[法律] 美國眾議院第221號共同決議案(臺灣人自決

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http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.CON.RES.221: (英) 美國國會圖書館 條例草案文本 第107屆國會(2001-2002年) H.CON.RES.221.IH 2001年9月6日,眾議院通過第221號共同決議案 H.CON.RES.221 -- Expressing the sense of the Congress that it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully through a democratic mechanism with the express... (Introduced in House - IH) HCON 221 IH 107th CONGRESS                 1st Session                H. CON. RES. 221 Expressing the sense of the Congress that it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully through a democratic mechanism with the express consent of the people of Taiwan and free from outside threats, intimidation, or interference. 美國的政策是 1.臺灣的未來,應該用和平的方式透過民主機制如全民在憲政體制上的公民自決, 表達臺灣人的意志。 2.美國的政策是臺灣人民的未來應該人民自決,不該有外來威脅,威嚇,以及干預。           IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES               September 6, 2001 Mr. WEXLER (for himself, Mr. TANCREDO, Mr. MCNULTY, Mr. STUMP, Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. WYNN, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. WU, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, and Mr. DEUTSCH) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations             CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Congress that it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully through a democratic mechanism with the express consent of the people of Taiwan and free from outside threats, intimidation, or interference. Whereas September 8, 2001, marks the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco Peace Treaty; Whereas in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan renounced all right, title, and claim to Taiwan; Whereas the signatories of the San Francisco Peace Treaty left the status of Taiwan undetermined; Whereas the universally accepted principal of self-determination is enshrined in article 1 of the United Nations Charter; Whereas the United States is a signatory of the United Nations Charter; Whereas the United States recognizes and supports that a right to self-determination exists as a fundamental right of all peoples, as set forth in numerous United Nations instruments; Whereas the people of Taiwan are committed to the principles of freedom, justice, and democracy as evidenced by the March 18, 2000, election of Mr. Chen Shui-bian as Taiwan's President; Whereas the 1993 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States defines the qualifications of a nation-state as a defined territory, a permanent population, and a government capable of entering into relations with other states; Whereas on February 24, 2000, and March 8, 2000, former President Clinton stated: `We will continue to make absolutely clear that the issues between Beijing and Taiwan must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan'; Whereas both the 2000 Republican party platform and the Democratic party platform emphasized and made clear the belief that the future of Taiwan should be determined with the consent of the people of Taiwan; Whereas on February 1, 2000, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.R. 1838, the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, in which section 2(4) states `[a]ny determination of the ultimate status of Taiwan must have the express consent of the people on Taiwan'; Whereas Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on March 16, 2001, that `[w]hat has changed is that any eventual agreement that is arrived at has to be acceptable to the majority of the people on Taiwan'; and Whereas in April 2001 President George W. Bush stated that the United States will help Taiwan defend itself if attacked by China: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that-- (1) it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, through a democratic mechanism such as a plebiscite and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan; and (2) it is the policy of the United States that Taiwan's future should be decided by the people of Taiwan without outside threats, intimidation, or interference. --------------------下面沒完全照翻,詳請見原文。全文可以用求救卡片嗎?orz 在舊金山和約中日本放棄了臺灣的所有權利,而形成臺灣地位未定。 普遍接受的自決權主要是體現在聯合國憲章第1條。 2000年3月8日,選舉了陳水扁先生為臺灣總統, 證明了臺灣人民致力於自由、正義和民主的信念。 1993年的蒙特維多國家之權利及義務公約,對一個nation-state的定義為: (Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States) 確定的領土,常住人口,和有能力簽訂與其他國家關係的政府。 2000年2月24日,2000年3月8日,前總統柯林頓表示:「我們將繼續絕對明確地 表明解決臺灣和北京之間的問題,必須是和平地,且有臺灣人民的同意。」 兩個2000年的共和黨黨綱和民主黨黨綱強調和明確認為臺灣的未來應該於臺灣人 民同意下決定。 2000年2月1日,眾議院以壓倒性多數通過了HR 1838的臺灣安全加強法案, 其中第2(4)條規定「任何對臺灣最終地位的決定,都必須有臺灣人民明確表達同意。」 副國務卿理理察·李·阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)在參議院外交關係委員會的 聽證會上說,「任何會導致改變的最終決議,都必須是多數臺灣人民可以接受的」。 2001年4月美國總統布希表示:假如中國攻擊,美國將協防臺灣, 現在,國會決議: 1.臺灣的未來,應該用和平的方式透過民主機制如全民在憲政體制上的公民自決, 表達臺灣人的意志。 2.美國的政策是臺灣人民的未來應該人民自決,不該有外來威脅,威嚇,以及干 預。 -------------------- 2001年9月8日,是舊金山和平條約50週年 →相較於ma政腐一直自己在自high的開羅公報 美國會固定重新檢視的卻是(舊金山)對日和約和TRA(臺灣關係法)。 聯合國憲章第1條 2 To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; 二、發展國際間以尊重人民平等權利及自決原則為根據之友好關係,並採取其他 適當辦法,以增強普遍和平。 所以臺灣建國要走nation-state(民族國家)?? 臺灣問題寫在美國兩個黨的黨綱中?? HR 1838 不知道決定臺灣最終定位的人是指對美方還是臺灣方而言? ....待查的資料又增加惹@_@" 目前可知的美國應該是希望用非武力的方式解決臺灣問題 問題就在這個自決要怎麼弄才有效果(美國可以接受那種)..@@a 還有,臺灣人為民主努力的程度老美也有在看,很重要。 (好像在寫一張空白考卷 但不是很確定教授要考什麼.... ◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒△〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣) -- 邱吉爾:你在戰爭和恥辱中選擇了恥辱,但最後你還是得面對戰爭。 柏拉圖:拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一 就是被糟糕的人統治。 http://imgur.com/D33YFeW
26對媒體大外宣計畫 媒體已死 http://ppt.cc/h~Wj 以西藏為鑑 袁紅冰籲台勿簽和平協議 ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議)實為賣國協議 http://ppt.cc/xVO2 跟美國簽TPP 勝過被鎖進中國 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1404241235.A.1F0.html

07/02 03:05, , 1F
你得先在場上覆蓋一張求救卡 然後結束這回合
07/02 03:05, 1F

07/02 03:18, , 2F
先叫ROC撤出台灣吧 占領更久了
07/02 03:18, 2F

07/02 05:44, , 3F
07/02 05:44, 3F

07/02 05:49, , 4F
07/02 05:49, 4F

07/02 09:06, , 5F
07/02 09:06, 5F

07/02 09:25, , 6F
07/02 09:25, 6F

07/02 09:42, , 7F
07/02 09:42, 7F

07/02 09:48, , 8F
07/02 09:48, 8F

07/02 09:50, , 9F
07/02 09:50, 9F
※ 編輯: DRIariel (, 07/02/2014 12:21:52

07/02 13:08, , 10F
美國也只有嘴炮而已 要台灣人先自覺才能自決
07/02 13:08, 10F

07/02 19:55, , 11F
07/02 19:55, 11F

07/02 20:27, , 12F
07/02 20:27, 12F

07/03 00:42, , 13F
07/03 00:42, 13F

07/03 02:15, , 14F
07/03 02:15, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1JimLJ7m (PublicIssue)