[外電] Molina day to day with quad contusion

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Rays catcher Molina day to day with quad contusion The Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) -- Tampa Bay Rays catcher Jose Molina is day to day with a right quad contusion after leaving Saturday's game in the fourth inning against the Chicago White Sox. Molina was hit by Chicago pitcher Jose Santiago and was checked at home plate by Rays manager Joe Maddon and head trainer Ron Porterfield before heading to first. Before the next pitch, Molina was replaced by backup Jose Lobaton. Molina was 0 for 1 and entered Saturday's game hitting .234. Santiago was pitching for Gavin Floyd, who left with two outs in the third after straining his right elbow. 週六對上白襪的第四局,Jose Molina提前離場,因為右腿四頭肌挫傷被列入 逐日觀察名單。 Molina是被白襪投手Jose Santiago觸身,經由檢查之後由Jose Lobaton替補 上陣。 Molina一打數零安,截自週六結束的打擊率是 0.234。 Santiago是中繼上陣,因為Gavin Floyd只投了2 2/3局就因為扭傷右手肘下場。 http://ppt.cc/26Gr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 03:22, , 1F
Molina的傷似乎不礙事了 http://ppt.cc/J-1F
04/29 03:22, 1F
miabcd199:轉錄至看板 MLB 04/29 03:28
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