[TAR.] TarCon 17

看板Realityshow作者 (Jay & Silent Bob)時間14年前 (2010/11/09 08:46), 編輯推噓9(900)
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這篇是TARCon 17廣告文 http://tinyurl.com/29jjlye It's Christmas Time.. in the city. TARcon XVII will again be held from on 12/12 at Stitch, beautiful, spacious bar/lounge in the Garment District. Stitch is located at 247 W 37th St (@ 8th Ave). (It looks like Stitch's website is down, I'm going to leave the links, for when it comes back up.) You all know by now... Charges are as follows, sorry they’re a little more this time, Liquor prices have skyrocketed since the year we started with Stitch, and they’re just passing a little on to us: $82 - 3 hour plan - Open (Top Shelf!) Bar 6:00PM to 9:00PM and a la carte menu. Check in will start at 5:45 PM Maximum: 75 people $56 - 2 hour plan - Open (Top Shelf!) Bar 7:00PM to 9:00PM and a la carte menu. Check in will start at 6:30 PM, Entrance at 7:00 PM. Maximum: 225 people "Top Shelf" is everything but shots including their "designer cocktails" mmmm. Checking In: Bring your Paypal receipt (email or printout from Paypal) for admission. Meg20 will not hesitate to throw you to the back of the line for not bringing your Paypal receipt. Again, we're requiring shipping addresses with your Paypal payment. But remember, No ticket of any kind will be issued. None will be mailed to you and none will be handed out to you. Your valid paypal receipt is your "ticket." Deadlines for all are 12/5, but please pay early. We have to give a pretty big deposit ASAP. Gratuity for your prepaid drinks is included; please tip appropriately after 9:00 PM and for any a la carte food or drinks. The bar will stay open (l-a-t-e) on a cash basis. They said as long as we're drinking, they'll stay open. The kitchen will close around midnight. There will be a bag/coat check. There will be no goodie bags. If you plan to drink to the point of puking, don't forget to bring someone to get you home safely and it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Bucket). The TARcon and bar staff and don't want to have to baby-sit you. Furthermore, if you plan to drink to the point of berating people, don't be surprised when you get thrown out. If you get thrown out, please leave (go home/elsewhere). Please don't stick around and harass people. If you do get asked to leave, you will not be allowed back to another TARcon. This is a private event and we can exclude you if necessary. Please don't make me do it. Bottom line? Bring a sober buddy if you plan on being out of control. Your entrance does not guarantee you a seat, a picture or anything else other than open bar and race viewing during the paid time. Of course, you'll have a better chance at a seat if you are on the three hour plan. There are no refunds. If you can't go, try to sell your spot to someone else. Comps: Because of budget, comps can only be admitted after 9. If any comp would like to come before 9, they will have to pay the cover charge (contact Meg for more specific details). If you are a comp or know a comp and will be coming after 9, please contact Meg directly. I need the names for the count. Depending on number of comps, we may have to evoke limited numbers per guest. Please get your request in early to avoid disappointment. Wheelchairs: The venue is accessible at the main bar area. Donations for overhead are welcome. New York is waiting for you... Go! 漲價了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/09 12:23, , 1F
11/09 12:23, 1F

11/09 13:46, , 2F
in New York?
11/09 13:46, 2F

11/09 13:56, , 3F
11/09 13:56, 3F

11/09 22:39, , 4F
11/09 22:39, 4F

11/09 22:45, , 5F
11/09 22:45, 5F

11/09 22:48, , 6F
爬了文才想到藍董去過了 好羨慕~
11/09 22:48, 6F

11/09 23:05, , 7F
11/09 23:05, 7F

11/10 01:09, , 8F
11/10 01:09, 8F

11/10 05:28, , 9F
NY好遠喔= =
11/10 05:28, 9F
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