[外電] 教練Cheeks的應變能力使活塞渡過難關

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http://ppt.cc/eNme Maurice Cheeks' adaptability helps Pistons turn corner By Vincent Goodwill, The Detroit News 教練Cheeks的應變能力使活塞渡過難關 Auburn Hills — There was a time when the term “flexible” was considered a compliment to an NBA head coach. 曾經有段時間,靈活的應變被認為是對NBA總教練的讚美。 Times have changed, however. Connotations of adaptibility and pragmatism have given way to those of indecisiveness and lack of strategic focus. “He’s not sure what to do.” “Does this guy have a defined plan?” “He looks unorganized.” 然而,時代已經改變了。現在,常因應情況而應變的描敘通常指向那些心中無主見且缺乏 核心策略的人。 “他不確定要做什麼。” “這傢伙心中有計畫嗎?” “他看起來缺乏組織。” While rigidity was a common complaint against former Pistons coach Lawrence Frank and one of many against John Kuester, that has not been the case for current coach Maurice Cheeks, whose adjustments in the last week have brought new life to a team that had been in danger of losing its confidence. 僵化不知變通常被用來指控是前任教練Lawrence Fran的缺點,是John Kuester的重多 缺點之一,卻無人這樣形容現任教練Maurice Cheeks。他在上週的及時調整,給予一個將 要失去信心的隊伍注入了新的生命。 “I can’t speak on other coaches but I’m flexible, whatever works for us,” Cheeks said. “It doesn’t have to go my way, whatever I say.” “我不知其他教練是怎樣,但我是知道變通的,不管黑貓白貓,能捉老鼠的就是好貓。” 教練如是說,”視情況而定,不一定要按照我的方式。” It sounds simple enough, but many coaches in the league become so wedded to their plan that they develop tunnel vision, and are incapable of making adjustments on the fly, or considering players’ input. 說的倒簡單,但是聯盟裡許多教練非常執著於自己的計畫,這使其眼界狹隘,不知臨機應 變,或考慮球員的意見。 “Players can see a lot. They’re out on the floor, in the trenches of things so you can’t discount what they see,” Cheeks said. “You can’t take everything into account but you can take things they suggest and use it to their advantage. “If a player suggests something and you do it, they gotta make that work. More times than not, they’ll try to make that work because they put it out there.” “球員們能觀察到許多情況,他們在球場上,你不能低估他們看到的,”教練如是說,” 你不能全聽他們的,但是你可根據他們的建議,使他們比賽具有優勢。” “如果你做了一些球員建議的事,他們得到實現的機會,多半的時候他們會努力促使計畫 成功,因為這是他們的想法。” Cheeks had such a meeting Josh Smith, and Smith has responded by averaging 27 points and six rebounds and serving as a focal point in the Pistons offense. Cheeks’ meeting with Josh Smith Sunday resulted in Smith averaging 27 points and six rebounds over the last three games as a focal point on offense, especially inside, while not compromising the inside presence of Greg Monroe and Andre Drummond. 上星期Cheeks和Josh Smith有了這樣的機會,而Smith回饋了教練平均27分,6籃板的表現 ,並成為了球隊攻擊的中心。雖然Smith的攻擊重心移向禁區,但卻沒有犧牲了Greg Monroe和 Andre Drummond的空間。 “I think that as time has gone on, we’ve been able to figure out where he’ s most effective,” Chauncey Billups said of Smith. “He’s a mismatch. We’ re not right if we don’t take advantage of that. He makes plays out of the post, makes other guys better. That’s a great adjustment from Mo.” “隨著球季的進行,我們已經可以看出如何有效的運用Smith,” Billup如是說。”他是 個使對方防守頭痛的人,如果我們不能好好運用這點,我們就不對了。他能在禁區得分, 使其他球員更好,教練的調整太好了。” Billups was outspoken about the Pistons not going to Smith in the fourth quarter and overtime of Sunday’s loss to the Portland Trailblazers, when he only had one shot attempt. But the veteran guard (按:本文可能有錯,這裡應該是 沒有去)talked to his coach about it after the game.“That’s one of his best attributes,” Billups said. “He’s flexible, he listens. But I didn’t go to him. He was madder than I was.” Billups更直言,在上次和Portland Trailblazers輸的比賽中的第四節和延長賽中沒有好 好利用Smith,在那段時間Smith只有投了一次球。然而,這位經驗老到的後衛在賽後並沒 有去和他的教練討論此事。”他會傾聽,會應變,這是他的長處,” Billup如是說。” 但我沒去找他,因為他比我還生氣(Smith沒碰到球這件事)。” Cheeks surprised some recently by telling Brandon Jennings he’s comfortable letting him have the ball late in close games. Jenings rewarded his coach with a clutch 3-pointer with 46.7 seconds left to give the Pistons the lead against the Celtics Wednesday. 最近,更令人驚訝的是,他告訴Brandon Jennings,在賽事吃緊的時候,由Jennings來持 球主導,他覺得放心。對此,Jenings的回報是在星期三Celtics的比賽中最後46.7秒來個 穩定局勢的關鍵三分球。 The plan is what is commonly referred to as a “1-4 set,” with the “1” being the point guard and other four players spread out. It’s a system that can only be effective under ideal circumstances. Cheeks said the Pistons will use the set sparingly. 當時的佈局,是一般所謂的 “1-4 set,” 1 是指控衛,而其他4位球員分散。只有在一 些理想情況下,這樣的佈局才會有效率。教練說,活塞未來會不定時的使用這種佈局。 “I think you’re trying to read where the help is at,” said Billups, whose effectiveness in the scheme earned him his “Mr. Big Shot” nickname during his first stint with the Pistons. “You’re not worried about who’s in front of you because you know you’ll get by him. Where are my shooters? It’s like a checkdown.” “在這種情況下,控衛會試著找出何處可以進行攻擊,”Billups如是說,在過去,他曾 有效的利用這種佈局,使得他得到“Mr. Big Shot”的綽號。”你不會煩惱誰擋在你前面 ,因為你知道你可以甩開他。我的射手在那裡?(按:射手應該包括自己)這就像下棋一樣 。” Billups said Cheeks placing Jennings in the left corner made it easier for Jennings when opponents are not in help defense. “They weren’t gonna leave me to go help so he had the whole left side to go one on one,” Billups said. Billups 說 Cheeks 把 Jennings放在左邊角落,使得Jennings能更輕鬆的執行戰術,當 對方並不在協防的模式中。”對方才不會離開我跑去協防,這樣Jennings在整個左邊可以 和對方一對一的對幹。” Billups如是說。 Billups以後要當教練是吧? 好了,以下雜事不翻了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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要一個字一個字打 打一長串再按ENTER也是只有一塊
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不錯喔 Josh回到低位囉~原來之前他拉出去是被教練安排的
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