[漁塭] BP: chat with Anderson, Mellen, Parks

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間11年前 (2013/02/02 18:17), 編輯推噓8(804)
留言12則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
感謝之前的那位板友給我新的一篇~ ============================================================================== Chris Mellen (BP's Dark Corridors): Thanks for the chat Mark! Can you explain why I didn't list Ryan Lavarnway on the Red Sox top-10 25-and-under list? Has his stock fallen that much? Chris Mellen: Mark,你能解釋我為什麼沒把Ryan Lavarnway放進25歲以下的十大紅襪 新秀嗎?他真的貶值那麼多嗎? Mark Anderson: Ah, Mr. Mellen...just as you have, I have seen a ton of Lavarnway the last few years. His performance in the big leagues in 2012 was very surprising to me, and frankly I wasn't that impressed with him in Pawtucket either. Ultimately, I think he will hit enough to survive on a big league roster, but he's a man without a position and with the newer depth in the Red Sox system, I'm not sure he deserved a spot on your U25 list. Mark Anderson: 我在過去幾年都有密切觀察Lavarnway。他上一季在大聯盟的表現令我訝 異,而我也覺得他在Pawtucket的表現並沒有很好。我認為他最終能留在 大聯盟,但是他並沒有站穩位置,而紅襪農場也有新捕手進場,因此我 認為他不值得留在這個U25的名單裡。 ============================================================================== Bryce Brentz (Pawtucket): do I still have the potential to be a 25+ homer guy for the red sox? Bryce Brentz: 我依然是個擁有25轟潛力的球員嗎? Mark Anderson: You certainly have the raw power to produce at that level, but I'm not convinced you're going to consistently hit at a level to sustain that type of power. Mark Anderson:你的力量是有的,但我不認為你有辦法在這種力量之下提供足夠的穩定 性。 ============================================================================== HolidayJesus (New York): Do you think in Spring Training the Red Sox will consider moving Xander Bogaerts to another position? He's on the verge of filling up like a Miguel Cabrera in size. HolidayJesus:你覺得紅襪會在春訓時把Xander Bogaerts移到其他位置嗎?他快要跟 Miguel Cabrera一樣大隻了。 Chris Mellen: Bogaerts has been filling out over the course of the last year, but not quite at that rate. He's put on some good weight, especially in the lower body, but there is still some room on the frame and he moves well. I see him continuing to play shortstop this season as developmentally there isn't really a need yet to move him off the position. I anticipate a move in the long-run and could see next off-season as when he transitions to either third base or the outfield. Mark Anderson:他去年的確有變大隻一些,但是沒有到那麼誇張的速度啦。他增加一些 重量是好事,尤其是下盤。如果他的移動能力依然夠好的話,其實還有 一些增重空間。 我認為Bogaerts在這一季會繼續站游擊,就發展層面來說他還不需要移 到其他位置。但我預測未來會有變動,可能會在下一季移到三壘或是外 野。 ============================================================================== Billy (Ocean): How can you tell if a batter has a long swing? Do you just look at the swing, or is there another technique? Billy:怎麼判斷一位打者有沒有"long swing"?單純的看揮棒的樣子,還是說有什麼特 殊技巧? Chris Mellen: Good technical question, Billy. I look at the swing, but specifically how it starts and gets to the point of contact. That's really where you want to zone in on. Some swings are just long in nature because of the size of the player or what-have-you. The question is: is the player long to the point of contact? That's usually extending early with their arms, which causes the head of the bat to loop and also makes it tough to get good wood on balls on the inner third. Chris Mellen:很不錯的問題。我看的是揮棒,但主要是揮棒的起始點到接觸點的差距─ 這就是你必須注意的地方。有些人揮棒軌跡就是特別長,可能是因為他本 身體型之類的。問題是,球員和接觸點的距離多遠?很多人事提早伸展手 臂,造成棒頭繞圈並很難打好內角高球。 ============================================================================== Corey (Boston): How far away is Jackie Bradley Jr.? What does he most need to work on this season? Corey:Jackie Bradley Jr.離大聯盟多遠?他在這一季還需要加強什麼? Chris Mellen: In the perfect scenario where he isn't rushed because of injury or need, I think he is about a year away. The defense is already major league caliber and can push to plus-plus in my opinion from what I have seen. The bat still needs the seasoning. He can tend to over-extend and also lack clean timing when he plants his foot. Bradley also at times neglects to cover the outer third and hit consistently to the opposite field. These are things I believe he is going to improve upon during his second full pro season, but he has some work to get the bat ready to face the challenge of big league arms. Chris Mellen:在理想情況之下(沒有因為有人受傷或是人手需求而rush),我認為他還需 要一年。他的防守能力已有大聯盟等級,我甚至認為(就我觀察到的)他能 拼到plus-plus等級。不過他的打擊技巧還需要喬一喬,他常常過度伸展 或是腳步踩的時間點不夠好。Bradley也常常會忽略掉應該要去cover外角 高、持續的把球送到反方向。我相信他在第二個職業球季會加強這些部份 ,但他還需要磨練一下才能準備面對大聯盟的投手。 ============================================================================== Ben (Boston): What do you make of Brandon Workman? Is it reasonable to characterize him as an under-the-radar future No.4 SP, or do you think he's more likely destined for a 7th inning role? Ben:那Brandon Workman如何?把他看成未來四號先發的冷門人選是合理的嗎?還是您覺 得他應該會成為第七局上場的牛棚投手? Chris Mellen: I see Brandon Workman as a reliever. There is some effort and jerk in the delivery. He wears himself down given the energy he expends over the course of multiple innings and trips through a lineup. The cutter is a plus pitch, which should play up nicely for him in a relief role. I've had his fastball up to 95 mph and think it can work close to its peak in the shorter stints too. 7th inning reliever sounds right, with a chance to get a little more leverage out of him depending on how the stuff plays up and the command works in the shorter stints. Chris Mellen:我將他視為牛棚投手。他的投球姿勢較為有力,也較為刁鑽。但是在他投 過複數局、輪完幾輪打線之後會氣力耗盡。他的cutter是個plus pitch, 能成為擔任牛棚的一大利器。他的速球曾飆到95mph,我同時認為他應該 能練出更早就催到最大球速。第七局上場聽起來沒錯,能不能在更緊急的 時刻推上來則取決於能不能拿出stuff並在短時間內找到準星。 ============================================================================== Target Town (St. Paul, MN): When you rate 70 - 80 power - Do you judge it solely by the distance of the HRs or do you judge it by the potential of the swing to hit HRs? Is it # of HRs or ability to hit monster shots? Target Town:當你將一位球員的力量評為70-80,你是依據全壘打的距離、揮出全壘打的 潛力、全壘打數還是揮出超遠全壘打的能力? Chris Mellen: Raw power is the ability to hit the ball far. Then, there is game power. If I project a guy out to 70 power, I'm thinking 35-ish home runs. If I say a guy has 70 raw, he can drive the ball a mile. Chris Mellen:"Raw power"就是將球打得很遠的能力,而還有另外一種叫做"game power" 。如果我說他有70的power,他大概會是個年產量35轟的球員,但是如果 那位仁兄有70的Raw power,他大概能把球轟到一哩外。 ============================================================================== Tom (Mainer): When people say Matt Barnes has the potential to be a number 2, what does that really mean? Who are some current major league pitchers that you consider to be number 2s? Tom:常常有人說Matt Barnes有潛力成為「二號先發」,這是什麼意思?現役球員中有哪 些人可以說是二號? Chris Mellen: That you're looking at a pitcher that can be above-average to well above-average at the major league level. I always saw Jon Lester prior to his rough 2012 season as a number 2. Barnes may end up a notch below that, or a number 3, but he's got potential for some seasons on that level. Chris Mellen:在大聯盟中能成為"above-average"與"well above-average"之間的投手 。扣掉風雨飄搖的2012年球季,我認為Jon Lester是個二號。Barnes比他 稍微差一些,可能會到三號,但他的潛力大概就是他能有一些球季站上那 個等級。 ============================================================================== Alan (Florida): Where would you rank Bogaerts in a Top 100? Alan:你會把Bogaerts排在百大中的第幾名? Chris Mellen: Top 15. 12 or so. Chris Mellen:前十五,大概12吧。 ============================================================================== Matt (Boston, MA): Does Manuel Margot make the jump to full season ball in 2013? Also, is there anyone aside from him, Buttrey or Vincio that could realistically crash the top half of next year's top 10 list (major breakout potential, in other words)? Matt:Manuel Margot能不能在2013年就進入完整球季?還有,他和Buttrey、Vinicio有 沒有機會在明年上半季打進新秀前10名?(大爆發的潛力) Chris Mellen: I'm expecting Margot to go to short-season Lowell this year. I obviously liked the tools a lot, but feel the pitch recognition and approach isn't really for full-season this year. We shall see, of course, and spring training will be another good look to see where he is. I think those would be the candidates that are presently outside the radar so to speak. Chris Mellen:我預測Margot會先去打短球季的Lowell Spinners。我喜歡他的tools,但 是他對於球種辨識的感覺與打擊技巧都還不足以進入完整球季。當然我們 還得觀察他在春訓時的表現。 另外這三位雷達外的球員,我認為的確是開始發聲的候選人。 ============================================================================== Megon (Boston): What is your impression of Blake Swihart? Do you think he will live up to the hype surrounding him? Megon:你對於Blake Swihart的印象如何?你覺得他未來能符合大家對他的期待嗎? Chris Mellen: I like what Swihart brings to the table. We ranked him number 5 in the system and I felt that was justified. Physically, Swihart has been coming along and filling out into his frame. The defense made some progress over the course of this season from when I saw him in spring training to Greenville to Instructs. He may end up at second base eventually, but the progress behind the plate is moving forward. Swihart's raw with his pitch recognition and approach, but has a feel for hitting and I like his swing from the left-side of the plate. There's an ability to produce backspin, stay back on the ball, and use his hands. The key will be how those first two aspects are progressing when I focus in on him this year to see where the bat is trending. Chris Mellen:我喜歡Swihart擁有的才華。我們將他列為紅襪第五名,我認為這很合理 。就體能上來說,他的身體素質不斷進步,也開始增加體重了。防守技巧 在過去這個球季(從春訓到指導聯盟)進步很多;他最後也許會變成二壘手 ,但是他擔任捕手的技術成長了許多。 Swihart對於球種辨識與打擊技巧還沒很熟練,但是對於打擊越來越能抓 到感覺了;而我也特別喜歡他站左打時的揮擊。他能製造後旋、擊球時重 心穩住並善用手部。所以關鍵在於球種辨識和打擊技巧的進展,看他接下 來的打擊方面的成長如何。 ============================================================================== DanMShaw (UK): Aside from the obvious top 4-5 who are you most excited to see in the Red Sox system next year. Margot? DanMShaw:除了那有名的四、五位新秀之外,您明年最期待誰?Margot? Jason Parks: Yep. Margot and Vinicio. Jason Parks:是的,Margot和Vinicio。 ============================================================================== DanMShaw (UK): Who will be more effective out of Barnes, Webster and De La Rosa? The three have similar ceilings don't they? DanMShaw:在Barnes、Webster和De La Rosa三人之中,誰的影響力最大?這三人的天花 板應該都差不多,對吧? Jason Parks: I'd take Barnes. I think he could develop into a 2/3 starter. Webster a step below (but not much). Not sure what to think of De La Rosa right now. Jason Parks:我會選Barnes。我覺得他能發展為2或3號先發。Webster的等級稍微差一點 (但差距不大)。De La Rosa的話還不確定。 ============================================================================== myshkin (Santa Clara, CA): How far above average is "solid-average?" 55? myshkin:"solid-average"比"average"高多少?55分嗎? Jason Parks: Yes. High 5 or 55 Jason Parks:是的,55分,或是接近6的5.X分。 -- BA Top 30 prospects出來了,但是該板友的來源不願透漏整份名單 1.Xander Bogaerts 2.Jackie Bradley 3.Matt Barnes 4.Allen Webster 5.Henry Owens 6.Blake Swihart 7.Garin Cecchini 8.Bryce Brentz 9.Jose Iglesias 10.Deven Marrero (這邊缺的七人應該是Workman, Ranaudo, Wilson, Britton, Buttrey, 13.Brandon Jacobs Vinicio) 15.Brian Johnson 16.Tzu-Wei Lin 20.Manuel Margot 21.Pat Light 22.Francellis Montas 23.Travis Shaw 24.Sean Coyle 25.Kuery De La Cruz (邊緣名單可能是:Kukuk、Gomez、Callahan、Linares或Hazelbaker...) -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (02/02 18:18)

02/02 18:20, , 1F
另外照文中敘述 Vinicio跟Buttrey應該是18、19左右
02/02 18:20, 1F

02/02 18:20, , 2F
02/02 18:20, 2F

02/02 20:25, , 3F
02/02 20:25, 3F

02/02 20:41, , 4F
02/02 20:41, 4F

02/02 22:15, , 5F
喔? 難道是沒有Holt嗎?
02/02 22:15, 5F
http://oakland.athletics.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=25576171 Reddick怎麼變成這樣了XD ※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (02/02 23:49)

02/03 01:27, , 6F
第二個問題是brentz自己問的?真有趣 XD
02/03 01:27, 6F

02/03 15:32, , 7F
02/03 15:32, 7F

02/03 20:01, , 8F
02/03 20:01, 8F

02/03 20:39, , 9F
齊天大聖啊!!! 大王回來了,大王回來了~~
02/03 20:39, 9F

02/03 20:59, , 10F
02/03 20:59, 10F

02/04 01:09, , 11F
02/04 01:09, 11F

02/04 19:30, , 12F
02/04 19:30, 12F
※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (02/05 00:09)
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