[Note] 關於光芒未來進攻的展望 (2)一壘手

看板Rays作者 (好大的官威阿)時間13年前 (2011/04/14 13:21), 編輯推噓14(14011)
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sry大說最近公事繁忙 小弟就接手來翻翻看 第一次翻譯請多指教 原文出處:http://ppt.cc/Ug5- 一壘手 The traditional big-bat position, it's a spot the Rays are really hurting at in-house. Cuban Leslie Anderson's skills are much better suited to the outfield, though even then he doesn't project to hit the power expected from a corner outfielder. He was removed from the 40-man roster and cleared waivers, so he didn't exactly get a vote of confidence. 傳統的大棒位置,對光芒來說卻是個頭痛的位置。 古巴人Anderson的能力可能比較適合 外野手,雖然他可能沒辦法長出一個外野手該有的炮瓦。他已經被移出40人名單跟 跟讓渡名單,所以他不太可能獲得信心票 Matt Sweeney's prospect stock took a bigger hit than anybody's last season after hitting .196 in 46 games with Montgomery. He lost some weight in the off-season and moved across the diamond to first base (which was only a matter of time with his sub-par third base defense) for the Biscuits this year. He hasn't played a full season since 2007, so anything more than just playing in 120+ games this year could be considered a bonus. He has two home runs on the young season, but is just 3-18 overall with seven strikeouts in five games. Already 23 years old, his bat will need to develop in a hurry to project as an impact guy. Matt Sweeney備受期待的潛能讓大家在他去年的表現後大失所望:在2A的46場比賽只打出 .196成績。他在休季期間減了點重,並從內野的一端移到另一端:一壘(編按:其實 就他三壘的防守能力只是遲早的事情)(註:sub-par是指比標準還低的程度)。 不過他從2007年開始就沒有好好打完整季過,所以只要能打到120場以上就算是"福氣啦!" 他在本季一開始打了兩發紅不讓,但之後就只是.167的成績在5場比賽中,其中包含 7個香振。他現在已經23歲了,他的棒子要趕快長出來以成為一個有影響力的傢伙。 Down the system, there isn't much to be optimistic about. Mike Sheridan is a contact specialist who offers little in the way of walks or power (and his batting average hasn't been very good either) and Phil Wunderlich packs some good raw power but not much else. Jeff Malm got a nice of bonus in the 2009 draft on the premise that he could flat hit (he led the state of Nevada in home runs his senior year, beating out Bryce Harper), but he's put up a .222/.296/.302 line as a pro. Luke Bailey and Todd Glaesmann, also of the 2009 draft class, made it to Bowling Green this year while Malm hasn't, and that should tell you something. 繼續往農場下面看,前景也不太樂觀。Mike Sheridan只是個碰的到的球的傢伙, 也就是不管是凹保送還是炮瓦他都沒有(編按:而且他的打擊率也不太好),而Phil Wunderlich看起來是有點炮瓦不過也不太多的樣子。Malm表現出他能夠扛大支的, 這讓他在2009年的選秀獲得加分(在他大三那年是內華達州的全壘打領先者,還 打敗怪物Harper),但當他轉到職業之後,他只繳出了.222/.296/.302的三圍。 Luke Bailey跟Todd Glaesmann,同樣是從09年選秀出來的,已經到達Malm還沒到達的 1A層級,並且應該會給你看看他們的厲害。 So outside of a 2011 draft pick moving quickly (and it's a not a great year for first baseman in the draft) or sticking with Dan Johnson, the Rays will almost certainly have to go outside the organization for their first baseman of 2012 and beyond. So here are some fun trade candidates, even if they're pipe dreams: 所以總的來說,不管是憑藉著2011年的選秀(編按:而且今年不是個選一壘手的年)或是 繼續倚賴著我們的丹哥,光芒基本上是一定要從球隊體制以外來找個可以用很久的 一壘手。所以,這邊有些有趣的交易候選人,雖然他們可能只是一簾幽夢。 (註:pipe dream是以前是指抽鴉片的之後的幻覺,後用來指不太可能成真的夢) Yonder Alonso is blocked by Joey Votto, though his numbers don't exactly have the NL MVP sweating. He's got a good eye at the plate but doesn't hit for ideal power from a first baseman, and hit just .207 in a late-season cameo with Cincinnati. A hammate injury could be blamed for some of his power issues, but even taking that into account it's a concern. If the Rays acquired Alonso, he'd be ready for the majors right now. Yonder Alonso被強大的Votto擋住了,雖然他的成績並不會讓這位國聯MVP汗顏。他有好 的選球眼,但就一壘手來說他沒有理想的炮瓦,而且在紅人季末路人一壘手的角色中 也只打了.207。他手腕傷可能會是他炮瓦不能發揮的因素之一,不過就算把這算進來, 他還是讓人很有興趣的。(註:concern照理說應該是顧慮,不過這邊應該是指說可被考慮 )。假使光芒能夠獲得他,他可以馬上就扳倒丹哥並且上場比賽。 Jonathan Singleton with the Phillies would certainly be a dream come true. Rated the 39th-best prospect in the game by BaseballAmerica, Singleton hit .290/.393/.479 as an 18-year-old in low-A last season. He's giving it a shot in left field with Ryan Howard's Contact blocking him at 1B in Philadelphia, but let's just say his best defensive tool is his hitting ability. You'll give yourself rosterbation blue balls thinking about getting him, especially since the Phillies don't match up well as a trade partner. They obviously having major-league pitching (so Shields wouldn't do much for them), and they have a ton of lower-level minor league depth on the mound as well (so guys like Alex Colome and Enny Romero may not excite them as much). The best fit might be B.J. Upton if he hits well and they're starved for some offense, though his defensive ability is negated by the unlikelihood of them moving Shane Victorino to a corner. Singleton would figure to be ready for the big leagues as soon as early as mid-2013 if he continues to hit. 在費城人的Jonathan Singleton可能比較會是美夢成真的人選。這位被BaseballAmerica 選為第39名的新秀,Singleton以18歲之齡,上一季在低階1A繳出.290/.393/.479成績。 由於Howard擊球能力站住了一壘的位子,他現在在嘗試著左外野的位置,不過他最強的 防守就是攻擊。你可能會覺得想要得到他比登天還難(註:那句其實我不太會翻,所以 我只好照前後文來翻譯),特別是費城人不是個好的交易夥伴。他們很明顯的有投球F4 (編按:所以盾哥他們一定看不上眼),而且他們也有一狗票的小聯盟強力投手(所以 Alex Colome跟Enny Romero也不會讓他們腦充血)。最好的選擇可能是B.J Upton,假如 他打的很好而且費城人渴望有些攻擊力,雖然B.J哥的防守能力讓他們不太可能把 Shane Victorino移往其他外野位置。Singleton會讓自己準備好站上大聯盟假使他繼續 好好打下去,可能在2013季中就會看到他。 Quite frankly, the rest of the 1B prospects around the minors either aren't going to happen (Eric Hosmer, Freddie Freeman, Brandon Belt) or aren't very appealing. I'll go as far as to say that the first base position is my biggest concern in taking a long-term look at the Rays future 坦白來說,其餘在小聯盟的一壘新秀要嘛不可能發生(像Eric Hosmer, Freddie Freeman, Brandon Belt)(註:看來這篇可能是以前就寫好,畢竟Freemn已經確定站穩Braves的1B了 ),要嘛就是看起來不誘人。長遠來說,看著光芒長遠的未來,我會認為一壘手是我最大 的擔憂。 呼 第一次翻 果然花了我很久時間 翻譯果然很難QQ 有些地方可能沒翻的很好@@ 本來想整篇都翻 假如有時間的話我會跟sry大討論看看怎麼做最好:P 有不好的請指教 謝謝 --

06/15 13:25,
一定要算好輪值投手 買票看比賽才物有所值
06/15 13:25

06/15 13:25,
小弟有一次去鳳凰城看比賽 本來算好是去看Brandon Webb的
06/15 13:25

06/15 13:26,
不巧哪天有狀況 登板的是一個叫什麼R Johnson的大叔
06/15 13:26

06/15 13:26,
06/15 13:26
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/14 13:29, , 1F
辛苦了 翻的好很多阿 這篇其實可以更認識我們的農場
04/14 13:29, 1F

04/14 13:32, , 2F
另外真的1B是農場的洞 雖然有3B的新秀可以move
04/14 13:32, 2F

04/14 13:34, , 3F
但目前看起來堪用的不多 很期待有人爆發或打臉@@"
04/14 13:34, 3F

04/14 13:41, , 4F
04/14 13:41, 4F

04/14 13:48, , 5F
04/14 13:48, 5F

04/14 13:50, , 6F
我覬覦C.Davis很久了 條子沒他位子 不過條子要價鐵定
04/14 13:50, 6F

04/14 13:50, , 7F
不便宜 雖然他是個強力工業電風扇
04/14 13:50, 7F

04/14 14:01, , 8F
我也覺得Yonder Alonso很有可能 只看Reds開價多少了
04/14 14:01, 8F

04/14 15:09, , 9F
04/14 15:09, 9F

04/14 15:20, , 10F
Kila Ka’aihue ? 他鐵定也不便宜 XD
04/14 15:20, 10F

04/14 16:07, , 11F
不要吧 他名字明顯就說他是電風扇 Ka'aihue 卡愛揮
04/14 16:07, 11F

04/14 21:16, , 12F
04/14 21:16, 12F

04/14 21:17, , 13F
之前皇家還有Chris Robinson被擋,不知道最近打得如何
04/14 21:17, 13F

04/14 21:18, , 14F
說錯了是Clint Robonsin
04/14 21:18, 14F

04/14 21:52, , 15F
推!一壘真的是我們的洞 真要說大砲就只有Josh Sale
04/14 21:52, 15F

04/14 21:52, , 16F
04/14 21:52, 16F

04/14 22:20, , 17F
用投手來交易吧 投手多到滿出來......
04/14 22:20, 17F

04/14 23:26, , 18F
04/14 23:26, 18F

04/15 00:02, , 19F
建寧我猜最快6月才會上來 球團想擁有他久一點
04/15 00:02, 19F

04/15 00:43, , 20F
04/15 00:43, 20F

04/15 00:44, , 21F
04/15 00:44, 21F

04/15 02:42, , 22F
04/15 02:42, 22F

04/16 11:44, , 23F
04/16 11:44, 23F

04/16 15:32, , 24F
04/16 15:32, 24F

04/18 00:10, , 25F
紅人還有個也被卡死的Daniel Dorn
04/18 00:10, 25F
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