[心得] 計算e到小數點下十億位 ─ 超進化版

看板Python作者 (順風相送)時間3年前 (2021/02/26 03:08), 3年前編輯推噓1(101)
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感謝 raagi 與快樂的朋友們指導,我把程式裡不少地方都修改過了,分號也都刪了, 執行速度快了將近三倍,接近 C 語言做同樣運算的速度了。 過程中發現: 1. 要注意 gmpy2 module 的版本,我用 2.1.0a4 才有 mpfr.digits() 可以用, 但 2.0.8 卻沒有 mpfr.digits() 因此增加了 gmpy2, GMP, MPFR 的版本顯示,方便診斷問題。 2. Windows 的 Python 不知為何 MPFR precision 偏低,低於十億位的要求, 這次也特別在執行運算前檢查這個問題並警告。 程式碼一樣順便放在 https://ideone.com/3B6wdb 方便大家複製貼上 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # e-mpz.py - Calculate Eular's number e # import sys import time import math import gmpy2 from gmpy2 import mpfr from gmpy2 import mpz # # Constants used in Stirling's approximation # E = float(2.718281828459045235360287) pi = float(3.141592653589793238462643) C = math.log10(2*pi) / 2 # # Global Variables # count = 0 total = 0 grad = 0 step = 0 # # Stirling's approximation # def logfactorial(n): return (C + math.log10(n)/2 + n*(math.log10(n)-math.log10(E))) # # Estimate how many terms in the serie sould be calculated. # def terms(digits): upper = 2 lower = 1 while (logfactorial(upper)<digits): upper <<= 1 else: lower = upper/2 while ((upper-lower) > 1): n = (upper+lower)/2 if (logfactorial(n) > digits): upper = n else: lower = n return n # # Show Progress # def progress_init(max): global count, total, grad, step total = max count = 0 step = int(total / 1000) grad = int(step / 2) def progress(): global count, total, grad, step if (count > grad): grad += step g = int(math.floor(72.5*count/total+0.5)) p = int(math.floor(1000.5*count/total+0.5)) msg = "H" * g + "-" * (72-g) + " " + str(p/10) + "%\r" if (grad > total): msg += "\n" print(msg, sep="", end="", flush=True) # # Write digit string # def write_string(digit_string): fd = open("e-py.txt", mode="w") fd.write(" e = ") fd.write(digit_string[0]) fd.write(".") for c in range(1, len(digit_string)-1, 50): if (c != 1): fd.write("\t") fd.write(digit_string[c:c+50]) if ((c % 1000) == 951): fd.write(" << ") fd.write(str(c+49)) fd.write("\r\n") elif ((c % 500) == 451): fd.write(" <\r\n") else: fd.write("\r\n") # Final new-line fd.write("\r\n") fd.close() # # Recursive funcion. # def s(a, b): global count m = math.ceil((a + b) / 2) if (a == b): q = mpz(1) if (a == 0): p = mpz(1) else: p = mpz(0) elif (b - a == 1): if (a == 0): p = mpz(2) q = mpz(1) else: p = mpz(1) q = mpz(b) else: p1, q1 = s(a, m) p2, q2 = s(m, b) # Merge p = gmpy2.add(gmpy2.mul(p1, q2), p2) q = gmpy2.mul(q1, q2) count += 1 progress() return p, q # # Calculate e # def calc_e(digits): global total d = digits+1 n_terms = int(terms(d)) precision = math.ceil(d * math.log2(10)) + 4 print("d = ", d, ", n = ", n_terms, ", precision = ", precision) print("gmpy2 version:", gmpy2.version()) print("MP version:", gmpy2.mp_version()) print("MPFR version:", gmpy2.mpfr_version()) max_precision = gmpy2.get_max_precision() print("max_precision =", max_precision) max_emax = gmpy2.get_emax_max() print("max_emax =", max_emax) if (max_precision < precision): print("Error! Max precision is too small! Program terminated.") return gmpy2.get_context().precision = precision gmpy2.get_context().emax = max_emax print("Real precision = ", gmpy2.get_context().precision) progress_init(n_terms * 2 - 1) # Initialize progress bar start_time = time.monotonic_ns() p, q = s(0, n_terms) end_time = time.monotonic_ns() elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / 1000000000 print("Recursion:", elapsed, "seconds.") start_time = time.monotonic_ns() pf = mpfr(p) qf = mpfr(q) ef = gmpy2.div(pf, qf) end_time = time.monotonic_ns() elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / 1000000000 print("Grand division:", elapsed, "seconds.") start_time = time.monotonic_ns() estr, exp, prec = mpfr.digits(ef) estr = estr[0:d] end_time = time.monotonic_ns() elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / 1000000000 print("Convert to decimal digits:", elapsed, "seconds.") start_time = time.monotonic_ns() write_string(estr) end_time = time.monotonic_ns() elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / 1000000000 print("Write file:", elapsed, "seconds.") # # main program # if __name__ == '__main__': argc = len(sys.argv) if (argc >= 2): digits = int(sys.argv[1]) else: digits = 100000 calc_e(digits) # End of e-mpz.py -- 桃樂絲: 可是, 如果你沒有頭腦, 為什麼會說話? 稻草人: ㄝ, 我也不知... 但是有些人沒有頭腦也能說超~多話呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Python/M.1614280134.A.B3D.html

02/26 08:18, 3年前 , 1F
02/26 08:18, 1F
π和e是獨立的兩支程式,不會互相影響喲! 但是 gmpy2 module (或者說 MPFR library) 本身是有精度 (precision) 上限 只不過在我的運作環境 (Debian Linux) 中,這個上限非常高, 足足有 4,611,686,018,427,387,903 bits,在撞到上限前應該只需要擔心 RAM 不夠 不要說 RAM 了,連硬碟都沒見過這麼大的硬碟 (四百萬TB) 至於 Windows 環境,我自己並沒有真的在 Windows 中測試過,說不定是我誤會了 不知道各位能不能幫我試試看,現在這個版本在 Windows 能不能跑到十億位?

02/26 20:25, 3年前 , 2F
02/26 20:25, 2F
感謝稱讚 :) 能達到要求就是好 code (拇指) ※ 編輯: Schottky ( 臺灣), 02/28/2021 06:08:43
文章代碼(AID): #1WD_N6iz (Python)