暴龍隊簡史95-98 飛鼠篇

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原文網址:http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/toronto/raptors.html 1995/96: It only seemed appropriate as Toronto hosted the first game in BAA history on November 1, 1946, as James Naismith the inventor of the game was a Canadian. The Toronto Huskies would lose that first game to the New York Knickerbockers 68-66. The Knicks would go on to be a cornerstone of the league that would soon become the NBA, but the Huskies would fold after just one season with a 15-45 record. The NBA would not return to Canada for nearly 50 years. When it did return it brought two expansion teams the one in Toronto would be called the Raptors trying to capitalize on the dino-mania after the release of "Jurassic Park". The Raptors played their first game on November 3rd beating the New Jersey Nets 94-78 at SkyDome. Their would not be much success that first year as the Raptors finished last in the Central Division, with a record of 21-61, as they split two games against Canada's other expansion team the Vancouver Grizzlies. However, the highlight of the season had to be their stunning win on March 24th when the beat the Chicago Bulls, who were in the middle of a record shattering 72-10 season, 109-108 at SkyDome. However, win or lose one player was always exciting as Damon Stoudamire won the Rookie of the Year with 19.0 pp and 9.3 apg. 95-96:在BAA的歷史中,由多倫多來舉辦1946年十一月一號的開幕式是相當合適的,畢竟籃 球的發明人James Naismith是加拿大人。當時多倫多哈士奇隊以66比68輸給了紐約尼克隊。 之後尼克隊成為了這個即將成為NBA的聯盟的基石,而哈士奇隊卻以15-45戰績結束了它只有 一季的生涯。近50年NBA沒有回到加拿大這片土地。直到兩支擴張球隊的到來,多倫多利用 侏儸紀公園播出後所帶來的恐龍熱將球隊命名為暴龍隊。暴龍隊在1995年十一月三號於主 場SkyDome以94比78擊敗了紐澤西籃網隊。他們並沒有在第一年取得多大的成功,並以 21-61的戰績在中央組墊底,當時他們與另一支加拿大的擴張球隊溫哥華灰熊隊戰成1比1平 手。然而,這季的重點就是一場在三月二十四號以109比108在主場SkyDome擊敗芝加哥公牛 的勝利,公牛本季戰績為72-10。Damon Stoudamire以場均19分及9.3助攻拿下了新人王。 1996/97: In their second season the Raptors experienced allot of highs and lows beating NBA elite teams like the Chicago Bulls, Utah Jazz, and Houston Rockets who all made it to their Conference Finals while losing three times to the Boston Celtics who had an awful record of 15-67. Such inconstancy is the mark of a young team and the two top young stars on the Raptors were Damon Stoudamire who led the team with 20.22 ppg, while rookie Marcus Camby made the all-rookie team while averaging 14.7ppg and 6.3 rpg. However, despite all the promise the Raptors could not avoid last place as they posted a record of 30-52. 96-97:在他們的第二個球季,暴龍隊經歷了許多起起伏伏,他們擊敗了一級強隊像是芝加 哥公牛隊、猶他爵士隊還有休士頓火箭隊,即使他們也輸給了戰績只有15-67的波士頓賽爾 提克隊三次。這樣的不穩定是年輕球隊的特徵,暴龍隊的兩位頂級新星是場均20.2分的球隊 得分王Damon Stoudamire跟獲選新秀隊一隊場均14.7分及6.3籃板的Marcus Camby。然而, 儘管暴龍隊是這麼的有希望,還是免不了交出30-52的戰績。 1997/98: After two seasons of optimism things fell apart for the Raptors. The troubles started early in the season with a slew of injuries to Popeye Jones, Marcus Camby, Carlos Rogers, Walt Williams and Zan Tabak, which led to an early 17-game losing streak, which buried the Raptors in the first part of the season. The struggles as well as an ownership change led Executive Vice President Isaiah Thomas, whom many considered the heart and soul of the organization, to severe his ties with the team. As the season wore on the Raptors even severed ties with their young budding star Damon Stoudamire as they traded him to the Portland Trailblazers along with Walt Williams and Carlos Rogers for Kenny Anderson, Gary Trent, Alvin Williams, a couple picks and cash, after Stoudamire indicated he would not re-sign following the season. The Raptors were not done trading yet, as they sent Anderson, Popeye Jones and Zan Tabak to the Boston Celtics for rookie Chauncey Billups, Dee Brown, Roy Rogers and John Thomas. With all the tumultuous changes it was not surprising that the Raptors struggled finishing in last place with a horrible record of 16-66. 97-98:在兩季的樂觀之後,暴龍隊開始嚐到了一些失敗。這些問題是由季初一連串的傷兵 開始,傷兵包括了Popeye Jones、Marcus Camby、Carlos Rogers、Walt Williams及Zan Tabak,這導致了季初的17連敗,連敗也使暴龍隊在這季的一開始就沉沒了。經營權的改變 同時也是個問題,它導致了執行副總經理Isaiah Thomas(當時團隊的中心)離開了球隊。隨 著球季的進行,當建隊核心Damon Stoudamire表明他將不會續約時,暴龍隊更是將他和 Walt Williams還有Carlos Rogers交易到波特蘭拓荒者隊換來Kenny Anderson、Gary Trent 、Alvin Williams、一些選秀權跟現金。暴龍隊的交易還沒完,他們還將Anderson、 Popeye Jones跟Zan Tabak送到波士頓賽爾提克隊去換新秀Chauncey Billups、Dee Brown、 Roy Rogers及John Thomas。伴隨著所有混亂的改變,暴龍隊最終不意外的以16-66的爛戰績 結束了這個球季。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 13:20, , 1F
Stoudamire & Camby 的核心,居然第三年就拆夥!
08/02 13:20, 1F

08/02 13:21, , 2F
08/02 13:21, 2F

08/03 01:18, , 3F
08/03 01:18, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1CLZtEFG (Raptors)