[新聞] 伯納烏將交給政府作為醫療物資調度中心

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官方公告: 伯納烏將交給政府作為醫療物資調度中心 https://tinyurl.com/u4u3eev Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, in collaboration with the High Council for Sport (CSD), has launched a project in Madrid to supply and distribute strategic medical supplies to be used in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the close collaboration between the two institutions, the Santiago Bernabéu will offer a space that is equipped to store the donations of medical supplies required in the fight against this pandemic. All of the stored supplies will be passed on to the Spanish health authorities, under the authority of the Spanish government, so that the resources, so necessary in the current health emergency situation, are employed in the best and most efficient manner. In addition, Real Madrid will provide a facility for organisations and businesses, particularly those belonging to the sports sector, to leave money or material donations that they wish to make to the Ministry of Health. This initiative is in addition to those which, pursuing similar outreach aims, may be established by the government. Through the mechanisms already in place and under the constant supervision of the lead medical supplies centre in the Madrid town of Valdemoro, the Ministry of Health will be responsible for allocating the donations to the centres and organisations in greatest need. The contact telephone number of this large medical supplies centre at the Santiago Bernabéu is 900 100 688. The centre can also be contacted via the following email address: Covid19donaciones@corp.realmadrid.com. Donations can be made to the following current account, which belongs to the Real Madrid Foundation: ES17 2100 5731 7802 0032 0934 (Caixabank). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RealMadrid/M.1585230712.A.CD0.html
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