽之後,這次他的處境將會好得多 Strengths/Pros 強項 There’s little doubting that Liriano has the talent to be one of the most dominant arms in the game. As a 22-year-old rookie in 2006, he looked to be an unhittable force (2.16 ERA, 10.7 K/9, 2.4 BB/9) that would have garnered Cy Young attention had Tommy John surgery not stopped his season at 121 innings. His recovery was longer than most, and while he struggled in 2008-09, he returned to form with a dominant 2010 season worth nearly six fWAR. 沒人懷疑他有成為頂尖投手的天分,06年他才22歲就成為賽揚獎候選人之一 即使隨後因TJ手術讓他連兩季都投的掙扎,10年的強勢回歸仍然繳出6WAR Over his past two seasons with the Pirates, Liriano has turned in 323 1/3 innings of 3.20 ERA with 9.4 K/9, 4.0 BB/9 and a strong 52.4 percent ground-ball rate. Sabermetric ERA estimators such as FIP and xFIP both peg Liriano’s true talent with Pittsburgh at a 3.26 ERA, so both old-school and new-school lines of thinking paint him as a well above-average pitcher when he’s at his best. 過去兩季在海賊的323 1/3局,繳出3.20 ERA, 9.4 K/9, 4.0 BB/9跟52.4%的滾球率 數據派與傳統的評估方式都顯示當他狀況好時,他是個遠高於平均的投手 Part of the reason for Liriano’s resurgence with the Bucs is that he’s rediscovered some life on his fastball. The 31-year-old has averaged 92.8 mph on his heater over the past two seasons, whereas in some of his weakest seasons, his velocity sat 90-91 mph. He doesn’t have the 94.7 mph average he did as a rookie, but his average velocity is still tops among free agent lefties. 他能在海賊復活,部分原因是他找回了他的球速(過去兩季平均92.8 mph) 他表現不好的幾個球季,均速只有90-91 mph而已 他不再是那個均速94.7 mph的投手,但現在的球速在FA左投中仍然位於前列 When Liriano’s velocity is working, he racks up strikeouts at a prolific clip. He’s whiffed 9.2 hitters per nine innings throughout his career (even including his down seasons), and this year’s 9.7 K/9 mark trails only Max Scherzer among free agent starters. 當他球速出的來,他的三振率就會是Scherzer等級的 Liriano turned 31 after the season, so he’ll pitch the entire 2015 regular season at that age. That makes him younger than a number of his peers in the second tier of the starting pitching market, including Ervin Santana, Brandon McCarthy and former teammate Edinson Volquez. 15年球季他才31歲而已,比Santana, McCarthy, Volquez等第二級FA先發都年輕 Weaknesses/Cons 弱點 For as good as Liriano can be, there’s no ignoring the inconsistency and injuries that have, to some extent, defined his career to this point. Liriano has finished with an ERA well north of 5.00 in three full seasons, and in two of those seasons he walked five hitters per nine innings. Agent Greg Genske of the Legacy Agency can point to Liriano’s longer-than-usual recovery from Tommy John surgery as the culprit for those marks in 2009 and shoulder inflammation for the 2011 season, but Liriano floundered under two separate pitching coaches in 2012 and was injury-free that year. 表現起伏大且太痛 生涯有三個球季ERA在5以上,其中兩季每九局送出5次以上的保送 他的經紀人解釋這是因為TJ手術的影響,以及12年換了兩個投手教練 Even in his two excellent seasons with the Pirates, Liriano spent significant time on the DL in each campaign. The first was a freak accident — a fracture in his non-throwing arm sustained while falling in his apartment — but the second injury, an oblique strain, did cost him more than a month in 2014. 即使在他表現傑出的前兩季,他還是有相當的時間進DL All told, Liriano has had seven trips to the DL in a nine-year career. As such, he’s topped 180 innings just once — back in his stellar 2010 season. As I noted in my profile of fellow injury-prone starter Brandon McCarthy, teams are likely to show trepidation when it comes to multi-year contracts for pitchers without a track record of durability. No matter how great the upside, the downside of receiving 100-120 innings and having to patch together that rotation spot with a potentially replacement-level arm is concerning. 九年生涯已經進了7次DL,只有一季投超過180局,在他傑出的10年球季 球隊在考慮給他或McCarthy這類痛痛人複數年合約時,必然會考慮到耐投性的問題 無論他多有天分,一旦只能投100-120局,其他局數補上來的將是replacement-level等級 Control has oft been an issue for Liriano throughout his Major League tenure as well. He averaged 4.5 walks per nine innings in 2014 and has averaged 3.9 for his career. The Pirates made a qualifying offer to Liriano, and while some were surprised by the decision, I expect him to reject in search of multiple years due to his age and recent success. As Santana showed last spring, even if the market collapses, it’s still possible to find a one-year contract at or near the value of the QO late in the offseason. 除此之外,控球也是Liriano長期以來的問題 生涯平均每九局送出3.9次四壞球,上季更高達4.5次 海賊已經開給他QO,沒有意外的話他將會拒絕 Personal 個人特質 Liriano is married and has three children with his wife, per the Pirates media guide. They make their home in the Dominican Republic in the offseason. He comes from a good baseball family, as his cousin is Giants setup man/closer Santiago Casilla. Liriano has a reserved and quiet image but is seen as an excellent teammate by those who have played with him and was asked to take up a leadership role with the Pirates in recent years, particularly following the departure of the veteran A.J. Burnett. 他給人安靜靦腆的感覺,但與他共事過的人都認為他是個好隊友 在A.J. Burnett離開海賊後,他也擔起老大哥的角色 Market 市場狀況 Beyond the top three starters on the market, Liriano is in the mix for the top second-tier starter along with names like McCarthy, Santana and Kenta Maeda. Liriano’s camp can likely build a case that he has the highest ceiling among those arms, and despite the undeniable risk associated with Liriano, it’s an arguable point. Liriano misses more bats than the other three and has had four very strong seasons at the Major League level, even if there was some distance between them. 除了三巨頭外,第二級的FA先發包括McCarthy, Santana跟前田健太 Liriano陣營當然會強調他的天花板比上述這些人都高,當然風險可能也是 他的優勢在於他更常讓打者揮空,而且在大聯盟已經有過四季的好表現 A large number of teams are going to be in the market for rotation help, and many won’t be able to afford the likes of Scherzer, Jon Lester and James Shields. Liriano could be the top target for some clubs, and it’s possible that one of the teams who inks one of the big three could wish to add Liriano as a second boost to the rotation. The Red Sox are said to be eyeing multiple starters and have been connected to Liriano, and the Cubs, too, are known to be seeking multiple starting pitchers. Both teams will have a protected first-round pick, as will the Astros, D’Backs, Rockies, Rangers and Twins, each of whom has some need in the rotation (it’s unclear if the Twins would have any interest in rekindling that relationship, however). I’ll also add the Mariners, Yankees, Giants, Royals and Dodgers as teams I could see entering the mix, though the M’s of course seem likely to first focus on their offense. 他是很多負擔不起三巨頭又想補強先發的球隊的首選, 也是搶下三巨頭之一後,想進一步補強輪值的球隊如紅襪、小熊等球隊的選項 而上述兩隊的第一輪選秀權都受到保護 An interesting point raised to me by MLBTR’s Tim Dierkes is that Liriano and Russell Martin could make an interesting package this offseason. A team that signed Martin would have less to lose than others in adding Liriano, having already forfeited a pick, and the two have worked well together in the past. The Cubs, Rockies and Dodgers seem like at least plausible fits in that regard. Liriano跟Russell Martin或許會到同一隊,一方面他們過去合作愉快, 而且簽下其中一人的球隊,相較於其他隊再簽一人的代價比較低(只要賠第二輪) Expected Contract 預期合約 Simply put, I’m of the strong belief that speculation regarding Liriano accepting a qualifying offer is largely overblown. Liriano will pitch all of next season at 31 years of age and is coming off a pair of strong seasons with flashes of brilliance in his past. There’s no ignoring the risk associated with his arm, but I believe that offers in the $10-15MM range could be waiting at the end of the offseason even if the multi-year deal Liriano’s camp covets ultimately fails to materialize. Liriano接受QO的可能性被過度誇大了,即使他要不到複數年約, 在開季前要到與QO價格差不多的一年約也不是問題 Surrendering a first-round pick for Liriano is a risk, but there are 10 teams that can sign him for a second-round pick, and it’s not inconceivable that he ends up costing “only” a third-round pick if an aggressive team on the free agent front adds multiple players with QOs looming over their heads. 賠第一輪簽他是個賭注,不過有十隊都有受保護的第一輪選秀權 如果某隊在FA市場上撒錢,也有可能只要賠第三輪就能簽他 Players with this type of injury history and inconsistency rarely, if ever, get four-year deals, but we saw a less consistent Ubaldo Jimenez land four years last offseason. Regardless of how that deal looks now, it still serves as a reference point that upside can trump inconsistency. Liriano doesn’t have Jimenez’s durability so the fourth year feels like a reach (although I do feel it’s possible), but I believe he’ll receive some three-year offers. In the end, I’m predicting a three-year, $40MM contract for Liriano. 考量他的大起大落跟傷病史,他可能很難拿到四年約,或許會有幾張三年約的開價 對照比較耐投的Ubaldo Jimenez去年跟金鶯簽的四年50M合約 我猜測他可以拿到三年40M --- Liriano是另一個被預測可能到紅襪的先發, 如果能保持健康,他的天分就擺在那裏,但這個如果本身就是個賭注 考慮到我們3A有幾個接近READY的人選,個人覺得搶他的可能性蠻大的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RedSox/M.1415438221.A.BB8.html ※ 編輯: seekforever (, 11/08/2014 17:18:31

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11/09 00:07, , 11F
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11/09 00:19, , 12F
Liriano又痛控球又常常跑掉 實在不是好選擇
11/09 00:19, 12F

11/09 00:20, , 13F
但是如果我們搶下神盾 QO就不是問題 3y40M可以接受
11/09 00:20, 13F

11/09 00:33, , 14F
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11/09 08:33, , 15F
11/09 08:33, 15F

11/09 14:38, , 16F
要不痛又要能吃局數的前段 板友是還要不要抗癌和3B XD
11/09 14:38, 16F

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11/09 22:42, , 21F
11/09 22:42, 21F

11/09 22:42, , 22F
不推這隻 絕對不要買 控球常走鐘看的很痛苦 且在美聯一定爆
11/09 22:42, 22F

11/10 13:14, , 23F
有夠痛痛的 買了必虧
11/10 13:14, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1KNT-Dku (RedSox)