[新聞] 美國從與臺灣斷交的拉美三國召回外交官(標題依照紐約時報中文網的標題)

看板PublicIssue作者 (syuanling)時間5年前 (2018/09/12 12:30), 5年前編輯推噓5(509)
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媒體來源】 紐約時報The New York Times 報導日期:2018年9月10日 【新聞標題】 U.S. Recalls Top Diplomats From Latin America as Worries Rise Over China’s Influence 美國從與臺灣斷交的拉美三國召回外交官(標題依照紐約時報中文網的標題) 【完整內文】 WASHINGTON — The United States has recalled three chiefs of mission from Latin American nations that cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of recognizing China. 華盛頓——美國召回了三名駐拉丁美洲國家的使團團長,這三個國家最近為了承認中國, 與臺灣斷絕了外交關係。 The move comes as American officials have expressed growing unease over China’s rising influence in the region. 此舉正值華盛頓官員對中國在拉美地區不斷增長的影響表達越來越多的不安。 The diplomats, who represent the United States in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama, will meet with leaders in Washington “to discuss ways in which the United States can support strong, independent, democratic institutions throughout Central America and the Caribbean,” a spokeswoman for the State Department, Heather Nauert, said in a written statement on Friday. 美國駐多明尼加共和國、薩爾瓦多和巴拿馬的外交官將在華盛頓與領導人見面,以「探討 美國如何在中美洲和加勒比地區支援堅強、獨立、民主的制度」,美國國務院發言人希瑟 ·諾爾特(Heather Nauert)週五在一份書面聲明中說。 For decades, Taiwan and China have competed for recognition. In 1979, the United States switched its support and officially established sovereign relations with China, and many other countries followed. But Washington has supported any decisions by nations to continue recognizing Taiwan, a self-governing island that China wants to bring under Communist Party rule. 幾十年來,臺灣和中國一直在競相得到他國的承認。1979年,美國改變了對臺灣的支持, 正式與中國建立了主權關係。但華盛頓支持任何各國繼續承認臺灣的決定。臺灣是一個自 治的島嶼,中國希望將其置於共產黨統治之下。 In recent years, China has had success in courting Taiwan’s diplomatic partners. Only 17 nations recognize Taiwan; outside the Vatican and Swaziland, they are all islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean or countries in Latin America. 近年來,中國在爭取臺灣的外交夥伴方面取得了成功。只剩下17個國家仍承認臺灣;除了 梵蒂岡和史瓦濟蘭,其他的都是太平洋和加勒比海的島國或拉丁美洲國家。 American officials have expressed growing concern over the shift. The United States sells arms to Taiwan and maintains a diplomatic presence there, called the American Institute in Taiwan, now housed in a new $250 million compound. American officials see Taiwan’s de facto independence as an important hedge against Chinese dominance in the Asia-Pacific region— what the United States now calls the Indo-Pacific as it tries to strengthen ties with South Asian nations to balance against China. 美國官員對這種轉變表示了越來越多的擔憂。美國向臺灣出售武器,並在那裡保留著一個 名為「美國在台協會」(American Institute in Taiwan)的外交機構,目前該機構位於一 個造價2.5億美元的新館內。美國官員把臺灣事實上的獨立視為對抗中國在亞太地區主導地 位的一個重要手段——隨著美國為了制衡中國,試圖加強與南亞國家的關係,美國現已改 稱亞太地區為「印太」地區(Indo-Pacific)。 Last month, El Salvador severed ties with Taiwan, prompting the White House to accuse China of “apparent interference” in El Salvador’s domestic politics. American officials fear that the four nations in Central America that still recognize Taiwan — Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua — could soon follow. Last May, Burkina Faso switched recognition to China, leaving Swaziland as the lone holdout in Africa. 上個月,薩爾瓦多與臺灣斷交,引起白宮指責中國對薩爾瓦多內政的「顯然干涉」。美國 官員擔心,中美洲仍然承認臺灣的四個國家——貝里斯、瓜地馬拉、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜 ——可能很快也會倒戈。今年5月,布吉納法索轉向承認中國,讓史瓦濟蘭成為非洲唯一拒 絕承認中國的國家。 In June 2017, Panama cut ties with Taiwan, which surprised the United States g overnment. The American ambassador to Panama at the time, John Feeley, said he learned about the switch from the president, Juan Carlos Varela, only an hour or so before Mr. Varela announced it, and only because he had called Mr. Varela to discuss an unrelated matter. 2017年6月,巴拿馬與臺灣斷交,讓美國政府感到意外。美國當時的駐巴拿馬大使約翰‧費 利(John Feeley)說,他是在胡安‧卡洛斯‧瓦雷拉(Juan Carlos Varela)總統宣佈斷交大 約一小時前,才從瓦雷拉那裡得知這一消息的,而且只是因為他為了討論一件無關的事情 ,給瓦雷拉打了電話。 Mr. Feeley, who left his post in March and is now a consultant for Univision, said in an interview on Saturday that the recall of top American diplomats was significant. 費利已於今年3月離任,目前是Univision的顧問。他在上週六接受採訪時說,美國召回高 級外交官意義重大。 The diplomats returning to Washington are Robin Bernstein, ambassador to the Dominican Republic; Jean Manes, ambassador to El Salvador; and Roxanne Cabral, the chargé d’affaires in Panama. A State Department official said they would return to their posts by Sept. 14. 返回華盛頓的外交官是駐多明尼加共和國大使羅賓‧伯恩斯坦(Robin Bernstein),駐薩爾 瓦多大使珍‧曼內斯(Jean Manes),以及駐巴拿馬代辦洛葛仙妮‧卡布拉爾(Roxanne Cabral)。美國國務院一名官員表示,這三人將於9月14日之前返回崗位。 The move “is an appropriate and serious signal by the U.S. government to those three countries and to the Chinese government that it is now reviewing the implications of the diplomatic switch and is worried that U.S. interests could be jeopardized,” Mr. Feeley said. 此舉「是美國政府向這三個國家和中國政府發出的一個適當且嚴重的訊號,表明美國正在 評估這種外交關係改變的影響,擔心美國的利益可能會受到損害」,費利說。 “My sense is that they will be most focused on the issue of industrial and commercial espionage and the possibility of Beijing using its embassies to expand that activity in those countries and the Caribbean Basin,” he added. 「我的感覺是,他們最關注的將是工商業間諜的問題,以及北京方面利用其大使館擴大在 這些國家和加勒比海地區間諜活動的可能性」,他補充說。 China is now the world’s second-largest economy and is expected to overtake the United States as the largest one in 10 to 15 years. 中國現在是世界第二大經濟體,預計將在未來10到15年內超過美國,成為世界最大經濟體 。 It is difficult for any nation, especially a small one, to decide not to recognize the sovereignty of China. 讓任何國家、尤其是小國不承認中國的主權相當困難。 China and Taiwan have long engaged in what some observers call “checkbook diplomacy” to woo countries by offering aid or other incentives. China’s financial packages have increased in recent years, especially as it has promoted infrastructure projects abroad and related loans and contracts as part of what it calls its Belt and Road Initiative. 中國和臺灣長期從事被一些觀察人士稱為「支票簿外交」的活動,通過提供援助或其他激 勵措施來爭取他國的支持。中國提供的資助金額近年來有所增加,尤其是在中國推動的基 礎建設專案上,以及與中國稱之為「一帶一路」倡議有關的貸款和契約上。 Jorge Guajardo, a former Mexican ambassador to China, said on Saturday that the recall was “heavy handed.” The United States should not be surprised as Latin American governments push back against American requests, he added, when President Trump has continued to alienate the people of Latin America. 墨西哥前駐華大使豪爾赫‧瓜哈爾多(Jorge Guajardo)上週六說,召回使節是一種「高壓 手段」。他補充說,在川普總統繼續疏遠拉丁美洲人民的時候,拉美國家政府拒絕美國的 要求,美國不應該感到驚訝。 “Trump has openly and systematically offended Latin American countries and their people,” Mr. Guajardo wrote in an email. “He labels us as rapists and criminals, has never traveled to the region as president, has deported and separated families, and threatened to cut all sort of aid. China comes with an offer of friendship and economic development (albeit one that I don’t think will pan out). Why the surprise?” 「川普已幾次公開地、有意地冒犯了拉美國家及其人民」,瓜哈爾多在一封電子郵件中寫 道。「他給我們貼上性侵犯和罪犯的標籤,從未以總統的身份去過這個地區,他驅逐移民 、拆散家庭,還威脅要切斷所有形式的援助。中國以提供友誼和經濟發展機會(儘管我認 為這不會成功)的姿態來到這裡。有什麼可驚訝的?」 The United States has yet to fill some ambassador posts in the region, including those in Mexico and Panama, Mr. Guajardo noted, whereas China has assigned ambassadors in all Latin American nations with which it has diplomatic relations. 美國在該地區的一些大使職位一直空缺著,包括駐墨西哥和巴拿馬的大使職位,瓜哈爾多 出,而中國已向所有與之有外交關係的拉美國家派駐了大使。 “Save a few countries in Latin America, the region as a whole has a historical preference for the U.S. as the main ally,” he said. “This changed when Trump assumed the presidency. It was his call, his choice, to turn away from the region.” 「除了拉丁美洲的少數國家外,整個拉美地區在歷史上都傾向于把美國作為主要盟友」, 他說。「川普就任總統後,情況發生了變化。是他決定、他選擇離開這個地區的。」 China has grown more strident over the issue of Taiwan since Tsai Ing-wen, a strong critic of Beijing, became president of Taiwan in May 2016. Chinese officials have worked to erase any recognition by corporations of Taiwan’s sovereignty. For example, they successfully pressured international airlines this summer, including those in the United States, to list just “Taipei,” a city designation, in their booking systems rather than phrases that included “Taiwan,” as was the case for decades. 自從強烈批評北京的蔡英文於2016年5月擔任臺灣總統以來,中國在臺灣問題上變得更加強 硬。中國官員一直在努力消除任何企業對臺灣主權的承認。比如,今年夏天,中國官員成 功地向國際航空公司(包括美國公司在內)施壓,要求它們在訂票系統中只把「臺北」作 為一個城市列出,而不是像過去幾十年那樣使用「臺灣」的說法。 Last month, Ms. Tsai made state visits to Belize and Paraguay to try to strengthen ties with those nations. 上個月,蔡英文對貝里斯和巴拉圭進行了國事訪問,試圖加強與這兩個國家的關係。 【新聞連結】 中英文版: https://tinyurl.com/yb8dmk3u 英文原文版: https://tinyurl.com/ydhptqo5 紐時中文版是由簡體中文翻譯而成,繁體版是由簡體版轉換而來,用語仍是中國用語。本 文將用語調整成臺灣用語,調整如下: 「合同」改為「契約(contract)」、「特朗普」改為「川普(President Trump)」、 「強姦犯」改為「性侵犯(rapist)」。 【備註心得】 三個拉丁美洲國家與臺灣斷交,美國召回大使,其中之美方觀點、小國觀點(倒數三、四 段)、墨西哥前駐華大使豪爾赫‧瓜哈爾多之觀點。 其他報導: (德國之聲,報導日期:2018.09.10) 《美以行動挺臺 中美洲外交受考驗?》 連結:https://p.dw.com/p/34asS (RFI法國國際廣播電台,報導日期:2018.08.22) 《薩爾瓦多與台灣斷交,美國罕見做出強烈反應》→官員引用《台灣關係法》第二條 連結:https://tinyurl.com/y9feftxp -------9/14補充報導------- (RFI法國國際廣播電台,報導日期:2018.09.12) 《美重申支持台灣 且「美臺關係並不代表適於其他政府」》 連結:https://tinyurl.com/y963pp7x 該篇新聞引用此篇紐時報導,有其觀點,給有興趣的板友參考。 法國國際廣播電台 RFI (Radio France Internationale) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1536726637.A.047.html

09/12 14:33, 5年前 , 1F
09/12 14:33, 1F
關於新聞中的這句話我也不太明白。↓ 「China is now the world’s second-largest economy and is expected to overtake the United States as the largest one in 10 to 15 years.中國現在是世界第二大經濟 體,預計將在未來10到15年內超過美國,成為世界最大經濟體。」

09/12 14:33, 5年前 , 2F
09/12 14:33, 2F

09/12 14:57, 5年前 , 3F
09/12 14:57, 3F

09/12 14:57, 5年前 , 4F
09/12 14:57, 4F
有注意到紐時中文翻譯的傾中問題。看英文原文標題就與中文翻譯的標題不同,沒有把原 文的Worries Rise Over China’s Influence翻譯出來。所以發文時也有附上紐時的英文 原文,並附上英文原文連結。建議英文好的板友可以看英文原文。此外,也附上德國、法 國國際媒體的報導給板友們參照。也歡迎其他板友推文補充其他國際媒體報導。各個新聞 都看看,可避免單一觀點。 補充: 紐時新聞報導若有事實或斷言錯誤,可以寫信聯絡紐時。以下是紐時的聯絡方式: https://tinyurl.com/yb7squne

09/12 14:59, 5年前 , 5F
欸我覺得說像人民日報 就有點像說人像紅衛兵 其實要達到
09/12 14:59, 5F

09/12 15:01, 5年前 , 6F
09/12 15:01, 6F

09/12 15:02, 5年前 , 7F
好奇問:NYT現在在匪區可以上嗎? btw大推原po整理
09/12 15:02, 7F

09/12 15:05, 5年前 , 8F
09/12 15:05, 8F

09/12 15:05, 5年前 , 9F
09/12 15:05, 9F

09/12 15:06, 5年前 , 10F
09/12 15:06, 10F
以下此篇新聞的記者資訊,以及記者的所有報導。可以查詢是否已在其他報導中說明過他 的經濟判斷。 https://www.nytimes.com/by/edward-wong 若仍有不合適的地方仍可寫信聯繫紐時: https://tinyurl.com/yb7squne

09/12 16:21, 5年前 , 11F
09/12 16:21, 11F
是不是也有其他超不嚴謹的報導,不清楚,所以不回應。指稱超不嚴謹需要補充說明並且 附上不實新聞加以佐證,否則此番說法可能涉及散布不實言論毀及紐時媒體信譽(請見板 規八)。因此不了解不作評論。 另外,板友若認為紐時報導不妥適或錯誤,可以檢附證明聯繫紐時,請紐時更改。 https://tinyurl.com/yb7squne ※ 編輯: syuanling (, 09/16/2018 08:25:40

09/17 01:29, 5年前 , 12F
09/17 01:29, 12F

09/17 01:30, 5年前 , 13F
09/17 01:30, 13F

09/17 01:31, 5年前 , 14F
那台灣的媒體應該沒有任何可以的吧,Fox news也不行
09/17 01:31, 14F
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