[Note] 關於光芒未來進攻的展望 (4)游擊手

看板Rays作者 (好大的官威阿)時間13年前 (2011/04/22 04:07), 編輯推噓6(606)
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原文出處:http://ppt.cc/Ug5- 這篇可能會非常短 上次花太多時間鑽研字句了orz 嘗試用比較簡便的字句翻譯一下 請多見諒 Reid Brignac has never been able to live up to the hype that was created after his big 2006 season, which was a combination of the Cal League Effect and some over-achieving. He's turned him into a quality defensive shortstop, but ideally the Rays would get some more in the way of offense from the position. He'll get the opportunity to provide that offense with no prospects yet knocking on the door. Tim Beckham is in double-A, but he's only 21 years old and I'd imagine the Rays will slow down his rise through the system, perhaps not unlike how Brignac spent a few seasons at Durham. He's yet to have that "I was the #1 pick" season at the plate, with a career .263/.333/.371 line. There have been well-documented debates about his defense, but he's obviously going to get every chance to succeed at shortstop. He's off to a nice start with Montgomery, hitting .316/.381/.421 in his first five games. Brignc在06年令人驚艷表現後,到目前還沒有達到對他高度的期望。他是個很好的防守 球員,但光芒比較希望從這位置上能獲得一些火力。他應該會有機會展現他是有炮瓦的, 只是這一切好像還要段時間。 足球金童(誤) Tim Beckham現在雖然在2A,不過他有年輕的肉體而且我可想像光芒會拖延 一下他攀升的速度,雖然可能不會像Brignac花那麼多時間就是。只是他也還沒表現出『 拎杯是第一輪選進來的勒』的成績。雖然大家都在詬病他的防守,但他肯定會竭盡所能 在游擊上發光發熱。他目前在2A打的不錯。 Complicating matters is the fact that Hak-Ju Lee is right behind Beckham (so they wouldn't be able to just park Beckham at triple-A if Lee is ready for that level). Assuming Lee doesn't bomb in Charlotte this year, and assuming the Rays don't move Beckham off the position, Lee will be in double-A and presumably Beckham in triple-A in 2012. Lee offers more typical shortstop skills, projecting to hit for a decent average with little power, a high stolen base total, and quality defense. Both Beckham and Lee have suffered consistency problems in the field, racking up high-ish error totals. Lee is considered to have the better range, and when it comes down to it, you'd take him in the field over Beckham. As obvious as it sounds, how they handle this sort-of logjam comes down to how they perform. If Brignac realizes his offensive potential, then he should be able to hold off the prospects. If Beckham breaks out, he won't be pushed off by Lee. And if Lee sparkles, they'll find a way to move him past Beckham. Further down the system, the only SS with a chance to make a splash is Derek Dietrich. He might have the best bat of the four, but he's probably not long for the position. As he moves through the system, especially as he catches up to Beckham and Lee (whom he is older than), he'll switch off the position, likely to third base. 不過複雜的是,祖國人李學周就像背後靈一樣緊跟著Beckham。就算祖國人沒在1A爆發, 就算Beckham沒被拉離游擊手,但在2012年應該會看到Lee在2A而Beckham在3A。祖國人 比較像個典型的游擊手,打擊率不錯但沒炮瓦,擁有飛毛腿及好的守備能力。不過他跟 Beckham都防守不太穩定,只是祖國人被認為有比較好的防守範圍,所以當這真的確定後, 他會超前Beckham。 很顯然的,這麼激烈競爭下當然是人的能力決定上場的時間。假使Brignac哪天突然五雷 轟頂,打擊開竅了,那他肯定會把這兩個帥哥遠遠拋在後面連車尾燈都看不到。假使 Beckham突然變身賽亞人,那Lee對他就不是威脅了。又假使祖國人突然有如神助,他們會 想辦法讓他超車Beckham。然後往下看,唯一有機會的發光的游擊手只剩Derek Dietrich。 他可能是這四個游擊手裡面打最好的,不過他可能不會在游擊這位置待太久。所以在他攀 升時,特別是遭遇Beckham跟Lee的時候,他應該會被移往三壘。 這段好像也比較短QQ 我盡量讓翻譯能夠愉快一點 希望讓大家都能一目瞭然 不過假如有不妥的話 請跟我說 我再把它改的稍微嚴肅點 最後感謝sry大找到這篇文章 希望讀過之後能讓大家更了解我們的農場作物跟未來走向 (至少我了解不少XD) -- Sir Winston Churchill:We shall never SURRENDER!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/22 06:47, , 1F
小李子最近在1a真是火到不行 可惜他上面有個小貝貝
04/22 06:47, 1F

04/22 06:49, , 2F
我覺得他應該在幾個個就可以移到2a 但只是球隊沒有放
04/22 06:49, 2F

04/22 06:50, , 3F
棄小貝貝站游擊 這件事就不太可能發生 同樣的情況
04/22 06:50, 3F

04/22 06:58, , 4F
假設兩位狀況都不錯 明年準備升上3a 那球隊就得決定
04/22 06:58, 4F

04/22 06:59, , 5F
到底要把誰移到別位置 不過好消息是目3a的內野都是
04/22 06:59, 5F

04/22 07:00, , 6F
湊人數的雜魚 即使他們兩個加Wrigley甚至Bortnick一
04/22 07:00, 6F

04/22 07:01, , 7F
起升上來 內野還是可以塞得下 可見我們內野的深度= =
04/22 07:01, 7F

04/22 08:11, , 8F
04/22 08:11, 8F

04/22 08:45, , 9F
不過也是前批內野收成在mlb 才會這樣啦
04/22 08:45, 9F

04/22 12:40, , 10F
04/22 12:40, 10F

04/22 12:54, , 11F
04/22 12:54, 11F

04/22 14:21, , 12F
他們應該是說有些攻擊能力 我直接是翻成火力:P
04/22 14:21, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Di8w5-g (Rays)