[心得] Fallout Intros

看板RealPlaying作者 (Mr.喬)時間13年前 (2010/11/24 18:24), 編輯推噓12(12019)
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Fallout War. War never changes. 戰爭。戰爭永遠不會改變。[註一] The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower. 羅馬人為了奴隸與財富而發動戰爭。 西班牙的日不落帝國建立在對黃金與版圖的慾望之上。 希特勒把一個已支離破碎的德國瞬間變成一個經濟的強權。 [註二] But war never changes. 但戰爭永遠不變。 In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth. 到了21世紀,戰爭依然是為了搶奪資源而爆發。 只是這一次,這些資源本身卻也是武器:石油與鈾。 為了這些資源,中國可以入侵阿拉斯加,美國可以吞併加拿大, 歐洲諸國也互相爭吵不休,全世界都是為了搶奪那地球上最後的資源。 In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise. 在西元2077年,世界大戰的風暴又再度降臨。 那短短的兩個小時內,大部分的植物都變回了塵土。 而在輻射塵的蹂躪之後,一個新的文明又將奮起。 A few were able to reach the relative safety of the large underground Vaults. Your family was part of that group that entered Vault Thirteen. Imprisoned safely behind the large Vault door, under a mountain of stone, a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world. 少數人有辦法和自己的家人躲到巨大的地下避難所裡。 你的家人們是那進入第十三號避難所的人們其中之一。 被關在那巨大的避難所大門之後,躲在一山的石塊之下,一個世代的人們就這樣過著 與世隔絕的生活。 Life in the Vault is about to change. 然而這個避難所的生活就要改變了。 --- [註一]:這句話的意思應該是指不管時代如何演進,只要人類存在,戰爭就會 一直存在。但我想不出一個完善的翻譯方式。 [註二]:對羅馬人來說奴隸的掠奪是非常快速又豐厚的財富來源。 最有名的例子就是凱撒對高廬的征服,並將過程寫成著名的 "高廬戰記"。事實上, 凱撒在羅馬欠錢太多也是他出征高廬的一個主要原因之一,凱撒的政治手段就是不斷 的花錢開趴送禮打關係,甚至欠錢欠到克拉蘇不敢讓他倒。凱撒征服高廬的過程中讓 他累積更多的財富可以回羅馬玩政治。 "高廬戰記"在當時就像是現在的競選文宣, 凱撒會派人回到羅馬街頭朗誦他寫的文章,以宣揚他的戰功並回應政敵的攻擊。 至於西班牙的帝國應該是指在 "新航路開通時代"(舊稱就是 "地理大發現",但史界 現在已經改變說法了),用血腥手段征服美洲建立的大帝國。 而希特勒當時可是靠著民選的選票上台的政治領袖。他也的確帶著德國在短時間內富強。 --- Fallout 2 War. War never changes. 戰爭,戰爭永遠不會改變。 The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones. 世界末日的發生其實就跟我們所想像的差不多。 人類的數量太多,空間與資源卻不夠。 世界末日的細節很瑣碎又沒意義,重點是,一如往常,人類自己造成了一切。 The earth was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control. Spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth. 整個地球的生命幾乎完全消失。 一個徹底的清洗,一個原子火花被人類的雙手點燃,很快的就失去控制。 核子焰之矛從天空如傾盆大雨般落下。 各大陸被炙焰吞噬並掉落在沸騰的海洋裡。 人類幾乎被滅絕了,他們的靈魂變成那蓋住整個地球的輻射塵的一部分。 A quiet darkness fell across the planet, lasting many years. Few survived the devastation. Some had been fortunate enough to reach safety, taking shelter in great underground vaults. When the great darkness passed, these vaults opened, and their inhabitants emerged to begin their lives again. 許多年過去,整個星球被寂靜所籠罩著。 少數人在大毀滅中倖存。 有些人很幸運的找到了安全之處,躲避到地下的避難所。 當黑暗過去,這些避難所打開,這些居民努力開始他們的新生活。 One of the northern tribes claims they are descended from one such Vault. They hold that their founder and ancestor, one known the "Vault Dweller," once saved the world from a great evil. According to their legend, this evil arose in the far south. It corrupted all it touched, twisting men inside, turning them into beasts. Only through the bravery of this Vault Dweller was the evil destroyed. But in so doing, he lost many of his friends and suffered greatly, sacrificing much of himself to save the world. 一個北方的部落宣稱他們源自一個這樣的避難所,他們稱他們的創始人與祖先, 那個 "避難所居民" ,又一次的從邪惡勢力中拯救了世界。根據他們的傳說,這 邪惡勢力從很遠的南方崛起。它毀了它所碰到的一切,扭曲人的心智,把他們都 變成野獸。經由 "避難所居民" 的英勇,邪惡勢力被擊潰了。但也因為如此,他 失去了許多好友並感到十分痛苦,他為了拯救世界是犧牲了這麼的多。 When at last he returned to the home he had fought so hard to protect, he was cast out. Exiled. In confronting that which they feared, he had become something else in their eyes...and no longer their champion. 當他最後回到那他曾經拼命保護的家,他卻被驅逐了。由於在避難所的人們所恐懼 的世界打滾太久,他們覺得 "避難所居民" 已經變了......不再是他們心目中的勇者了。 Forsaken by his people, he strode into the wasteland. He traveled far to the north, until he came to the great canyons. There, he founded a small village, Arroyo, where he lived out the rest of his years. And so, for a generation since its founding, Arroyo has lived in peace, its canyons sheltering it from the outside world. It is home. Your home. 拜他自己的人民之賜,他再度進入了荒野之中。他旅行到很遠的北方,直到他 找到那巨大的峽谷。在那邊,他創立了一個小村子,阿羅猶,一個他度過餘生的地方。 在被建立後的一個世代中,阿羅猶都生活在平靜之中,它的峽谷保護著它隔絕外在世界。 那就是家,你的家。 But the scars left by the war have not yet healed. And the Earth has not forgotten. 但那戰爭的傷痕還沒有痊癒。 而這個地球,還沒有被遺忘。 --- Fallout Tactics War, war never changes. It was the inevitable result of the path humanity had chosen. Everyone who entered into the conflict expected victory. Everyone was optimistic. But as the hostilities escalated, optimism faded and society began to collapse. 戰爭,戰爭永遠不會改變。戰爭是人類選擇的生活方式的必然結果。 每個碰到衝突的人都期待勝利。每個人都很樂觀。 但當衝突逐漸高漲,希望破滅了,整個社會也開始崩塌。 The great Vaults were built to house the wealthy, the powerful, the influential and those deemed necessary to their survival. Inside resources and technology were stockpiled, a final defense against the coming holocaust. With the past behind them and the present destroyed. They looked to the future. 避難所是為了那些有錢人、掌權者,還有它們認為會對它們的生存有幫助的人材所蓋的。 裡面囤積著資源與科技,一個即將到來戰爭的最後防線。 逝者逝矣,他們放眼未來。 The sturdy Vault Zero was to be the nucleus of the vault network housing the greatest leaders, artists and scientists. The inhabitants of Vault Zero were to reunite the vaults and lead the people to a new life, a new world. But after the bombs, the world would be a harsh one. To ensure the creation of a post-nuclear utopia, the vault dwellers would need help. Machinery was constructed to tame a land hardened by the ravages of war, then tempered by nuclear winter. But plans were barely in place when the first missiles left the silos. During the destruction, communication between the vaults ceased. Entire vaults were lost; those that survived were on their own. 堅固的第零號避難所是所有避難所網絡的核心,住著最偉大的領導人、藝術家與 科學家們。第零號避難所居民本來是要領導著各避難所的人民們在新世界裡 邁向嶄新的生活。但在大爆炸之後,世界變得難以生存。 為了確保核戰後的理想國可以建立,避難所的居民們需要協助。 整個自動化系統本來是用來遵照命令來幫助人們挺過戰爭的殘酷, 然後在核戰後世界生存。 但在第一顆飛彈發射時,整個計畫還來不及完成。 大毀滅之後,避難所與避難所之間的聯絡就中斷了。 所有的避難所都迷失了;他們的一切只能靠自己。 Not all vaults succumbed to the machinations of war. On North America`s west coast, one group of military vault dwellers emerged almost unscathed. They surveyed the wasteland and squared their shoulders for the task ahead. These dedicated survivors salvaged the technology from the vaults, technology that was studied, replicated and fiercely guarded. For they knew that while their power came from numbers, their future lay in scientific knowledge. In time, they formed the Brotherhood of Steel. 並不是每一個避難所都被困在戰爭的陰謀裡。在北美洲的西海岸,一個由避難所居民 所組成的軍事團體完好無損的出現了。他們在荒野中生存並且用面對當前的挑戰。 這些倖存者獻身於搶救避難所中的戰前科技,這些科技被研究,收藏並嚴密的保護著。 他們知道雖然他們的力量來自於團結,他們的未來必須依靠科學的知識。 於是,他們創建了 "鋼鐵兄弟會" The brotherhood used their knowledge to drive back the atrocities of the wasteland. Proclaiming themselves "The Technological Saviors of Mankind". They scoured the land in search of more technology, raiding mutant camps, bandit towns and the broken remains of other vaults. But even they could not keep pace with the high tolls demanded by life in the wasteland. 鋼鐵兄弟會使用他們的知識來對抗荒野的殘酷。 他們自稱 "人類的科技救贖者"。 他們搜尋每個地方來尋找更多的科技,被變種人控制的堡壘、盜賊市鎮、以及其他 已經毀壞的避難所。 但即使是它們也沒辦法負擔那荒野向他們收取的高額生存代價。 The Brotherhood found themselves at odds with their need for new blood versus their code of technological secrecy. The debate was lenghly. Finally, the elders ruled against sharing the technology with outsiders, convinced that they would endure as they had before. Further discussion was discouraged and the elders ordered the minority on a mission across the wastes. Super mutants, the foot soldiers of a conquered army had been forced into retreat across the mountainous barrier to the east. The Brotherhood constructed airships and dispatched the minority to track down and asses the extent of the remaining super mutant threat. 鋼鐵兄弟會發現他們處在一個 "招募新血" 與 "保護科技秘密" 的矛盾困境中。 這個爭論十分的難解。最後,長老們決定不要與外來者分享他們的科技, 認為外來的人會如過去一樣自己找到生存之道。 這個話題的討論空間被扼殺了,而長老們命令那些反對派到荒野的另一端進行任務。 一群被擊敗的超級變種人士兵向著阻隔東西部的山脈撤退。鋼鐵兄弟會建造了飛船 並派遣反對派去追蹤這些變種人並清除剩餘的超級變種人威脅。 But disaster struck while crossing the great mountains. A great storm broke the main airship and flung it far from its course. The mighty ship was badly damaged. The smaller sections were torn from the main craft, never to be seen again. Many of the expedition`s leaders were lost to the winds. The fraction of the crew that still survived, struggled to keep their ship aloft before finally crashing on the outskirts of a once thriving metropolis. A city once called "Chicago". Broken, scattered and scarred. They took stock of the situation and once again squared their shoulders to the task ahead. The Brotherhood had much to offer to the surrounding villages. They traded advanced medicines in exchange for food and labor. They traded protection from bandits in exchange for new recruits. In time, their ranks began to swell. 但在越過山脈時災禍發生了。一個大風暴重創了主飛船並讓它偏離的航線。 巨大的飛船受損非常嚴重,一些較小的零件脫離機身並消失了。 不少遠征軍的幹部們都在強風中消失了。一部分的組員倖存,努力想要穩住 那最後仍然最後仍墜入一個曾經繁榮、叫作 "芝加哥" 的城市廢墟外圍的船。 他們估量了一下狀況,並如當年他們建立兄弟會時一樣的勇敢面對挑戰。 鋼鐵兄弟會有很多東西可以幫助周遭的村莊。他們用先進的醫學交換食物與 勞動力。他們用軍事保護村民於盜賊的殘害來交換新血的加入。 他們的勢力漸漸的成長了起來。 Separated by distance and ideology from the main Brotherhood forces. The minority was free to forge a new "Brotherhood of Steel". One that reflected the ideals they had strived for all along. However, one's future in the wasteland is never certain. For an old power has awakened, also bent on making this land its own. Life in the Brotherhood is about to change. 鋼鐵兄弟分會不論從距離或是意識形態都離總會非常遠。 反對派被解放並創立的新的 "鋼鐵兄弟會"。追尋著創會初衷的理想宗旨。 不管怎樣,任何生存在荒野中的命運都是不定的。 一個古老的力量覺醒了,也開始在自己的土地上紮根茁壯。 在兄弟會裡的生活就要改變了。 --- 花絮:鋼鐵兄弟會的序言結尾跟一代類似:Life in the ...... is about to change.    很有一種傳承的味道。 --- Fallout 3 War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage. In the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history. For man had succeeded in destroying the world - but war, war never changes. In the early days, thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters, known as vaults. But when they emerged, they had only the hell of the wastes to greet them - all except those in Vault 101. For on the fateful day, when fire rained from the sky, the giant steel door of Vault 101 slid closed... and never reopened. It was here you were born. It is here you will die. Because, in Vault 101: no one ever enters and no one ever leaves. 戰爭,戰爭永遠不會改變。 從人類文明萌芽開始,當我們的祖先第一次發現可以用石頭與骨頭來打死人, 鮮血就撒潑在每一頁史籍裡,不論這個殺戮的原因是因為神,因為正義,還是 單純的就只是有病。 在西元2077年,在幾千年的火拼後,人類的毀滅天性也受不了自己了,世界 墜入核子火焰與輻射線的深淵。但這並不是如某些人所想像的那樣,是世界末日。 無獨有偶,這末日只不過是人類血腥歷史的另一章節開始。在一開始,數以千計 的人們為了躲避恐怖的大屠殺而進入幾個地下的避難所避難。但當他們重返地面 時,歡迎他們的就只有地獄般的荒野 --- 只有在第101號避難所的人們逃過一劫。 自從那命運般的一日,火雨從天上降下,第101號避難所那巨大的鋼鐵門關了起來 ...而且沒有再打開過。 這就是你出生的地方。 這就是你將會死亡的地方。 因為第101號避難所:沒有人可以進來,也沒有人可以出去。 花絮:Fallout 3 的主題曲 "I don't want to set the world on fire"    本來在一代時就要拿來當主題曲,只是那時候Interplay拿不到版權,只好    選了 "Maybe" 當主題曲。    不過三代終於讓這首歌變成主題曲了,畢竟還有哪首歌更適合作為核戰    後世界的主題曲?應該可以叫做 "核彈的心聲"吧。     另外一個有趣的點是(我覺得啦),歷代的Fallout開場白,總共只有四句假話, 而那就是三代的最後那四句。 --- Fallout:New Vegas War. War never changes. When atomic fire consumed the earth, those who survived did so in great, underground vaults. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, form new tribes. As decades passed, what had been the American southwest united beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to old world values, democracy and the rule of law. 戰爭,戰爭永遠不會改變。 當原子火焰席捲地球,那些倖存者們躲在巨大的地下避難所裡。 當避難所打開,居民們回到舊世界的廢墟裡重建一個新的社會,建立新的村莊, 組織新的部落。 幾十年過去了,曾經是美國西南部的區域聯合起來組織成 "新加州共和國" ,試圖 重現舊世界的價值:民主與法治。 As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the Mojave Desert. They returned with tales of a city untouched by the warheads that had scorched the rest of the world and a great wall spanning the Colorado River. The NCR mobilized its army and set it east to occupy the Hoover Dam and restore it to working condition. But across the Colorado, another society had arisen under a different flag. A vast army of slaves, forged in the conquest of 86 tribes: Caesar's Legion. Four years have passed since the Republic held the Dam, just barely, against the Legion's onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. Across the River, they gathered strength. Campfires burned, training drums beat. Through it all, the New Vegas Strip has stayed open for business under the control of its mysterious overseer, Mr. House and his army of rehabilitated Tribals and police robots. 就如共和國成長茁壯,它的需求也開始擴張。斥候們前往東邊,從那乾燥、殘酷又 漫無邊際的莫哈維沙漠中尋找領土與財富。他們帶回一個傳說,關於有一個城市 沒有被戰爭所侵襲,也沒有被這個世界所染指,還有一道巨大的牆橫越了科羅拉多河。 NCR動員它的軍隊往東占領了胡佛大壩並且修復它使它可以重新運作。 但在科羅拉多的另一端,另一個勢力崛起。一支用奴隸組成的軍隊,征服了86個部落: 凱撒的軍團[註一]。 NCR占領胡佛大壩四年,艱苦的擊敗凱撒軍團。但凱撒沒有撤退,他們在河的對岸紮營。 營火繼續燃燒著,練兵的鼓聲響著。 不管局勢如何發展,新維加斯賭城大道依然在它神秘的統治者,Mr.House和他的機械人 大軍的掌控下繼續營業。 You are a courier, hired by the Mojave Express, to deliver a package to the New Vegas Strip. What seemed like a simple delivery job has taken a turn…for the worst. 你是一個郵差,被莫哈維郵政所雇用,受命去遞送一個包裹到新維加斯賭城大道。 一個看起來再簡單不過的工作卻面臨了不能再糟的狀況。 --- [註一]:凱撒的軍團是一個仿造古羅馬建立的組織,而古羅馬的經濟十分依賴 奴隸。有趣的是,古代的那個凱撒正是趁著奴隸經濟制度因為連年戰事而面臨 崩潰的狀況,乘機崛起建立羅馬的帝制的君王。而這個新的凱撒卻想要用奴隸 制度重現古羅馬的 "光榮"。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/24 18:38, , 1F
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11/24 19:26, , 3F
Arroyo 那段的 founded 指的是 vault dweller 創立了那裡
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11/24 19:28, , 4F
FOT 的第二段裡提的 "those deemed necessary to their
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11/24 19:28, , 5F
survival" 應該指的是前二者(有錢有權)所需要的人材。
11/24 19:28, 5F

11/24 19:28, , 6F
11/24 19:28, 6F

11/24 19:29, , 7F
"with the past behind them and the present destroyed"
11/24 19:29, 7F

11/24 19:30, , 8F
這句有點可惜。原文是指 過去已逝、現今已被摧毀,只好
11/24 19:30, 8F

11/24 19:30, , 9F
11/24 19:30, 9F

11/24 19:32, , 10F
FOT 第三段:"plans were barely in place" 計劃都來不及
11/24 19:32, 10F

11/24 19:32, , 11F
11/24 19:32, 11F

11/24 19:33, , 12F
11/24 19:33, 12F

11/24 19:34, , 13F
11/24 19:34, 13F

11/24 19:36, , 14F
來。 呃,我發現我推太多行了... 筆譯板的習慣 囧
11/24 19:36, 14F

11/24 19:38, , 15F
我覺得原 po 翻得很好喔!只是在筆譯板混一段時間,養成
11/24 19:38, 15F

11/24 19:39, , 16F
11/24 19:39, 16F

11/24 19:41, , 17F
感謝意見 讓我先看懂推文再一次改 XD
11/24 19:41, 17F
※ 編輯: alejandroW 來自: (11/24 19:52)

11/24 20:33, , 18F
11/24 20:33, 18F

11/24 20:46, , 19F
或許格局對電影來說是太大了點 不過ME都要拍了
11/24 20:46, 19F

11/24 21:19, , 20F
I don't want to set the world on fire
11/24 21:19, 20F

11/24 21:20, , 21F
這首歌搭配FO3開頭 真的無違和感阿XD
11/24 21:20, 21F

11/24 22:18, , 22F
一直總覺得人類的歷史真的會走向這個方向 (菸....
11/24 22:18, 22F

11/25 00:44, , 23F
11/25 00:44, 23F

11/25 01:22, , 24F
I don't want to set the world on fire 讚
11/25 01:22, 24F

11/25 01:30, , 25F
11/25 01:30, 25F

11/25 01:30, , 26F
11/25 01:30, 26F

11/25 01:30, , 27F
沒有避難所我們只能變成ghouls了 囧
11/25 01:30, 27F

11/25 05:48, , 28F
those deemed necessary to their survival..是指:認為自己
11/25 05:48, 28F

11/25 05:48, , 29F
11/25 05:48, 29F

11/25 07:28, , 30F
11/25 07:28, 30F

02/10 22:55, , 31F
02/10 22:55, 31F
※ 編輯: alejandroW 來自: (05/07 17:59) ※ 編輯: alejandroW 來自: (03/23 00:29)
文章代碼(AID): #1CxEVStc (RealPlaying)