[翻譯] Prospect Q&A: Ty Weeden

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原文網址:http://0rz.tw/a72S2 Prospect Q&A: Ty Weeden By David Laurila June 29, 2007 A 19-year-old catcher from Edmond, Oklahoma, Ty Weeden was taken by the Red Sox in the 16th round of the 2006 draft. A righthanded-hitter with good power, the 6-foot-2, 225-pound Weeden was projected to go as high as the second round but fell due to signability concerns. Forgoing a scholarship offer from Arkansas, he signed with the Red Sox in August 2006 and is beginning his professional career this summer with the short-season Lowell Spinners. The younger brother of Brandon Weeden, the Yankees second-round pick in 2002, Weeden hit .353-1-4 over his first six games. 一個來自 Edmond,Oklahoma 的 19 歲捕手,Ty Weeden 在 2006 年第 16 順位 被 Red Sox 選中。一個擁有不錯長打能力的右打者,188 公分,102 公斤的 Weeden 是被預測可能在第二輪就被選走的新秀,不過卻因為簽約可能性的問題使 他的選秀順位掉到後面。放棄了 Arkansas 提供的獎學金,他在 2006 年八月和 Red Sox 簽約,並且這個夏天他正在短期的 Lowell Spinners 展開他的職業球季 。他是 Yankees 2002 年第二輪新秀 Brandon Weeden 的弟弟,Ty Weeden 在他 前六場比賽就繳出了打擊率 .353,1 支全壘打,4 分打點的成績。 Baseball America: In just over an hour you’ll be playing your first game of professional baseball. What are you thinking right now? 再過一個小時你職業生涯的第一場比賽就要開始了。你現在在想些什麼? Ty Weeden: You know, I don’t think it’s really hit me yet, because it’s felt pretty much like a normal day so far. I suppose when they call out the lineups--that’s when the adrenaline will hit. I haven’t played in front of a crowd for a long time, and it’s going to be a good feeling to be out there. I’m definitely ready. 你知道的,我不認為我真的感受到這場比賽就要開始了,因為到目前為止今天都 只像是普通的一天。我想當他們開始報打擊順序時候--那就是腎上腺素開始分 泌的時候了。我已經很久沒有在那麼多人面前打球了,而這將會是很棒的感覺。 我完全準備好了。 BA: The pitcher you’ll be facing tonight, Oneonta’s Alfredo Figaro, reportedly gets it up there in the mid-90s. What does that mean to you? 你今晚將面對的投手是 Oneonta 的 Alfredo Figaro,根據報導他的球速可以飆 到 95 英哩左右。這對你來說有什麼影響嗎? TW: Yeah, I heard that he’s hit 97 (mph), but a fastball is a fastball. I don ’t get intimidated by guys who throw hard. Not that 97 isn’t good, but you have to look at what his secondary stuff is, too. You can sit on dead red if that’s all he can throw for strikes. There are little things you can do to key on a good fastball, like getting your front foot out a little early, and I ’ll sit fastball until a pitcher shows me he has something else. Then I adjust from there. 沒錯,我聽說他可以投到 97 英哩,但是直球就是直球。我不會被球速快的傢伙 給嚇到。不是說能投到 97 英哩不好,不過你同時也要看看他其他的球路如何。 如果他只能用直球攻擊好球帶的話,你只要等直球打就可以了。當面對不錯的直 球時是有一些小訣竅的,像是加快前腳跨步的時機,而我會等直球打,直到投手 投出其他球路為止。然後我再做相對應的調整。 (最後那場比賽 Lowell Spinners 以三比二獲勝,Figaro 五局失三分承擔敗投 ,而 Weeden 面對 Figaro 的兩個打席,打出了一支一壘安打,一次三振。) BA: Give us a scouting report on yourself as a hitter. 對我們分析一下你自己的打擊能力吧。 TW: I’m more or less gap-to-gap. I’ll hit home runs now and again, but I don ’t have an approach of going after them because you can get yourself in a hole if you do. You end up waiting for a pitch to drive out of the park instead of attacking pitches you can square up. I have power the other way, so I don’t have to wait for something I can pull. I also feel that I have a pretty good view of my zone, so I’m pretty selective at the plate. 我算是個可以把球打到任何方向,有一些長打能力,但是不常打出全壘打的人。 我偶而可以打出全壘打,不過我並不會去強求,因為那樣可是會讓自己陷入麻煩 。你會變得一直在等待可以送出球場的球,而不是去打那些你擅長攻擊的球路。 我有反方向的長打能力,所以我不需要等那些我可以拉擊的球。同時我也覺得自 己對於保護好球帶的概念十分不錯,所以我在打擊的時候可是非常挑剔的。 BA: You spent a short time in low Class A Greenville this season, although you didn’t appear in any games. What was that experience like? 你這季在 Low Class A 的 Greenville 度過一小段時間,雖然你並沒有上場。你 在那裡有什麼體驗? TW: It was fun, and I think it helped me a lot. It’s so much different from extended (spring training), where there aren’t any fans. There was a lot more adrenaline and a real baseball-type atmosphere. Even though I didn’t get to play, I was able to see what it was like, and I also got a chance to talk to Gabe Kapler, who I think is a really good manager. 那裡真的很有趣,而且我認為對我的幫助很大。那裡和延長春訓完全不一樣,延 長春訓根本沒有球迷到場。而那兒有更多的緊張感和真正棒球的氣氛。雖然我沒 有上場,不過我卻可以看到那是什麼樣子,而且我還有機會跟 Gabe Kapler 說話 ,我覺得他是個很棒的總教練。 BA: What is the biggest difference in your game since you signed last August? 從去年八月簽約後,你在比賽裡最大的改變是什麼? TW: My catching, totally. It’s 100 percent better. I’ve worked on it a lot with (minor league catching instructor) Rob Leary--everything from blocking to throwing to footwork. It’s by far what I’ve improved the most. 我的蹲補能力,完完全全的不同了。百分之百的更好了。我在 Rob Leary(小聯 盟的捕手教練)的指導下做了不少練習--所有項目,從擋球,到傳球,再到腳 步。這是到目前為止我進步最多的地方了。 BA: Give us a scouting report on your defensive game. 對我們分析一下你自己的防守能力吧。 TW: I feel like I have pretty good feet and a good arm. I think I’m learning to call a decent game, which is something that should come along even more this year as I gain experience. I’m also getting better at memorizing the strengths of the pitchers I work with, and recognizing hitters' weaknesses. 我覺得我有很好的腿力和很好的臂力。我認為我正在學習如何在配球方面做的更 好,而這方面應該是隨著我經驗的累積,在今年會表現得越來越好。我在記憶投 手的能力以及辨識打者的弱點等方面也都有進步。 BA: You’re not very familiar with most of your pitchers yet, and have even less knowledge of the hitters around the league. How do you approach calling a game without that information? 你對大部分和你搭配的投手都還不熟悉,而且對於聯盟的打者了解的更少。你如 何在沒有這些資訊的情況下去配球呢? TW: You mostly have to just go in with open eyes. You start by looking at where guys are hitting, and go from there. You watch how they react to certain pitches, and you can get an idea from their swing what they’re looking to do with an at-bat. With the pitchers, it’s simply a matter of learning what they have and how their ball moves. 你能做的就是睜大眼睛了。你得先從那些傢伙的打擊開始看起,然後再做接下來 的判斷。你要看他們如何面對某些球路,而你可以從他們的揮棒中知道他們想要 做什麼。至於投手的方面,不過就是了解他們有什麼球種以及他們球路的軌跡罷 了。 BA: Of the guys you’ve caught this year, who has the best fastball? 就你曾經搭配過的投手來說,誰的直球投得最好? TW: I’d say it’s Caleb Clay. He gets it up there 92-93-94 and stays down with pretty decent late movement. He’s also got that low arm slot. 我會說是 Caleb Clay。他的球速可以達到 92-93-94,而且都保持在低的位置, 並且有著很好的尾勁。同時他的手臂位置也保持的很低。 BA: How about the best breaking pitch? 那最好的變化球呢? TW: Jose Capellan’s curveball is filthy. It starts coming in like a slurve, then it takes off toward the hitter’s back knee. It’s really sharp. Jose Capellan 的曲球最噁心。剛開始看起來像是滑曲球,接著它開始往打者的 膝蓋後方飛去。真的很銳利。 BA: Who has the best command, and who has the most deception? 誰有最好的控球,誰又有最好的欺騙能力呢? TW: Command would be Joseph Guerra. He really paints the zone. Not with just his fastball, either--he locates everything well. Deception, it’s probably Felix Ventura. He’s a small guy, but he kind of surprises you because he gets it up there in the 90s. You see it, and you think, “Is this serious? Where did that come from?” 控球最好的是 Joseph Guerra。他可以隨心所欲的攻擊好球帶。而且不只是他的 直球--他可以控好每一種球。欺騙能力的話,大概是 Felix Ventura。他是個 小個子,但是他可以嚇到你,因為他的球速可以催到 90 幾英哩。你看到了,一 定會想,"這是真的嗎?那是從哪裡冒出來的?" BA: It’s often said that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports. What’s second? 常有人說打棒球是最困難的運動。那第二困難的是什麼運動? TW: I’d probably say hitting a golf ball. It’s sitting still, but for some reason it’s hard to square up and hit straight. It’s weird, because it’s easy to hit a baseball off a tee. For some reason, it’s completely different with a golf tee. 我應該會說是打高爾夫球。它雖然是靜止的,但是因為某些原因,那真的很難去 做好準備然後打出筆直的一球。真的很奇怪,因為打靜止不動的棒球很簡單。不 過,因為某些原因,打高爾夫球完全不一樣。 BA: What is your history as a sports fan? 你作為一個球迷的經過是怎樣的呢? TW: I’ve always loved the Red Sox. As a matter of fact, when my brother was drafted by the Yankees, I was like, “Man, of all the teams, why did it have to be the Yankees?” I had to tell him that it was too bad, but I wouldn’t be able to root for him anymore. Even after he left their organization (he's now a quarterback at Oklahoma State), he still roots for them. I don’t get that. He’s my brother, but it’s always going to be the Red Sox for me. 我一直喜歡著 Red Sox。事實上,當我哥哥被 Yankees 選中時,那時我似乎是說 ,"老兄,有那麼多支球隊,為什麼一定得是 Yankees?"我得跟他說這實在是 太糟了,不過我再也沒有辦法全心支持他了。就算他離開了那支球隊(他現在是 Oklahoma State 的四分衛),他仍然支持他們。我完全不能理解。他是我哥哥, 但是我還是永遠會選擇 Red Sox。 BA: Was your brother a big influence on you as an athlete? 你哥哥在對你成為運動員的方面有很大的影響嗎? TW: Oh, yeah. I grew up watching him play--not only baseball, but football, too. We were both quarterbacks, although we had different styles. My brother was more of a pocket guy, while I liked to go out there and make things happen and run over people. Throwing is fun, and I have a pretty good arm, but it's pretty fun to take out your anger and steamroll someone, too. That’ s how I played the game. 喔,沒錯。我從小就看著他打球--不只是棒球,還有足球。我們都是四分衛, 雖然我們的風格不同。我哥哥比較常在爭球線後找尋傳球間隙,而我喜歡衝到前 面然後創造出機會以及衝撞其他人。傳球很有趣,而且我有不錯的臂力,不過當 你憤怒的撞倒對方的時候,那也是很有趣的。那就是我比賽的方式。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/09 19:30, , 1F
07/09 19:30, 1F

07/09 20:57, , 2F
07/09 20:57, 2F

07/09 22:05, , 3F
每段字太多了,一行就可以搞定的, 退回 *躲*
07/09 22:05, 3F

07/09 22:09, , 4F
哈,鐵廚對超速翻譯真是情有獨鍾。 翻得很認真,多謝分享
07/09 22:09, 4F

07/09 22:23, , 5F
推;在SP排名已經逼近 Kottaras 了....
07/09 22:23, 5F

07/09 22:28, , 6F
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07/09 23:02, , 7F
推認真的翻譯也推襪迷prospect (以後上major看他哥的表情
07/09 23:02, 7F

07/09 23:02, , 8F
應該還滿有趣的吧 :P)
07/09 23:02, 8F

07/10 00:09, , 9F
07/10 00:09, 9F

07/10 02:21, , 10F
07/10 02:21, 10F
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