[心得] FF13-2 關於亞莉莎

看板PlayStation作者 (temuro)時間9年前 (2014/09/07 16:57), 編輯推噓9(903)
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在第四章最後,露出一個陰險的笑容 讓我對她的故事發展挺好奇的 孤狗之後發現這個 FF13-2 短篇小說,有興趣的人可以看看囉 http://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=2290333 《back & reverse》 Alyssa thinks of recurring dreams. Hers is a one that she feels happened for real. She thought to investigate the conditions of the dream in an effort to stop it with enough knowledge. She had started seeing it 13 years ago, when she became a survivor of the Purge. 亞莉莎反覆地做著一個夢,一個真實得幾乎像是實際發生的事情的夢。她一直試圖調查夢 的真相,並獲取知識阻止它。這個夢從13年前她成為流放的倖存者時就一直糾纏著她。 There is something going on in the Tower of Augusta, an intruder is in the system. Hope and Alyssa chose to go investigate it. Serah and Noel had left Academia not too long ago via a gate, and before then had been the Demi Fal'Cie Adam incident. Hope had a bad feeling about this intruder, closing out one possible suspect after another. The tower was filled with duplicates, no real people were visiting or working right now. They were about to inspect a room close to the elevator when it happened. There was gunfire. Alyssa screamed, and Hope could not find his way to her. He found a trail of blood on the ground, and started following it. 故事的開始在阿揭斯塔,系統出現了入侵者,霍普和亞莉莎著手調查。這時亞種法爾希事 件剛解決,莎拉和諾艾爾也剛從時空門離開學院不久。霍普對於這次的入侵者有非常不好 的預感,才解決了一個可疑事件又立刻冒出第二個。阿揭斯塔裡已經沒有真人在此工作, 被滿滿的複製體取代。當他們調查電梯附近的一個房間時,槍擊突然發生。亞莉莎尖叫, 而霍普沒辦法靠近,於是他跟隨著地上的血跡開始追蹤。 Alyssa thinks of how she doesn't want to die, and how it is only a natural thought. Hope remembers how Alyssa had questioned him about his feelings during the Purge. He wonders how she took this long to ask him about it if it had been bothering her like she said. He thinks it weird. He has followed the blood trail to the 51st floor where it ends. He tries the system access panels. Some features seem to be completely gone. He can't contact the outside. He tries tracing the source of the disturbances within the system and finds a simple data file. It is a file of his own findings in AF2 and after. It mentions paradoxes, gates, his and Alyssa's research on the changes in the Paddra ruins, the book of prophecies, meeting a Serah F. and a Noel K. at Paddra…Hope wonders about this. Nowhere in the Academia system are Serah and Noel referred to by name. He then realizes that the intruder's goal wasn't just to show him that they know everything about him, and ducks just in time to avoid a gun shot. It's a replica of a scientist he once worked with, and he disposes of it. 亞莉莎側:描寫她有多麼不想死,而這個執著的念頭又是如此合乎自然 霍普側:想起亞莉莎曾經問過他對於流放有什麼想法。他很好奇為什麼亞莉莎如此執著於 這個問題,並覺得十分古怪。霍普繼續追蹤到了51F,血跡停止了。他操作面板並發覺有 些東西不對勁,也無法和外界聯繫。他開始追蹤干擾的源頭並找到一個資料夾。檔案的內 容是他從AF2年以後的發現,提到悖論、時空門、他和亞莉莎在帕朵拉遺跡的紀錄、預言 書,以及和莎拉及諾艾爾相遇的經過。這裡讓霍普覺得很奇怪,學院的系統中並沒有以姓 名來指涉兩人(?)。他理解到入侵者的目標不只是顯示它們知道有關自己的任何事這麼簡 單而已。這時他恰好躲過了一記攻擊(這句害我想很久什麼意思),來自其中一個科學家 的複製體。他很快處理掉敵人。 Alyssa has always lied and been good at it. She thinks it's for the best to lie, it can bring joy and laughter to other people. A once roommate of hers, Elida, she had thought lying to be always bad. Alyssa disagrees with her. Lying had always been a good way forward to Alyssa, who traveled all the corners of Cocoon with his father whose job took him to all kinds of places. She would construct new past lives and entertain, be somebody in this new crowd. She had had a friend, Neena, who had been just as good at lying as she herself. Together they were able to lie just about anything they wanted to. And it was Neena who she had been visiting in Bodhum when she got involved in the Purge. 亞莉莎從小就很擅長說謊。她從不覺得說謊是件壞事,適當的謊言能帶給周遭歡樂和笑聲 。她曾經有一個室友,艾莉妲(ㄏㄏ就是那個艾莉妲),告誡她不管怎樣說謊都是不好的 。亞莉莎不同意她。亞莉莎的父親工作必須時常在繭的各處轉移,從小跟著父親到處跑的 她發現說謊可以帶來樂趣。每到一個新的城鎮,她可以創造一個新的自己。不同的過去、 不同的興趣,在新的群體中當一個與上一個自己不一樣的人。她曾經有一個好朋友Neena ,幾乎和她一樣擅長說謊。她們曾一起盡情享受為所欲為的樂趣。在亞莉莎遭遇波達姆的 流放事件時,她正是要去拜訪Neena。 Hope finds out that now all the system access panels on the 51st floor have been destroyed. He has to go up. On the 52nd floor he finds the panels intact. He is just about to use one when he hears a pained cry. It's Alyssa. He goes towards the voice. It turns out to be a replica of Alyssa who tries to kill him. He disposes of it, and finds all the panels unusable. This time, he can't even choose which floor the elevator goes up to. He steps on it, and a possibility of the intruder's identity forms in his mind. 霍普這時解決了51F所有的異常,並前往下一層樓。52F的面板是完好的,他正要操作時突 然聽到痛苦的呼叫(cry可以是喊叫也可以是哭泣,不知日文原文?)。是亞莉莎。他往 聲音來源處靠近。結果遇上複製體亞莉莎打算殺掉霍普。再次處理掉敵人,卻發現操作面 板又不能用了。這次他甚至不能選擇升降梯的樓層,於是他直接前進,一個入侵者真實身 分是誰的可能性,浮現在他腦中。 Alyssa thinks how it had been a long time until she found out why the Purge had happened. It was because Pulse l'Cie had been in Bodhum. It was all their fault. 亞莉莎想起過去,她花了很久的時間才理解流放為何發生,那都是因為下界的路希出現在 波達姆惹的禍。會變成這樣的悲劇,都是他們的錯。 On the floor the elevator stops at, there is only one room Hope can access. He realizes that on the access panel is something the intruder wanted him to see. It is a diary, written by Alyssa Zeidell. 當升降梯停止時,霍普眼前可走的路只有一個房間。他發現這可能就是入侵者要他看的東 西。他找到一本日記,是亞莉莎所寫的。 It starts at AF5, when she goes to work at the Bresha ruins. How she tried to find the grave, but the way to it had disappeared, and how Atlas appeared, how Serah and Noel came and solved everything. How the name on the grave wasn't Alyssa Zeidell but Neena Stein. How it hadn't made her feel any better or more certain she was alive. How he goes to work with Hope Estheim, a famous person and one-time classmate of Elida's. How each of Hope's findings comes to mean bad things to her - how she is alive only because of a paradox, how each of his findings brings him and Serah and Noel closer to solving all the paradoxes and killing her. How none of her research would be remembered as hers, that there would be someone else who would make her discoveries. How she would be forgotten, her life having meant nothing. She starts trying to find a way to stay alive even if all the paradoxes are solved, and throughout all those long years finds nothing. She despairs, then hears of a Caius Ballad, guardian of the Seeress. She thinks that if it wasn't a hereditary title, then that person must know of a way for her to survive. She tries to find him, to no effect. 日記的開始是AF5年,那時亞莉莎在畢爾吉遺跡剛開始實習生生涯。日記記述了她如何想 要找到墓碑,地點卻被悖論佔據。怪物出現,莎拉和諾艾爾解決悖論。她終於見到了墓碑 ,發現上面的名字不是她,而是她的好友Neena Stein。好友的死代替了她,這讓她沒有 辦法高興起來,同時更加意識到『自己還活著』這件事。接著日記記述到她如何跟隨大名 人(同時也是室友的小學同學)霍普一起工作。霍普所有的發現對她而言都是沉重的消息 ,因為那表示她只是因為悖論才能繼續存在。霍普每個對於悖論研究的進展、以及莎拉及 諾艾爾每個矯正時空的事蹟,都是在將她帶向死亡。她想像自己所有的發現、所有的成就 ,在悖論消失之後都會被某人所取代。她將不被任何人記得,所有她的一切將不具任何意 義。她開始試圖找到一個方法,即使悖論都被解決了,仍然能維持自己的存在。這麼多年 來一直沒有斬獲。亞莉莎絕望了。一直到她聽聞有關凱厄斯‧巴拉德,傳說中巫女的守護 者。她想,如果稱號並非浪得虛名,那個人一定知道有關她可以生存下去的線索。她開始 搜尋有關凱厄斯的蹤跡,但沒有用。 Then the time capsule is built, and she decides to join Hope in his one-way trip to the future. While she is dreaming away the centuries, she meets Caius. She pleads and begs, and finally he gives her an artifact, a false one. He tells her that giving it to Serah would close a door for them. She has come to hate Serah and Noel who work so hard to kill her. She has them find all the Graviton cores to build a new Cocoon, and then gives them the false artifact. She also knows that Hope is working against Caius. She is now determined to help Caius. She makes a plan involving the Agusta Tower. 當時空膠囊完成時,她決定加入霍普前往未來的單向旅程。當她在之中沉眠時,她遇見凱 厄斯。她懇求他、乞求他,最後凱厄斯給她一個假的歐帕茲。凱厄斯告訴她,拿給莎拉的 話可以將他們困住(?)。長久以來亞莉莎早已醞釀對兩人的敵意。她讓莎拉和諾艾爾協助 學院找到所有重力水晶,把新繭的浮空工作完成,然後把假的歐帕茲給他們。亞莉莎知道 霍普的立場是對抗凱厄斯,但為了自己她決定協助凱厄斯那邊。接著她擬定了一個計劃, 和阿揭斯塔有關。 That is the final entry Hope finds. It stops mid-sentence. He now understands what she's been through. He yells at the walls, telling Alyssa that he can help her find a way to live. Finally Alyssa comes to him in person, with a gun that she presses at his back. She tells him that he cannot find a way, and in any case she has found her own way to live, by killing him and getting rid of Serah and Noel. The latter she has already done, the former she is doing now. She pushes the trigger. At that same instant, she starts fading. If Hope cannot live, then he won't find a way for her to survive solving the paradoxes, and she disappears. She realizes this as she fades. Hope yet lives, if Alyssa doesn't exist she cannot shoot him. With the last of her existence, she begs for him not to forget her. 這是日記的最後一筆條目,句子只到一半就結束了。現在霍普知道了亞莉莎所經歷的事。 他對空無一人的房間大叫,試圖傳達給亞莉莎,他可以幫助她找到方法活下去。最後亞莉 莎出現,槍口抵在他的背後。亞莉莎告訴霍普,沒有那種方法的。因此她決定自己找出路 ,那就是殺了他,並且擺脫莎拉和諾艾爾。後者她已經完成了,他們現在在凱厄斯的陷阱 裡。而現在只剩下結束掉霍普的生命。她輕推扳機。就在這瞬間,亞莉莎的身影開始消逝 。她在這時候才終於了解,如果霍普死了,他將真的無法幫她找到一線希望,即使悖論都 消失了仍然能存活的方法。霍普仍然活著,因為亞莉莎已經開始消失,即使想下手也做不 到。在亞莉莎仍然能維持存在的最後時刻,她請求霍普--不要忘記她。 Hope is making one last round of the old Cocoon. It is about to fall. All the people have moved to the new Cocoon long ago. He has completed everything else, and now finds himself in the ruins of Bresha. He doesn't know what draws him here, yet something does. An intern, Aina Stein, comes searching for him. She sees that he is standing in front of some sort of a grave. He says he doesn't know why, and the two leave. Hope feels that there is something he should remember, but he can't remember it. The two leave for the new Cocoon. 霍普正在進行舊繭的最後確認。繭就快崩塌了,如今所有的人類都已經移動到新的繭去生 活。他已經完成了相關的工作,發現自己來到畢爾吉遺跡。他不知道是什麼吸引著他來到 這裡,但他有確切的感覺。此時,一個學院的實習生,Aina Stein,來到這裡找尋霍普, 並發現他人站在一個類似墓碑的遺跡前。霍普表示自己也不清楚為什麼特別在意這裡,接 著兩人離開了。霍普隱約有一股感覺,有件事他應該要記得的......。最後他們到新的繭 去。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1410080232.A.C77.html

09/07 17:05, , 1F
09/07 17:05, 1F

09/07 17:33, , 2F
09/07 17:33, 2F

09/07 18:10, , 3F
09/07 18:10, 3F

09/07 18:14, , 4F
09/07 18:14, 4F

09/07 18:40, , 6F
09/07 18:40, 6F
temuro:轉錄至看板 FinalFantasy 09/07 20:51

09/07 22:29, , 7F
09/07 22:29, 7F

09/07 23:06, , 8F
就是那個艾莉坦 所以那個艾莉坦是誰呀 O_O
09/07 23:06, 8F

09/08 04:48, , 9F
我都只記得...要找舊式相框... 奇怪我明明祈禱內容
09/08 04:48, 9F

09/08 04:48, , 10F
09/08 04:48, 10F

09/08 22:01, , 11F
因為任務完成之後還有個後記 大多數的任務沒後記容易忽略
09/08 22:01, 11F

09/10 14:14, , 12F
多謝 解答了我多年的疑惑
09/10 14:14, 12F
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