[歷史] Nomah的最後一個晚上

看板RedSox作者 (马英九是丑八怪)時間15年前 (2009/07/07 23:02), 編輯推噓41(41011)
留言52則, 40人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
2004 年 7 月 31 日交易大限的最後一天, 地點明尼蘇達室內球場 當時傳說是要把先發 Derek Lowe 交易到 Chicago 換來 Matt Clement 個性敏感的 Derek Lowe 怕自己無法面對事實, 竟然躲了起來, 隊友找不到他.... Nomar 搞不好正穿著球衣幫忙找 Lowe . 接下來 ...... He received the news in manager Terry Francona's office just after 4:45 p.m. Eastern time by telephone from Epstein in Boston. The deal was completed just before the 4 p.m. trading deadline. 比賽前 4:45 分左右, 教練 Francona 告訴 Nomar 他剛接到 Boston 東岸的 電話, 交易已經確定 ! 也就是說 Nomar 才是被交易出去的籌碼 (多隊交易: BOS 送出 Nomar, Matt Murton 收進 O-Cab, Mientkiewicz) Garciaparra, 31, who already had dressed for last night's game against the Minnesota Twins, quickly changed into street clothes, packed his belongings, and bid his teammates farewell. He hugged most of them, quietly recalling fond moments with some and sharing hopes for a better tomorrow with others. 31 歲已經穿上比賽球衣的 Nomar, 迅速脫下球衣穿上便服, 打包他的行李 向隊友說再見, 他和隊友們擁抱告別, 回想起過去的美好時光以及對未來 的夢想 The last items he grabbed were his bats, which he used to make some of the most splendid memories in recent years for Sox fans. "If it was in my control, I'd still be wearing a Red Sox uniform," Garciaparra said. "That's the place I know, I love, all those fans, I'll always remember. But I'm also going to another great place, a phenomenal city with great tradition as well." 他最後拿走的行李是曾經用來創造球迷無數美好回憶的球棒, 他將會記得這裡和 他所愛的球迷 只是現在我要到另一個有傳統的棒球城市去了 (Chicago) The blockbuster trade was driven by a number of factors, most notably the great likelihood the Sox would lose Garciaparra to free agency after the season (he harbored deep resentment over the way the Sox tried to replace him last winter with Alex Rodriguez) and Epstein's belief that the Sox defense potentially harbored a "fatal flaw." The Sox entered the night leading the majors in unearned runs allowed (74). 這筆交易的推助力很多, 一方面 Nomar 季末將成為 FA, Nomar 本身也對 2003 年底 球隊想把他交易出去換來 A-Rod 的前科很不爽 (2003 年底計畫是 送出 Nomar + Manny 換回 A-Rod + Magglio Ordonez) 另外 Theo 認為整體防守有漏洞, 從球隊非責任失分高達 MLB 第一名可看出 The Sox also decided to move Garciaparra after he informed the medical staff within the last three days that he would need considerable time (more than just random days off but not a trip to the disabled list) the remainder of the season to rest his injured right Achilles' tendon. The Sox disclosed the information to the Cubs before they completed the deal. Garciaparra missed the first 57 games of the season with Achilles' tendinitis. 另外一個因素是 Nomar 右腳 Achilles'tendon 有傷 (季初休戰由 Pokey Reese 先發) 剛好最近需要稍作休息, 因此球隊不看好他下半季的貢獻 "We lost a great player in Nomar Garciaparra, but we've made our club more functional," Epstein said. "We weren't going to win a World Series with our defense." Theo: 雖然失去了 Nomar 但是我們必須讓球隊更多功能性, 以我們現在的防守是拿不 到冠軍的 (當時右邊的 Bellhorn + Millar 防守有夠糟, 這筆交易一次弄來金手套的 Minky 和 O-Cabrera, 另一個金手套 Pokey Reese 可以協防 Bellhorn ) Garciaparra's departure sent ripples through the Sox clubhouse. Though he was one of the least outgoing players on the team, he was highly respected for his work ethic and his skills at the plate and in the field. He ranked among the most productive hitters in franchise history and was renowned for some of his spectacular defensive plays. Nomar 的離去在球隊裡引起了軒然大波, 一個因為他的成績以及態度獲得尊敬, 在 隊友間有一定地位, 甚至在隊史上有一席之地的打者就這樣離去了 .... "We just traded away Mr. Boston, a guy that meant so much to the city, and just like that, he's gone," Johnny Damon said. 冏 : 我們剛剛把具有象徵意義的 Mr. Boston 交易出去了 ..... Manny Ramirez said when he arrived in Boston, Garciaparra was the best hitter he had ever seen. And he reiterated that yesterday. "You've got to keep it going, man," Ramirez said in hugging Garciaparra in their final goodbye. Manny 說 Nomar 是我見過最好的打者, 至今仍然如此, Manny 一邊和 Nomar 擁抱 道別, 一邊說 "你也繼續保持努力吧" (註: Red Sox 和 Indians 搶簽 Manny 時, 聽說 Manny 很欣賞 Nomar, Duquette 曾經要 Nomar 打電話給 Manny 歡迎他加盟) "The good thing," Garciaparra replied, "is if we play each other in the World Series, at least one of us will get a ring." 這是好事, 如果我們兩人在 WS 相遇的話, 至少一個人會拿到冠軍戒指 (當時 Chicago Cubs 戰績也有機會進季後賽) Garciaparra, who was the 1997 American League Rookie of the Year, never made it to the World Series with the Sox. But no one suggested it was for a lack of effort. If anything, Garciaparra was criticized for trying so hard that his habits seemed to border on compulsive, from his quirky batting routine to his highly regimented pregame routines and a wide array of superstitions. Yet he insisted to the end that he relished his relationship with the Sox, which began when they selected him in the first round of the 1994 draft out of Georgia Tech. 曾經當選 1997 年美聯最佳新人的 Nomar, 他從未帶領紅襪進入世界大賽 (這篇文章 撰寫於 2004 年 8 月) 但從未有人懷疑他的態度, 如果有甚麼挑剔的話, 就是他那 有點強迫性傾向又長又複雜的打擊準備動作, 還有他積極出棒的打擊習慣 "They can take the shirt off my back, but they can't take away the memories I got," he said. "They can't take away the standing ovation that I got when I came back this season when I walked up to the plate. Or the standing ovation I got when I hit the grand slam this year. Or when I hit three home runs on my birthday [in 2002]. Every time I stepped up to the plate, the fans cheered for me. When I went deep in the hole to make a play, they'll never be able to take away that. What it's meant to me, they all know that every single day I went out there and I was proud to put that uniform on and what it represented." 這段很感性, 中文翻譯會顯得平庸無味 自己看比較有感受 The end came eerily for Garciaparra. His name appeared on the original lineup card posted on the clubhouse wall. He was to bat fifth, and checked the card shortly after 4 p.m. to see what time he was scheduled to take batting practice. But all around him there were indications that a trade of some sort could be imminent. The Sox had not failed to make a move on the day of the trading deadline each of the previous three seasons and eight of the last nine. Nomar 確定被交易後, 時間仍一秒一秒的流逝, 他的名字還列在今天的打擊名單上 先發打第五棒, Nomar 剛才還過來查看自己的打擊練習時間, 但是別忘了今天也是 交易日最後一天, 在 7/31 這天. 紅襪過去九年裡八年都有交易紀錄, 包括 01-03 三年 "Fifteen minutes to go, and we're all still here," catcher Doug Mirabelli said as he entered the room, with Garciaparra seated quietly before his locker with his cellphone. "Ten minutes to go, and I'm still here," Ramirez said as he arrived. "I guess I'm not going anywhere." Mirabelli 說 : "15 分鐘一下就過去了, Nomar 有點失神的仍坐在他的置物架前面 其他人陪著他都呆站在原地 " 一下十分鐘又過去了, Manny 說 : "看起來大家(包括我) 都不想走了" Reporters were scheduled to meet with Francona at 4, but he asked to postpone the session "a few minutes to make sure there's nothing [going on]." But there was, of course, as the Sox tied up the final details of the deal. Meanwhile, Garciaparra continued dressing for the game, periodically interrupting the process to take phone calls. Then a call came at about 4:40, and just as Garciaparra answered it, a Sox public relations official asked reporters to leave the clubhouse so the team could conduct private business. That's when Garciaparra entered Francona's office and spoke to Epstein. 記者原本安排 4:00 對 Francona 的訪談被要求延後, 原因當然是 ........內部有 重大事件發生了, 4:40 左右球隊高層要求保持隱密性, 公關人員要求清場, 因為那 通改變 Nomar 命運的電話從 Boston 打過來了 ! "I didn't think it would happen," Pedro Martinez said. "But if he's going to be happy, I'm happy for him. If it's going to work out OK for the team, it's going to be OK. It's always sad to see a guy, a superstar, a gentleman, leave like that, especially knowing that me and him and [Tim Wakefield] were probably the last old goats to survive. "For some reason, I just feel like Nomar's part of the tradition in Boston," Martinez said. "I'm so used to seeing `Nomah!' and hearing the people go, `Nomah!' and No. 5 all over everybody's back. For some reason, I just framed him as a Bostonian, as part of the team. I think a lot of people are going to be sad in Boston." Pedro 說: 我不相信會發生這種事情, 但是他能因此更快樂的話 我也替他感到高興 但是我很難過看到一個紳士, 一個超級巨星就這樣離去了, 尤其我和他和 Wakefield 三人並列隊裡元老級的人物 Nomar 已經是 Boston 傳統的一部分, 接下來一大堆鄉民將為此感到悲傷 Garciaparra's message to his teammates: "Goodbye, I love them, I miss them, good luck, and hopefully we see them in the World Series." Then, after shaking hands with every reporter before him, he headed for Chicago. No. 5 was gone. Nomar 留下訊息給隊友們, 他說: "Goodbye, I love them, I miss them, good luck, and hopefully we see them in the World Series." 然後他和搶位置的記者們握手,就在比賽前 Nomar 孤獨的走出明尼蘇達球場, 一個人到芝加哥報到去了!球迷熟悉的紅襪5號從此走入歷史。。。。。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 可以想像 Millar, Varitek 發起要把 2004 的季後賽獎金多算 Nomar 一份 資深球迷明明知道 Biz is biz, 但是對 Nomar 總是有一份愧疚 他陪著球隊過最苦的那些年, 手腕嚴重受傷 卻無緣參予那年 10 月底的狂歡 他離去後命運已大不如前 像個 "漂泊的墨西哥人" 一樣無法靠岸 好像前年 Dodgers 到 AL East 跨聯盟比賽 是否聯盟刻意安排, 就是跳過不跟 BOS 對打 直到今年 花了 5 年, 5 年才讓我們看這場戲 .... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DLowe 來自: (07/07 23:02)

07/07 23:07, , 1F
07/07 23:07, 1F

07/07 23:08, , 2F
推老大的文 > <
07/07 23:08, 2F

07/07 23:09, , 3F
07/07 23:09, 3F

07/07 23:19, , 4F
07/07 23:19, 4F

07/07 23:20, , 5F
07/07 23:20, 5F

07/07 23:24, , 6F
07/07 23:24, 6F

07/07 23:24, , 7F
好感人 嗯...雖然我是04WSC後才加入 但看了還是起雞毛皮啊
07/07 23:24, 7F

07/07 23:24, , 8F
07/07 23:24, 8F

07/07 23:26, , 9F
看到這篇文回想到幾年前 當時的確是想換 A-Rod
07/07 23:26, 9F

07/07 23:28, , 10F
當時 Manny 也是每年在吵著要走 還被放上 waiver
07/07 23:28, 10F

07/07 23:28, , 11F
07/07 23:28, 11F

07/07 23:31, , 12F
ㄍㄌㄌㄕ 我淚了 那年的731真的很難過
07/07 23:31, 12F

07/07 23:31, , 13F
07/07 23:31, 13F

07/07 23:32, , 14F
當時意外的交易被阻撓 無奈得留下了 Manny 竟然造就了04&08
07/07 23:32, 14F

07/07 23:33, , 15F
champion 只能說一切都很神奇~
07/07 23:33, 15F

07/07 23:34, , 16F
如果當時換到了A-Rod+Ordonez 不知道現在會是怎樣
07/07 23:34, 16F

07/07 23:34, , 17F
Nomar 真的很令人懷念.. He's always a member of Red
07/07 23:34, 17F

07/07 23:34, , 18F
現在回想起來 真的很有趣
07/07 23:34, 18F

07/07 23:34, , 19F
07 champion
07/07 23:34, 19F

07/07 23:34, , 20F
Sox Nation!
07/07 23:34, 20F

07/07 23:40, , 21F
07/07 23:40, 21F

07/07 23:41, , 22F
07/07 23:41, 22F

07/07 23:43, , 23F
Nomar QQ
07/07 23:43, 23F

07/08 00:06, , 24F
07/08 00:06, 24F

07/08 00:24, , 25F
07/08 00:24, 25F

07/08 00:28, , 26F
07/08 00:28, 26F

07/08 01:16, , 27F
07/08 01:16, 27F

07/08 01:32, , 28F
終於回家了 哭哭
07/08 01:32, 28F

07/08 01:34, , 29F
07/08 01:34, 29F

07/08 02:26, , 30F
07/08 02:26, 30F

07/08 03:34, , 31F
T__T 那年我升高三...躲在圖書館哭
07/08 03:34, 31F

07/08 04:03, , 32F
07/08 04:03, 32F

07/08 04:07, , 33F
07/08 04:07, 33F

07/08 08:32, , 34F
=====他們可以要回我的隊衫 , 但帶不走我得到的回憶=====
07/08 08:32, 34F

07/08 08:34, , 35F
我買的第一件球衣就是 Nomah 的... 好難過
07/08 08:34, 35F

07/08 08:36, , 36F
我知道賽伯棒球很實際很有用 但對於 Nomah 我就覺得他最強
07/08 08:36, 36F

07/08 08:37, , 37F
我想問一下DLowe老大和JJ都打"nomah" 這是對的嗎??
07/08 08:37, 37F

07/08 08:40, , 38F
那是 New England 發音的 accent... r 不捲舌的 有點老英式
07/08 08:40, 38F

07/08 08:41, , 39F
ar 就發的像 ahhh... er 則是 e-ahhh...
07/08 08:41, 39F

07/08 08:43, , 40F
典型例句 Pahk yo-ah cah at Hahvahd yahd. XD 好好練練!!
07/08 08:43, 40F

07/08 08:45, , 41F
其實很多台灣人英語發音 r 也不太捲舌 跟 NE 腔還有點像哩
07/08 08:45, 41F

07/08 09:09, , 42F
推 老帥哥Nomah~
07/08 09:09, 42F

07/08 10:36, , 43F
我也來推了,就算過了5年,想起的情景 今日依然眼框泛紅 ,
07/08 10:36, 43F

07/08 11:06, , 44F
07/08 11:06, 44F

07/08 11:13, , 45F
07/08 11:13, 45F

07/08 12:01, , 46F
07/08 12:01, 46F

07/08 14:03, , 47F
07/08 14:03, 47F

07/08 17:24, , 48F
07/08 17:24, 48F

07/08 17:37, , 49F
07/08 17:37, 49F

07/08 22:08, , 50F
07/08 22:08, 50F

07/08 22:46, , 51F
07/08 22:46, 51F
※ 編輯: DLowe 來自: (07/08 23:14)

12/28 20:42, 5年前 , 52F
典型例句 Pahk y https://muxiv.com
12/28 20:42, 52F
文章代碼(AID): #1AKsDiXQ (RedSox)