[翻譯] Wakefield, Youkilis outshine Rays

看板RedSox作者 (自在飛花,無邊絲雨)時間17年前 (2007/07/28 18:23), 編輯推噓15(1505)
留言20則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
ST. PETERSBURG -- With a roof over his head, Floridian Tim Wakefield never looks more at home than at Tropicana Field, where his knuckleball has left the Devil Rays muttering for years. Once again, Wakefield emerged triumphant at his home away from home, pitching the Red Sox to a 7-1 victory over a badly slumping Tampa Bay team in the opener of a three-game series on Friday night. 聖彼得斯堡訊 佛羅里達人魏提姆在有屋頂的純品康納球場出賽的時候,怎麼看他都像是在自己家一樣。 因為在這裡,他讓無數魔鬼魚打者對他的蝴蝶球幹譙不已。星期五晚上魏提姆再一次讓魔 鬼魚打者吃鱉,使得紅襪面對最近低迷的魔鬼魚隊,在三連戰的第一場以七比一獲勝。這 裡,是離他的主場很遠的故鄉。 Wakefield held the Rays to six hits and a run over six innings, striking out seven. 他在六局的投球裡,被打了六支安打,掉一分,還有七次三振。 Lifetime at Tropicana Field, Wakefield is now 8-0 with a 2.33 ERA. If there is any team that wishes Wakefield -- who turns 41 next week -- would just retire, it is the Devil Rays. Backed by his two wins this season, he is 17-2 lifetime against them. 魏提姆生涯在純品康納球場的戰績目前是八勝零敗,自責分率二點三三。如果說有哪一隊 每天燒香拜拜希望下週滿四十一歲的魏提姆趕快退休,那麼,一定是魔鬼魚隊。因為加上 本季的兩勝,魏提姆生涯面對魔鬼魚的戰績是十七勝兩敗。 For those keeping track, that makes Wakefield the all-time wins leader against the Devil Rays, as he passed Mike Mussina. His eight wins at Tropicana Field also rank first for any Tampa Bay opponent, though Roy Halladay, Mussina and Andy Pettitte are just one behind. 這同時也使得魏提姆超越穆麥克,成了目前面對魔鬼魚史上戰績最佳的投手。而他在純品 康納球場的第八勝也是所有投手中最多的,但是僅僅領先賀羅伊、穆麥克和裴安迪一場。 "I had no idea that was the case," said Wakefield. "I'm excited about that. It's not an automatic win against these guys. They've got a pretty good lineup over there, especially this year." 魏提姆表示:『我雖然沒有注意這玩意兒,但是還是感到很興奮。他們不是自己把勝利送 上門來的。他們的打線排得不錯,今年尤佳。』 If there's anything Wakefield loves as much as pitching against the Devil Rays, it is pitching indoors anywhere. Nothing helps a knuckleballer more than a climate-controlled environment. 與其說魏提姆喜歡欺負魔鬼魚隊,不如說他喜歡在室內球場投球。對於一個蝴蝶球投手而 言,沒有什麼比氣候穩定的環境更有利的了。 "I like pitching here. I like pitching inside. I've always said that," Wakefield said. "The ball seems to move a lot more in the dome, and other than the second inning, I felt like I had pretty good control of everything tonight." 魏提姆表示:『我喜歡在那裡投球,我喜歡在室內投球,這些我以前就講過了吧。球在室 內似乎特別會跑,我覺得我今天晚上似乎控制了一切,除了第二局以外。』 Kevin Youkilis played a big role in helping Wakefield win this one. The first baseman snapped a 59-at-bat home run drought by clubbing a three-run homer in the top of the sixth. 尤凱文在魏提姆的這場勝利當中扮演了一個關鍵的角色。這位一壘手在六局上轟了一發三 分打點全壘打,從而結束了他五十九個打數沒有全壘打的低潮。 "It was good," said Youkilis. "It was definitely tough when we weren't scoring any runs. We were getting no luck. A couple of balls were hit hard. To get Wake some run support there and to get him the win was huge. You can't judge this team by the first five innings. There's always nine innings to play And that's what we did, we came back and scored a lot of runs and had a nice 'W' today." 尤凱文表示:『爽!我們一直都沒有得分真的很痛苦。我們比較衰吧。有好幾球都打得很 猛,想說要幫他多打幾分,而且還要幫他樂勝對方。你不能只看我們前五局的表現就要蓋 棺論定,棒球是要打九局的好唄。我們經常都是這樣,到後面一口氣灌很多分,然後我們 就贏了。』 This game marked the return of Youkilis to the No. 2 spot in the batting order, where he hadn't been since July 1. Interestingly, 10 of the 12 homers Youkilis has belted this season have come when he hits second, a spot in the order where he carries a healthy .347 batting average. 這場球也讓尤凱文重回自七月一日便久違的第二棒。有趣的是,他本季所擊出的十二支全 壘打當中,有十支是他打第二棒的時候打的。而他在第二棒的打擊率是良好的三成四七。 The Red Sox have reeled off victories in four of the first five games of this trip. Overall, manager Terry Francona's squad has won seven of the past eight. Boston, which is now a season-high 23 games above .500, leads the Yankees by seven games in the American League East. 紅襪此趟作客之旅已經贏了前五場當中的四場,事實上,粉科南隊伍已經贏了過去八場球 當中的七場。紅襪目前以超出五成勝率二十三場的戰績,在美聯東區領先洋基七場勝差。 The one constant with Wakefield this season is that he'll either get the win or the loss. In 21 starts, Wakefield (12-9) has 21 decisions. 魏提姆本季唯一的變數,就是他上場是贏還是輸。(譯按:這不是廢話嗎?)在他二十一次 的先發裡,他有二十一個選擇。(譯按:要不要乾脆電腦選號算了?) Wakefield's only trouble came in the bottom of the second when, with two outs and nobody on, he gave up a single to left to Ty Wigginton, a walk to Jonny Gomes and an RBI single to Dioner Navarro. 魏提姆今天唯一的狀況發生在二局下半。兩出局沒人在壘的時候,他先被魏京太打了一支 左外野方向的一壘安打,接著保送了戈強尼,然後被聶迪歐打了支一分打點的一壘安打。 The Devil Rays were able to maintain that slight 1-0 lead for a while, thanks to the work of starter Jason Hammel, who held the Red Sox to one hit over the first five innings. 魔鬼魚今天能夠暫時保持那一比零的些微領先,都得歸功於先發投手韓傑森,此人使紅襪 在前五局僅只打出一支安打。 "He was doing a lot," Francona said of Hammel. "His changeup was very effective. We knew he was on somewhat of a pitch count, and we want to work pitchers anyway. Fortunately, we got a couple of runners on when we did get him out of there. He did a very good job." 粉科南在提及韓傑森時表示:『他很努力。他的變速球投得很好。我們知道他的球數還沒 到,所以我們不管怎麼樣就先去熱投手了。還好我們在他下場的時候有跑者在壘上。他的 確投得很好。』 But Boston came rallying back in the sixth. Alex Cora and Julio Lugo worked one-out walks. On came reliever Juan Salas and Youkilis greeted him by pummeling a three-run homer to left-center. Suddenly, the Red Sox held a 3-1 lead. 但是紅襪在第六局就追上來了。柯亞立和魯胡立在一出局之後獲得保送,此時後援投手 薩拉璜上場,尤凱文立時賞了他一發左外野的三分全壘打。然後紅襪瞬間以三比一領先。 "Youkie hits a huge home run for us to go up 3-1," said Wakefield. "I think with our offense, from a starter's standpoint, if you can minimize the damage as much as possible, our offense will eventually score a lot of runs and they showed that again tonight." 魏提姆表示:『尤凱文打了支大的,幫我們取得三比一的領先。站在一個先發投手的立場 上,我覺得如果你能讓對方得不到分數,我們的攻擊火力最後一定會得很多分。他們今天 晚上就證明了這一點。』(譯按:你要不要去跟北極講這句話啊,老魏?) Indeed. The Sox jumped all over the Rays with four in the eighth to put the game out of reach. 的確,八局上紅襪再灌下四分,將魔鬼魚遠遠甩開。 The big knocks in the frame came from J.D. Drew (RBI single), Coco Crisp (two-run double) and Doug Mirabelli (RBI single). 這個大局來自祖傑第的一分打點安打,寇科科的兩分打點二壘安打,以及米道格的一分打 點安打。(譯按:是不是有人說過一壘安打是娘砲在打的?) But the night belonged to Wakefield. 但是今晚主角仍然是魏提姆。 "I do know that when the environment is controlled, he's not battling elements -- his ball does more than anybody else's," said Francona. "Tonight, we certainly weren't doing a lot offensively early. And the way he pitched allowed us to be patient and stay patient so we could do something later, and it mattered." 粉科南表示:『我很清楚當環境穩定的時候,他的投球比其他人都還有用。我們今天晚上 一開始的確沒有什麼火力。可是他的投球讓我們可以耐心等待、仔細尋找,以便伺機給他 們來一下狠的,而我們也辦到了。』 Making the win even sweeter was the margin of victory, which allowed the Red Sox to rest their dominant 1-2 bullpen punch of Hideki Okajima and Jonathan Papelbon. 讓勝利的果實更加甜美的是,由於大幅的領先,因此紅襪牛棚裡的兩大王牌:歐西代以及 潘約瑟得以喘息。 Manny Delcarmen (1.40 ERA) worked two strong innings and Kyle Snyder finished it off with a scoreless ninth. 狄曼尼投了兩局好球,而許凱爾則是漂亮的封鎖魔鬼魚在九局下最後的反攻機會。 今天加入了一些自己的意見,希望不會影響閱讀。 原文網址http://0rz.tw/3f2SU -- 國產男:「幹你娘!」 「唉唷~好噁心!」「罵髒話!沒水準!」「低級!垃圾!」 ABC:「幹你娘!」 「他會說髒話耶~」「哈哈~好可愛唷~」「少罵髒話唷~」 外國人:「幹你娘!」 「他要幹我娘耶~」「走開!是幹我娘!」「是幹我娘啦!」 Click for more bloody jokes http://www.wretch.cc/blog/BloodyJoker -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/28 18:31, , 1F
07/28 18:31, 1F

07/28 18:53, , 2F
推!! 看來看去 北極真的雖 最近掉一分 只有他輸球...
07/28 18:53, 2F

07/28 18:56, , 3F
07/28 18:56, 3F

07/28 19:08, , 4F
推  辛苦了
07/28 19:08, 4F

07/28 19:02, , 5F
最近五場..北極熊:幹!! 維尼熊:科科..威寶:誰比我強運
07/28 19:02, 5F

07/28 19:32, , 6F
07/28 19:32, 6F

07/28 19:33, , 7F
07/28 19:33, 7F

07/28 19:50, , 8F
07/28 19:50, 8F

07/28 20:25, , 9F
幹 粉科男不要再把youk放到五棒去都很強
07/28 20:25, 9F

07/28 21:04, , 10F
07/28 21:04, 10F

07/28 21:14, , 11F
07/28 21:14, 11F

07/28 21:23, , 12F
07/28 21:23, 12F

07/28 21:43, , 13F
我就不翻 "扛下",他沒命令救援不失分也沒唆使打者不准打 :p
07/28 21:43, 13F

07/28 21:47, , 14F
我想想... 我會翻只要 Wake 出賽球隊勝敗的帳全都算在他頭上
07/28 21:47, 14F

07/28 22:00, , 15F
推推 辛苦了
07/28 22:00, 15F

07/28 22:46, , 16F
07/28 22:46, 16F

07/28 23:47, , 17F
07/28 23:47, 17F

07/29 11:15, , 18F
07/29 11:15, 18F

07/29 11:16, , 19F
老魏說的話就是最好的鐵證了 誰比他有資格背書?XD
07/29 11:16, 19F

07/29 11:27, , 20F
也許Phil Niekro或是Hoyt Wilhelm吧XD
07/29 11:27, 20F
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