
看板RedSox作者 (新手上站)時間17年前 (2007/06/05 21:46), 編輯推噓16(1607)
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請笑納 Red Sox undone at finish 紅襪在最後一刻毀了 Julian Tavarez allowed nine hits and three runs in 5 2/3 innings Monday. 親愛的大寶在他的5又2/3局投球內被敲了9支安打並掉了3分 OAKLAND -- No one made any excuses in the Boston clubhouse following Monday night's gut-wrenching, extra-inning, 5-4 loss to the Oakland Athletics. No one was hanging their head either. 奧克蘭報導…在波士頓的俱樂部裡面,沒有人能找出個在星期一折磨人的延長賽中輸給運動家的藉口,大家都非常的心服口服,也沒有人感到丟臉 "We did a lot of good things," Red Sox manager Terry Francona said, "just not enough of them." 泰瑞虎濫寇娜說:科科,我們幹的很好!只是他們幹的更好! For a team which played two long games (4:03 and 3:45) within a 24-hour period, a transcontinental flight in between struggling to rally from a two-run deficit in the ninth inning didn't seem possible. Yet in a season already packed full of improbable events, this became another chapter. 在24小時裡面分別打了2場九局後努力打兩分差的延長賽(4小時3分和3小時45分),而且這兩場是在美洲大陸兩端的比賽,對這樣一個隊伍來說幾乎是不可能的任務,算是在這個被塞滿行程的球季中一個特別的章節(怎麼這麼難翻 = =) "This showed the character of this team," Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia said. "We're not giving up for anything. That was awesome." 紅襪的二壘手普卓亞說:這展現出這個球隊的特性!我們絕對不會像養雞一樣放棄,那實在太遜了,Yankees suck!(有些是我偷加的) Pedroia took advantage of the extra inning to extend his hitting streak to 14 games after going hitless in his first four at-bats. 普卓亞前幾個打數貧打之後,在延長賽將連續安打場推進到14場 A's third baseman Eric Chavez, who had 27 hours to rest between Sunday afternoon and Monday night, finally settled things with a two-out solo home run in the bottom of the 11th inning, giving the A's a victory in the opener of a four-game set. 運動家的三壘手艾瑞克契夫斯,在經過星期天下午到星期一晚上之間的27小時休息之後,在11局下半兩出局之後尻出了一砲,讓運動家在本週四連戰剛開始先下一城 Kyle Snyder (1-1) watched his 1-1 delivery sail over the right-field fence. 抖抖男看著一好一壞之後,他的球被扛出右外野的圍牆,只能科科笑 "I left the ball up right over the plate," Snyder said. "He's a good hitter and he'll take advantage of balls like that. 老子把球投進了本壘板的右邊,不過他實在是一個強力打者,他真的很會打那樣的球 Wily Mo Pena was a late addition to the Boston lineup because of a stomach ailment to Coco Crisp and he's a big reason why the Red Sox kept playing past the ninth. 威力魔puma因為巧克力麥片胃痛,晚了些才加入紅襪隊的打線,但是就是因為他,紅襪才能在九局後繼續打這場比賽 The ninth inning could become a battle cry for the Red Sox, as in "Remember the ninth!" The Sox were two runs down and had managed a mere four hits, which included solo shots by Pena and David Ortiz. 九局時候的比賽對紅襪還說真是他媽的經典,記住!這只是第九局!紅襪再第九局只不過4安打就幹了2分下來,這其中包括puma和大肚老爹的安打 Ortiz led off the ninth with a double. Two outs later he was still standing on the field. Jason Varitek drove him home with a pinch-hit single. Crisp went in to run for him. Pena singled home Crisp, who was running from first on the pitch, and the game was tied at 4. 老爹在九局突然性慾高漲打了一發二壘打,兩出局之後他靠著隊長大大的安打回來得到了分數,麥片被換上去代跑,而puma上去打回了巧克力麥片,回來得到了第二分,4比4平手! "Crisp is the only guy we had who scores on that play," Francona said. "He didn't have the flu but he was struggling before the game." 虎濫寇娜說:這摳麥片只是剛好是他回來得分,而在他沒生病之前他很努力的準備這場比賽 實在太多… 翻重點 Julian Tavarez gave Boston 5 2/3 pretty good innings and he's not usually that effective in Oakland. He's allowed nine runs in his seven previous innings here. 賽揚候選人大寶投出5又2/3的優質先發,一點都不輸XX之光,但是他對運動家並不是這麼有壓制力,他之前被7局被中出了9分 "We came back late in the game, like always," Tavarez said. "I was more rested than most of the guys. They were looking for their rooms at 4:30 in the morning. It was a tough couple of nights with a long flight and we still played good baseball." 大寶說:我們就像以往一樣太慢甦醒,我比其他人得到更充分的休息,而他們必須在早上4點30找他們的房間,這真的是兩個難敖的晚上,因為我們必須在疲憊之下打好每一場比賽! "It's tough," Ortiz said. "I'm surprised we had these games like this. Hopefully they will fix it up." 大肚老爹說:真的非常的困難!不過我真的很驚訝我們能幹到這種程度,差點修理他們,科科 Pedroia, the AL Rookie of the Month, was thrown out at the plate in the top of the 10th trying to score on an Ortiz double. 普卓亞,一個這個月才進來的美聯菜鳥,奮力的往本壘衝,只為了從老爹的二壘安打得到分數! "It was the right play," Pedroia said. "They just made a great relay. I didn't have much of a lead at first and I was out by 10 feet. I didn't know what to do. I was freaked out I was out by so much." 那是一個正確的跑壘,但是他們傳球實在傳的太好,我起跑沒有太多的領先,我在10哩就被搞出局了,我不知道該怎麼做,而我出局的時候真的嚇壞了! 省了一些 不過真的很長 = = 祝大家觀賞愉快,有錯誤也歡迎指正,切磋一下英文 -- 車種:KYMCO Easy 4U100 出生年月日:93/08/12 心臟:原廠未改 眼睛:石英35W黃金燈 里程:紀錄30000+xxxx公里 鞋子:前腳 馬吉斯m6029 後腳 正新鯊魚王c6016 血液:Shell VSX4 特使齒輪油 外觀:頭文字D+藤原豆腐店自家用 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/05 21:49, , 1F
06/05 21:49, 1F

06/05 21:52, , 2F
06/05 21:52, 2F

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06/05 21:52, 3F

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06/05 21:59, , 6F
06/05 21:59, 6F

06/05 21:59, , 7F
修完請把我的推文修掉 ~大大翻譯辛苦了
06/05 21:59, 7F

06/05 22:02, , 8F
我喜歡最後一段把 10 feet 翻成 10 哩 的點子 XD
06/05 22:02, 8F

06/05 22:04, , 9F
<註> 此篇的標題和前兩三行讓我以為是高速翻譯...
06/05 22:04, 9F

06/05 22:58, , 10F
06/05 22:58, 10F

06/05 23:13, , 11F
<高速翻譯> 紅襪延長賽輸球。
06/05 23:13, 11F

06/05 23:19, , 12F
06/05 23:19, 12F

06/05 23:29, , 13F
威力魔PUMA...幹 這怎麼翻的這麼好笑!!!
06/05 23:29, 13F

06/05 23:31, , 14F
乾脆來組團 高速翻新聞 = =
06/05 23:31, 14F
※ 編輯: nashnash 來自: (06/05 23:33)

06/05 23:30, , 15F
06/05 23:30, 15F

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06/06 05:27, , 23F
06/06 05:27, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #16PMabq4 (RedSox)