[外電] 往全明星邁進之路 ─ Tobias Harris

看板Pistons作者 (美柑我老婆!)時間6年前 (2018/01/19 17:16), 6年前編輯推噓6(608)
留言14則, 7人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
外電原文連結: https://goo.gl/zFT25H 虎撲譯文(多中國用語注意): https://bbs.hupu.com/21206612.html 以下是個人的翻譯,可能沒有翻譯得很好,請見諒。 Tobias Harris likes to get things done quickly. He's the first player finished with shootaround and he's one of the first to get in his pregame workout. He even talks fast when speaking to the media. Harris has places to be, goals to accomplish, work to put in. Tobias Harris 做事不會拖拖拉拉的。 他總是第一個完成投籃訓練的人,也是第一個在賽前訓練的人,在接受媒體訪問時也習慣 快速交代一切。 不斷訓練、然後達成目標,Harris就是這樣的人。 And, at 25 years old, he's starting to see the results. Be it a breakout season or just a hot stretch, Harris is playing the best basketball of his career right now and the Pistons are seeing results in the win column. At 19-15 they sit at fourth in the Eastern Conference. It's a bit of a step back from where they were at the start of the season -- a seven-game losing streak to start December pushed them down a bit -- but still in prime position to get a good playoff spot. Harris現年25歲,而他的努力已開始有所成果。 或許是巔峰期的到來,又或者只是暫時的手感發燙? Harris正打出他籃球生涯中的最佳時刻。活塞的表現也步上軌道了,目前22勝19負排名 東區第六,十二月的七連敗使得他們的戰績倒退了一些(相較季初),不過在爭取季後賽 的位置上,活塞仍然是有不錯希望的。 Perhaps this is why Harris is receiving consideration for the 2018 NBA All-Star Game. With fan voting for starters opening up, the talk around All-Stars is about to kick up. For the East there's the obvious names like LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo. Even Detroit teammate Andre Drummond is likely to get a spot this season. However, with the East's lack of major star power, there's potential for Harris to grab a spot near the end of the list. Especially if the Pistons keep winning. 或許正拜此所賜,Harris的名字因此出現在明星賽的討論中。 像LeBron James或字母哥這種球員,是無庸置疑會入選明星賽的。 Harris的隊友Andre Drummond也很可能會入選明星賽,不過,由於東區星度較低的原因, Harris或許有機會搶到明星賽的最後幾席也說不定。 ...如果活塞繼續贏好贏滿的話啦。 "That's definitely a blessing for me to be in that type of category," Harris said this week in a return to Orlando, where he started his career. "At the same time, the majority of that is predicated to our team and the way we've been playing. Obviously earlier in the year we had a lot of success. We kinda had a drop andwe're picking it back up. We've been playing some great basketball and we've really been playing well as a team and so a lot of that is predicated to that and I'm just happy to be a part of it." 「如果真的能成為(明星賽)的一員,那真是天賜的禮物。」從奧蘭多回程的途中, Harris這樣說。 「但同時也要歸功於球隊和我們的表現,我才能受到更多的注目。季初時我們贏了不少, 中間有些顛簸,但我們現在回來了。我們打出了很多的好球,就像支十分出色的隊伍, 能夠成為這麼出色球隊的一部份,我感到很開心。」 The Pistons' success has multiple factors going into it such as Drummond's bounce back and the addition of Avery Bradley. Add in what has been a very consistent bench and even with the injury bug biting them, there's an expectation that role players like Ish Smith and Reggie Bullock will keep Detroit going. 活塞至今的成功得歸功於幾項因素,例如Drummond的強勢反彈以及Bradley的加入。 另外,儘管傷病嚴重,板凳仍然有優良的好表現,這是不可忽視的。 Ish Smith & Reggie Bullock 這些角色球員會是活塞向前行的重要元素。 Last season a statement like that would have sounded insane. The Pistons weren't just disappointing, they were dreadful. Coming off a playoff appearance, Detroit was a popular dark horse pick to finish high in the East and maybe even challenge the Cavaliers in the division. Instead they imploded from a mix of bad defense, injuries and general unhappiness. It felt like the Pistons' rise was going to come to a sudden stop before they could ever get going. 如果這些話是在上賽季聽到,那你肯定會覺得這是在唬爛。 上季的活塞豈止是令人失望,一切簡直都糟透了。從上季暌違六個賽季再度進入季後賽 後,原本活塞被視為黑馬,可以拿下東區的前幾名,甚至能夠在東決挑戰騎士。 然而,糟糕的防守、接踵而至的傷病和低迷的士氣......種種原因使活賽陷入了不幸。 底特律的再起,眼看就要畫上休止符...。 Detroit didn't let that happen. Everybody talks about going into the offseason with plans of improving or getting better, but the Pistons walked their talk. "It starts with Coach," Harris said of Stan Van Gundy, who doubles as the team's president of basketball operations. "He went to the drawing board this summer and really looked at our team and said this is what we'll need to do if we're gonna be a top team. That required putting guys in different positions [and] making sacrifices in different aspects of the game. So we've been able to do that and we know that there is a formula to winning and we know that when we play our best basketball, and we let the defense fuel the offense, that's [when] we play our best and we've been able to do that." 幸好活塞沒讓這悲劇發生。 每個人都說要讓自己的隊伍更好,對活塞來說,坐而言不如起而行。 「教練是身先士卒的那個人。」Harris談起Stan Van Gundy,球隊的頭頭。 「他在白板上檢討了整支球隊,然後說如果我們要變為強隊,我們就得改變。包括球員們 位置的轉換、在比賽中不同的層面做出犧牲。也正因如此我們才有了本季的突破,也得知 了贏球的方程式,也明瞭當我們試著已防守帶動進攻時,就是最棒的我們。」 「我們成功了。」 Harris says the improvement was on Van Gundy, but the individuals on the roster have done just as much. Drummond was one of the worst free throw shooters in NBA history. So he fixed it. Even Harris, always on the verge of being a small ball four, spent his entire offseason putting up 3-pointers. Harris把進步歸功於Van Gundy,但球員們個別的努力亦不容忽視。 Drummond過去有著史上最糟之一的罰球數據,所以他試著修正這些。 往小球PF邁進的Harris也是,他鍛鍊了一整個休賽季的三分能力。 "His 3-point shooting has grown," Van Gundy said. "He's shot it more and better and I think that's been his biggest improvement no question about it, his willingness to shoot the ball all the time from there and make defenses play him honest. ... Harris really dedicated himself this summer to shooting the 3 and to working on it. He shot thousands and thousands and thousands of them so he's gotten a lot of confidence. … It's almost a necessity at the four spot now." "他的三分能力成長了hen多。" Van Gundy說。 "他的三分的質與量都進步了,這無疑是他最大的成長,也使得對手得認真守他的外線。" "Harris把整個夏天都拿來加強三分;他練了數以千計的三分,這也是為什麼他會變得如此 有自信。 " "PF必須有外線能力--現代的籃球就是這麼一回事。" Floor spacing has been a huge part of the offensive revolution of recent years. Van Gundy is one of the people who helped revolutionize this trend when he started Rashard Lewis at the power forward spot when he was coach of the Magic. It's hard to not at least see some of the similarities between his current Pistons team and his former Magic squad. 近年來,「進攻空間」變得越來越重要,Van Gundy可說是這方面的祖師爺。 當年還是魔術主帥的他就在四號位上讓Rashard Lewis先發。 大家都看得出來現在的活塞隊和他之前的魔術隊有一些相似處。 Harris isn't an elite rim-attacker, playmaker or defender. This doesn't mean that he can't do these things, but his best skill right now is as a shooter. He came into the league as a crafty midrange scorer, but pushing out brings him into the modern era. "If you can put enough pressure on the basket the teams have to react and pull in and you're creating 3-pointers for your team," Van Gundy said. "So a guy like Andre, you're left with the choice a lot of the time on drives and pick and rolls. Are you gonna pull in and stop the lob and leave people open, or are you going to stay home and give him plays at the rim. So those kinds of guys, a guy like Andre, [are] still creating 3's for your team. ... You're gonna have to be able to do one or the other." Harris並非菁英等級的籃筐攻擊者、組織者或防守者,但這並不是說他做不到那些事, 只是他目前最佳的角色就是射手。以前的他是中距離高手,現在多虧拉遠了射程,他也更 能融入現代籃球。 "我們不斷地攻擊籃筐,對手勢必會內縮防守以應對,如此一來三分的機會就出現了。" "只要內線有個像Drummond這樣的中鋒,對手通常會提防切入或擋拆了。你覺得應該要內縮 來阻止空間,外線留空檔被射三分;還是說留在原本外線的防守位置,然後放任Drummond 轟炸籃筐? 所以這些球員,像Drummond這種球員,仍然能夠幫助球隊製造三分機會。 不管是順應這個時代的小球潮流,或是這種一內四外的模式,都必須做出上述的選擇。" Van Gundy說。 "My biggest focus in the offseason was the 3-ball," Harris said. "Getting up some high volume reps and game reps and just getting into the flow with it this year. I think that was the biggest step I took." Harris' improvement from 3-point range has opened up so much for the Pistons and himself. The incredible part in his seventh year in the NBA is, at 25, he still has room to keep getting better. The next step is defense. 「三分是我在休賽季最大的訓練目標。」Harris說道。 「大量的訓練以及比賽中的出手使我在能夠進入節奏。我認為這是我最大的進步。」 Harris在三分線上的進化讓球隊和他自己都變得更好。 在聯盟的第七個賽季中,最令人訝異的就是,年僅25的他仍然有成長的空間。 而防守的進步,是他的下一個目標。 "Obviously I want to keep working on all points of my game," Harris said. "Playmaking is a thing that I'm going to continue to get better and work on. Defensively I'm going to always get better on that end and push myself and be able to be more of a two-way player. So those are things that I look to work on now and in the future." "Still," Van Gundy added, "defensively, he's got to get better. He's taken pride in that and understands the importance of it, but he's gotta get better on that end of the floor." 「我還想繼續增強我各方面的表現,這是無庸置疑的。」 「組織是其中一項,我會繼續在這一塊鍛鍊。防守端我會不斷自我要求並變得更好,成為 攻守俱佳的球員我的目標。這些都是我期望能從現在開始投入更多努力,並在未來變得更 優秀的地方。」 Harris說。 "他的防守還得再好一點。" Van Gundy說。 "他有自信也有這方面的自覺,不過他就是得變得更好。" The Pistons still want to take another step or two as a team, too. They are improved but flawed. Harris can be a big part of that growth. He turned himself into an elite shooter, and the team turned itself into a serious playoff contender. What's next? 活塞也希望將自己的球隊實力提升一兩個檔次。活塞進步了,但誠然並非完美。 Harris的成長,絕對是活塞進步中重要的部分之一。 目前他也變成一位菁英射手了,活塞也成為實質的季後賽競爭者了。 那,接下來呢? 誰會是下一個成長進化的呢? 個人私心很喜歡 Bradley & Harris,希望他們都能變得更好啊! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pistons/M.1516353376.A.069.html ※ 編輯: wu5834 (, 01/19/2018 17:24:31

01/19 17:45, 6年前 , 1F
01/19 17:45, 1F

01/19 19:02, 6年前 , 2F
01/19 19:02, 2F

01/19 20:30, 6年前 , 3F
比起Harris 我比較疑惑的是 Bradley 的防守數據
01/19 20:30, 3F

01/19 20:31, 6年前 , 4F
他的防守是公認的好 但是他的防守數據都不好看...
01/19 20:31, 4F

01/19 20:31, 6年前 , 5F
01/19 20:31, 5F

01/19 21:14, 6年前 , 6F
AB都負責守對方王牌啊 數據是能好看到哪
01/19 21:14, 6F

01/19 21:14, 6年前 , 7F
01/19 21:14, 7F

01/19 21:24, 6年前 , 8F
01/19 21:24, 8F

01/19 22:56, 6年前 , 9F
其實我剛剛忘了講 小AB跟KT都是那種公認防守好 但是數據差
01/19 22:56, 9F

01/19 22:57, 6年前 , 10F
的球員 另外我很好奇的是DRPM不是"據說會排除隊友影響嗎?"
01/19 22:57, 10F

01/19 22:58, 6年前 , 11F
小AB/KT DRPM都不太好的原因或許就像C大講的那樣吧
01/19 22:58, 11F

01/19 22:58, 6年前 , 12F
(所以DRPM的真實性也要打個折扣這樣 @@")
01/19 22:58, 12F

01/20 07:43, 6年前 , 13F
Harris 運球和傳球可以再加強
01/20 07:43, 13F

01/20 10:09, 6年前 , 14F
01/20 10:09, 14F
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