Season 13 updates: what's new?

看板RS作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間9年前 (2014/10/21 11:02), 9年前編輯推噓7(706)
留言13則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大家好,我是翻譯猛人王跛輪,大家都看到昨天的公告了吧, 先看看不負責任詳細生肉翻譯版本。 During season 13 we will test and implement a major update to the game. Most of the changes will only affect the game in season 14, but it's good to be aware of what you can expect in the coming season. This article will explain what will change and when. 在第13賽季(也就是即將來的賽季),維尼熊會測試、並建置遊戲引擎的大改版, 其中大部分更新會在第14賽季才會上線,玩家可以提早一個賽季做準備。下面開始介紹。 Updated match engine We have rewritten a large part of the match engine to improve the balance. The principles remains the same, but more skills and players are taken into account in situations, for example when shooting at goal or attempting a pass. These changes can be tested in test matches in season 13 before they will be used in official matches in season 14. 維尼熊重新改寫了大部分的遊戲引擎,目標是提升遊戲平衡。原則不變,但是更多技能 以及球員,會在比賽情境(例如射門、傳球)納入考量計算。 這些更新在第13賽季可以在測試比賽測試,第14賽季在正式比賽上線使用。 Passes will be shorter, even between good teams. This removes the unrealistic passes back and forth between the penalty area's. It will also reduce the number of shots a little because it takes more time to reach the other side. There will on average be more goals because the chance for each shot is increased. Overall, the random factor is reduced. 傳球距離會縮短、兩隻強隊強強對話也不例外,這會改善在球場罰球區兩端豪小的 長傳的狀況。新引擎要花更多時間把球帶到前場,所以每場比賽射門總數量會降低一些, 但是每次射門的精準度會提高,所以場均進球總數會增加。 總體來說,比賽中的隨機因素隨會降低。 There will be more red and yellow cards. Injuries will take longer, and starting in season 14 the injury duriation can only be reduced once in the health center. This will make it more important to have subtitutes for your players because it will happen more frequently that one or more players are unavailable for important matches. 紅、黃牌會更多,受傷痊癒時間會更長,另外從14賽季起,受傷只能在醫療中心 醫治一次。未來重要球員缺席重要比賽的頻率會提高,準備替補球員的中要性將會提高。 The passing, tackle, shoot, assist, free kick and corner events have all been modified (in descending order of how much they are changed). This means that the probabilities in these situations will change. The basic principles remain the same though. Better teams will score more goals. In the new engine, midfielders will score more goals. Also, there is an assist penalty that makes it harder for the same midfielder to give multiple assists in a match. This is similar to the scoring penalty for forwards that already existed in the old engine. 傳球、搶斷、射門、助攻、自由球、角球都有更新(以上根據更改的程度的降冪順序排序) ,這代表以上提到的事件的機率都重新被定義,即使如此,比較好的隊伍進球比較多, 這基本原則不會改變。中場球員會射進更多球,有助攻懲罰了,概念跟進球懲罰一樣, 球員更難在同一場比賽取得兩個以上的助攻。 Test friendlies Test friendlies will be available during season 13 to test the new match s engine. These are the only matches that will be played with the new engine in season 13. The official matches will still use the old engine. In season 14 the new engine will be used for all matches. You can start a test friendly the same way you start a normal friendly, except that you should select "test match" in the drop-down select box. 在第13賽季,只有測試比賽用新引擎,正式比賽還是用舊引擎,整個第13賽季 都可以安排測試比賽,第14賽季全部比賽都使用新引擎。安排測試比賽和平常約友誼賽的 方法相同,只要在挑戰頁面的下拉式選單選擇"測試比賽"即可。 Test friendlies are not real matches. They do not affect fatigue and do not give experience. They can be played at the same time as other matches. All your players can play in them, even when injured or away with the national team, and they will all start the match without fatigue. You do need a friendly token to start such a match and you do get half a credit for watching it while it is being played. 測試比賽不是真的比賽,不影響體能、不能拿經驗、不會受傷,可以和其他比賽同時開踢 、全部球員都能上場,包括傷兵、包括被徵召的國腳(你妹啊,我今天踢測試比賽國腳 就不能上,虎爛)。踢測試比賽需要一點友誼點數、看比賽直播可以得到半點信用點。 More diversity in players The second part of the update includes changes to make players less similar. This becomes necessary now that more and more teams get to the highest level youth centers. These changes will only affect players that are created or promoted from the youth center in season 13 or later. These players can be recognised because they have a number of "Player 2.0 features" displayed on their profile page. These options include the number of fixed feature trainings the player received and the training morale of the player. We'll explain what these things mean in the next chapters. 改版的第二部分,在打造球員多元性,降低球員相似性,這是十分必要的,因為 高青訓的俱樂部現在越來越多。球員的改版只在13賽季(含)之後出產的人造人和青訓球員 生效,這些球員的球員頁面會出現"player 2.0 feature"的文字方便識別。 "調整固定屬性訓練"、"訓練士氣"是新設定。後面篇章會介紹。 Fixed feature training Training of speed, power and endurance will become harder each time a player receives training in one of these attributes in the training center under "special training". The training time, experience points and credits needed for these training increase with 20% for every next training. The number of times a player has received training and the cost of the next training are shown on the profile page of new players. Old players are not affected. For them, the fixed training times remain constant. 球員在訓練中心特訓"速度"、"力量"、"耐力"會更困難。每多練一球,訓練時間、 所需經驗、信用點數會增加20%。(這邊不知道是指速度->速度,還是速度->力量這種跨的 也算)。老球員不受影響,固定屬性的訓練代價是一樣的,新球員每次訓練所需時間會在 球員頁面顯示。 Trainable feature XP limit For new players, the maximum cost to train a trainable feature is 3000 xp lower than for old players. 新球員每點一次技能,最多只需要花3000經驗,這比老球員少。 This maximum is reached after about 110 training clicks in a skill. All further trainings will cost the same amount of experience. "Classic" players reach the maximum training cost after about 118-120 clicks. 上述提到的條件,在每項技能大約點到110後生效,之後每點一次都花費一樣的經驗。 "經典球員"點大約118-120次,才會達到這樣的條件。 This compensates for the disadvantage of new players in fixed feature training and increases the difference between the really good players. 這是為了補償新球員在固定屬性的不利,以及提升真正好的球員的差異 Training morale Training morale is a new concept intended to make the development of players less predictable. You will no longer know for sure which 17 year old player will grow up to be the best 24 year old player. At the bottom of this article you'll find a link to the help article that explains the training morale in detail. 訓練士氣是新概念,為了增加球員的成長的不可預期性。你不再清楚知道,哪一位17歲球 員會在24歲時最成才。這篇文章的最後面有篇詳細解是訓練士氣文章的連結。 Created players A 750- and 1000-credit option is added to the create player page in the scout office to match the level of top teams. 球探辦公室新增750人造人和1000人造人的選項,去匹配高端球隊的實力(騙錢啊) You can see a preview in the scout office already. 750-credit players can be created in season 13 or later, 1000-credit players in season 15 or later. 球探辦公室可以預覽750和1000人造人,750下賽季可造、1000在15賽季(或之後)可造。 New special attributes There will also be a lot of new special attributes, both trainable and natural. About 50% of the players will have one or two natural special attributes. This makes them a bit more common than they were before. 有很多新屬性,先天不可訓練和後天可訓練的都有。大約一半的球員會有一或兩個 先天屬性(HT二代 ?),先天屬性出現頻率會比現在更普遍。 There are 5 new trainable special attributes: Setting Walls, Winger, Man Marker, Versatile and Long Shots. 有五個新的後天屬性,包括Setting Walls、Winger、Man Marker、Versatile、 Long Shots。 Setting Walls gives keepers a defensive bonus against direct free kicks. It can be trained in training center level 6 or better. Setting Walls是門將用屬性,面對自由球時有防守加成,6級以上的訓練場可練。 Man Marker gives defenders a bonus against opponents in the same square, if it is outside the penalty area. It can be trained at level 7. Man Marker讓後衛在對抗同一個區域的對手有加成。7級以上的訓練場可練。 Winger can be trained at level 8 and gives players a bonus when playing on the flanks. Winger屬性的球員被放在邊路的位置有加成,在8級以上的訓練場可練, Versatile and Long Shots can be trained at level 9. Long Shots gives a scoring bonus for shots from outside the penalty area, it also lets player use passing or dueling instead of scoring for these shots. Versatile lets players use their main skill for a secondary purpose. They can use their scoring skill as passing, their passing as scoring, their dueling as passing and their blocking as dueling (with a small penalty though). 多面手和遠射在9級以上的訓練場可練。遠射屬性在禁區外的格子射門有進球加成, 同時可用傳球或搶斷代替進球技能。多面手屬性球員把主技能當第二技能使用, 例如進球轉傳球、傳球轉進球、搶斷轉傳球、組擋轉搶斷(會有一點小代價就是了)。 There are also 7 new natural special attributes: Super Sub (better as substitute), Intelligent (tactics bonus), Dirty (makes his opponent get cards), Short (worse at corners, but speed bonus), Athletic (better fixed feature training), Tournament Player (better at tournament matches, worse in league) and Popular (gives additional fans). 有七個新的先天屬性,Super Sub (打替補比先發強),Intelligent (戰術加成), Dirty (讓對手吃牌),Short (角球搶點差些,但是有速度加成),Athletic (較佳的固定 屬性訓練),Tournament Player (錦標賽踢比較好、聯賽較差),Popular ( 增加額外的球迷)。 Most of these attributes will only affect the new match engine. They can be trained in season 13 to prepare for the update but they will not influence match results until season 14. 大部分新屬性只影響新引擎,但是這些屬性可以在13賽季開始特訓,但是14賽季 才對比賽結果產生影響。 There is additional information on some of the special attributes in the help article linked below. 提供超連結的文章有更多新屬性的資訊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/21 11:41, , 1F
10/21 11:41, 1F

10/21 12:05, , 2F
reduced:被降低 tackle:搶球
10/21 12:05, 2F

10/21 12:05, , 3F
對喔,我怎麼想tackle戰術 XD
10/21 12:05, 3F
※ 編輯: bolam (, 10/21/2014 14:49:45 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 10/21/2014 15:02:27

10/21 16:36, , 4F
Setting Walls是門將捨性,是特性吧,我都有認真看(挺
10/21 16:36, 4F
讚喔,感謝認真觀看以及提醒 !! ※ 編輯: bolam (, 10/21/2014 17:16:27

10/21 19:19, , 5F
10/21 19:19, 5F

10/21 20:51, , 6F
這批 幾乎都是正面屬性、或是中性,很久沒負面屬性了
10/21 20:51, 6F

10/21 23:43, , 7F
總之 2.0 球員點一次最多 3000exp 那成長會很快才是
10/21 23:43, 7F

10/21 23:45, , 8F
維尼熊想用這批 2.0 取代掉 80% 現有 只剩下三圍遠超過
10/21 23:45, 8F

10/21 23:45, , 9F
5 的 RS 初期神將
10/21 23:45, 9F

10/22 00:02, , 10F
10/22 00:02, 10F

10/22 00:02, , 11F
110級,維尼熊分段寫 很容易誤會
10/22 00:02, 11F

10/22 00:05, , 12F
10/22 00:05, 12F

10/22 07:35, , 13F
等到2.0成材 鄧神也差不多可以光榮引退了XDD
10/22 07:35, 13F
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