暴龍隊簡史98-05 Carter篇

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1998/99: A year after taking talented high school star Tracy McGrady in the draft the Raptors select his cousin Vince Carter who was a star at UNC. However, Toronto fans would have to wait to see the talented cousins in action as a four month lockout delayed the start of the season. When the season started the Raptors new arena was almost ready, as they beat the Vancouver Grizzlies 102-87 in their first game at the Air Canada Centre on February 21st. After years of playing in the spacious SkyDome the Raptors finally had an arena built for basketball and they clearly benefited as they finally escaped last place by posting a record of 23-27. Leading the promising Raptors was Vince Carter who became the second Raptor in four years to win Rookie of the Year with 18.3 ppg. At season's end Carter took the microphone and addressed the ACC crowd after the final game and guaranteed a trip to the post-season next year. 98-99:在選了天才高中明星Tracy McGrady的一年後,暴龍隊選了他的表哥北卡明星Vince Carter。然而,四個月的罷工使得開季延期,也延後了多倫多球迷看到這對天才表兄弟表現 的時間。當球季開始時,暴龍隊的新球場已經差不多完工了,二月二十一號他們在Air Canada Centre以102比87擊敗溫哥華灰熊隊並取得該球場的第一場勝利。在寬敞的SkyDome 進行了幾年的比賽後,暴龍隊最終擁有了一座專為籃球建造的球場,而且當他們最終以 23-27的戰績逃離爐主時,顯示出了他們明顯的受惠於這個球場。領導這支有希望的暴龍隊 的是Vince Carter,他以場均18.3分成了這四年中第二個拿下新人王的暴龍球員。Carter在 最後一場比賽結束時拿起了麥克風向ACC的民眾演講,並許下了明年進入季後賽的承諾。 1999/00: With the off-season acquisition of Antonio Davis for a high draft pick, the Raptors not only got older, they got a whole lot better. As Davis along with Charles Oakley who was acquired a year earlier provided veteran stability to a young talented team. The veteran presence helped make Vince Carter into an All-Star as he received the second most amount of all star votes ever while stealing the show in the Slam Dunk Contest which he won easily. Carter would go on to average a team high 25.7 ppg while his cousin Tracy McGrady finished second with 15.4 ppg, as the Raptors fulfilled Vince Carter's guarantee with a 45-37 record. However, in the playoffs the inexperienced Raptors would be schooled by the playoff tested New York Knicks losing in three straight games. Following the season, the Raptors would be jilted by Tracy McGrady, who decided to seek his own fame, out of his cousin's shadow by signing with the Orlando Magic. 99-00:在休季期間用高順位選秀換來Antonio Davis不僅僅讓暴龍隊增加了年紀,更讓他們 變得更好。Davis和一年前得到的Charles Oakley為這支年輕有天分的球隊提供了老將的穩 定性。老將的表現幫助了Vince Carter以(當時的)史上第二高票進入全明星賽,同時他也輕 鬆的奪得灌籃大賽冠軍。Carter平均每場比賽得25.7分而他的表弟Tracy McGrady以場均 15.4分排隊上第二,因此暴龍隊以45-37的戰績履行了Carter的承諾。然而,這支沒經驗的 暴龍隊在季後賽中被紐約尼克隊上了一課,三連敗出局。在接下來的一季,暴龍隊被Tracy McGrady拋棄了,他決定去尋求他個人的聲望,藉由跟奧蘭多魔術簽約來逃離他表哥的陰 影。 2000/01: After their first playoff appearance the Raptors decided to go after a Hall of Fame coach, to lead the team to the next step as the hired al-time winingest Coach Lenny Wilkins. Vince Carter continued to establish himself as the next big star in the NBA by leading the Raptors with an impressive 27.6 pp, after exhibiting show-stopping dunks in the Olympics with Team USA. With the continued improvement of Vince Carter the Raptors would finish in second place with a solid record of 47-35. In the playoffs the Raptors were matched up against the New York Knicks for the second year in a row. After splitting the first two games in New York the Raptors appeared to be heading for a disappointing exit again after they lost Game 3 at the ACC 97-89. However, the Raptors would send the series back to New York by winning Game 4 100-93. In the decisive fifth game in New York the Raptors would stun the Knicks 93-89 to advance to the second round. In the second round the Raptors were matched up against the top seed Philadelphia 76ers. However the Raptors would give the 76ers all they could handle as the battled tooth and nailed all the way to a seventh game where Vince Carter missed a buzzer beater with the Raptors down 88-87, which would have sent the Raptors on the Eastern Conference Finals. 00-01:在他們季後賽的首次演出後,暴龍隊決定去追逐一位名人堂教練來帶領這支球隊走 向下一個階段,他們雇用的是(當時的)史上最多勝的教練Lenny Wilkins。在奧運美國隊的 驚天一灌之後,Vince Carter以令人印象深刻的場均27.6分成為隊上得分王,並繼續的確立 他就是NBA的下一個大明星。隨著Vince Carter的持續進步,暴龍隊最終以47-35的戰績稱為 分區第二。在季後賽中,暴龍隊再次的遇上紐約尼克隊。在前兩場於紐約戰成平手後,暴龍 隊在主場以89比97輸了第三場比賽,這似乎意味著暴龍隊又要朝著同樣失望的結局前進。然 而,暴龍隊在第四場以100比93贏得比賽,並將系列賽拉回紐約。在紐約決定性的第五戰 中,暴龍隊以93比89擊敗了尼克隊並晉級第二輪。在第二輪中,暴龍隊對上了第一種子費城 七六人隊。然而,暴龍隊盡全力去對抗七六人隊,並將戰線拉到了第七場,直到Vince Carter投失了可以讓暴龍隊打進東區冠軍賽的那顆致勝球,並以87比88輸了比賽。 2001/02: After experience success in the playoffs the Raptors were able to sign Vince Carter to a long-term multimillion-dollar deal to ensure their marquee stars for years to come. In addition the Raptors would add even more star power by acquiring future Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon from the Houston Rockets. The Raptors appeared to be heading for another strong season as they held a record of 29-21 entering the all-star break. However, in the final game before the break Vince Carter suffered a knee injury that would hamper their star for the rest of the season. In the second half the Raptors lost 18 of 19 games including, 13 straight games following the break. With all hopes of the playoff seemingly lost Vince Carter decided to undergo knee surgery. However, the Raptors would suddenly turn thing around as they won eight straight games without Vince Carter to get back into the playoff picture. The Raptors would do on to slip into the playoff as the seventh seed with a record of 42-40. In the playoffs the Raptors would get off to a shaky start as they dropped the first two games on the road to the Detroit Pistons. However, coming home the Raptors would rebound nicely winning two games at ACC to force a decisive fifth game. In Game 5 at Detroit the Raptors gave the Pistons all they could handle before losing 85-82. 01-02:在經歷了季後賽的成功之後,暴龍隊與Vince Carter簽下了複數年的大約來留下他 們未來幾年的頂級球星。暴龍隊更是藉由從休士頓火箭隊引進(當時的)未來的名人堂球員 Hakeem Olajuwon來增加星度。當暴龍隊以29-21的戰績進入明星週時,他們似乎是要再完成 一個強大的球季。然而,Vince Carter在明星週前一場比賽傷到的膝蓋在本季接下來的比賽 中束縛著他。暴龍隊在球季的後半季輸了19場比賽中的18場,其中包含了明星週後的13連 敗。當季後賽看似無望時,Vince Carter決定去做膝蓋手術。然而,暴龍隊在失去卡特之後 以8連勝扭轉了局勢,並且對季後賽重新燃起希望。暴龍隊最終以42-40的戰績成為東區第七 種子。在季後賽,暴龍隊在客場連輸了兩場給底特律活塞隊。然而,暴龍隊回到家後振作起 來奪得二連勝,並將比賽逼進了決定性的第五場。在底特律的第五戰,暴龍隊用盡全力最終 以82比85輸球。 2002/03: Things looked bleak for the Raptors early in the season as Hakeem Olajuwon announced his retirement following a disappointing first season in Toronto. In addition Vince Carter continued to feel the lingering effect of his knee injury as he missed most of the first half. However, some former teammates and NBA observes began to question Carter's heart and desire and he didn't seem to be a hurry to get back in the lineup. This view was even given further ammo when Carter was dancing on stage with Nelly as the Raptors, were getting blown out by the Hawks in Atlanta. The Raptors would have all hopes for the playoff buried in January as they held a record of 8-28, which included a 12-game losing streak. Vince Carter would return and play most of the second half, averaging 20.6 ppg, but the Raptors struggles continues as Coach Lenny Wilkins who already held the record for most career wins set the record for most career losses as a coach, while the Raptors finished in seventh place with a disappointing record of 24-58. Following the final game General Manager Glenn Grunwald apologized to the fans at ACC announcing changes would be made. He would get started right away by firing Coach Lenny Wilkins. 02-03:當Hakeem Olajuwon在多倫多經歷了一個失望的賽季之後,他在本季季初宣布退休, 這讓暴龍隊看起來沒什麼希望。同時,Vince Carter的膝傷也讓他缺席了上半季大部分的比 賽。然而,有些前隊友及NBA觀察家開始對於Carter是否有心趕快回到場上產生了疑問。當 暴龍隊在亞特蘭大被老鷹隊屠殺時,Carter卻在舞台上跟Nelly共舞,使得這個觀點更加被 放大。暴龍隊在一月時喪失了進季後賽的希望,他們當時的戰績為8-28,其中包含了12連 敗。Vince Carter在下半季回來並打了大部分的比賽,場均20.6分,但是暴龍隊的痛苦持續 著,因為(當時的)史上最多勝教練Lenny Wilkins同時也創了史上最多敗教練的記錄,最後 暴龍隊以24-58這個令人失望的戰績成為分組第七。在最後一場比賽後,GM Glenn Grunwald 向主場的觀眾道歉並宣布改變將會發生。他馬上就以開除教練Lenny Wilkins當作改變的開 始。 2003/04: With new Coach Kevin O'Neill the Raptors started the season on a high note beating the 2-time Eastern Conference Champion New Jersey Nets 90-87. However a few days later they would set an embarrassing post shot clock record by scoring just 56 points in a loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves. That kind of inconsistency would become the hallmark of the Raptors all season, at times they looked like genuine playoff contenders, while others they looked like a last place team. At 8-8 the Raptors pulled off a blockbuster deal with the Chicago Bulls on December 1st acquiring Jalen Rose, Donyell Marshall, and Lonny Baxter in exchange for Antonio Davis, Jerome Williams, and Chris Jefferies. The Raptors would win their first three games after the deal but won just 1 of 7 following the initially strong start as the Raptors continued through out the entire first half as they sat at 25-25 at the All Star Break. However after the all star break injuries would become a problem as the Raptors won just eight games the rest of the way finishing with a 33-49 record. Following the season the Raptors would fire Coach O'Neill choosing to go with Sam Mitchell. 03-04:伴隨著新教練Kevin O'Neill的到來,暴龍隊以一個引人注目的方式開始了這個賽 季,那就是以90比87擊敗了兩屆東區冠軍紐澤西籃網。然而,幾天之後他們以56分輸給了明 尼蘇達灰狼也創下了一個丟臉的記錄,那就是在24秒進攻時間制定後的單場最低分(註1)。 這樣的不穩定性可以說是暴龍隊這整季的標誌,有些時候他們看起來像季後賽的競爭者,其 它時候卻像是一支墊底球隊。在十二月一號時,戰績8-8的暴龍隊啟動了一個大交易,那就 是將Antonio Davis、Jerome Williams還有Chris Jefferies送到芝加哥公牛隊換來Jalen Rose、Donyell Marshall以及Lonny Baxter。暴龍隊在交易後贏了前三場比賽,但是在接下 來的七場比賽中卻只贏了一場,之後暴龍隊以25-25的戰績進入明星週。然而在明星賽結束 後,傷病開始對暴龍隊造成困擾,他們在剩下來的比賽中只贏了八場,並以33-49的戰績結 束了這個賽季。這季之後,暴龍隊開除了教練O'Neill並選擇了Sam Mitchell。 註1:我查出來的記錄是公牛創下的49分。 2004/05: The Sam Mitchell era got off to a good start as the Raptors won four of their first five games. However the joy was short lived as the Raptors came back to earth fast, as a disgruntled Vince Carter continued to sulk, which hit rock bottom in a November 12th loss in Seattle as he told the Supersonics what play the team was going to run in the waning moments of an 88-87 loss. Through December the Raptors struggled badly winning just three of 15 games, as they finally gave up on Vince Carter as he was traded to the New Jersey Nets for Eric Williams, Aaron Williams, Alonzo Mourning, and two first-round draft picks. Mourning a future Hall of Famer refused to play for the Raptors and forced a buyout as he returned to the Miami Heat where he had his best years. Meanwhile the Raptors would go to finish tied for last place in the Atlantic Division with a 33-49 record, while Chris Bosh started to emerge as the new star of the Toronto with a solid 16.8 ppg and 8.9 rpg in just his second year. 04-05:暴龍隊在開季的五場中贏得了四場,使得Sam Mitchell時期有了一個好的開始。然 而這樣的好事並沒有持續太久,在十一月十二號對西雅圖的比賽中Vince Carter告訴了超音 速隊暴龍隊在低潮中是怎麼打球的,並且以87比88輸球,這件事也使他憤怒到了極點。在十 二月時,暴龍隊掙扎的贏得了15場比賽中的3場,他們最終放棄了Vince Carter並將他交易 到紐澤西籃網隊換來Eric Williams、Aaron Williams、Alonzo Mourning還有兩個第一輪選 秀權。未來的名人堂球員Mourning拒絕為暴龍隊打球並強迫他們買斷自己,好讓他回到邁阿 密熱火隊這個他生涯表現最佳的球隊。同時,暴龍隊以33-49的戰績成了大西洋組的爐主, 而Chris Bosh以場均16.8分跟8.9個籃板開始成為多倫多的新星,這只是他的第二個球季。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/03 01:18, , 1F
08/03 01:18, 1F
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