
看板RedSox作者 (Yippee-ki-yay)時間15年前 (2008/09/05 01:01), 編輯推噓34(34015)
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http://tinyurl.com/64jyfh Mailbag: No Dice for Matsuzaka? 《鄉民信箱》骰子K沒機會賭一把CY嗎? Beat reporter Ian Browne answers Red Sox fans' questions 09/01/2008 3:47 PM ET By Ian Browne / MLB.com Have we heard any news for what the Red Sox are going to do with Jason Varitek at the end of the year? If they do not sign him. will they give Kevin Cash the starting spot or will they go after a catcher like Ramon Hernandez of the Orioles? -- Corbin G., Syracuse, NY 有任何今年會跟隊長換約的消息嗎? 如果紅襪跟隊長說掰掰,會讓現金上來頂還是找外援?譬如金鶯的Ramon Hernandez Despite Varitek's down year offensively -- and lately he has hit much better -- I think the club's first inclination is to do everything they can to keep Varitek. He remains a rock behind the plate and obviously is instrumental in handling the pitchers. As usual, it will come down to business, and whether the Red Sox can find common ground with agent Scott Boras and Varitek. The motivation to sign Varitek speaks not only of how much the organization values him, but also about the general lack of quality catchers on the open market. If they have to go to Plan B, I'm not quite sure what that is yet, but I'm sure general manager Theo Epstein and his assistants are doing plenty of work on identifying the market. 儘管隊長今年打擊有氣無力(但最近有復甦的跡象),但我認為Theo他們第一要務仍是 盡可能留下隊長,Tek在本壘板後依舊生猛有力,更是赤襪投手最好的另一半。 當然囉,最後一定是在商言商,尤其是得跟魔鬼經紀人波拉斯搏鬥; 但會有這種推論不僅是隊長對紅襪國的勞苦功高,另方面也是現今市場上沒啥好捕手 至於B計畫嘛...我還不確定有這咚咚,但我相信紅襪的FO會對市場作足功課。 Do you think the Sox will keep Jason Bay after this year? If so, for how long? He has been certainly handling the pressure of playing in Boston pretty well. -- Alex R., Lexington, MA 紅襪明年還會留下接生貝嗎?會簽多長呢?目前看來紅襪國毒舌壓力他頂得挺好的 Bay is signed for an extremely reasonable $7.5 million for 2009, so he is all but certain to be on the team next year. Because the relationship has worked so well initially, I wouldn't be surprised if the sides discussed an extension at some point. 貝2009年750萬的約十分划算,放千百個心,你明年一定會看到他的。 目前看來他與紅襪國國民的關係也不賴,哪天會討論延長合約我也絲毫不意外 Daisuke Matsuzaka has had a great year. Why isn't he mentioned among the top candidates for American League Cy Young? -- Matt C., Strasburg, PA 骰子K維尼今年表現很棒耶~但為啥CYA前幾名都沒被點名呢? It's very simple. Matsuzaka doesn't have the innings to be involved in this discussion. Not only did he miss roughly three weeks on the disabled list, but he's pitched less than six innings during numerous outings this year. He is certainly having great success, but the sample size -- 140 2/3 innings entering September -- hasn't been quite big enough. For example, leading contender Cliff Lee has pitched 185 1/3 innings with a better record and ERA than Daisuke. 道理很簡單,他目前處境跟去年北極有點像---吃的局數太少了。 他有三週待在DL,加上今年大部分都投不滿六局 不可否認,他今年投球表現確實是沒話說;但到九月才吃140又三分之二局也真的太少 像是李可夫(不是立可敷...)目前局數來到185.1,又暫居勝投王&防禦率王 CY實在是不作第二人想 On Draft day, the Red Sox drafted a young player right out of high school. They said that they were going to decide if he was going to play shortstop or pitch. I am just wondering what they chose. -- Logan N., Boston 我們今年首輪選了個高中生,能守游擊又能投球,上頭決定讓他朝哪一項發展呢? You are speaking of Casey Kelly, who also had a chance to play quarterback at the University of Tennessee. Obviously the guy is a special athlete. As of now, Kelly is playing shortstop. I believe that was part of the deal, that the club would give Kelly a shot as a position player first if he signed. However, this is by no means decided. Reading between the lines, I think the organization thinks that Kelly has a little more upside as a pitcher. Stay tuned on this one. 你說的是有機會去田納西大學打四分衛的凱凱西吧。 這小子顯然是個特別的運動選手,目前呢,他從守游擊開始。 合約中應該有說讓他從游擊先試試看,不過這並不表示就這麼塵埃落定了! 我認為管理階層的覺得他當投手會好一些,不過嘛~請持續追蹤這話題 Is Jacoby Ellsbury better in the leadoff spot or in the No. 9 hole? -- Jack L., Hampton, FL 小帥哥揪竟打一番還是第九棒比較好呢? Obviously Ellsbury is the ideal leadoff man when he's getting on base. He's been a bit inconsistent this year. When he is hitting, the Red Sox go from being a very good offensive team to a great team. It is a nice luxury to have someone as talented as Ellsbury hitting ninth, but the team is much better off when he is going well enough to hit first. 當他能上壘時揪靠盃顯然是個理想的第一棒,但他今年表現一直不太穩定 當他打得出去時,我們從一支「攻擊不錯」的球隊變成「超棒」的球隊 第九棒排小帥哥這樣極具天分的打者時對我們是奢華的幸福 不過當他狀況好時當然要把他放在一番 If the Red Sox were unable to sign either CC Sabathia or Ben Sheets, do you see the Sox signing Derek Lowe since he's a free agent at the end of the year? -- Cesar A., Ventura, Calif. 如果我們簽不到CC或是扁食的話,有沒有可能重簽老洛呢? It's doubtful. The Red Sox made no attempt to re-sign Lowe when he was a free agent after the 2004 season, and he was four years younger then. Nothing against Lowe, who was a great competitor and had one of the most memorable individual postseasons in club history, but the Red Sox look pretty set in the rotation for next year. Under the club's contractual control for 2009: Josh Beckett, Matsuzaka, Jon Lester, Tim Wakefield, Justin Masterson and Clay Buchholz. 嗯...(這位鄉民你腦殘了嗎?)當2004紅襪決定不續簽大功臣洛威時他還年輕四歲 我對他這人沒成見,更由衷感謝他曾帶給我們的美妙 不過襪子明年的輪值看來已成形,2009的先發看起來會是: 北極、維尼、小萊、老蝴蝶、大師子與八扣子 今天就先這樣 謝謝 掰掰 --

09/28 23:49,
09/28 23:49

adam323:你哪隻眼看到我在幫洋基加油O.O? 09/24 04:37 adam323:拜託你找出來(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 09/24 04:38 NYY #13H-svpg adam323:洋基連勝總冠軍!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/05 01:16, , 1F
09/05 01:16, 1F

09/05 01:23, , 2F
李懸崖鬼神哉 今年真的擋不住這傢伙了...
09/05 01:23, 2F

09/05 01:23, , 3F
09/05 01:23, 3F

09/05 01:36, , 4F
內容跟簽名檔都推 都很靠北
09/05 01:36, 4F

09/05 03:32, , 5F
明年SP輪值大師子與八扣子若更成熟的話 會很有威力
09/05 03:32, 5F

09/05 08:31, , 6F
09/05 08:31, 6F

09/05 08:56, , 7F
09/05 08:56, 7F

09/05 11:36, , 8F
09/05 11:36, 8F

09/05 12:33, , 9F
09/05 12:33, 9F

09/05 13:21, , 10F
聽說,紅襪對A.J. Burnett比較有興趣...
09/05 13:21, 10F

09/05 13:22, , 11F
09/05 13:22, 11F

09/05 13:31, , 12F
以他年紀 ....他可能會要張5年約
09/05 13:31, 12F

09/05 13:58, , 13F
09/05 13:58, 13F

09/05 14:34, , 14F
09/05 14:34, 14F

09/05 14:46, , 15F
09/05 14:46, 15F

09/05 14:50, , 16F
我個人比較想看到Mark Prior,小聯盟約看看能不能救回來...
09/05 14:50, 16F

09/05 15:07, , 17F
Prior算了吧! 問題滿大的~"~
09/05 15:07, 17F

09/05 15:10, , 18F
09/05 15:10, 18F

09/05 15:23, , 19F
09/05 15:23, 19F

09/05 15:56, , 20F
AND...Burnett去哪都好 不要留在美東就好-_-
09/05 15:56, 20F

09/05 16:05, , 21F
09/05 16:05, 21F

09/05 16:05, , 22F
我跟他有心結喔 ㄎㄎ...
09/05 16:05, 22F

09/05 16:25, , 23F
09/05 16:25, 23F

09/05 16:26, , 24F
09/05 16:26, 24F

09/05 16:32, , 25F
查了一下 襪子現役打者對A.J.三圍 .197 .260 .368
09/05 16:32, 25F

09/05 16:32, , 26F
09/05 16:32, 26F

09/05 16:40, , 27F
09/05 16:40, 27F

09/05 16:42, , 28F
09/05 16:42, 28F

09/05 17:08, , 29F
09/05 17:08, 29F

09/05 17:08, , 30F
09/05 17:08, 30F

09/05 17:10, , 31F
09/05 17:10, 31F

09/05 17:10, , 32F
Scott Kazmir什麼時候才會變成自由球員啊...
09/05 17:10, 32F

09/05 17:23, , 33F
09/05 17:23, 33F

09/05 17:27, , 34F
Kaz Matsui大概不會想回大都會...﹝耍冷中﹞
09/05 17:27, 34F

09/05 17:30, , 35F
09/05 17:30, 35F

09/05 17:33, , 36F
Kazmir簽到2011 2012還有球隊選擇權(13.5M)
09/05 17:33, 36F

09/05 17:35, , 37F
09/05 17:35, 37F

09/05 17:35, , 38F
09/05 17:35, 38F

09/05 17:38, , 39F
09/05 17:38, 39F

09/05 17:46, , 40F
09/05 17:46, 40F

09/05 23:59, , 41F
Kazmir FA那天應該也不會那麼健康了 不要賭比較好
09/05 23:59, 41F

09/06 01:14, , 42F
09/06 01:14, 42F

09/06 02:37, , 43F
09/06 02:37, 43F

09/06 03:32, , 44F
09/06 03:32, 44F

09/06 11:07, , 45F
不要Kaz 差不多快爆了
09/06 11:07, 45F

09/06 19:03, , 46F
09/06 19:03, 46F

09/06 20:15, , 47F
09/06 20:15, 47F

09/07 06:56, , 48F
我始終覺得鄉民給球員取的外號都好有趣= =...大師之子XDDD
09/07 06:56, 48F

11/04 00:09, , 49F
11/04 00:09, 49F
文章代碼(AID): #18m1HGFR (RedSox)