[新聞] 在台灣,中國官員面對民主聲音(紐時部落格)

看板PublicIssue作者 (offish)時間10年前 (2014/06/28 14:12), 10年前編輯推噓16(1602)
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來源:紐約時報部落格 全文網址:http://sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/27/in-taiwan-chinese -official-confronted-with-voices-of-democracy/ 縮網址:http://tinyurl.com/n6htjwk In Taiwan, Chinese Official Confronted With Voices of Democracy 在台灣,中國官員面對民主聲音 By AUSTIN RAMZY JUNE 27, 2014 5:50 AM [A demonstrator scuffled with the police on Friday during Zhang Zhijun's visit to Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s second-largest city.] 本週五張志軍訪問高雄(台灣第二大城市)時,一名示威者與警方發生扭打。 Zhang Zhijun, the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit Taiwan, has said he wanted to hear the voices of its people during his four-day trip to the self-governed island. Demonstrators in Taiwan have tried to meet that request, following him since the start of his visit on Wednesday. And while the official meetings have been less confrontational, with talk of increasing trade and travel across the Taiwan Strait, some local leaders have also talked up Taiwan's democratic values, a sharp contrast with Communist-ruled China, which considers Taiwan as part of its territory. 張志軍,目前造訪台灣最高級別的中國官員。他曾表示希望在四天的行程內能夠聽到基 層民眾的聲音。台灣民眾也試著去滿足他的這個要求,因為從週三開始,抗議群眾就緊 跟著他的行程進行示威。雖然在正式會議的場合,台灣和中國已經不再彼此對抗,並商 談兩岸貿易與旅遊的事務。然一些台灣的地方首長在會面中談到了台灣的民主價值,這 與認為台灣是中國一部分的中共看法,構成一個明顯對比。 On Friday morning, Mr. Zhang, who heads China's Taiwan Affairs Office, met with Chen Chu, the mayor of the southern city of Kaohsiung. A founding member of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, she was jailed in the 1980s for opposing martial law. At a news conference after their hourlong meeting, Ms.Chen made reference to the struggle to end authoritarian rule in Taiwan. "Taiwan's democracy didn't fall from the heavens," she said. "Rather it was something the people of Taiwan fought for." 上週五的上午,中國國台辦主任張志軍會見了地處台灣南部的高雄市市長陳菊。陳菊同 時也是反對黨民進黨的創黨成員之一,並曾在1980年代因反對戒嚴而遭到政府關押。在 長達一個小時的會談之後,陳菊在會後記者會上表示,她曾向張志軍提到台灣結束威權 統治的那段民主化過程:「台灣的自由民主不是從天上掉下來,而是台灣人民努力爭取 而來」。 While not using the word "democracy" expressly, Mr. Zhang said that China's leadership knows that Taiwan's people value their own system. "We know that the people of Taiwan truly cherish their own social system and way of life, and the mainland respects the people of Taiwan’s own choices in their social system, values and way of life." 雖然沒有直接使用「民主」一詞,但張志軍也表示中國領導階層知道台灣人珍惜自己的 體制這件事。他說:「我們是知道,台灣民眾非常珍惜自己選擇的社會制度及生活方式 ,大陸也尊重台灣民眾自己選擇的社會制度價值理念和生活方式。」 Taiwan has been ruled separately from the Chinese mainland since the Chiang Kai-shek's forces fled there after the Communist victory in the civil war in 1949. While Beijing continues to claim sovereignty over Taiwan and has said it would not tolerate a formal declaration of independence, the intervening decades have seen the emergence of a full democracy on the island. 台灣現有的統治政權源於中國大陸,這是溯因於蔣介石在1949年的國共內戰中敗北而後 逃來台灣。雖然北京持續聲稱對台灣擁有主權,並正式聲明表示不允許台灣獨立,然而 在這幾十年間,島國上卻已然誕生了一個完整的民主政權。 Mr. Zhang's trip follows a breakthrough trip by his counterpart from Taiwan, Wang Yu-chi, the head of the Mainland Affairs Council, to Nanjing in February. Mr. Zhang had originally been scheduled to travel to Taiwan in April, but his trip was postponed after student demonstrators occupied Taiwan's Legislature to protest efforts by the governing party, the Kuomintang, to ratify a trade bill with China. That occupation, which became known as the Sunflower Movement ,inspired large street protests in Taipei. Many demonstrators said they were worried that the rapid increase in trade ties with the mainland would give China greater influence over Taiwan. 張志軍造訪台灣的計畫,是在二月份時由國台辦的台灣對等窗口:陸委會主委王郁琦造 訪中國南京時商議的。原先行程計畫在四月,但由於執政的國民黨強行通過一項與中國 的貿易法案,導致示威學生佔領台灣的立法院,並在台北引發大規模的街頭抗議--這 後來被稱為太陽花運動,因此導致造訪計畫延遲。當時的抗議群眾們擔心,對大陸經貿 關係的快速增長將給與中國對台灣更大的影響力。 On this visit, Mr. Zhang has attempted to ease concerns and present a softer image of Chinese officialdom, meeting with students and senior citizens and offer a greeting in Taiwanese to his hosts upon his arrival on Wednesday. 關於這次訪問,張志軍一直試圖表現中國官方對台灣一般人民的關心並建立一個柔和的 形象,包括與(盲校)學生、老年人接觸參訪,並在週三時邀請一些台灣學者會面。 "Zhang Zhijun's Taiwan trip is more of a P.R. thing than a real, substantial policy tour," said Titus C. Chen, an associate research fellow at National Chengchi University’s Institute of International Relations in Taipei. "His agenda in Taiwan is to give the people, the government and the politicians in Taiwan more of a positive image of China." 政大國際關係中心副研究員陳至潔表示:「張志軍的台灣之行更多的是一種公眾關係的 建立,甚於實質的政策性訪問。」「他的訪台行程是為了給政府與台灣的政客,更多建 立中國正面形象的機會。」 Mr. Zhang has also been trying to build closer relations with local leaders, including Ms. Chen of the independence-leaning D.P.P., which has not organized any large protests against his visit. President Ma Ying-jeou, who was not scheduled to meet with Mr. Zhang, has seen his popularity plummet over the past year. While the next presidential election is still two years away, some political analysts say Mr. Ma's woes could pose difficulties for any Kuomintang candidate and increase the possibility of an opposition victory. The Chinese government thus wants to forge ties with opposition figures like Ms. Chen, who visited China last year. 張志軍也一直在試著與台灣的地方領導人建立更密切的關係,包括獨立傾向的民進黨陳 菊,而這個樣子的會面並沒有引發更大的抗議。總統馬英九在過去的一年間支持率直線 下降,他也並沒有計劃會見張志軍。雖然下屆總統選舉猶在兩年以後,但一些政治分析 人士認為,馬英九政治上的困境將會造成國民黨選舉的困難並增加反對黨勝利的可能性 。因此中國政府想要加強與反對派人士的關係,例如去年曾經造訪中國的陳菊。 "The Chinese government has this feeling that the D.P.P. might win the election in 2016, so they have to be prepared for that kind of scenario," Mr. Chen said. 陳至潔說:「中國政府有感於民進黨可能在2016年的選舉中獲勝,所以他們必須對那種 狀況預作準備。」 ---- 太久沒翻了,有誤麻煩指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1403935964.A.9E3.html

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