[農場] Weekly MiL Prospects

看板Rays作者 (好大的官威阿)時間13年前 (2011/04/30 07:22), 編輯推噓18(18018)
留言36則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文:http://ppt.cc/zWmS 今天剛出來的新聞 主要是討論打者而已 李學周本週燙到不行 Guyer也是 Jennings有點下滑 可能要加把勁 不然Guyer可能會比他還早站穩大聯盟 Matt Sweeney很慘烈 這邊是裡面的小圖表:http://ppt.cc/5O!- SBA是盜壘率 SBS是盜壘成功率 bRAA是較平均得分的比分率*所比賽的PA*球場係數 綠色代表表現很好 棕色是有待加強 紅色則是不甚理想 接下來是大篇幅介紹李學周 稍微翻譯一下 Early impressions suggest that Keith Law might has been right after all. He stated that Lee is THE price out of the Matt Garza package for the Rays (while still rating Archer higher in his prospect rankings). And while Chris Archer and Robinson Chirinos struggle out of the gate, Hak-Yu Lee looked even more impressive than Brandon Guyer who himself shows great power and contact in AAA. 他目前驚人的表現說明Keith Law是對的: Keith曾說過Lee是Garza交易案中的紅利。而當 Archer與Chirinos還在掙扎中,Lee的表現,可能比已經在3A展現擊球能力跟泡瓦的Guyer 還要令人驚艷。 Lets see what Kevin wrote about him in the Rays Prospect Guide for ’11:“Lee projects to be a well-above average defensive shortstop because of his plus- plus speed and, despite Tommy Johny surgery before he was signed, a strong throwing arm. Rated the best defensive shortstop in the Midwest League, he's a smooth fielder with very good range and reactions. He is prone to errors (34 total last season) on easy-looking plays, but that's correctable and should improve as he plays more.At the plate, he profiles as a top-of-the-order hitter. He makes good contact from the left side, and his strikeout rate actually declined as he was promoted to full-season ball. His .330 batting average in the Northwest League was helped by a .397 BABIP, but even as that regressed last year, his .282 mark with Peoria was very good considering his age and environment. He has solid plate discipline and will draw at least an average number of walks. Once he's on base, he uses his speed well. In 190 games over two seasons, he's stolen 57 bases and been caught 15 times.The drawback to Lee's game is that he currently hits for very little power and doesn't project to hit for much more.” Kevin在11年Rays Prospect Guide中寫到: Lee會成為一個有著相當不錯的防守的游擊手, 他有很好的速度以及強壯的手臂,即使他的投球手開過TJ。有著Midwest聯盟最好防守游擊 的稱號,他的動作很流暢且反應跟速度都很好。他有些時候會在一些容易處理的球上發生 失誤,但這些都是可以改正而且他肯定會繼續成長。打擊方面他應該會是個前段棒次, 擊球不錯而且被K率不高。他有著不錯選球能力,且當他上壘之後,他很會利用他的速度 ,在190場比賽中,他偷了57個壘包且只被抓到15次。他的缺點在於他沒有什麼泡瓦而且 也可能不太會長出來。 Other scouting reports (like for example this one and this one) confirm Kevin’s look at Lee and give some more very interesting details. Lee offers plus speed (reportedly 11 seconds over 100m) and agility, a plus arm, quick catch and release tools, above average contact tools and plate discipline as well as the tools for average future power. He recognizes off-speed pitches fairly early, has a good eye for the strike zone and should improve his pitch selection once he gets more polished. The bat speed and hand-eye coordination are good enough in order to turn on fastballs as well. His quick bat makes him a legitimate threat to the gaps while his projected lack of much homerun power seems to be the only knock I can find on him. His speed allows him to become an above average threat at the basepaths as well. Summarized he is a very well rounded prospect at a premium position who projects for at least average defense at short, a bat that can play at the top of the order and above average speed at the basepaths. 其他球探報告也顯示,Lee有很好的速度(11秒跑完100m)跟加速度,強壯的手臂,迅速的 接傳球,平均以上的擊球跟選球能力,以及有著發展出泡瓦的潛能。他的揮棒速度跟手眼 協調能力讓他對變速球還是速球都能適應。他的迅速腰轉讓他有機會成為恐怖的打者,就 算他的泡瓦可能是他目前唯一的缺陷。總的來說,Lee在這個位置上來說,是個非常好的 新秀。 So, what do his stats tell us? They tell us that Lee is already very polished despite his young age for A+ and for him already having had TJ Surgery (on his throwing elbow). He takes his share of walks (12 BB%; even 13 BB% with yesterdays game included) while striking out with more than an acceptable rate (16 K%). He shows excellent contact skills and even some power (already 2 HR, which is one more than in all of ’10). All of the above has led to a whopping 0.524 wOBA and an OPS of 1.259. And while he’ll regress a bit (0.531 BABIP), I think he’ll be more than fine in the long run.I do think the Rays will play him one level every year, but you never know. If he keeps up hitting the way he has done, they could promote him after about 2/3 of the season. Nevertheless, his ETA seems to be late 2013. In his way in the depth chart are Reid Brignac and Sean Rodriguez at the major league level as well as Tim Beckham in AAA. But, as Lee projects better offensively as Brignac, better defensively as Beckham and as Rodriguez is best suited to 2B, he shouldn’t be blocked if fulfilling his potential. At the latest starting with the 2014 season he looks to be the Rays shortstop of the present (and the future) … and he has the ceiling to be a quality one. 所以說,他的數據告訴了我們什麼?這些數據告訴我們Lee已經是個相當成熟的球員(即便 他還年輕而且他手臂有動過刀)。他的BB%很不錯,然後被K%也在可接受範圍(16 K%)。他 也展現了擊球能力跟有些泡瓦(截至目前兩發!比去年整年還多了一發!)。而且他也展現 嚇人wOBA跟OPS,就算他應該會下修一點,但長遠來看他應該會非常好。筆者認為Rays應該 會一年讓他打一個層級,不過假使他持續表現,他可能會升的很快。此外,他的表定MLB初 登場可能會是2013,在這條路上有Brignac,香肉跟Beckham。但就攻擊力來說,Lee比 Brignac還好,就防守來說他比Beckham還好,而香肉看起來比較適合在2B,所以他假如 能持續展現他的潛能的話,在通往大聯盟的道路上是沒有任何阻礙的。在Rays 2014年的 球季時應該會看到他在游擊這個位子上(未來也是),而且他也有著好游擊手的潛質。 隨手翻譯 有錯請指正謝謝 --

06/15 13:25,
一定要算好輪值投手 買票看比賽才物有所值
06/15 13:25

06/15 13:25,
小弟有一次去鳳凰城看比賽 本來算好是去看Brandon Webb的
06/15 13:25

06/15 13:26,
不巧哪天有狀況 登板的是一個叫什麼R Johnson的大叔
06/15 13:26

06/15 13:26,
06/15 13:26
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/30 07:38, , 1F
推!Lee幾乎每天都有2安上下的表現 如果能持續到五月
04/30 07:38, 1F

04/30 07:38, , 2F
中後段 我覺得還是升上2A刺激一下小貝貝
04/30 07:38, 2F

04/30 09:22, , 3F
投手方面...Alex Cobb要上來了 星期日先發
04/30 09:22, 3F

04/30 09:34, , 4F
04/30 09:34, 4F

04/30 09:49, , 5F
貓大那邊看到的消息 Cobb上來難道是泥門受傷了嗎?
04/30 09:49, 5F

04/30 09:50, , 6F
前天Davis提前出賽 Maddon打算星期日找人spot start
04/30 09:50, 6F

04/30 09:51, , 7F
本來首選是Sonny 不過身體好像不舒服 今天又上了
04/30 09:51, 7F

04/30 09:52, , 8F
the Heater報導今天Cobb被拉離3A輪值 估計就是上來
04/30 09:52, 8F

04/30 09:53, , 9F
Alex Cob的表現可以說是宰制了3A
04/30 09:53, 9F

04/30 09:53, , 10F
04/30 09:53, 10F

04/30 09:56, , 11F
前幾天有篇Cobb的文章 裡面有影片特別介紹他的變速
04/30 09:56, 11F

04/30 09:56, , 12F
指叉球 看起來超威的 真是滿期待的
04/30 09:56, 12F

04/30 12:27, , 13F
3A今天車輪戰 Ekstrom先發 每人2局 丟3局的拿勝投XD
04/30 12:27, 13F

04/30 12:31, , 14F
Lee持續火熱開季連續12場安打 .458/.536/.708 大門則
04/30 12:31, 14F

04/30 12:32, , 15F
是中斷連16場安打 龍哥昨天2A 1-4 hr 今天一樣1-4
04/30 12:32, 15F

04/30 14:50, , 16F
A-3A全贏 Alex Clome平生涯K新高10K
04/30 14:50, 16F

04/30 17:03, , 17F
不過我很好奇Cob在很多新秀評價中 都沒有排進前10
04/30 17:03, 17F

04/30 17:03, , 18F
甚至15都沒有 生涯成績很不錯 升級也都很順利....
04/30 17:03, 18F

04/30 18:36, , 19F
球速不快,身材球探不愛& 農場新秀太多了XD
04/30 18:36, 19F

04/30 20:16, , 20F
從目前的資料看起來Cobb跟Shields滿類似的 90~93麥的
04/30 20:16, 20F

04/30 20:16, , 21F
除了樓上所說 他第一個完整球季在A- K9=6.9
04/30 20:16, 21F

04/30 20:17, , 22F
A K9=6.3 A+ K9=7.7 直到去年2A 才飆高至9.6
04/30 20:17, 22F

04/30 20:17, , 23F
直球 很威的變速球、不錯的曲球 加上控球不錯 基本上
04/30 20:17, 23F

04/30 20:18, , 24F
難免讓評估時產生不利的因素 此外去年他去秋聯沒打好
04/30 20:18, 24F

04/30 20:19, , 25F
就是典型的Shields type Hell boy也是這種類型 而且
04/30 20:19, 25F

04/30 20:20, , 26F
我們家大部份的投手新秀都是這種 火球派的還真少
04/30 20:20, 26F

04/30 20:22, , 27F
另一個不好的消息 Jake Thompson在前天比賽投完兩局
04/30 20:22, 27F

04/30 20:22, , 28F
後退場 好像是右手肘受傷 目前估計整季報銷...
04/30 20:22, 28F

04/30 20:44, , 29F
04/30 20:44, 29F

04/30 20:50, , 30F
補個消息 Howell 前天在A+出賽 1IP 1K 無失分
04/30 20:50, 30F

04/30 23:24, , 31F
補各消息Thompson的消息有誤報 不是先前那樣嚴重
04/30 23:24, 31F

04/30 23:40, , 32F
原來是MiLB網站出錯 真是太好...不 真是太過分了 XD
04/30 23:40, 32F

05/01 14:05, , 33F
bRAA 較平均得分的比分率*所比賽的PA*球場係數
05/01 14:05, 33F

05/01 14:07, , 34F
較平均得分的比率由 RV600來的 但這是估算一季用
05/01 14:07, 34F

05/01 14:12, , 35F
如果有錯也說明一下 有些進階數據進一步理解@@"
05/01 14:12, 35F

05/01 14:34, , 36F
BRAA我也看不懂 XD 不過找到總板有過討論 #17iRpgCE
05/01 14:34, 36F
※ 編輯: ckevint 來自: (05/02 07:16)
文章代碼(AID): #1DkqXJl_ (Rays)