[翻譯] Wakefield extends domination of Rays

看板RedSox作者 (自在飛花,無邊絲雨)時間17年前 (2007/08/14 13:42), 編輯推噓16(1604)
留言20則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
BOSTON -- No pitcher has mastered the Tampa Bay Devil Rays like Tim Wakefield. 波士頓訊 沒有哪個投手能像魏提姆這樣海扁魔鬼魚隊。 Monday night was yet another masterpiece in the knuckleballer's collection. Wakefield limited the Devil Rays to two hits over eight shutout innings as the Red Sox held off the visitors, 3-0, at Fenway Park. 星期一晚上是這位蝴蝶球投手又一生涯力作,他在八局的投球當中,只讓魔鬼魚打出兩支 安打,沒有掉分,從而讓紅襪以三比零擊敗來訪的對手。 Julio Lugo was the offensive star, with three hits, including an RBI single. Jonathan Papelbon made history when he recorded the save with a scoreless ninth, becoming the first Red Sox pitcher with at least 28 saves in consecutive seasons. 魯胡立是紅襪當晚最閃亮的球員,三支安打一分打點。潘約瑟則是在九局上來救援成功之 後成為紅襪史上第一個連續兩季至少二十八次救援成功的投手。 But the night belonged to Wakefield, who improved to 9-3 in his last 12 starts. 不過今晚的焦點仍是魏提姆,他過去十二場先發九勝三敗。 Thanks to some stellar defense from Eric Hinske and Mike Lowell, Wakefield held the Devil Rays hitless through six innings, retiring the first nine batters he faced. 拜辛艾瑞以及婁麥克幾次精采的守備所賜,魏提姆讓魔鬼魚前六局打不出安打。而且前三 局讓魔鬼魚三上三下。 Hinske made a running grab of Akinori Iwamura's liner to right to begin the game, and Lowell made a nice backhanded stab of a sharp Brendan Harris grounder in the fifth, throwing out the Tampa Bay second baseman by a step. 辛艾瑞一開賽就在行進間接殺了的禕阿基右外野飛球,婁麥克則是在五局上反手接住魔鬼 魚二壘手何布蘭的強勁反彈球,接著一個墊步快傳一壘,刺殺出局。 "Tip your hat to our guys," a grateful Wakefield said. "Great defense. Mikey Lowell made a good play. Lugo made some great plays out there today. And our offense did a great job scoring enough runs to bring in Pap to close it up." 魏提姆表示:『向我們親愛的隊友們致敬吧,幹的好啊!婁麥克那球真是漂亮,而且魯胡 立今天也表現得無錯(←譯按:我故意的)。然後進攻火力今天也很捧場,灌進了幾分,讓 小潘可以上場救援。』 Wakefield's only hiccups were walks to Iwamura leading off the fourth and a one-out base on balls to Dioner Navarro in the sixth. 魏提姆今天唯一的狀況是他在四局上一開始就保送了禕阿基,還有六局上一出局的時候, 保送了奈狄奧。 "He came out of the bullpen with a good one [knuckleball] and took it right to the game, and not only did he have his good knuckleball, but he located his fastball when he wanted to and threw some real good breaking balls," manager Terry Francona said. 粉科南表示:『他今天一上場,夭壽,那蝴蝶球投得真是好。還不只是這樣而已,他的快 速球也都能投到他想投的地方,而且那曲球也是好到嚇死人。』 Wakefield's catcher, Doug Mirabelli, agreed. 魏提姆的御用捕手米道格也同意這段話。 "He had a good bullpen [session] going into the game," Mirabelli said. "The ball was just coming out of his hand cleanly in the bullpen, and it had a lot of life down there. Then, after that first inning, it was just dancing all over the place. I felt if we were able to give him a couple of runs, we were going to win this game." 米道格表示:『他在牛棚熱身的時候就投的很棒啦,那從他手中飛出來的球好像都是活生 生的呢。然後一開賽,媽的更不得了了,那球根本就是到處亂飛啊。我那時候就覺得,我 們只要隨便幫他打個一兩分就一定會贏啦。』 But Wakefield's path toward pitching immortality quickly came to an end in the seventh, when Carl Crawford lined a clean single between Kevin Youkilis and Alex Cora into right field for Tampa Bay's first hit of the night. 但是魏提姆的無安打之路在七局上被中斷了。寇卡爾一記越過尤凱文和柯亞立中間的飛球 成了魔鬼魚的第一支安打。 "It was a knuckleball," Crawford said. "I just tried to stay back as long as I can. I don't try to do the normal professional swing, because I don't think that works." 寇卡爾表示:『那球是蝴蝶球沒錯。我就試著慢點揮棒而已,我沒有像平常那樣揮大棒, 因為我覺得那招應該沒有用。』 "I really didn't even know until the standing ovation occurred," Youkilis said of the Fenway crowd's response after Tampa Bay's first hit. "I didn't even peek at all." 尤凱文對全場觀眾對於魔鬼魚隊第一支安打的反應表示:『我一直到觀眾都站起來鼓譟才 知道發生了什麼事,我根本沒有去注意好唄。』 It was on June 19, 2001, when Wakefield went even farther against the same team, taking a no-hitter into the ninth inning at Tampa Bay. That night, Wakefield led, 5-0, heading into the final frame before hanging on for a 5-4 win. 上一次魏提姆面對同一隊而投出接近無安打的比賽是兩千零一年六月十九日,那天晚上, 魏提姆在九局下半登場時,比數是五比零。不過終場紅襪僅以五比四取勝。 On Monday night, Wakefield had a similar feel midway through the game. 星期一晚上,魏提姆比到一半的時候也有了這種預感。 "Probably after five, I knew [about the no-hitter]," Wakefield said. "Again, it's such a close ballgame and you're just trying to keep runners off base, especially the top three guys in the lineup, who can really run really, really well. Dougie and I were on the same page together, mixing some good pitches in when we needed to." 魏提姆表示:『大概五局的時候吧,我就發現目前是個無安打的局面。然後,在這種驚險 的情況下,你就必須要想辦法不讓他們上壘,尤其時他們的前三棒,那三個跑的非常非常 快的傢伙。我跟道格老弟兩人心意相通(!?)、全力以赴。』 Wakefield (14-10) improved to 18-2 lifetime against Tampa Bay and has earned a decision in all 24 starts this season, the most since Jack McDowell of the White Sox posted decisions in his first 27 starts of 1993. 魏提姆將他生涯面隊魔鬼魚的戰績推進至十八勝二敗,而且他在本季的二十四次先發全都 「自行承擔」(←我實在是不知道怎麼翻 囧)。這是自一九九三年芝加哥白襪隊麥傑克的 連續二十七場以來最多的一次。 "I had my 'A' stuff in Anaheim [on Tuesday], just things didn't go the right way," Wakefield said. "I gave up the wrong hits at the wrong time, and considering the circumstances, the way [Rays starter James] Shields has been pitching this year, you really gotta go out there and go get them, especially with the speed they have." 魏提姆表示:『我上星期二在天使主場投得其實不錯,只是老是在錯誤的時候被打安打。 那今天考慮到隊上的氣氛還有席詹姆今年的表現以及那群跑的快得要命的傢伙,我實在是 必須把看家本領都拿出來。』 Shields (9-8) nearly matched Wakefield where it counted, allowing only an RBI double to David Ortiz in the first. Lugo slid safely home when Navarro could not handle the short-hop relay from Josh Wilson. 席詹姆的表現幾可與魏提姆匹敵,他只在一局下被歐大衛敲出一支一分打點的二壘安打, 魯胡立趁著捕手奈狄奧還沒拿穩游擊手韋賈許的轉傳球時滑回本壘。 Shields allowed just the one run on five hits, retiring the last eight batters he faced after a one-out single by Lowell in the fourth. 席詹姆被打五支安打只掉了一分,而且他從四局下婁麥克打了一支一壘安打之後,讓接下 來的八位紅襪打者無功而返。 Featuring mostly a fastball that reached 97 mph several times, Papelbon came on to relieve Wakefield to begin the ninth. He blew away Iwamura and Crawford with strikeouts before walking B.J. Upton. Carlos Pena grounded out to second to seal the closer's 28th save in 30 chances. 以幾達九十七英哩的快速球為主要武器的潘約瑟在九局上半接替魏提姆上場關門。他在保 送厄逼追之前,先三振了禕阿基和寇卡爾,接著潘卡羅一記打到二壘方向的滾地球,成了 潘約瑟三十次救援機會裡的第二十八次救援成功。 But most of the talk afterward was how Wakefield continues to find ways to baffle hitters, getting better with age. 但是最讓人津津樂道的,還是魏提姆如何在上了年紀之後仍然能夠繼續將打者玩弄於股掌 之間。 "He's a good pitcher," Francona said of his 41-year-old starter. "He works hard. He's gotten to that point in his career where you have to probably work harder than you ever have in your life to maintain what you've done, and in Wake's case, do better. This guy has been a blessing for us. I think it goes under the radar sometimes because of the way he pitches. I hope it doesn't. It's a phenomenal outing, and he's been phenomenal, and he's not done." 粉科南在提到這位四十一歲的先發投手時提到:『他是個好投手。他很努力。他已經到了 那個一般人為了不讓自己在生涯中所做的一切前功盡棄而拚死奮鬥的年齡了。而且相對於 一般人而言,老魏還得更努力。他對我們來說是個吉兆。我認為,他有時候會失常可能是 肇因於他的投球方式,但是我希望千萬不是因為這樣。他的表現很驚人,他本身很驚人, 而且,他還是現役。』 賀,魏提姆邁向美聯勝投王。 明天雷瓊也要加油啊,不要又喇賽了。 明天我要努力去隔壁臥底,幫金鶯加油。 Old knuckleballers never die. One day they just topple off the mound. -- 國產男:「幹你娘!」 「唉唷~好噁心!」「罵髒話!沒水準!」「低級!垃圾!」 ABC:「幹你娘!」 「他會說髒話耶~」「哈哈~好可愛唷~」「少罵髒話唷~」 外國人:「幹你娘!」 「他要幹我娘耶~」「走開!是幹我娘!」「是幹我娘啦!」 Click for more bloody jokes http://www.wretch.cc/blog/BloodyJoker -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/14 13:43, , 1F
08/14 13:43, 1F

08/14 13:44, , 2F
今天Lugo也打的很好 要給他鼓掌一下 拍拍拍 XD
08/14 13:44, 2F

08/14 13:47, , 3F
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08/14 13:55, , 8F
隔壁第一是誰? 放肆火嗎?
08/14 13:55, 8F

08/14 13:57, , 9F
魏提姆是哪位啊 翻的太奇怪了吧@@
08/14 13:57, 9F

08/14 13:57, , 10F
08/14 13:57, 10F

08/14 14:25, , 11F
蝴蝶好威~~ 翻譯辛苦了
08/14 14:25, 11F

08/14 14:35, , 12F
蝴蝶回來了 宰魚連勝A____________A+
08/14 14:35, 12F

08/14 15:08, , 13F
08/14 15:08, 13F

08/14 16:33, , 14F
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08/14 16:39, , 15F
Tim Wakefield <- 魏提姆
08/14 16:39, 15F

08/14 16:41, , 16F
原來老蝴蝶會曲球阿 @_@ 怎麼聽說練蝴蝶就只能練直球
08/14 16:41, 16F

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