[外電] Rays' Kotchman returning Saturday?

看板Rays作者時間13年前 (2011/06/04 15:05), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Rays' Kotchman returning Saturday? By Mark J. Miller Tampa Bay Rays first baseman Casey Kotchman(notes) has been out of action since Sunday when he sprained his right ankle in a game against the Cleveland Indians. MLB.com reports that he should be back in the lineup Saturday when the Rays do battle against the Seattle Mariners. 光芒一壘手Casey Kotchman因為在對戰印地安人那場比賽中扭傷右腳踝, 自週日後便無法上場。據 MLB.com報導,週六對上水手的比賽,他應該會 回到賽場。 "He's getting better," Rays manager Joe Maddon said, according to the site. "[Head athletic trainer] Ronnie [Porterfield] thought that he was getting better, looked better. Hopefully, he's going to be on track for Saturday." The Rays miss both his bat (.361 batting average) and his glove: MLB.com points out that Kotchman has made just nine errors in 5,168 total chances in his career, a .998 fielding percentage, the best in league history. Joe Maddon提到:『他好多了,Ronnie(首席運動防護員)認為他狀況好多了 ,看起來也不賴。希望他週六就可以回到正常軌道。』因為他受傷,光芒損 失掉他的攻擊(打擊率0.361),以及他的守備(MLB指出Kotchman 生涯5168次 守備機會裡僅失誤9次,擁有大聯盟史上最強守備率0.998。) "He's one of the best at what he does," Maddon said, MLB.com reports. "We win games because we pitch well and play defense. When you get a defender of his caliber out of the game, it really matters."" Maddon提到:『他是現在表現最佳球員之一,能贏球全仗著我們的好投手及好守備, 尤其是像他這樣有天份鐵壁手套無法上場,這真的超嚴重。』 http://tinyurl.com/3csk2ol -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/04 15:28, , 1F
06/04 15:28, 1F

06/04 16:12, , 2F
有他差很多 打線可以串起來
06/04 16:12, 2F

06/04 23:28, , 3F
感謝原po翻譯... 也希望打線守備都振作
06/04 23:28, 3F
※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (06/09 07:57)
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