[外電] Zack Greinke? Josh Hamilton?

看板Rangers作者 (Yginger)時間11年前 (2012/11/11 13:52), 編輯推噓8(8017)
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來源:http://tinyurl.com/axpm857 Chasing Zack Greinke Will Cost Texas Josh Hamilton It's been coming for a while, but the Texas Rangers appear to be getting used to life without Josh Hamilton, as they've turned their attention to the other superstar available on the 2013 free-agent market. That would be former Cy Young winner Zack Greinke, who is easily the most highly regarded pitcher available this winter. But whether Texas has a realistic shot at landing the soon-to-be former Angels ace remains to be seen. 條子已經適應了沒有Hammy的生活有一段時間了,並把注意力轉移到自由市場中的其他巨星 那就是現在在市場上最被關注的前賽揚投手Greinke Despite reports (via ESPN.com) claiming the Rangers had offered Hamilton a three-year max-deal, it now appears that that contract proposal was never tabled. That's because Jon Heyman, CBS Sports' Baseball Insider, says that the Rangers have focused their efforts on reeling in Greinke, regardless of whether that costs the team the All-Star outfielder: The Rangers have joined the fray for Zack Greinke in another sign that superstar outfielder Josh Hamilton's days in Texas are numbered. The incumbent Angels are seen as the favorite for Greinke, but as one GM said here, they are going to get geographic (Dodgers) and divisional (Rangers) competition. The Nationals are one of many others who may make a play for Greinke, and as Angels GM Jerry Dipoto said, 'I assume all 29 teams have some level of interest.' 儘管ESPN.com報導說條子有給Hammy一張三年約,但雙方似乎連進一步協商的意願都沒有 這是因為條子現在把全部的心力放在Greinke上,而不管是否因為這樣而失去了明星級的 外野手,CBS Sports' baseball的Jon Heyman說:條子在跟Hamilton簽約日到期前幾天 加入了搶奪Greinke的混戰,天使本身也對Greinke很感興趣,他們的高層說這是一場 地理上(躲人),與分區上(條子)的競爭。國民似乎也對他感興趣。天使的GM說我敢打包票 大聯盟全部的隊伍都想要Greinke,只是想要的程度高低而已。 Texas has made no offer to Hamilton (no, the Rangers didn't make a three-year offer, as rumored), and while they've held open the possibility of bringing him back, they are concentrating their efforts on Greinke while allowing Hamilton to look elsewhere. 條子根本就沒對Hammy提任合約,連之前說的三年約都只是乳摸。雖然條子還是張開雙臂 歡迎Hammy的回來,但他們把全部心力壓在Greinke上,而任由Hammy去別的地方 The Rangers' chances to keep Hamilton may now depend on them 1) losing out on Greinke, and 2) Hamilton finding nothing great elsewhere. 明年想看到Hammy穿條子衣只有兩種可能,1.條子追不到Greinke 2.Hammy找不到更好的 地方去 At this point, it seems extremely unlikely that Hamilton will return to Texas, especially given his former team's apparent indifference, or at least absence of urgency, in getting his signature on a long-term deal. 現在看起來Hammy要回來的機會微乎其微,尤其是條子連想給他長約的態度都沒有 Hamilton will receive more lucrative offers than what the Rangers appear willing to give him, and unless something drastic happens soon, he'll be entertaining contract proposals from a variety of suitors. Hammy將會從眾多追求者中收到比條子想給他的更長更優渥的一張大約 In addition, with Texas actively pursuing Greinke, Hamilton must realize that he's no longer the Rangers' top priority. But it seemed that he'd read the writing on the wall by the end of the 2012 season. 除此之外,從條子追Greinke的態度中。Hammy必須要知道他在條子的補強名單中已不是 第一順位了 He's going to get a six-figure contract offer from someone, but it won't be Texas, and unless they're low-balling Greinke as well, the Rangers are almost certainly tabling relatively more desirable offers to the All-Star starting pitcher. 他即將從別隊中得到一張6位數的大約,但絕不是條子給的。條子幾乎可確定一定會在 談判桌上給明星級先發投手(Greinke)一張更好的合約。 Regardless of whether the Rangers do ultimately acquire Greinke, the fact that the team's management is more concerned with signing him than Hamilton will be the final nail in the coffin for the former AL MVP. 不論條子最終是否會簽下Greinke,我們的GM絕對是先考慮Greinke而不是Hamilton, 這可能會是讓Hammy離開我們最後的喪鐘 雖然我也很喜歡Hammy(是因為他才支持條子的),不過看來明年他應該不會再穿條子衣了 而且他季末打球的態度感覺很消極,打擊不用說了,連防守都..... 他跟球隊高層的關係好像也不是很好,感謝影片沒有他,老闆也多次出來講話 從條子一開始的態度應該是不會留他了,祝福他之後去別隊也能有好表現,不過 不是打條子的時候XD 這篇我翻得有點卡卡的,如果有翻錯的地方,麻煩大家跟我說,我再修正,謝謝大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/11 14:02, , 1F
如果真的提3年 那真的是隨便敷衍一下 沒有挽留的意思
11/11 14:02, 1F

11/11 14:11, , 2F
今年季末Hammy如果能帶領條子進入季後賽 就情理來說
11/11 14:11, 2F

11/11 14:13, , 3F
有很大的機會是會希望他留下 但偏偏季末那個Hammy
11/11 14:13, 3F

11/11 14:15, , 4F
是我看過在條子最不正常的Hammy 連我也是因為Hammy
11/11 14:15, 4F

11/11 14:16, , 5F
會特別為條子加油的球迷來說 要不要留下他也充滿懷疑
11/11 14:16, 5F

11/11 17:13, , 6F
11/11 17:13, 6F

11/12 09:53, , 7F
看完條子 at bat的影片 真的覺的條子很...要評量也以整年
11/12 09:53, 7F

11/12 09:54, , 8F
來作為評量 超傷漢米的吧....
11/12 09:54, 8F

11/12 10:34, , 9F
在商言商沒有辦法 不管是FO或是Hami都是一樣的
11/12 10:34, 9F

11/12 10:35, , 10F
對FO而言 以他們的了解給Hami到超過3年將承受過大的
11/12 10:35, 10F

11/12 10:35, , 11F
風險 但是對Hami而言 當然是希望合約越長越大張越好
11/12 10:35, 11F

11/12 10:37, , 12F
FO重視的是球隊戰績和未來 Hami重視的是自己的荷包
11/12 10:37, 12F

11/12 10:37, , 13F
11/12 10:37, 13F

11/12 16:04, , 14F
11/12 16:04, 14F

11/12 17:10, , 15F
11/12 17:10, 15F

11/12 20:02, , 16F
Hammy很好 但尷尬的是她的年紀 給她7年約 約滿都39了
11/12 20:02, 16F

11/12 20:03, , 17F
反觀Greinke 給她七年等於包了她的全盛期 所以球團追
11/12 20:03, 17F

11/12 20:04, , 18F
她優先於Hammy說實在不意外 而且我覺得就算沒追到球團
11/12 20:04, 18F

11/12 20:04, , 19F
也不會給Hammy7年約 雖然我很喜歡Hammy 但我覺得她回來條
11/12 20:04, 19F

11/12 20:04, , 20F
11/12 20:04, 20F

11/12 20:42, , 21F
11/12 20:42, 21F

11/12 21:47, , 22F
11/12 21:47, 22F

11/12 21:48, , 23F
11/12 21:48, 23F

11/30 16:44, , 24F
11/30 16:44, 24F

11/30 16:44, , 25F
11/30 16:44, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1GdpqMko (Rangers)