[轉錄][今日] 獨挑大樑! 歐提茲:我不需要拉 …

看板RedSox作者時間15年前 (2009/04/01 19:08), 編輯推噓13(1302)
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MLB/獨挑大樑! 歐提茲:我不需要拉米瑞茲的保護 記者陳思豪/綜合報導 拉米瑞茲(Manny Ramirez)與歐提茲(David Ortiz)所組成的「左右連 拳」,一直是波士頓紅襪這幾年雄霸一方的最大關鍵,不過隨著曼尼遠赴 洛杉磯,這對左右門神組合也正式宣告拆夥。新球季面對獨挑大樑的情況 ,老爹歐提茲並不擔心,他表示自己的傷勢已經完全恢復,他並不需要拉 米瑞茲的保護。 去年7月31日,曼尼轉戰洛杉磯,交出3成96打擊率、17支全壘打、53分打 點的好表現。與此同時,老爹卻因為手腕傷勢的關係,數度進出傷兵名單 。當時就有許多人批評,老爹前幾年會有如此亮眼的表現,會獲得對手這 麼多的保送(2006年、2007年聯盟最多),都是因為有曼尼的保護。 對於這樣的批評,歐提茲表示,「這些都是比賽的一部分,有些人希望藉 由這些言論來打擊你,企圖影響你的表現。雖然這是人性的展現,但我並 不認同這樣的手段。」老爹補充,「手傷是我打不好的最大原因,不是曼 尼;過去曼尼也有缺席的時候,當時我的表現一樣很好。」 如今老爹已經克服了手腕的傷勢,他不但在12場熱身賽中交出3成以上的 打擊率,3發全壘打也證明自己長打火力的復甦。他表示,「我的手腕不 會痛,這是個巨大的差異(去年),去年面對各種角度的投球,我需要考 慮我的傷勢,現在我只要專心注意球並把他打出去,其他什麼都不用想。 」 在曼尼離開之後,老爹曾強力建議球隊,希望能找塔克薛拉(Mark Teixe ira)來強化打線,雖然最後事與願違,不過在紅襪幾番補強後,他認為 球隊的戰力已趨於完美。他表示,「我不在意,我們已經得到想要的東西 ,並且還會去完成他,我想我們會更好的。」 2009/4/1 今日新聞 http://www.nownews.com/2009/04/01/341-2430812.htm ============================================================= David Ortiz determined to be a big hit without Manny Ramirez Manny who? By Sean McAdam / Tuesday, March 31, 2009 FORT MYERS - From 2003 through 2007, Manny Ramirez [stats] and David Ortiz [stats] made up one of the most formidable slugging duos of the modern era. The pair bashed homers and delivered runs with seeming ease, and thanks in no small part to their proficiency, the Red Sox [team stats] won two world championships and annually were among the league leaders in runs scored. This year, for the first time in his Red Sox career, Ortiz begins the season without Ramirez in the batting order. Following his trade to the Los Angeles Dodgers last July 31, Ramirez had a spectacular two months in LA, (.396 average, 17 HRs, 53 RBI in 53 games) and led the Dodgers to the NLCS. Ortiz, meanwhile, still hampered by a wrist injury that forced him out of the lineup for almost two months, wasn’t the same feared force over the final third of the 2008 season. But a determined Ortiz, fully healthy and his power restored, insists that he will deliver this season -- without any help from Ramirez. “People need to realize that having Manny behind me, I still led the league (in 2006 and 2007) in walks,” he said. “So it wasn’t like the pitchers were like, ‘Here, (hit it).’ Two years, I led the league in walks, with Manny behind me. Manny was injured a whole bunch of times and I still hit without him. So now, because I injured my hand and I came back and I had a tough year, they’re going to point at it? That tells you a lot. I hit without Manny before, didn’t I? They pitched me tough with Manny (in the lineup), didn’t they? So why should I worry about what they say? “They always want to make it a point whenever they feel like it. So you know what I do with that?” Ortiz then offered a bit of earthy advice for his critics that can’t be printed, but let there be little doubt about his resolve. “I hit without Manny before,” said Ortiz, “and I can do it (again), period. ” Ortiz is confounded by those who say he is in decline and is fully set on proving that forecast wrong. But he’s also philosophical. “I guess that’s part of the game,” he said of such talk. “Some people get to the point where they want to see only the negative. I guess that’s how it is everywhere, especially here. Why? I don’t know. Some people want to see you fail. It’s not right. Sometimes it’s human nature, but I don’t think it ’s right. When you are doing good, they want you to get to the point where you’re having a tough time, a tough year, they want to say that your time is over. “I missed two months of the season last year and I came back and I wasn’t right and I still put up numbers. Not the numbers I usually put up, but still good numbers. We’ll see. We’ll see in September.” As the Sox pursued Mark Teixeira on the free agent market last winter, Ortiz endorsed the idea, saying the team needed to replace Ramirez’ presence in the middle of the lineup. But the Sox lost out on Teixeira and didn’t upgrade the batting order. “I don’t care,” shrugged Ortiz. “I got over it. We’re going to go with what we’ve got and see what happens. I think we’re fine.” So, too, apparently, is Ortiz. This spring, he has shown signs of a rebound at the plate, hitting .313 with a .395 OBP and a slugging percentage of .625. He has three homers in 12 games and says there’s no comparing how he feels this spring to how he felt last summer. “My hand is pain-free,” he said. “It’s a huge difference. (Last season), I was wondering if I could swing at pitches inside, outside, low fastball, high fastball and thinking about how I was going to feel afterward. I don’t have to worry anymore. You just have to focus on seeing the ball and hitting it. You can’t go to the plate thinking about too many things. (The hand is) not giving me any problems. I feel good. It’s like going back to normal. “I’ve been here seven years and last year was the first time I had to deal with some things like that. I injured my knee before, but I played through it. But your hand is what you use to hit and there’s not too much you can do about it. I came back last year, but I still wasn’t right. “I still had a lot of issues, but I’m finally feeling good. I feel healthy and I’m going to go from there.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/01 19:09, , 1F
04/01 19:09, 1F
※ 編輯: Belladonaa 來自: (04/01 19:21)

04/01 20:38, , 2F
Thank God we own him healthy.
04/01 20:38, 2F

04/01 21:59, , 3F
讚讚讚 給我開轟吧~~~老爹要擊沉每一隊阿
04/01 21:59, 3F

04/01 22:10, , 4F
賀~!! 期待新球季 ! yy
04/01 22:10, 4F

04/02 01:44, , 5F
04/02 01:44, 5F

04/02 08:39, , 6F
歐提茲:我不需要多利多茲 …
04/02 08:39, 6F

04/02 12:10, , 7F
推! 早說我們紅襪不需要manny了!
04/02 12:10, 7F

04/02 13:03, , 8F
保送多是因為Manny的保護 囧?
04/02 13:03, 8F

04/02 17:55, , 9F
04/02 17:55, 9F

04/03 01:33, , 10F
04/03 01:33, 10F

04/03 19:21, , 11F
04/03 19:21, 11F

04/03 19:22, , 12F
04/03 19:22, 12F

04/03 21:04, , 13F
04/03 21:04, 13F

04/03 22:45, , 14F
Manny 保護會讓四壞變少吧 記者真無腦
04/03 22:45, 14F

12/28 20:32, 5年前 , 15F
12/28 20:32, 15F
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