[Sur.] 難怪她的體力那麼差

看板Realityshow作者 (Jay & Silent Bob)時間14年前 (2010/03/17 11:32), 編輯推噓11(1104)
留言15則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
→ bill0228:outstupid應該加上黑珍珠! You can't outwit crystal! 03/14 23:27 看到這個名字就來貼一下這個消息 http://tinyurl.com/yzzpw2b Crystal被查出使用禁藥 她的奧運金牌也遭到取消 US women to lose 2004 Olympic relay gold Tue Mar 16, 9:21 am ET PARIS (AFP) – The US women's 4x400m relay team will be stripped of their gold medal from the 2004 Athens Olympics after the suspension of Crystal Cox for doping, world athletics governing body IAAF confirmed. "This athlete recently accepted a 4-year period of ineligibility and disqualification of her results from 2001 after having admitted her involvement in the BALCO conspiracy," the IAAF said in a statement. "She took part in the 4x400m US Relay team who won the gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. According to the IAAF Competition Rules in effect in 2004, the US relay team results will be disqualified accordingly." Second-placed Russia are set to receive gold ahead of Jamaica and Britain. Some of the biggest stars in US sport have been swept up in the BALCO steroids probe including sprinter Marion Jones, who was stripped of her Olympic titles after admitting to steroid use. Meanwhile, US sprinter Justin Gatlin, the Olympic 100m champion in 2004, has had his request for an early return rejected by the Doping Review Board. His four-year ban runs until July 24 next. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/17 12:06, , 1F
03/17 12:06, 1F

03/17 12:27, , 2F
Oh my god...
03/17 12:27, 2F

03/17 12:38, , 3F
那以後不管辦幾次all star應該再也看不到Crystal了= =
03/17 12:38, 3F

03/17 12:39, , 4F
03/17 12:39, 4F

03/17 12:47, , 5F
03/17 12:47, 5F

03/17 13:43, , 6F
03/17 13:43, 6F

03/17 13:45, , 7F
03/17 13:45, 7F

03/17 16:22, , 8F
這樣就說的通了XD 不過eat your rice還是經典名言阿!!!!
03/17 16:22, 8F

03/17 16:25, , 9F
好懷念Crystal 曾經帶給我們這麼多歡笑...
03/17 16:25, 9F

03/17 19:33, , 10F
Crystal~ Eat your rice!
03/17 19:33, 10F

03/17 19:51, , 11F
說到這裡 SUR拍攝之前會檢查有沒有服用禁藥嗎
03/17 19:51, 11F

03/17 20:20, , 12F
03/17 20:20, 12F

03/17 20:20, , 13F
03/17 20:20, 13F

03/17 23:06, , 14F
Eat your rice!
03/17 23:06, 14F

03/20 09:02, , 15F
Go home and Eat your Rice
03/20 09:02, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1Be4rPKk (Realityshow)