[情報] 臺澎主權訴求影片中英旁白定稿

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  大家好,我是 TheRock。   在許多朋友的協助之下,臺澎主權說明影片的中英旁白稿已順利定稿。   影片的拍攝工作正如火如荼進行中,敬請期待。   [旁 白 稿 完 整 內 容] 影片名稱:臺灣 - 臺灣人的臺灣  Taiwan - The Land of the People of Taiwan   您聽過臺灣嗎?您知道臺灣嗎?臺灣可不是泰國喔,兩者是不同的。 Have you heard of Taiwan? Do you know about Taiwan? Hey, don't confuse Taiwan with Thailand, they are totally different.   臺灣是一個位在太平洋西側、中華人民共和國東南方、日本與菲律賓中間的一個 大島嶼,左邊有被稱為澎湖群島的離島。   Taiwan, also know as Formosa, is a big island located in the western Pacific Ocean, off the southeastern tip of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and between Japan and the Philippines. To its west coast is a group of islets, called the Penghu Islands (or in some older texts, the Pescadores).   臺灣的土地不過三萬多平方公里,由於地質年齡較為年輕,臺灣除了蔚藍的海洋 外,還擁有許多壯美的山陵。事實上,東亞第一高峰的「玉山」正座落在臺灣。 With an area of roughly 30,000 square kilometers, Taiwan is quite young in geological terms, and thus owns spectacular mountains in addition to shimmering blue waters. In fact, the highest mountain in East Asia, Yushan ("Jade Mountain"), sits right on Taiwan.   而除了秀麗的自然景觀外,在臺灣上生活的兩千三百萬人也以友善、熱情聞名。 在許多觀光客眼裡,除了高聳入天的臺北101,以及風景名勝之外,臺灣最令人難 以忘懷的,就是臺灣民眾了。 Besides fascinating natural landscapes, the 23 million residents of Taiwan are renowned for their friendliness and hospitality. In the eyes of many tourists, in addition to the sky-high Taipei 101 building and sightseeing spots, the people of Taiwan form the most unforgettable part of their visits.   當然,臺灣的土地不大,人口也不算多,但臺灣除了是全世界經貿排名前二十的 經濟體外,世界上許許多多先進科技產品都是「臺灣製造」的。說真的,如果今日的 世界少了臺灣,恐怕還真的會陷入一片混亂呢。 Certainly, Taiwan is not big in the world as far as area or population is concerned. However, apart from being one of the world's top 20 economies, Taiwan also produces a large number of high-tech products for the world. Frankly speaking, a world without Taiwan would be one in chaos.   但像這樣一個不論是自然、人文或經濟發展都令人印象深刻的地方,卻無法在國 際舞台上擁有應有的地位。 However, even though Taiwan is home to such an impressive natural environment, friendly society, and economical development, it still does not have a position it deserves on the international stage.   或許您曾經聽說過「臺灣是中國神聖不可分割的一部份」、「台灣是主權獨立的 國家、名字叫中華民國」這樣的說法。這兩種說法分別由中國的兩個政府,也就是中 華人民共和國政府以及中華民國政府所提出。 You may have heard of statements like "Taiwan is an inseparable part of China" or "Taiwan is an independent sovereign state and it's name is the Republic of China (ROC)". These two statements have been made by the two governments of China, i.e. the PRC government and the ROC government, respectively.   換句話說,不論是哪個政府,其實臺灣都被認為是中國領土的一部分,差別只在 於這個「中國」的政府是習近平主政的中國共產黨政府,還是馬英九主政的中國國民 黨政府。 In other words, to both of these governments, Taiwan is seen as a part of China's territory. The only difference is whether this "China" is the Chinese communist government led by Xi Jinping, or the KMT government headed by Ma Ying-jeou.   其實,不論是中華民國共和國政府還是中華民國政府,都企圖利用臺灣這個詞在 文義上的模糊性來欺騙世人。   In reality, both the PRC government and the ROC government are attempting to fool the world by taking advantage of the ambiguity of the term "Taiwan."   當中華人民共和國政府及中華民國政府使用「臺灣」這個詞時,是泛指臺灣島、 澎湖群島、金門及馬祖等四個部份。 When the PRC government and the ROC government use the term "Taiwan," it refers to four parts: Taiwan proper, Penghu, Kinmen, and Mazu.   在這四大部份裡,金門及馬祖的確是中國領土的一部份,因為這兩個地方的主權 從未被移轉給其他國家。但在臺灣島及澎湖群島的部分,在國際法上,不論是中華民 國還是中華人民共和國都沒有合法主權。 Amongst these four parts, Kinmen and Mazu are actually part of China, because the sovereignty over these two regions has never been transferred to another country. However, regarding Taiwan and Penghu, from the perspective of international law, neither the ROC nor the PRC can legally claim sovereignty over them.   因此,不論是中華民國的說詞還是中華人民共和國的說詞,其實都是謊言,而且 大家一旦相信並接受這樣的謊言,臺澎就一定會被中國統一,而且是被中華人民共和 國統一。 Therefore, the statements made by both the ROC and the PRC are lies. Furthermore, if we choose to believe and accept these lies, Taiwan and Penghu will definitely be unified by China—and the People's Republic of China at that.   臺澎被中華人民共和國併吞,不但是全體臺澎人民的不幸,更是全世界的不幸。 Should Taiwan and Penghu be annexed by the PRC, it will be tragic not only for all the people of Taiwan and Penghu, but also for the entire world.   為什麼說在國際法上,不論是中華民國還是中華人民共和國都沒有臺澎的合法主 權呢?要回答這個問題,我們就必須要回顧一下歷史了。 Why did we say that from the perspective of international law, neither the ROC nor the PRC has legal sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu? To answer this question, we have to look back at history.   在西元1895年,日本打敗了大清國。打了敗仗的大清國與日本簽訂馬關條約 並將臺灣與澎湖主權移轉給日本。由於馬關條約是國際法上具有效力的條約,因此, 臺灣與澎湖的主權自此移轉給日本。 In 1895, Japan defeated the Qing Dynasty of China. The losing Qing Dynasty signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan and officially ceded its sovereignty over Formosa (i.e. Taiwan) and Penghu to Japan. Since the Treaty of Shimonoseki was a valid, legal international treaty, the sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu was legally transferred to Japan.   而到了西元1945年,引發二次世界大戰的日本被同盟國打敗。戰勝國之一的 中華民國依據同盟國西太平洋戰區代表國「美國」所發布的「一般命令第一號」 (General Order No.1) 到臺灣與澎湖接受日軍投降,並代管臺灣與澎湖。 In 1945, Japan—one of the instigators of WWII—was defeated by the Allies. The Republic of China, one of the victorious Allied Powers, accepted the surrender of the Japanese forces in Taiwan and Penghu and governed the two regions, based on General Order No.1 issued by the United States, the representative of the Allied powers for the West Pacific area.   雖然日本已經被打敗,但由於領土主權移轉必須依據合法的國際條約才能進行, 所以此時的臺灣與澎湖仍舊是日本的領土,而在其上居住的民眾也仍舊是日本國民。 Even though Japan lost the war, territorial sovereignty can only be transferred through a legal international treaty. Because of this, Taiwan and Penghu were in fact still territories of Japan, and their residents were still Japanese nationals.   但在當時代管臺灣與澎湖的中華民國政府卻違反國際法的規定,對日本領土上仍 具有日本國籍的臺澎居民授予中華民國國籍,欺騙他們取得雙重國籍,讓他們誤以為 中華民國已經取得臺澎的合法主權,將臺澎境內的民生物資及工業設備收為己有, 然後將這些非法取得的財物運送到中國境內協助中國國民黨打國共內戰。 However, in breach of international law, the government of the Republic of China, which governed Taiwan and Penghu at that time, granted ROC nationality to the residents of Taiwan and Penghu who still had Japan nationality, deceiving them into accepting double nationality by making them wrongly believe that the ROC had obtained legal sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu. The ROC government then confiscated materials and industrial equipment in Taiwan and Penghu, and shipped these illegally acquired properties to China to help fight the Chinese communist party in the Chinese Civil War.   到了西元1947年,由於代管臺灣與澎湖的中華民國長期以來的諸多惡行造成 台灣與澎湖地區人民的高度不滿,於是,在那一年2月28日發生的一場官民糾紛, 竟演變成導致兩萬多名臺灣民眾死於中華民國槍下的二二八大屠殺。 In 1947, the residents of Taiwan and the Penghu, under intesifying resentment and disillusionment of the governing ROC's numerous atrocities, rose up against the government. What was orignally a minor dispute between an official and a citizen quickly escalated into the "228 masacare," during which more than 20,000 Taiwanese residents were killed or executed by the ROC.   值得注意的是,當時的臺澎民眾仍舊擁有日本國籍。因此,代管臺澎的中華民國 政府屠殺臺灣民眾的行為等同於殺戮戰俘,這是戰爭法上的嚴重罪行。遺憾的是,戰 後世界各國陷入資本主義與共產主義的戰爭中,因此,臺灣民眾所受到的委屈並未得 到適當的平反,直到如今,中華民國政府當時屠殺戰俘的殘害人群責任仍舊沒有被追 究。而造就這一切的罪魁禍首「蔣介石」的紀念堂在今日的臺灣竟成為知名的觀光景 點,而遍布全臺的「中正路」、「介壽路」更是令人痛徹心扉的諷刺。 It is worth mentioning that at that time, the residents of Taiwan and Penghu were still Japanese nationals. Therefore, the ROC government, under its mandate of governing Taiwan and Penghu, committed an act tantamount to slaughering prisoners of war, a serious violation of the laws of war. Sadly, since the world became engulfed in the post-WWII battle between capitalism and communism, the residents of Taiwan and Penghu saw no justice for their suffering. Even to this day, legal recourse of the ROC's liabilities of killing captives has yet to be pursued. The memorial hall honoring the principal culprit, Chiang Kai-shek, has even become a famous tourist attraction, and the numerous roads named after him around Taiwan (invariably named "Chungcheng Road" or "Jieshou Road") serve to drive this heart-wrenching irony even deeper.   但臺澎的苦難並未就此結束。 Alas, the suffering of Taiwan and Penghu didn't end just yet.   1949年,失盡民心的中華民國被中國共產黨打敗,首都南京被奪下,中華人 民共和國也在當年成立。中華民國的中央政府帶著兩百多萬名中華民國國民逃到在當 時還是日本領土的臺澎落腳。而逃到臺澎的中華民國當時能掌握的合法領土,也僅剩 下金門與馬祖而已,且至今仍是如此。 In 1949, the unpopular ROC was overthrown by the Chinese Communist Party, and its capital, Nanking, was taken by the communists. The People's Republic of China was also established in Beijing that same year. The Nationalist government and 2 million refugees fled from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan and Penghu, which by international law were still Japanese territories then. Ever since, the only territories under the ROC's legal administration have been Kinmen and Mazu. This stands true even today.   為了避免被消滅,中華民國政府在杯弓蛇影的心理狀態下,在當時還是日本領土 的臺澎宣布戒嚴,並運用各種手段陷害、謀殺任何質疑中華民國的人。從1945年 就開始說的「中華民國是臺澎人民的國家」的謊言也在沒有多少人敢冒著性命危險說 出真相的情況下,灌入臺澎民眾的腦海裡。臺澎民眾錯誤的國家認同也開始成形。 In a bid to keep itself from being anihilated, the terrified ROC government imposed martial law on Taiwan and Penghu—which were still Japanese territories—and framed and killed anyone who dared to doubt the legitimacy of the ROC. The lie that "the ROC is the country of the people of Taiwan and Penghu" was driven into the minds of the residents of Taiwan and Penghu, under the horrifying consequence of death to the few who dared to tell the truth. Thus did the erroneous national identity of the people of Taiwan and Penghu begin to take shape.   到了1951年,由於同屬反共陣營的中華民國眼看就將滅亡,其國際地位遲早 會被中華人民共和國取代,為了避免臺澎落入共產主義國家之手,因此,在結束日本 與世界各國戰爭狀態的舊金山和約中,日本僅放棄對臺澎所具有的一切權利、請求權 基礎及請求權,但並未將臺澎主權移交給任何國家。 In 1951, the ROC—an anti-communist regime—seemed inevitably doomed, and its role on the international stage would sooner or later be replaced by the Peoples' Republic of China. To prevent Taiwan and Penghu from falling into the hands of communism, in the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), which officially ended hostilities between Japan and the Allies (except China), Japan simply renounced all of its rights, titles and claims to Taiwan and Penghu; however, in the treaty Japan did not designate to whom their sovereignty should be transferred.   而臺澎也從舊金山和約生效(1952年4月28日)的那一天起,從日本領土 落入「主權未定」的狀態。而依據聯合國憲章第一條第二項的規定,臺澎主權的決定 權也在這一刻起落入臺澎人民的手中。 Taiwan and Penghu, up to now territories of Japan, became "sovereignty undetermined" territories when the SFPT came into effect. According to Paragraph 2, Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, the people of Taiwan and Penghu now had the right to decide the sovereignty of these territories.   而由中華民國政府及日本於舊金山和約生效日當天簽署,並在日後因換文生效的 臺北和約中,也明文承認日本「已經放棄」對臺澎所具有的一切權利、請求權基礎及 請求權。 In the Treaty of Taipei (or the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty), signed by the ROC government and Japan on the day the SFPT came into force, and which later came into effect after an exchange of notes, Japan's renouncement of its rights, titles and claims to Taiwan and Penghu was again expressly recognized and stated.   雖然中華民國政府一再主張臺北和約已將臺澎主權移轉給中華民國,但因日本在 臺北和約生效時早已失去對臺澎的一切權利,因此也沒有資格將臺澎主權移轉給中華 民國。所以,雖然在美國的強勢主導下,中華民國能以中國代表的身分與日本簽署臺 北和約終止中日之間的戰爭狀態,但並未因此取得臺澎主權。 Despite the ROC government's repeated claims that the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu was transferred to the ROC in the Treaty of Taipei, Japan did not have the grounds to do so, as Japan had already given up its rights to Taiwan and Penghu before the Treaty of Taipei entered into effect. That is to say, although Japan (under pressure from the US) did sign the Treaty of Taipei with the ROC as the representative of China, thus ending the war between China and Japan, the ROC did not legally acquire the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu.   此外,雖然在臺北和約第四條中,指出日本在西元1941年以前與中國所簽訂 的條約皆失效,所以讓日本取得臺澎主權的馬關條約似乎也應該失效。但由於在條約 中已明白承認日本在舊金山和約中並未將臺澎主權交給任何一個國家,因此使得「臺 澎主權」成為「例外情形」。於是,即使馬關條約失效也不會對「臺澎主權未定」的 法律狀態造成任何改變。 Furthermore, Article 4 of the Treaty of Taipei stipulates that "all treaties, conventions and agreements concluded before December 9, 1941, between China and Japan have become null and void as a consequence of the end of the war"; it would therefore seem that the Treaty of Shimonoseki should have become null and void as well. However, since the Treaty of Taipei clearly recognized that Japan did not transfer the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu to any country in the SFPT, the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu then became an "exception" to the said provision. Accordingly, even if the Treaty of Shimonoseki was nullified, the legal status of the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu remained undetermined.   而當1972年日本與中華人民共和國建交,承認中華人民共和國政府是中國唯 一的合法政府,並廢止臺北和約時,日本政府對於臺澎主權問題仍舊重申其已放棄對 臺澎的一切權利,因此只能認知但不承認對於中華人民共和國對臺澎主權的主張。 When Japan established diplomatic relations with the PRC, recognizing the PRC as the only legitimate government of China, and abrogating the Treaty of Taipei, the Japanese government reaffirmed that it had renounced its rights, titles and claims to Taiwan and Penghu. This meant that Japan understood that the PRC laid claim to Taiwan and Penghu, but did not have the capacity to recognize this claim as legitimate.   因此,時至今日,臺澎主權仍舊處於「未定」的狀態。中華民國仍舊是以戰後代 管軍政府的身分管理臺灣。而臺澎人民也始終有權依據聯合國憲章第一條第二項的規 定行使住民自決權來決定臺澎主權的未來。 Therefore, the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu remains "undetermined" up to this day. The ROC still governs Taiwan and Penghu in its capacity as a post-war mandated administration. And the people of Taiwan and Penghu still have the right to decide the future of the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu, by exercising their right to self-determination in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations.   對於臺澎人民行使住民自決權決定主權的問題,或許您曾經聽過中華民國政府主 張說:「臺灣人民已經參與多次的選舉選出中華民國的領導人,所以臺灣人民已經以 住民自決的方式選擇中華民國為自己的國家。」 Regarding the right to self-determination, you may already know about the official stance of the ROC government:, "The people of Taiwan have held multiple democratic elections to choose the leaders of the ROC, therefore the people of Taiwan have, through the process of self-determination, opted for the ROC as their country."   這其實是謊言。 This is a lie.   因為,在臺灣人民有機會在1996年投票選擇中華民國總統之前,中華民國政 府已經藉由教育及鎮壓揭密、質疑的聲音,對臺灣人民進行長達51年的洗腦、愛國 教育。因此,臺灣人民是在「中華民國是我的國家」的錯誤理解下參與總統投票。如 果我們承認臺灣人民在這種情況下做出的選擇是在「行使住民自決權」.無異於承認 一個人必須為他在受騙的情況下做的決定負責。 This is because before the people of Taiwan and Penghu gained the right to directly vote for the President of the ROC in 1996, the ROC government had already pursued a 51-year agenda of brainwashing and patriotic education, which was further enhanced by suppressing revelations and dissent. Because of this, the people of Taiwan and Penghu voted for the President under the false assumption that the ROC was their country. If we believe that the choices made by the people of Taiwan and Penghu under such circumstances were in accordance with their right to self-determination, this is tantamount to acknowledging that one should bear responsibility for his or her decisions even when unwillingly deceived.   這顯然是不合乎正義的,不是嗎? This is obviously unjust, isn't it?   此外,在行使住民自決權時,行使權力的人必須很清楚自己是在決定主權歸屬, 而且選項的內容必須是不同的主權歸屬對象,例如在兩個不同的國家中做選擇。 Moreover, when the people of a territory exercise their right to self-determination, they must clearly understand that they are deciding their sovereignty, and their options must be between at least two separate yet equally legitimate international actors, such as two different countries.   但臺灣人民在參加中華民國的各項選舉時,並不認為自己是在決定主權歸屬,純 粹只是在選擇為大家做事的公僕。換句話說,臺灣人民在參與中華民國各項選舉時, 並不是在決定主權歸屬,只是在決定要由誰來替大家處理生活中的各項事務。 However, when the people of Taiwan and Penghu participated in the elections of the ROC, they did not regard this as a decision of sovereignty; rather, they were merely choosing their representatives. In other words, when the people of Taiwan and Penghu went to the ballot box, they were not consciously deciding their sovereignty; they were only deciding whom they wanted to handle their daily affairs.   既然臺灣人民參與的各項選舉本身的名義不是「決定主權歸屬的住民自決」,所 提供的選項也與「主權歸屬」無關,自然不能產生住民自決的效力。 Since none of the elections in which the people of Taiwan and Penghu participated were delineated as exercising the right to self-determination in choosing their sovereignty, and the options on the ballots had nothing to do with sovereignty, this does not constitute self-determination in any way.   所以,雖然中華民國常說臺灣人民已藉由參與選舉行使住民自決,並選擇中華民 國為自己的國家,但這只是狡辯而已。如果我們接受這樣的說法,就如同我們認為, 當我們多次選擇同一個人當自己家的管家,我們的家就會變成管家的。 Therefore, although the ROC frequently says that the people of Taiwan and Penghu have exercised their right to self-determination by voting in elections, and therefore have chosen the ROC as their country, this is nothing more than a sham. If we accept this fallacy, then we literally accept that if we choose someone as our housekeeper a few times, the housekeeper will eventually become owner of our house.   這顯然是很荒謬無稽的,不是嗎? This is patently ridiculous, isn't it?    所以,看到這裡,相信您已經了解到: So, we believe we have now established that:   一、臺澎的主權仍舊處於尚未決定的狀態,既不屬於中華人民共和國,也不屬於     中華民國。 1. The sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu is still undetermined, belonging neither to the PRC nor the ROC.   二、目前管理臺澎的中華民國,只是依據戰後同盟國核發的命令代管臺澎。 2. The ROC government currently administrating Taiwan and Penghu is simply doing so in accordance with a post-war order issued by the Allies.   三、由於臺澎原主權國日本放棄對臺澎的一切權利,所以臺澎居民有權依據聯合     國憲章的規定行使住民自決權來決定臺澎的主權歸屬。 3. Japan previously had sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu; yet because Japan has renounced its rights, titles and claims to Taiwan and Penghu, the residents of Taiwan and Penghu have the right to decide their sovereignty by exercising their right to self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.   四、臺澎人民選出中華民國的總統只是在選擇為臺澎人民做事的公僕,並非行使     住民自決權決定主權歸屬,中華民國政府也沒有因此取得臺澎的合法主權。 4. The people of Taiwan and Penghu elected Presidents of the ROC simply to choose who represents Taiwan and Penghu. They were not exercising their right to self-determination of sovereignty, and the ROC government has never legally acquired sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu as a result.   那麼,身為臺澎居民的我們為什麼要告訴您這些呢? So, why are we, as residents of Taiwan and Penghu, telling you all this?   那是因為這個世界的和平未來已經陷入危急存亡之秋。 This is because world peace is now under threat.   中華人民共和國不斷想盡辦法要國際承認臺澎為其合法領土,承認臺澎是中國的 一部分。而中華民國政府自從停止與中華人民共和國政府爭奪「中國合法政府」的代 表權後,就與中華人民共和國一同強化「一個中國、各自表述」的「一中」陷阱,企 圖讓臺澎的土地與人民永遠無法掙脫被中國統一的未來。 The PRC has been sparing no effort in making the global community recognize Taiwan and Penghu as its legal territory, i.e. a part of China. As for the ROC government, after it stopped claiming to be "the legitimate government of China," it, along with the PRC, has been reinforcing the "One China" trap (under the pretext of "One China, different interpretations") in the hope of making it impossible for the land and people of Taiwan and Penghu to break free from a predestined unification with China.   您或許覺得,臺澎和中國統一沒甚麼大不了的。但姑且不論臺澎對世界經濟的影 響力,臺澎在亞太地區所具有的戰略價值是不容忽視的。 You may think that if Taiwan and Penghu unify with China, it would not be that big a deal. However, if we put aside for the moment the bearing that Taiwan and Penghu have on the global economy, their strategic significance in the Asian-Pacific region cannot be overlooked.   不論從土地、人口或是經濟規模,臺澎對中國來說都毫不足道,但為什麼中華人 民共和國非要取得臺澎不可?就是因為臺澎的戰略地位不可取代。 In terms of area, population, or economy, Taiwan and Penghu are insignificant to China. Why, then, has the PRC has been trying so hard to get Taiwan and Penghu? The irreplaceable strategic position of Taiwan and Penghu says it all.   臺澎一旦落入中華人民共和國手中,就會成為它在太平洋上一艘不沉的航空母艦。 未來任何經過東亞的飛機、船艦,不論是要去日本、南韓、菲律賓、印尼、澳洲、越 南、泰國、馬來西亞、新加坡還是印度,全都在這艘航空母艦的掌控之下。 If Taiwan and Penghu fall into the hands of the PRC, they will form an unsinkable aircraft carrier on the Pacific Ocean. Any planes and ships passing by East Asia, no matter what their destination is, be it Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, or India, will all fall under the control of this aircraft carrier.   而更重要的是,臺灣東臨太平洋,有了臺灣在手,中華人民共和國想把軍事武力 投入太平洋將易如反掌。 More importantly, the immense Pacific Ocean is to the east of Taiwan. With such a strategic base in hand, it couldn't be any easier for the PRC to stretch its military clout into the Pacific Ocean.   資本主義與共產主義的戰爭或許已經結束,但一個有敵意,且對周邊國家不友善 的強權已在亞洲興起。 The battle between capitalism and communism may be over, but a hostile great power that is antagonistic to its neighbors has arisen in Asia.   一旦臺澎落入這個強權手中,這個強權勢必會更加囂張跋扈,並對周遭的國家及 世界的和平造成更大的威脅。反之,如果能阻止臺澎遭到併吞,臺澎必將成為拘束這 隻猛虎的柵欄,讓世界得以維持長久的和平。 If Taiwan and Penghu are taken by this great power, it will without a doubt become even more arrogant and unstoppable, and turn into a formidable threat to surrounding countries and world peace. On the contrary, if its ambition to annex Taiwan and Penghu can be stopped, Taiwan and Penghu will definitely help fence off this raging tiger of a country to maintain world peace.   基於對臺澎國際法地位的認知,以及對亞洲與世界和平的期盼,身為了解真相的 臺澎人民,我們對世界各國提出下列五項呼籲, Based on our understanding of the legal status of Taiwan and Penghu, and our earnest desire for peace in Asia and the world, as residents of Taiwan and Penghu who know the truth, we hereby make the following five requests to the world:   一、公開譴責中華民國政府未能履行其代管軍政府之任務,     未能協助臺澎人民完成真正的住民自決程序。 1. Openly condemn the ROC government for its failure to fulfill its duty as a government mandated under international law, in that it has never assisted the people of Taiwan and Penghu in the process of self-determination.   二、在聯合國做成決議,終止中華民國政府對臺澎的戰後代管關係。 2. Pass a resolution in the UN to terminate the ROC government's post-war administration of Taiwan and Penghu.   三、由聯合國派駐維和人員至臺灣。協助臺澎人民完成住民自決建立新國家。 3. Send UN peacekeeping forces to Taiwan and Penghu to help the people build a new country by exercising their right to self-determination.   四、使聯合國接納臺澎建立的新國家加入聯合國、 4. Request that the UN admit Taiwan and Penghu, newly sovereign, as a member.   五、由於中華人民共和國主張具有臺澎領土主權,在臺澎主權問題上具有    「利害關係」,基於利益迴避原則,中華人民共和國不得行使否決權。 5. As the PRC claims sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu, it must be considered an interested party in respect to any issues regarding the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu. Therefore, the PRC must abstain from using its veto powers in accordance with the principles of recusal.   希望所有在意及關心人權、正義、世界和平的國家能協助臺澎人民早日完成真正 的住民自決,建立一個具有合法主權地位,且能以正式會員身分參與包括聯合國在內 各項國際組織的國家。 We hope all countries that care about human rights, justice, and world peace can help the people of Taiwan and Penghu to truly exercise their right to self-determination, and establish a legal, sovereign state that is able to participate in every international organization as an official member.   世界能否和平,端看世界能否控制住中國。 Whether world peace can be maintained depends on whether China can be contained.   世界能否控制住中國,端看臺澎能否擺脫中國。 Whether China can be contained depends on whether Taiwan and Penghu can break free of China. 臺澎能否擺脫中國,端看臺澎能否真正依住民自決建國。 Whether Taiwan and Penghu can break free of China depends on whether their residents can establish a sovereign country based on the principles of self-determination.   請為了您國家的美好未來與世界的和平,助我們一臂之力。    Please help us in maintaining both world peace and bright prospects for your own country.. *這份文稿歡迎分享轉錄。 *法文版、德文版、西班牙文版的翻譯與旁白配音員募集中。  有意應徵者請聯繫 PTT TheRock ^_< -- bservers.監票者聯盟網站 bservers.監票者聯盟臉書社團 ◎網址:http://www.observers.tw ◎網址:http://ppt.cc/RNbw  你亂搞,我打爆-立委熱線 (安卓)  發現公僕-您知道誰是您的公僕嗎?  ◎網址:http://ppt.cc/iPU0 ◎網址:http://ppt.cc/tDc5 臺灣選舉政治地圖 割闌尾計畫-可割可棄.利大於弊  ◎網址:http://ppt.cc/Cyjs ◎網址:http://ppt.cc/wFYi -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1403365719.A.578.html

06/21 23:49, , 1F
06/21 23:49, 1F

06/21 23:50, , 2F
06/21 23:50, 2F

06/21 23:50, , 3F
06/21 23:50, 3F

06/21 23:50, , 4F
06/21 23:50, 4F

06/21 23:51, , 5F
哇 好認真 一定要支持
06/21 23:51, 5F

06/21 23:53, , 6F
06/21 23:53, 6F

06/21 23:54, , 7F
06/21 23:54, 7F

06/21 23:55, , 8F
06/21 23:55, 8F

06/21 23:56, , 9F
06/21 23:56, 9F

06/21 23:57, , 10F
06/21 23:57, 10F

06/21 23:57, , 11F
有意願參與的朋友請主動應徵 :)
06/21 23:57, 11F

06/21 23:59, , 12F
06/21 23:59, 12F

06/21 23:59, , 13F
日文就不必了 日本不可能幫台灣主張什麼
06/21 23:59, 13F
  我覺得不需要設限。   日本政府或許在國際舞台上沒辦法說甚麼,   但日本人民可是在許多地方幫了臺灣不少忙。   此外,日本有不少媒體其實和中宣部日本分部沒兩樣,   製作日本版,讓日本民眾看穿謊言、了解真相也是很重要的。   在311的相關新聞中,   我們可以看到日本輿論是如何影響日本政府對待臺灣人的方式的。

06/22 00:01, , 14F
06/22 00:01, 14F

06/22 00:02, , 15F
[新聞] 孫櫻倩律師資格獲日承認 國籍「台灣」
06/22 00:02, 15F
※ 編輯: TheRock (, 06/22/2014 00:16:22

06/22 00:04, , 16F
讚 有日文的話 也不錯
06/22 00:04, 16F

06/22 00:04, , 17F
06/22 00:04, 17F

06/22 00:05, , 18F
日本至少可以說 當年他把主權交給了台澎人民 別給其他國
06/22 00:05, 18F

06/22 00:06, , 19F
日本不需要期待 人民政治冷感 政府軟弱無力
06/22 00:06, 19F

06/22 00:09, , 20F
06/22 00:09, 20F

06/22 00:09, , 21F
06/22 00:09, 21F

06/22 00:10, , 22F
06/22 00:10, 22F

06/22 00:12, , 23F
尤其台灣若被併吞 下個就是沖繩了..
06/22 00:12, 23F

06/22 00:13, , 24F
06/22 00:13, 24F

06/22 00:13, , 25F
沖繩被併吞? 你搞笑嗎 上面還有美軍基地咧
06/22 00:13, 25F

06/22 00:14, , 26F
06/22 00:14, 26F

06/22 00:14, , 27F
06/22 00:14, 27F

06/22 00:14, , 28F
06/22 00:14, 28F

06/22 00:15, , 29F
06/22 00:15, 29F

06/22 00:15, , 30F
06/22 00:15, 30F

06/22 00:17, , 31F
06/22 00:17, 31F

06/22 00:19, , 32F
中國愛亂放話又不是一天兩天的事 八字還沒一撇 想太多
06/22 00:19, 32F

06/22 00:20, , 33F
06/22 00:20, 33F

06/22 00:20, , 34F
你把中國想得太強 把美國想得太嫩了
06/22 00:20, 34F

06/22 00:20, , 35F
放日文有啥壞處? 是在怕啥
06/22 00:20, 35F

06/22 00:20, , 36F
06/22 00:20, 36F

06/22 00:22, , 37F
沒壞處 就是白費工夫而已... 然後怎麼看都是你在怕
06/22 00:22, 37F
還有 39 則推文
還有 8 段內文
06/22 03:19, , 77F
所以不能操之過急 這篇文當作是台灣人民的長期目標很不錯
06/22 03:19, 77F

06/22 03:21, , 78F
06/22 03:21, 78F

06/22 04:11, , 79F
06/22 04:11, 79F

06/22 04:29, , 80F
06/22 04:29, 80F

06/22 06:16, , 81F
06/22 06:16, 81F

06/22 06:52, , 82F
推 這影片出來會多久啊 感覺要慢慢的播 不然腦袋會轉
06/22 06:52, 82F

06/22 06:52, , 83F
06/22 06:52, 83F

06/22 08:34, , 84F
06/22 08:34, 84F

06/22 08:34, , 85F
06/22 08:34, 85F

06/22 09:34, , 86F
06/22 09:34, 86F

06/22 09:34, , 87F
06/22 09:34, 87F

06/22 09:35, , 88F
要反洗腦啊, 所以台獨思想要多宣傳, 不然多數人還是被中國
06/22 09:35, 88F

06/22 09:35, , 89F
黨洗腦, 還在維持現狀
06/22 09:35, 89F

06/22 09:37, , 90F
06/22 09:37, 90F

06/22 09:37, , 91F
06/22 09:37, 91F

06/22 09:38, , 92F
06/22 09:38, 92F

06/22 09:39, , 93F
06/22 09:39, 93F

06/22 09:40, , 94F
06/22 09:40, 94F

06/22 09:40, , 95F
06/22 09:40, 95F

06/22 09:42, , 96F
06/22 09:42, 96F

06/22 09:48, , 97F
06/22 09:48, 97F

06/22 09:54, , 98F
真希望有人做成動畫XDDDD 大部分的人還是喜歡看圖~
06/22 09:54, 98F

06/22 10:11, , 99F
影片做出來, 希望大家先傳給親朋好友有看, 尤其被中國黨洗
06/22 10:11, 99F

06/22 10:11, , 100F
06/22 10:11, 100F

06/22 10:11, , 101F
台灣要獨立, 台灣人覺醒才有用, 不覺醒, 台灣是不可能獨立
06/22 10:11, 101F

06/22 11:47, , 102F
推阿!! 辛苦了(敬禮)
06/22 11:47, 102F

06/22 12:09, , 103F
06/22 12:09, 103F

06/22 12:32, , 104F
06/22 12:32, 104F

06/22 13:10, , 105F
06/22 13:10, 105F

06/22 14:29, , 106F
06/22 14:29, 106F

06/22 14:38, , 107F
06/22 14:38, 107F

06/22 15:09, , 108F
06/22 15:09, 108F

06/22 15:28, , 109F
06/22 15:28, 109F

06/22 15:57, , 110F
推 加油~讓多一點人知道真相 認清現狀 才有選擇的意義
06/22 15:57, 110F

06/22 16:50, , 111F
06/22 16:50, 111F

06/22 18:16, , 112F
06/22 18:16, 112F

06/22 19:28, , 113F
06/22 19:28, 113F

06/22 21:00, , 114F
06/22 21:00, 114F

06/23 12:57, , 115F
06/23 12:57, 115F

06/27 03:30, , 116F
06/27 03:30, 116F
文章代碼(AID): #1JfQbNLu (PublicIssue)