Fw: [外絮] Drummond默默的證明自己的價值

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Gt924oA ] 作者: LarryBrown (賴瑞布朗) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Drummond默默的證明自己的價值 時間: Fri Dec 28 02:16:33 2012 Pistons rookie Andre Drummond bides time as play improves 活塞新秀Andre Drummond默默的證明自己的價值 From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121227/SPORTS0102/212270361#ixzz2GGlliM5a Atlanta - Being billed as a project, it was tough to project how well Pistons rookie Andre Drummond would perform in his first 30 games as an NBA player, but he admits to being surprised at his own adaptation to the pro game. 在球季剛開始的時候,很難去預測Andre Drummond在他NBA生涯的前三十場表現,但他的 確表現出令人驚艷的適應能力。 "Projects," who are 19 years old, usually don't come out of the gate averaging six points and seven rebounds in 18.8 minutes per game, and you can see a steady progression with every time he steps on the floor. 對於一個只有19歲的NBA一年級生來說,誰能想到他在平均上場時間18.8分鐘裡,可以得 到6分,7籃板這樣的表現呢?甚至Drummond還持續穩定的在進步中。 "I think the last couple months we've been playing I've been getting a lot better," Drummond said. 「我想是最近幾個月來的比賽讓我的表現能夠越來越好」Drummond說。 "Just helping my teammates and working with Roy (Rogers, assistant coach) has helped my game move along faster than expected. I've picked it up a lot faster than I expected." 單純的只是想要幫助我的隊友們,並且依照Roy (Rogers, 助理教練) 的指示,讓我進步 的幅度比預期還大上許多。 And even though the public clamor has begun to trend in the direction of "Start Andre," a grassroots campaign that even has Pistons coach Lawrence Frank playfully looking over his shoulder, Drummond insists he's not complaining about his playing time. 雖然外界一直有著讓Drummond先發的聲浪,這樣的質疑聲浪也引起了活塞教頭的注意,但 Drummond 強調他對於現在的上場時間很滿意。 Playing behind free-agent-to-be veteran forward Jason Maxiell and center Greg Monroe, Drummond hasn't griped about not getting the 25 or 30 minutes many feel he should on a nightly basis - especially considering the Pistons' 9-21 start has many wondering why the coaching staff hasn't unleashed him. 在前面有今年合約將到期的老將大前鋒Maxiell和中鋒Monroe卡著,Drummond並沒有抱怨 他的上場時間太少。尤其在球隊戰績不佳(9勝21負)的情況下,沒有想到多給他一點上場 的機會。 "I feel the way they've brought me along has been fine," Drummond said. "They could've easily slid me into the rotation. They've given me minutes here and there and it's great they're doing that. 「我認為球隊目前的安排是不錯的」Drummond說「他們已經給我足夠的時間上場」 "I'm starting to learn more every time I'm out there and it makes me work that much harder." 「這也讓我學到,每次我上場都必須要更加努力才行」 Despite the shrapnel of criticism tossed his way, Frank has commended Drummond on the rookie's approach. And, honestly, Drummond has made Frank's life easier by not causing a public stink about being developed slowly. 儘管外界對活塞教頭的質疑聲浪不斷,教練Frank對菜鳥Drummond給予高度肯定, Drummond的正面態度跟支持的給了Frank很大的幫助。 "It seems like we talk about him every day; he's a phenomenal young man," Frank said. "The thing that stands out most is his character. 「似乎我們每天都會提到他,他是個優秀的年輕人」Frank說「他最大的特點是性格」 "Every player wants to play, that's why they're in this league. Their job is to make it as hard as possible to be taken off the floor." 「每一個球員都渴望能夠上場比賽,這也是為什麼他們會出現在NBA;他們的首要任務就 是盡一切的努力,能夠到場上和對手較勁」 Drummond understands. "Coach knows best, how to get the best from all his players," Drummond said. Drummond深深能夠體會到這個道理,「教練有他的用意,他知道怎麼安排他的球員」 "He knew I wasn't ready to play 30 minutes a night, I had to work. He had me at 16 to 18 (minutes). He knows what he's doing. I trust his system." 「他認為我還沒準備好在場上待30分鐘,我必須要更努力。他已經給了我16到18分鐘了, 他有他的計畫,我也相信他的戰術系統」 It's hard to argue with the results, as Drummond (7.0) is second on the team in rebounding behind Monroe (8.8). 而Drummond的表現也相當可圈可點,7.0的籃板在全隊個人成績中僅次於Monroe的8.8籃板 。 Drummond is opening eyes around the league and in the locker room. Monroe said he expects his future running mate to perform at a high level every night, a compliment of the highest order. Drummond已經慢慢的覺醒了,不僅在場上、甚至在更衣室也表現出他的成熟態度。Monroe 也給了Drummond最高的評價,他預期Drummond將會是他一起成長的好夥伴。 "It's great that I've been doing well but there's a lot of work to do though," said Drummond, who prefers to focus on the things he needs to work on. 「我很開心我最近的表現,但我仍然有許多事情要完成」Drummond持續專注在他的目標上 "Playing with effort and energy, going after every ball that's loose. Communicating more. I talk but it depends. I usually do instead of saying it so it sort of messes up the defensive scheme. I have to get better at that." 「我用全神貫注來打每一場球,希望有更多的溝通,我也有我的想法,但會視情況而說。 如果會造成球隊的混亂的話,我寧可不說。我希望一切都更好。」 -- 滋味,樓,樓,說愁。 滋味,休,休,個秋。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: LarryBrown (, 時間: 12/28/2012 02:17:04

12/28 02:24, , 1F
活塞目前真的比太多場了 真要栽培的話 綠葉也要慎選
12/28 02:24, 1F

12/28 02:25, , 2F
改丟的就要丟 也不要浪費王子的青春
12/28 02:25, 2F

12/28 16:04, , 3F
12/28 16:04, 3F

12/28 17:48, , 4F
12/28 17:48, 4F

12/28 19:46, , 5F
12/28 19:46, 5F

12/28 19:58, , 6F
老杜:樓上...就是我的愛將史大雞 >//////<
12/28 19:58, 6F

12/28 22:16, , 7F
12/28 22:16, 7F

12/29 02:19, , 8F
G.Vasquez 應該會是適合活塞的控衛
12/29 02:19, 8F

12/29 08:45, , 9F
怎麼有傳聞想要Millsap....禁區時間分裝猛都不夠了 Orz
12/29 08:45, 9F

12/29 09:11, , 10F
樓上那傳聞,我們球隊有正統控衛可以換嗎? XD
12/29 09:11, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1Gt92Xli (Pistons)