[翻譯] Beckett denies Yankees for 19th win

看板RedSox作者 (自在飛花,無邊絲雨)時間17年前 (2007/09/16 22:16), 編輯推噓21(2107)
留言28則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
BOSTON -- Call it an American League Cy Young Award statement or one more push toward the 20-win plateau. Whatever the case, the Red Sox were just glad Saturday was Josh Beckett's turn to pitch. 波士頓訊 這是美聯賽揚獎的前哨戰,也是登上二十勝高峰的關卡。不管怎麼稱呼這場球,紅襪在 星期六爲貝賈許上場而欣喜。 And Beckett did not disappoint, putting together his latest power-pitching clinic in leading the Red Sox to a 10-1 victory over the Yankees that pushed Boston's lead in the AL East back to 5 1/2 games. 貝賈許也沒有讓大家失望,他以最近堪稱典範的強力投球帶領紅襪以十比一擊敗洋基,將 兩隊在美聯東區的勝差又拉回五場半。 Coming off a devastating 8-7 loss on Friday in which Boston's 1-2 relief tandem of Hideki Okajima and Jonathan Papelbon blew a five-run lead, Beckett picked the Red Sox right up by holding the heavy-hitting Yankees to a mere three hits and one run in seven innings. 貝賈許藉著在七局投球當中將強力的洋基打線壓制在僅僅打出三支安打得到一分的表現, 讓紅襪走出星期五因為陣中最強的兩名後援投手:歐西代以及潘約瑟噴掉五分的領先而以 七比八飲恨敗北的陰霾。 "I thought Beckett did exactly what we have kind of come to expect and also needed," said Red Sox manager Terry Francona. "He pitched like an ace of a staff today. Against the best lineup in baseball, he went out there and did exactly what we needed." 粉科南表示:『我認為貝賈許的表現正是我們所期望並且迫切需要的。他的投球表現貨真 價實的是王牌投手的水準。他在面對全聯盟最好的打線時不負眾望。』 Beckett walked two, struck out seven and, aside from a solo homer by Derek Jeter in the first, basically never blinked. Such has been the case all year for Beckett, who ran his record to 19-6 and lowered his ERA to 3.20. 貝賈許投出七個三振以及兩個保送,而且在七局的投球當中,除了第一局被紀德瑞敲出陽 春砲之外,基本上毫無破綻,這就如同他本季所有的表現一樣。他除了將戰績推進至十九 勝六敗以外,也將自責分率降至三點二零。 As comfortable as Beckett is in big games, that is how uncomfortable he is talking about his excellence in the immediate aftermath. 貝賈許在場上雖說八面威風,然而賽後面對媒體他卻有點手足無措。 "I don't know that I relish it," said Beckett. "I just do what I always do, just go out and try to execute pitches. They showed why they've won so many games since the All-Star break [on Friday] night." 貝賈許表示:『我哪有很享受?我只是做我該做的事而已,我只是上場去解決打者,如此 而已。他們星期五晚上的表現說明了他們何以能在明星賽後勢如破竹。』 But Saturday swiftly took on a different tone, thanks to Beckett. 但是星期六勝利女神坐在紅襪的休息區,是貝賈許召喚的。 "It was a huge win for us out there tonight," said Eric Hinske, who doubled and homered while filling in for the injured Manny Ramirez. "Beckett pitched awesome. After what happened last night, this was a big bounce-back game for us." 代替受傷的雷曼尼上場,有一支二壘安打以及一支全壘打表現的辛艾瑞表示:『今晚的勝 利對我們而言事關重大。貝賈許的投球精采無比。在經歷了昨天的悲劇之後,這是我們的 抗爭與怒火。』 In this one, Beckett was opposed by fellow AL Cy Young Award contender Chien-Ming Wang. The 90-59 Red Sox were able to muster far more offense then they did against Wang in a 5-0 loss at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 30. 貝賈許這場比賽的對手是同為賽揚獎競爭對手的王建民。目前戰績九十勝五十九敗的紅襪 在這場比賽給予投手的火力支持遠超過八月三十日在洋基主場以零比五敗給王建民那場。 Offensively, the Red Sox chipped away early -- scoring one run in the first and one in the fifth -- and broke it open late, tacking on three runs in the sixth and four in the seventh. 進攻方面,紅襪可謂是先聲奪人,第一局打下一分,第五局再下一城,然後在後段猛烈爆 發,第六局攻下三分,第七局再打四分。 Wang, who was strong early, seemed to wear down in the middle innings. He was touched up for nine hits and five runs in 5 2/3 innings. 一開始勢不可當的王建民在中段似乎就消耗殆盡了。他在五又三分之二局的投球當中被打 了九支安打,丟掉五分。 "Wang is an elite pitcher, he really is," said Sox third baseman Mike Lowell "We had our hands full. I think we put together some good at-bats." 紅襪三壘手婁麥克表示:『王建民的確是個精銳的投手。他讓我們手忙腳亂,但是我們有 幾個串聯得很好的打數。』 It was particularly important for the Red Sox to do something positive against the Yankees, considering they had lost the last five meetings with their rivals.Beckett's day ended when he blew pitch No. 108 -- a 93-mph fastball -- by Melky Cabrera to get out of a two-on, two-out jam in the seventh. 對紅襪來說,在對上洋基的比賽當中振作起來是非常重要的,因為他們已經在面對世仇的 比賽當中輸掉了過去五場。貝賈許的精采表現由他的第一百零八球:一記九十三英哩的速 球畫下句點。那球在七局上兩出局一三壘有人的危機之下,三振了柯梅基。 A packed house of 36,215 roared with approval as Beckett walked off the mound for the final time of the afternoon. 全場爆滿的三萬六千兩百一十五名觀眾在貝賈許當晚最後一次下丘時報以熱烈的歡呼。 "I think he wants to be a great pitcher," said Lowell. "I think that's a mentality that I can't say is the same for everyone. He looks forward to the games that are on a big stage. That's good, because he's got good stuff and the right mentality. We definitely feel very confident when he's on the mound for us." 婁麥克表示:『我覺得他一直想當個偉大的投手,而那是一種我覺得不是所有的人都有的 心理素質。他期待重要的比賽,這是很好的,因為他有精湛的功力,還有健全的心靈。我 們對於他在場上投球都感到信心十足。』 Jeter did his best to set an early tone for the Yankees, crushing a solo homer to center off Beckett in the first. In fact, Beckett threw 30 pitches in that inning but gave up just the one run. 紀德瑞盡其所能讓洋基先馳得點,他在一局上從貝賈許手中敲出一隻中間方向的陽春砲。 事實上,貝賈許在第一局雖然就投了三十球,但是他就只掉了那一分。 "He was close," said Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek. "He wasn't way off or misfiring all over the place. He was just settling into his delivery." 紅襪捕手韋傑森表示:『那球並不差,並不是暴投或失投。他只是還在調整腳步。』 And the Red Sox were able to get the run right back in the bottom of the inning. Dustin Pedroia led off with a single up the middle, and David Ortiz pounded a two-out single to right. Lowell capitalized on the opportunity, ripping a single down the left-field line to make it 1-1. 但是紅襪在一局下立刻還以顏色。第一棒的裴達斯打了中間方向的一壘安打,一出局的情 況下,歐大衛打了支右外野方向的一壘安打,接著,婁麥克乘勢追擊,一記沿著左外野邊 線的一壘安打將比數追成一比一平手。 "I try to hit the ball hard," said Lowell. "If you hit the ball hard, you have a decent chance. It was nice to put us right back in the game in that first inning." 婁麥克表示:『我試著狠狠的打球,因為如果你球打得夠大力,你就得到了一個很好的嗆 司。我們能在一局下就把比數追平真是值得普天同慶。』 For a while, the pitchers took center stage, as neither ace budged until the bottom of the fifth. It was then that the Red Sox started a rally in painful fashion, as Kevin Youkilis was hit on the right wrist with a pitch. Youkilis had to leave the game with a contusion and is considered day-to-day after undergoing X-rays, which were negative. Jacoby Ellsbury pinch-ran for Youkilis and swiftly moved to third on a single to right by Ortiz. With two outs, J.D. Drew poked an opposite-field single down the line in left to bring home Ellsbury and give the Sox a 2-1 lead. 接下來,投手的表現吸引了全場的目光:直到五局下半為止,兩位王牌投手堅若磐石。當 時紅襪所發動的反攻籠罩在沉痛的陰霾下,因為尤凱文的右手腕慘遭觸身球擊中。尤凱文 只得帶著被認為會持續的瘀傷下場,直到稍後的X光檢查顯示正常。艾傑可接著上場代 跑,然後藉著歐大衛的右外野方向一壘安打飛上三壘。兩出局時,祖傑第一支左外野的平 飛安打讓艾傑可回來得分,紅襪取得二比一的領先。 The Sox again got to Wang in the sixth. Hinske got it started with a double off the Green Monster, and Coco Crisp followed by slamming a single up the middle before stealing second. Pedroia tried to get a run home on a grounder to second, but Hinske was thrown out at the plate on a bang-bang play in which he barreled into Yankees catcher Jorge Posada. 紅襪在六局下再度逮住了王建民。辛艾瑞打了一支擊中綠色怪物的二壘安打,然後寇科科 打了一支中間方向的一壘安打,接著盜上二壘。裴達斯本想藉著一記二壘方向的反彈球賺 進一分打點,但是即便衝撞捕手。辛艾瑞仍在本壘前被洋基捕手朴厚黑精采的守備給幹掉 了。 Then it was up to Ellsbury, who once again provided a spark, this time with a line-drive single to left that scored Crisp to make it a two-run game. 接著上場的是艾傑可,他的表現依舊亮眼,一記左外野的平飛安打讓寇科科回來得分,將 差距拉大至兩分。 "I hit him pretty good, but he ended up holding onto the ball," said Hinske. "Ellsbury had a big hit, but I think [the collision with Posada] kind of pumped the team up a little bit. It was a good kind of momentum swing for us." 辛艾瑞表示:『我撞他撞得夭壽大力的,但是他竟然還能穩穩的握住球!艾傑可那球打得 很好,但是我覺得我跟那傢伙的衝撞好像激發了大家的士氣。艾傑可那球某種程度上真是 意義非凡。』 Ortiz opened it up further, lofting a double to the gap in right-center field that brought two more runs home to make it 5-1. The speedy Ellsbury raced all the way around from first, barely sliding in under the tag of Posada. 歐大衛接著打的更深遠:一記打到中右外野角落的二壘安打帶有兩分打點,將比數拉成五 比一。快腿艾傑可一口氣從一壘奔回本壘,而且驚險的滑壘,閃過了朴厚黑的觸殺。 But the day belonged to Beckett. And in a way, so has the season. 但是今天最耀眼的仍是貝賈許,而且某種程度上,本季最耀眼的也是他。 "In my mind, he's carried us all year," said Hinske. 辛艾瑞表示:『我認為他這一整年都扛著我們。』 "History has shown -- whether it was the [2003] World Series, when he was the MVP -- he relishes a stage in which it's time to elevate his game and step up and produce, like he did today," said Red Sox pitching coach John Farrell. 紅襪投手教練伐約翰表示:『從過去我們就看的出來,不管是他拿下最有價值球員的零三 年的世界大賽也好,他享受那種能讓他大顯身手並且讓他的球隊戰績推進的比賽,那就是 他所嚮往的舞台,而像他今天的表現呢,那叫如魚得水。』 早上跟朋友熬夜看球果然值得! 雖然他們都是洋基迷,科科。 原文網址http://0rz.tw/48356 -- 國產男:「幹你娘!」 「唉唷~好噁心!」「罵髒話!沒水準!」「低級!垃圾!」 ABC:「幹你娘!」 「他會說髒話耶~」「哈哈~好可愛唷~」「少罵髒話唷~」 外國人:「幹你娘!」 「他要幹我娘耶~」「走開!是幹我娘!」「是幹我娘啦!」 Click for more bloody jokes http://www.wretch.cc/blog/BloodyJoker -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/16 22:22, , 1F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
09/16 22:22, 1F

09/16 22:24, , 2F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
09/16 22:24, 2F

09/16 22:25, , 3F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
09/16 22:25, 3F
※ 編輯: BloodyJoker 來自: (09/16 22:33)

09/16 22:33, , 4F
我是不是修到推文了 囧
09/16 22:33, 4F

09/16 22:34, , 5F
雖然Ellsbury有衝回來得分 可是三壘紅綠燈
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09/16 22:34, , 6F
09/16 22:34, 6F

09/16 22:34, , 7F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
09/16 22:34, 7F

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Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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09/16 22:44, , 9F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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09/16 22:48, , 10F
Beckett For Cy ! ! ! Papi MVP
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09/16 22:49, , 11F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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09/16 22:53, , 12F
Beckett For Cy ! ! ! Papi MVP
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09/16 22:54, , 13F
Beckett For Cy ! ! ! Papi MVP
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09/16 22:55, , 14F
Beckett For Cy ! ! ! 機會很小XD
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Beckett For Cy ! ! ! 我指老爹..
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Beckett For Cy ! ! ! 小派新人王
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09/16 23:01, , 18F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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09/16 23:13, , 21F
Beckett For Cy ! ! ! 超強
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Beckett For CY ! ! !Pedroia ROY
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09/17 00:07, , 23F
Beckett For Cy ! ! !
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09/17 01:15, , 27F
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09/17 01:28, , 28F
小王輸了 恭喜北極
09/17 01:28, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #16xJh1FQ (RedSox)