[翻譯] Bullpen wastes Schilling's solid start

看板RedSox作者 (自在飛花,無邊絲雨)時間17年前 (2007/08/13 16:17), 編輯推噓22(2202)
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BALTIMORE -- Eric Gagne took the blame for the Red Sox's latest disheartening loss in a profanity-laced diatribe on Sunday. 巴爾的摩訊 甘艾瑞在紅襪這場令人痛心疾首的敗仗之後,被罵得狗血淋頭。 "They brought me here to do a job, and I'm not doing it," Gagne said. "I've got to step up my game. It's ridiculous. These guys go out there and play eight great innings and I go out there and blow it. It's a shame." 甘艾瑞表示:『他們是叫我來這邊做事的,但是我卻沒有。我得要重整腳步。幹,他們打 了八局的好球,然後我一上場就搞砸了,真是令我祖上蒙羞。』 With one swing, Miguel Tejada sunk Gagne's season to a new low and set the stage for Baltimore to walk away from a sold-out Camden Yards with a dramatic 6-3 win in extra innings. 僅僅一擊,戴米格就把甘艾瑞本季的表現打落谷底,更有甚者,他還開創了一個可以讓金 鶯在滿場觀眾面前於延長賽中取得勝利的契機。 Tejada smashed a 3-2 pitch into the left-center-field seats with Nick Markakis on first base, tying the game in the eighth inning and ruining a stellar start from Curt Schilling. 戴米格在馬尼克站在一壘,兩好三壞的情形下,將球掃到中左外野的觀眾席上。這球不但 將比賽在八局追平,而且還毀了許寇特燦若晨星的先發表現。 Then, in the 10th inning, designated hitter Kevin Millar, a member of Boston's 2004 World Series championship team, blasted a three-run homer off Kyle Snyder to give the Orioles the series victory after Boston had won the last 11. 然後,十局下,指定打擊米凱文,這位二零零四年紅襪冠軍隊的成員,從許凱爾手裡打了 一支三分打點的再見全壘打。讓金鶯在紅襪贏了前面十一個系列賽之後,贏了這一次。 Gagne had been called upon to hold a 3-1 lead, but for the second time in three games, he couldn't execute. In five games since coming to Boston before the trade deadline, he has allowed runs in four contests and has a 15.75 ERA. 甘艾瑞在三比一領先的時候被叫上場,但是在這三場比賽裡得第二次登場,他又搞砸了。 自從交易截止而來到紅襪之後的五次登場,他有四次被得分,他的自責分率目前高達十五 點七五。 He couldn't pinpoint a cause for his ineffectiveness, but was quick to admit that there's a problem. 他並沒有為他的不適任而找藉口,相反的,他乾脆的承認這是他的問題。 "It's a bunch of everything," he said. "I'm not doing my job right now. I need to find my game. It's pretty simple." 甘艾瑞表示:『這是一堆狗屁倒灶的事情,我沒辦法辦好我的工作,我需要找回手感,事 情其實很簡單。』 Before Gagne entered the game, Schilling had shut down the Orioles, throwing six innings and surrendering just five hits and a run, which was unearned. He didn't record a strikeout for just the fourth time in his illustrious career, but he put together an outstanding outing nonetheless. 甘艾瑞上場之前,許寇特沒有讓金鶯討到便宜,在六局的投球裡,他被打了五支安打,掉 了一分,但是那分不是自責分。這是他輝煌的職業生涯當中,第四次沒有在比賽中投出三 振,不過,這場精湛的表現到頭來也是一場空。 Yet when he exited, Boston only had a two-run lead despite notching 10 hits off Baltimore starter Steve Trachsel. 當他下場時,紅襪雖然從金鶯先發投手蔡史提手裡敲了十支安打,但是卻只取得兩分的領 先。 Left fielder Manny Ramirez staked the Sox to a 2-1 lead in the third inning, when he drove in two runs with a double into the right-center-field gap, one of four doubles Trachsel surrendered. Ramirez's two RBIs gave him 789 in his career and moved him into sixth place on Boston's all-time RBI list. 左外野手雷曼尼在三局上從蔡史提手裡敲出了一支打到中右外野邊牆上的兩分打點二壘安 打,這支安打是蔡史提今晚被打的四支二壘安打中的一支。雷曼尼這兩分打點讓他的打點 數攀升到七百八十九個,位居紅襪史上打點排行榜第六名。 Shortstop Julio Lugo added an RBI double in the fourth inning, but after that, the Sox were unable to capitalize on their chances. The most glaring misstep came in the sixth inning, when right fielder Eric Hinske grounded into a double play with runners at first and third and Mike Lowell was forced to stay at third base. 游擊手魯胡立在四局上也打了一支兩分打點的二壘安打,但是此後,紅襪便再也無法掌握 得分的良機了。最讓人惋惜的失誤發生在六局上,當時一三壘有人,辛艾瑞卻打了支迫使 婁麥克無法得分的雙殺打。 "We had some opportunities, and you certainly would like to spread out [the scoring]," manager Terry Francona said. "We still thought we were going to win, which makes it a little bit harder. We had some opportunities we didn't cash in on." 粉科南表示:『我們有得分的機會,而且也該得分。我們仍然以為本來會贏,只不過有點 困難。我們沒有把握本該抓住的機會。』 Schilling allowed only seven Orioles to reach base, two on errors, and the five hits he surrendered were all singles. 許寇特只讓七位金鶯打者上壘,兩位是因為失誤,而那五支安打全都是一壘安打。 But Gagne's implosion all but doomed the Red Sox, and Millar's blast dropped Boston to 4-5 on its nine-game road trip. 但是甘艾瑞的爆炸毀了紅襪,而米凱文的全壘打則是讓紅襪這九場客場之旅的戰績落至四 勝五敗。 "It's a long season, a marathon season," Snyder said. "We've got to come together. It's not one person's fault in this locker room. I think everybody in here is accountable. We take responsibility for ourselves, and there isn't a single person in here pointing fingers at anybody." 許凱爾表示:『這球季很長,需要打持久戰,我們必須團結。這不是更衣室裡頭哪一個人 的錯,我認為大家都有責任,我們都必須為自己負責,而且沒有人會指責其他人。』 Schilling had similar thoughts about the struggles of his fellow hurlers. 許寇特對於他的同事所面對的困境也心有七星菸。 "It happens -- this is the big leagues," Schilling said. "Sometimes it just snowballs a little bit. But [Gagne's] going to be an essential part of us winning a World Series, if that happens. So you take it for what it's worth, and he'll be right back out there next time, doing what he can do. You can't allow one or two outings to shape your mentality, [individually] or as a club. 許寇特表示:『這種事情是常有的啦,這是大聯盟嘛。只不過有時候這雪球稍微滾的大了 一點。但是甘艾瑞一定會成為我們贏得世界大賽不可或缺的成員,如果有世界大賽能打的 話啦。所以你把他弄來了,然後下一場他就會恢復水準啦。你不能只靠著一兩場比賽就來 評斷一個人或是一支球隊嘛。』 "His stuff looks good, but unfortunately, when you make mistakes in the seventh, eighth and ninth [innings], they get magnified. We're not giving him a lot of room to breathe, and either way, we're not putting people away like we can and have in the past. So there's a smaller margin for error." 『他的球投得不錯,不過要是你在比賽後段出包的話,嗯哼,那代誌就大條了。我們對他 的期望有點太高,而且大家都拿放大鏡看他,所以他就更不能被容忍失誤了。』 The loss seemed even more disconcerting because of the recent stellar play of the Yankees, who won on Sunday and are 23-8 since the All-Star break. When the Red Sox left for their three-city tour on Aug. 3, they held an eight-game lead in the American League East. Now, that lead is down to four games, their slimmest advantage since May 2. 這場敗仗由於洋基近日的出色表現而顯得更加難堪,洋基自從明星賽後已然取得二十三勝 八敗的戰績。八月三號紅襪出門去三個城市做客時,他們之間在美聯東區的勝差是八場, 但是現在他們只剩下四場的勝差,這是自五月二號以來最近的一次。 "[The Yankees are] playing a whole lot better than we are right now, it's that simple," Schilling. "They're winning, and we're not. But the answers are here in this room, and we're going to find them." 許寇特表示:『他們現在打的比我們好太多了,他們在贏球而我們沒有,就這麼簡單,不 過解決之道就在這更衣室裡,而且我們會找出來。』 Gagne may be the one to take the lead in the team's search for answers. 甘艾瑞或許就是那個最該被找出來的解決之道。 "Whatever is wrong, I've got to change it," he said. "I cost us two ballgames. You can't do that. I feel like I'm letting everybody down." 甘艾瑞表示:『不管怎麼說,有錯就該改。我搞砸了兩場球賽,這很不應該,我覺得我好 像讓大家情緒都低落了起來。』 原文網誌http://0rz.tw/732XT -- 國產男:「幹你娘!」 「唉唷~好噁心!」「罵髒話!沒水準!」「低級!垃圾!」 ABC:「幹你娘!」 「他會說髒話耶~」「哈哈~好可愛唷~」「少罵髒話唷~」 外國人:「幹你娘!」 「他要幹我娘耶~」「走開!是幹我娘!」「是幹我娘啦!」 Click for more bloody jokes http://www.wretch.cc/blog/BloodyJoker -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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Gagne 請加油...
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推~ 謝謝翻譯
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謝謝翻譯 :)
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