[紅襪] Sox To Sign Chris Capuano, De La Rosa

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間10年前 (2014/02/21 02:39), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. http://t.co/UP34RTlLyg Nick Cafardo指出紅襪即將簽下35歲投手Chris Capuano;Cherington稍早則說很快 會再簽下一位老投手(但沒說是誰) -- 簽下來的話將取代Dempster的位置 -- http://t.co/yjJHdJbylf Ron Chimelis表示已經在體檢了 2. https://twitter.com/JennyDellNESN/status/436163418287251457 Farrell目前預排的打線 Victorino Pedroia Ortiz Napoli Nava Bogaerts Pierzynski Middlebrooks Bradley -- https://twitter.com/Hannable84/status/436140694433185792 「除了Nava和Victorino之外,Gomes也是開路先鋒人選。」 3. http://t.co/yEyBZyper6 老爹試戒指 http://t.co/AMTWlcYAFw XB & JBJ -- Biggest ring size - Gomes 14.25 4. http://t.co/VlxC8dIPzn Drake Britton新髮型 http://t.co/FPyif7s2hF Gomes 5. http://t.co/WEOa7lWiqw 佈陣對老爹的影響 Zimmerman reports that Red Sox DH David Ortiz hit against shifts more than any player in baseball in 2013, and it had a measurable effect on his performance. Ortiz batted 266 balls into the shift (home runs, of course, were not counted). When there was no shift, his BABIP (batting average on balls in play) was .330; against the shift, it was .312, a drop of 18 percentage points. When there was no shift, Ortiz’s percentage of doubles and triples was 14.7 percent; against the shift, it was 8.7 percent, a decline of 6 percent. 正常:BABIP .330, double + triple 14.7% 佈陣:BABIP .312, double + triple 8.7% 6. http://t.co/3wmeK4UnBA 老爹表示他又練出一些肌肉了 7. http://t.co/1dCDJxzHoY https://twitter.com/Sean_McAdam/status/436186242112552961 Ortiz: "I think we're going to be fine (with contract). That's all I want to say about that right now." -- https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436186842665586688 「我只要求一年約,不過有很多人弄得好像我要十年。」 -- http://t.co/r7bNYi8zMG John Henry:「老爹想在這邊退休,我們應該試著讓這件事成真。」 https://twitter.com/RedSox/status/436212657839169536 「他是紅襪和新英格蘭地區的臉,這問題早晚會解決的。」 -- https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436206928306257921 Henry:「不確定會不會現在談,不過既然老闆和經紀人都來了,現在談也很合理。」 -- https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436207072880123904 Henry:「本季結束前沒談成也不代表老爹會走。」 -- WEEI的討論 http://t.co/cGq5FHtP4g 8. https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436209621020459008 Henry:「奢侈稅上限不是預算硬上限。」 9. https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436210972181946368 https://twitter.com/JMastrodonato/status/436210682212913152 Henry:「芬威有使用期限...還可以撐個三十年吧,下一次會搬到哪就要交給下一個 老闆決定了。」 -- https://twitter.com/stevesilva/status/436209996142231552 下一次設備升級會改善Pressbox 10. http://instagram.com/p/kndGLGs6FL/ 老爹 11. http://t.co/xjA4hKGxJf Rubby De La Rosa從225磅減到215磅,體脂肪從20降到13,「滿分10分的話,10分。 我覺得投球姿勢和控球都好多了。」 -- De La Rosa可能會在Paw Sox開季,而且還有可能轉任先發試試看。紅襪人士指出球 團認為本季或許有機會丟個140局。(不過生涯最高只有110左右) Farrell表示工作量會增加,不會像去年一樣長期的限制局數。 12. http://t.co/MIw7sWQMLu Team Meeting http://t.co/IWDlBGcEJu Nobody wants the front row. 13. https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436512814283620352 Werner: 'Last year, I think people thought we'd taken a stupid pill.' This year, he suggests, feels considerably different. -- https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436513316999921665 Werner, discussing Yankees, said last year's success showed don't necessarily need a $150-200M player to win. 14. Paw Sox pitching coach Rich Sauveur在牛棚幫上原練接滾地球, 上原 'Last one.' Sauveur:「到最後一顆的時候再跟你說。」 -- http://t.co/lgBysMVTkq Sauveur幫Lester進行rag ball drills的時候Lackey叫他不要那麼嚴 'My man has a contract coming up' -- http://t.co/57pt8MUS7s 練習影片 https://t.co/gOTnBLgPBB vine 15. http://t.co/9y4dddMyOs Tek跟Vaz談話 16. http://t.co/PhooOi8WZK 海狗教練 17. http://t.co/DdUORNeM3B Nava:「打哪一棒都沒差,第九棒也可以。」 18. https://twitter.com/PeteAbe/status/436550316956602368 球團人士透漏不大可能簽Drew。 -- https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/436551561490087937 Cherington:我們只把專注力放在訓練營中的球員。 19. http://t.co/sRbdf9YnOB Napoli's face is half beard http://t.co/8RrcecOj6W Napoli -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 04:11, , 1F
02/21 04:11, 1F

02/21 05:58, , 2F
02/21 05:58, 2F

02/21 08:13, , 3F
Lester 的約希望快點延長 都說要給discount 了 不快
02/21 08:13, 3F

02/21 08:13, , 4F
02/21 08:13, 4F

02/21 08:47, , 5F
02/21 08:47, 5F

02/21 20:54, , 6F
Nava 將會與Gomes互相輪值嗎? 前者右投。後者左投?
02/21 20:54, 6F

02/21 22:39, , 7F
02/21 22:39, 7F

02/22 00:09, , 8F
超期待De la Rosa,感覺今年就是有備而來,剛報到時又有P
02/22 00:09, 8F

02/22 00:09, , 9F
02/22 00:09, 9F

02/22 08:05, , 10F
02/22 08:05, 10F

02/22 08:32, , 11F
02/22 08:32, 11F

02/22 12:19, , 12F
02/22 12:19, 12F

02/22 22:51, , 13F
NAVA 雜魚界的霸主
02/22 22:51, 13F
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