誰是接班人 一個恐怖的新聞

看板Realityshow作者 (可愛的皮卡丘)時間18年前 (2006/04/08 15:46), 編輯推噓6(602)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
抱歉 我lag很久 最近才看完第一季 然後 我就去找很多新聞(羞) 發現一個很恐怖的新聞 Omarosa: Bedroom Eyes The men and women on the show had separate sleeping arrangements -- usually. One night, after Bowie Hogg had been sent home, the source tells Star, "a bunch of the girls were up yakking and drinking -- and Omarosa wanted to sleep. She was wearing this little nightgown and asked Bowie's roommate Bill [Rancic] if she could sleep in Bowie's bed. The next morning, after they discovered that Omarosa and Bill spent the night in the same cozy room, everyone was talking about it." http://www.starmagazine.com/news/61330 小比 你被吃了嗎? 就是Bowie跟小比同房 但是Bo被fire那天晚上 R大姐穿小睡袍(這啥東西)去問他 "可否睡Bo的床" 然後隔天大家看到他們同房 議論紛紛 (小比 你太讓我失望了 沒節操) -- 對不起 我看到這一段文章實在是很想吐啊 -- 夏夢*dear Sasa's shop#醉日*雜最新美國少女品牌& 休閒服飾 商品 http://myurl.com.tw/p1gc about_Sasa http://myurl.com.tw/jh7a 老師叫你要看這攤拍賣 你有沒有在聽 有沒有 有沒有.....(丟筆)......... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/08 15:53, , 1F
小比XD 不過連結連不到耶 @@ 那會是謠言嗎?
04/08 15:53, 1F

04/08 15:54, , 2F
我可以連結到耶 這是美國的八卦雜誌啦
04/08 15:54, 2F

04/08 15:54, , 3F
應該兩個是沒怎樣 只是我覺得很噁
04/08 15:54, 3F
※ 編輯: amyyeh26 來自: (04/08 15:57) ※ 編輯: amyyeh26 來自: (04/08 15:59)

04/08 16:11, , 4F
04/08 16:11, 4F

04/08 19:36, , 5F
04/08 19:36, 5F

04/09 15:07, , 6F
04/09 15:07, 6F

04/10 07:12, , 7F
YES 完了 回答就變成地雷了
04/10 07:12, 7F

04/11 15:44, , 8F
04/11 15:44, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #14DsfUaA (Realityshow)