[轉錄]THT: Bringin' Some Serious Cheese: Ri …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Athletics 看板] 作者: youngways (Athletics) 看板: Athletics 標題: THT: Bringin' Some Serious Cheese: Rich Harden 時間: Thu Mar 15 22:41:21 2007 原文:http://tinyurl.com/yve6s8 投球的動作我不是很熟,有些是大概能體會,但是不知道怎麼翻比較好, 有些是不太懂,如果我翻的有問題,幫忙指正一下,感謝感謝~ 原文當中有一些影片,我有放上影片的連結,不過用BBS看...還是比較辛苦 :p ------ 正文開始 -------- Bringin’ Some Serious Cheese: Rich Harden (抱歉,不知道Serious Cheese是啥意思 =.=) by Carlos Gomez March 15, 2007 Mid to high 90s fastball, slider, changeup, spuckle (thanks to Adam Melhuse for that one). Rich Harden's stuff can and will be described as: a) nasty b) dirty c) filthy d) all of the above 高達95麥的速球、滑球、變速球、spuckle(感謝Adam Melhuse創的新名詞。 來源:http://tinyurl.com/yuswhc) 有錢人硬起來的投球能力將可以用下列幾項來形容: a) 噁心的 b) 下流的 c) 邪惡的 d) 以上皆是 However, Rich Harden comes with the "When healthy" label. I'm not going to go into detail about his injury woes. Besides reviewing his mechanical efficiency, what I would like to do is to attempt to answer the question- Are there any aspects of his mechanics that makes him more injury prone than the average pitcher? 但是,有錢人硬起來被貼上了"什麼時候可以健健康康"的標籤,我不打算詳述他的 傷病史,而是要檢視他投球機制的效率,我想做的是回答這個問題--是不是他投球機制 的哪部份,使得他比一般的投手有容易受傷的傾向? Let's try to find out. 咱們來找出原因吧。 http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-full.gif
First a quick note: The above clips are synchronized to release. You might notice that, on the side shot (right), Harden is further along into his delivery. Harden from the center field camera (left) will catch up to him later on in his delivery. There is a simple reason for this. The side shot is a warmup pitch. The first pitch is a game speed fastball. 首先,一個快速的註解:上面的影片,是已經做過同步的處理。應該注意的是,在從 側面拍的影片(右邊),是按照有錢人硬起來的投球動作擷取的,從中外野方向拍攝的 角度(左邊),是從他投球動作中的後半部擷取的。其中只因為一個原因,側面拍攝的 是熱身動作,左邊的那個是比賽中的快速球的動作。 Tempo 出手的速度 I mention tempo quite a bit in my evaluations. As a quick and dirty reference, I count the number of frames it takes a pitcher to go from top of the knee lift to release. As a general rule, "the quicker the better." Assuming that number one's fastball above has better velocity than number two, we can see Harden controlling the velocity of his fastball by the effort he puts on the pitch. Effort and tempo go hand in hand for the most part. More effort usually equals quicker tempo, as we see on the clip above. That said, I'd like to compare apples to apples. Here's a clip of Harden's game speed fastball compared with Matt Cain's game-speed fastball. 在我之前的評估當中,提過一些關於出手速度的論調,做一個簡單的回顧,我計 算投手從抬腿到最高點到出手之間所花費的時間,有一個通則,越快越好。假設 上方的第一個影片的球速比第二個快,我們可以看到有錢人硬起靠著施力在球上 面,來控制他的球速,大部分的情況下,力道和出手速度是息息相關的,越用力 通常等於越快的出手速度,如同我們看上面的影片一般。我想以類似的投手來做 一下比較,接下來的影片,是比較有錢人硬起來的比賽中速球和Matt Cain的比賽 中速球。 http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-Cain-tempocomp.gif
I have to admit. This caught me by surprise. Compared to many power pitchers, Harden is actually pretty slow from top of the knee lift to release. I had to give him a 5-6 frame head start so that both release at the same time. 我必須承認,這發現讓我感到驚訝。比較過許多的強力投手,有錢人硬起來在從 抬腿到最高點到出手之間的速度,真的傷當慢,我必須去掉開頭的五、六張畫 面,才能讓兩個畫面同步。 So, how does he throw so hard? We'll get back to this one later. 那麼,他是怎麼硬起來的呢?(呃....不好意思,太西斯了...他是怎麼丟那麼快 的呢?)我們之後再回來討論這個。 Arm Action 手臂的動作 I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not a big fan of it. If I can properly recall a former pitcher's arm action, it has a Billy Koch-ish element to it that I don't really like. Here's some more video.... 我很抱歉地說,我不怎麼喜歡這樣的動作。如果我印象沒錯的話,這手臂的動作 帶有一點Billy Koch的味道,而我並不喜歡,這邊有些其他的影片... http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-armaction.gif
These 12 frames show the part of his arm action I don't like. A couple of things... 這12個連續畫面秀出他部份的手臂動作,有幾點是我不喜歡的... 1) If I were to draw a straight line connecting his elbow to the wrist, do you see how his wrist is cocked upwards with the ball "higher" than that line? Check out the Harden-Cain clip above and focus on Matt Cain's arm action. Notice the difference? I like Cain's MUCH more because the elbow "picks the ball up." In Harden's case, the ball and wrist pick the elbow up. 1) 假如我劃一條直線,從他的手肘連到手腕,你有看到他的手腕動作,是拿著 球往上翹,高過那條直線嗎?看看上面有錢人硬起來和Cain的影片,並且注意 Matt Cain的手臂動作,注意到差異了嗎?我比較喜歡Cain的動作,因為他用 手肘把球抬起來,而有錢人硬起來的情況是,球和手腕把手肘抬起來。(想不出 更好的翻譯,應該是說他的手腕上翹,導致動作比較僵硬、彆扭吧?!) 2) His arm seems to straighten out on the way back. I prefer a shorter arm action. Again, focus on Matt Cain. See how Cain maintains a slight bend on his elbow on the way back? 2) 他的手臂在向後繞臂的時候直直地伸出去,我比較喜歡小一點的手臂動作, 再一次,注意Matt Cain,看到Cain怎麼保持稍微彎曲的手肘向後繞臂的嗎? It's not all bad, though. Here's the REALLY good part of his arm action. 當然,不全然是糟糕的,這裡有傷當棒的手臂動作。 http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-goodarm.gif
That's REALLY quick. How does he get his arm to be that quick? 傷當的快速,他是怎麼讓他的手臂揮動地那麼快啊? Lower Body 下半身 Let's talk about the absolutely unbelievable part of his lower body action. 咱們來談談關於那完全不可思議的下半身動作。(這是清新的綠帽版,請勿想 歪....A_A) http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-lowerbody.gif
Focus on his left foot as an indicator. See how his foot picks up speed into footplant from around frame three? That is a STUPID aggressive "stepover," and I love it. I'm not going to cover the "stepover" again, but it assists in getting your hips to rotate quickly. What he does here is one of the main reasons that he is able to accelerate the arm as quickly as it needs to in order to throw a baseball over 95 MPH. 注意到他的左腳像是個指標,大約從第三個連續畫面的地方開始,到前腳踏地, 看他如何用腳獲得速度,那是一個蠢得有力的跨步,但是我喜歡。我不打算再介 紹跨步的細節,但是這個動作幫助讓你的屁屁可以快速轉動,他在這影片所作的 動作,就是能讓他加速他的手臂,達到丟出超過95麥球速的主要原因之一。 WOW! Check out the separation between upper and lower body. See the tension build around his midsection as his lower body turns while his upper body stays closed? Outstanding stuff... 哇!看看那上半身和下半身之間,看當他轉動下半身的時候,在身體中間部位 造成的緊繃,然而同時上半身保持著封閉的狀態,厲害... Front side/glove 前半部/帶手套的手 I'm not going to talk about this too much. Refer to the first video. He's decently good in this department. He does "firm up" the glove as he gets ready to release, but there's just something missing there. It just doesn't look good (I'd like the glove to be up more) but the main issues are covered. His lead elbow is out in front as is his glove. There's a slight pull of the lead shoulder going on there. Not bad, not outstanding. 我不打算對這部份說太多,看回第一個影片。他在這個部份傷當地好,他確實 穩固著手套的位置,當他準備出手的時候,但是還是有一些缺失,這部份只是 看起來不夠好而已(我會喜歡手套再抬高一點),不過重點已經有做到。His lead elbow is out in front as is his glove. There's a slight pull of the lead shoulder going on there.(不會翻這兩句 >.<) 不差,也不算出色。 Conclusions 結論 So are there any aspects of his mechanics that makes him more injury prone than the average pitcher? 所以,有哪個部份的投球機制使得他比一般投手更容易受傷嗎? 1)Rich Harden isn't an average pitcher. Outstanding fastball velocities come with higher force requirements on the ball. His body/arm are responsible for such forces. 1) 有錢人硬起來不是一般的投手。(所以結論是沒結論嗎? =.=) 出色的球速伴 隨著需要更大的力量施加在球上,他的身體和手臂得負擔起這樣的力量。 2)And to answer the question above... I am not sure, but I do have a theory and a recommendation. 2) 至於回答上面的問題...我沒那麼肯定,不過有個理論和建議。 It seems to me that Harden is a believer/practitioner of a few modern day mechanics' preachings that I don't particularly care for: "Tall and Fall" and "get to the balance point." It seems to me that while Harden does an outstanding job of creating/transferring energy into the ball, he does it too late. He waits too long to begin the throwing process. I'd like him to spread the force out over a slightly longer period of time. Rather than tell him to speed his body up, here's the adjustment I'd like to see from him. This is the last video, I promise... http://swingtraining.net/Carlos/Harden/Harden-Lincecum-lead.gif
在我看來,有錢人硬起來是現代投球力學鼓吹,但我不那麼在意的"Tall and Fall"和"get to the balance point"實踐者,對我來說,雖然有錢人硬起來在產生 和轉移力量到球上面,這件事做的很出色,但是他開始的太晚了,他等太久才 開始他的投球流程,我想要他去分散一點力量,把施力的時間拉稍微長一點, 比起告訴他去加速投球的動作,這樣的調整是我比較想在他身上看到的, 這個是最後一段影片,我保證... Mr. Harden: Forget "getting to the balance position and then going forward." You're stopping your momentum by doing so. See how Lincecum above is drifting forward slightly before he's gotten to the top of his knee lift? He has begun applying force sooner. Do I think this is THE answer? I'm smart enough to realize that I don't have all the answers. However, I DO believe that this adjustment will lessen the impact (on his body)of creating all that force in such a short period of time. 有錢人硬起來先生,忘記"保持平衡的姿勢然後身體往前送"這件事,你這樣做 正好阻止了你的衝勁。看到上面的Lincecum,如何在在他抬腿到最高點之前, 身體一直稍微地往前傾嗎?他更早的時間點就開始施展力量了。我認為這就是 那個問題的答案嗎?我有自知之明地知道我沒有所有問題的答案,然而,我 確實相信這樣的調整,將會減輕在短時間內產生所有的力量,對於他身體上的 影響。 Of course, it then becomes a question of whether or not the A's or Rich Harden are willing to make that adjustment. Do the A's risk messing him up by tinkering with his mechanics? Absolutely. Here's hoping that Rich Harden strengthened his body over the offseason to handle such forces and that mechanical changes aren't necessary. From a fan's point-of-view, here's hoping that he stays healthy over the rest of his career. He could be something special. 當然,這就變成一個問題,綠帽或是有錢人硬起來是否願意去做這樣的修正, 綠帽會冒著搞砸的風險,去矯正他的投球機制嗎?肯定不會。在這裡,希望 有錢人硬起來在非季賽時間,強化他的身體到足以負擔這樣的力量,那改變 投球機制就不是那麼必要。以身為一個球迷的觀點,希望他可以在接下來的 球員身涯保持健康,他會是個特別的投手。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 22:46,
辛苦了, 推一個
03/15 22:46
※ 編輯: youngways 來自: (03/15 22:48)

03/15 22:49,
03/15 22:49

03/15 22:50,
good job
03/15 22:50
※ 編輯: youngways 來自: (03/15 23:03) 我好像修掉誰的推文,Sorry... ※ 編輯: youngways 來自: (03/15 23:04)

03/15 23:16,
好文 也能當練習投球的指標 真是好文....^_^b
03/15 23:16

03/15 23:27,
03/15 23:27

03/15 23:39,
03/15 23:39

03/16 00:06,
推推推!!! 專業好文~
03/16 00:06

03/16 00:11,
03/16 00:11

03/16 00:12,
和第一段的那些形容詞滿像的XD 只是不知道典故==
03/16 00:12

03/16 00:12,
03/16 00:12

03/16 00:13,
像是Uncle Charlie指曲球 Horn指內野區...等等
03/16 00:13

03/16 01:04,
03/16 01:04
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/16 21:06, , 1F
03/16 21:06, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #15-Noznw (PlayBaseball)