[紅襪] Pedroia訪談(WEEI)、別隊對Napoli有興趣

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間11年前 (2012/12/29 18:40), 編輯推噓29(2900)
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SOURCES: NAPOLI HAS INTEREST FROM OTHER TEAM http://t.co/MvHAlhxf According to multiple baseball sources, at least one team has been in communication with Mike Napoli's representatives regarding the free agent infielder's status since negotiations with the Red Sox hit a snag. According to one source, it is believed no contract offer has been extended by a team other than the Sox since the early December agreement with Boston. 根據多方消息指出,至少一隊開始和Napoli談。(不過應該還沒有提出合約) -- PEDROIA: IGLESIAS UPSET BY DREW SIGNING Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia, in an appearance on WEEI's Red Sox Hot Stove show on Thursday night, said that shortstop Jose Iglesias "was upset" when the team reached an agreement with Stephen Drew to be its everyday shortstop in 2013. Pedroia上Hot Stove Show接受訪問。小派在訪問中提到Jose Iglesias對於紅襪簽下 Stephen Drew、讓他成為2013球季固定先發的決定感到沮喪。 The move -- which came days after Iglesias had joined Pedroia for four days of offseason workouts in Arizona -- almost certainly will relegate Iglesias to Triple-A at the start of 2013. However, Pedroia counseled the 22-year-old Iglesias, citing his own experience in 2006, when he was upset about returning to Triple-A with the Sox' acquisition of Mark Loretta. Iglesias跑去亞利桑那跟Pedroia進行四天的自主練習,不久之後紅襪宣佈他們簽下了Drew ,這幾乎確定Iglesias在2013年開季時會被貶到Pawtucket。不過小派為22歲的Iglesias 進行心理諮商,告訴Iglesias他在2006年的時候因為紅襪簽下Mark Loretta的關係而被 擠回3A。 "After [Iglesias] left [the workouts in Arizona], a couple days later, we signed Stephen. He was upset," said Pedroia. "But I basically told him, from my situation, I felt like I was ready in 2006 to start the season in Boston, play second base and go play. But we ended up signing Mark Loretta. It ended up being a great thing for me. I went to Triple-A, I played, I started out slow and struggled at the beginning and I overcame my start. I ended up having a great year. That helped me for the next year in 2007, when I really, really struggled, I’d been through it before. I’d been through tough times. I knew how to overcome tough times and how to do what to do to get me back on track." 「Iglesias離開亞利桑那的幾天後,紅襪就簽下了Stephen Drew。他很難過。」Pedroia 表示:「不過我告訴他我自己遇到的經驗─我覺得我準備好要在2006年開季時就加入波士 頓紅襪當二壘手,但是紅襪簽下了Mark Loretta。不過現在看來那是一件好事,我回3A努 力打球,開季經歷過一段大低潮之後終於克服了難關,最後打出了很棒的一年。這對2007 年球季相當的有幫助,當我陷入掙扎時我會想起我已經經歷過了如此的難關,我知道該怎 麼克服這段難熬的時間,也知道該怎麼做才能讓我回到正軌。」 (Pedroia was injured in spring training with a shoulder subluxation, then got off to a slow start in 2006, hitting .234/.333/.308/.642 through 29 games. Over the next 82 games leading up to a late-August call-up, however, Pedroia hit .329/.402/.465/.867 with 32 extra-base hits.) (Pedroia在春訓時肩關節脫位,在2006年開季時陷入大低潮,29場比賽中只打出.234/.333 /.308/.642。但是在接下來的82場比賽中.329/.402/.465/.867附加32支長打,在八月時 順利站上大聯盟。) As for Drew, Pedroia said that he's looking forward to playing with the 30-year-old shortstop, who he's viewed as an impact, game-changing player dating to college, when Drew and Pedroia were ranked among the top players in the country heading into the 2004 draft. 至於Drew呢,小派表示他很期待跟他一起打球。小派從大學時代就視Drew為影響力大、能 扭轉比賽結果的球員。這兩位內野手在2004年選秀前都在排行榜上前幾名。 "We’re glad to have him," Pedroia said of Drew. "When he’s healthy, he’s producing. He’s a very exciting player. I always remember playing against him in college. He used to hit a ton of triples. He runs the bases well, plays good defense, has a lot of pop in his bat. He’s going to help us out a ton." 我們很高興能擁有他,只要他健康的話就能提供很大的貢獻,是個令人興奮的球員。我記 得在大學時代對上Drew的那隊時,Drew都能打出一大堆三壘安打。他跑壘很棒、防守很棒 、打擊也很厲害。他將會為我們提供很大的幫助。 -- DUSTIN PEDROIA ON POSSIBLE EXTENSION: 'I WANT TO BE A RED SOX MY WHOLE CAREER' http://t.co/WrF7yTyz Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia, in an appearance on WEEI’s Red Sox Hot Stove show on Thursday night, said that as far as he knows, the team has not talked with his agents, Seth and Sam Levinson of ACES, about a possible extension this offseason. However, he was aware of reports that the Sox would like to talk this offseason about the possibility of an extension to his six-year, $40.5 million deal that runs through 2014 (with an $11 million option for 2015). 小派在訪問中提到,就他所知紅襪還沒和他的經紀人(ACES的Seth & Sam Levinson)談到 在這個休賽期期間進行續約的議題。不過他這一到有報導指出紅襪想在這段期間跟他續 約。(現在的合約是六年、$40.5M,2015年是$11M的option。) “I don’t think [extension talks are as of yet] anywhere. I haven’t talked to my agents that much,” said Pedroia. “I saw [the report that the Sox would like to discuss an extension]. That definitely, it made me smile. Obviously, I want to be a Red Sox my whole career and play in that city, turn this whole thing around to get back to where we were my first couple years there. I’m going to leave that up to [GM Ben Cherington] and everybody else, and my agents. I try to stay out of it. I think the Red Sox know I’m an emotional guy. My agent definitely does. I try to let them do their job and me, stick to being a psycho on the baseball field.” 小派:「我覺得談續約這件事應該是八字還沒有一撇,我也還沒跟經紀人談很多。」 「不過當我看到紅襪想跟我續約的消息時,我當然開心的笑了。很明顯的,我希望能在 我的生涯中都一直披著紅襪戰袍,也希望整個生涯都在這個城市打球。我只想搞定這件事 情,回到我們在前幾年的樣子。我要把這件事情留給Cherington、經紀人或其他人去處理 ,我試著不要插手這件事情。我覺得紅襪知道我是個情緒化的人,我的經紀人也清楚這件 事。我會試著讓他們去處理,我就乖乖的繼續在場上當個瘋子。」 Pedroia characterized the 2012 season, when the Sox went 69-93, as a “ horrible year,” and acknowledged that, at times — particularly after the Red Sox’ trade of Adrian Gonzalez, Josh Beckett, Carl Crawford and Nick Punto — he wondered whether he remained in the team’s future plans, and if he truly did want to be a Red Sox for his career. But, in the end, he realized that he does want to be at the heart of the restoration of the franchise to contender status, and that he believes he is positioned in both talent and commitment to do so. 小派將2012年球季形容為 "a horrible year",並且承認在道奇紅襪大交易之後他開始 想他自己到底還在不在球隊的未來藍圖中、也懷疑自己是不是真心想要一直待在紅襪。但 是現在他發現他真心想要成為球隊重建、重回競爭行列的核心人物。他認為他準備好了, 承諾要幫助紅襪重整。 “During the season, there’s so many things tugging in different directions. You try to put the blinders on and go play ball. After the trade, where we sent Carl, Josh, Nick and Adrian to the Dodgers, it was one of those things where you kind of sit down, look and see – you don’t know which direction everything is headed,” said Pedroia. “You don’t know if you’re going to be a part of it or if you’re not going to be a part of it. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that. 「在這個球季中,很多事情都像是被多頭馬車拉來拉去,你試著無視這些事情,專心去打 球─但是在交易之後,你坐下來環顧四周會突然感到迷失,不知道未來情勢到底會往哪邊 走。你也不知道你以後到底還屬不屬於這裡,心靈深處思考著這件事。」 “But I’m still a young guy. I’m just entering the prime of my career. I’m going to be great for a long time. Hopefully the Red Sox see that and understand that. I’m going to show up and play every single day as hard as I can and try to win baseball games. That was the only mentality I had. This last year, a lot of things went on. I learned so much that’s going to make me better, and it will make our team better, because I think a lot of guys learned. We want to do it right. We did that for a while. It kind of slipped away from us. So, we’re going to get back on track.” 「不過我還年輕,我才剛要進入生涯黃金期,我也會在很長的一段時間之中都繳出好表現 。希望紅襪有看出這件事情。我會每天都盡我所能的打球,試著打贏比賽─這就是我唯一 的想法。去年有一大堆事情發生,而我也學到了許多東西,這些在未來都對我有所幫助; 我們的球隊也是,因為很多人也都學到了東西。我們想把事情做好、我們也有一段時間做 的不錯,不過後來就偏掉了。所以我們接下來要重回正軌。」 This offseason has seen a couple of franchise cornerstones sign long-term extensions with the only clubs for whom they have played. Evan Longoria of the Rays signed a six-year, $100 million extension that also guaranteed three option years in his original deal. Meanwhile, David Wright signed a deal with the Mets that guarantees him $138 million over the next eight years. 這一季有許多球隊用長約簽下自家出產的基石─Evan Longoria拿了六年、$100M的合約 (還包含三個原約的option year)。David Wright則是和大都會簽下六年、$138M的合約。 Asked about similarities between his situation and that of other players who have signed long-term deals (for more on the comparison of Pedroia and Longoria, click here), Pedroia said that he’d given the matter no thought. Indeed, he suggested that he’s given little consideration to his earnings, aside from being astounded by what he was making when he received paychecks for the rookie minimum at the start of his career. 被問到上面的例子與小派的相似處,小派表示沒什麼想法。小派對於錢的多寡不是很在意 (除了生涯初期收到菜鳥底薪那張支票時他覺得很驚訝。) “I’m not good at framework for contracts, what that guy’s making, what this guy’s making,” said Pedroia. “I don’t really look at all that stuff. I understand it’s a business. I know how some of this stuff works. But I love playing baseball. I don’t even do it as a job. I let my agents and the team, all those guys who are educated in that stuff, take care of the rest. 「我不是很會看合約,這個人賺多少那個人賺多少之類的─我不看。我知道這是商業上的 事務,也知道一些運作原理,但我愛打棒球─甚至不把它當成工作。我把這些事交給球隊 和經紀人處理,他們都學過要怎麼處理。剩下就交給他們了。」 “To be honest with you, man, I’ve looked at one paycheck my whole career. My rookie year, when I was making the league minimum, I looked at it, I looked at my wife, and I was like, ‘I’m getting paid this much money?’ I basically said, ‘I’ll play for free. It doesn’t matter.’ ” 「老實說,我生涯只看著一張支票:我的新秀年,價格是底薪。我看了支票之後看著老婆 『天啊我拿到這麼多錢?』,我覺得我甚至願意打免錢的,薪水並不是那麼重要。」 To listen to the complete interview, click here. A few additional highlights to note: Pedroia said that his broken pinkie, which required the surgical insertion of a pin after the season, is fine, as are the thumb injuries that hampered him during the season. “My thumb’s healed up. It’s good. My pinkie’s fine. I just kind of had some freak deals happen to me last year. It was tough at the time getting through it, but I learned a lot about myself last year,” he said. *談骨折的小指:之前打了銷子固定,沒啥大礙。拇指也很好。「我的拇指好了,小指很 OK,但是去年嚇人的事情太多了,是一段難敖的時間,不過我也學到了很多事情。」 On his decision to play at the end of the season despite the fractured pinkie, and the tone he wanted to set at the end of 2012: “I feel I have a responsibility to be out there and play. We’re baseball players. We get paid a lot of money to go out there and play for the fans to watch us. I feel like, I know we had a horrible year. It was one of those things, I wanted to get through it with all the guys together. We had a lot of tough times together. I didn’t want to miss those last couple games over a finger or anything. I wanted to make sure that I finished with everybody, let everybody know that I’m always going to be there for them if I’m hurt, if I’m struggling or anything. It’s a team game. Everyone needs to pick each other up. When guys get hurt, other guys need to pick it up.” *談球季末段硬要上場:「我覺得我有責任上場打球,我們是棒球選手。我們拿了很多錢 ,球隊要我們上場打球、我們也要為球迷們打球。我覺得我們經歷了一個可怕的球季,我 想要和大家一起度過它,我不想因為手指而錯過最後的那一段時間。我要和大家一起完成 這個球季,讓大家知道我一直都在這裡和他們打球,就算是我受傷、陷入低潮之類的也是 。這是團體的競賽,大家得互相扶持。如果有人受傷,其他人都該去拉他一把。」 On Joel Hanrahan: “He’s got great stuff. His fastball is electric. It kind of jumps on you. It’s kind of similar to [Jonathan Papelbon], where it has that extra gear at the end. … He’s got an exploding fastball. He’s going to get a lot of huge outs for us. We’re excited to have him.” *談Joel Hanrahan:「他的stuff很好,快速球很有電力,像是要跳到你身上一樣。有點 像Jonathan Papelbon,最後有很棒的尾勁。他有很威的快速直球,他將會給我們很大的 幫助。我們對於他的加入感到興奮。 Pedroia also noted that shortstop Jose Iglesias was “upset” by the Sox’ signing of Stephen Drew, but the second baseman offered counsel based on his own playing career in trying to explain how the development could be a positive for Iglesias. For more on that, click here. *Iglesias對於紅襪簽下Stephen Drew感到沮喪,不過小派安慰他,告訴他繼續發展也許 是一件好事。 -- Kalish: "The way my career's gone, some would be very depressed ... I'm not." -- Asst GM Brian O'Halloran on impetus for Hanrahan deal: 'We believe we can compete for a division title in 2013' -- Hanrahan has never pitched at Fenway Park or against the Yankees. Embrace the culture shock. (Hanrahan表示他只在電影中看過芬威球場) -- Hanrahan's wife's family all lifelong Red Sox fans. Part of 'a fun weekend' he remembers when Red Sox came to Pittsburgh in '11 -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (12/29 18:46)

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Pedroia要簽延長 大概要等Napoli的事情弄好才會輪到
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12/30 00:07, , 15F
推小巨人 我愛你 >///<
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12/30 00:11, , 16F
小派 超讚的!!!
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12/30 09:23, , 19F
大推 明年再拿MVP
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12/30 12:32, , 21F
我甚至願意打免錢的 XD
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12/30 12:47, , 22F
太帥了 Pedroia
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推Pedroia 真心熱愛棒球的職業選手
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