[ 王 ] 底特律的記者也來補刀了

看板Pistons作者 (oolong)時間13年前 (2011/06/16 20:39), 編輯推噓5(503)
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這是在底特律報紙上看到的文章,蠻好玩的,就稍為翻譯一下。 如果板主覺得不妥,請來信告知,我就刪了它囉。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/Zjjn King's a choke artist, but Heat had other issues, too LBJ總是在關鍵時刻習慣性的做出令人讚嘆的失足,但熱火隊正面臨其它的麻煩。 What did you do to celebrate the Dallas Mavericks victory over the Miami Heat on Sunday night? Did you honk your horns downtown Woodward? Did you plan on taking a flight to Dallas or Cleveland to get in on the good times? 你打算要怎麼慶祝小牛隊的封王?到底特律的市區街上按喇叭?或搭飛機到Dallas或 Cleveland去沈浸在快樂的時光中? The Mavericks NBA championship wasn't about MVP Dirk Nowitzki cruising, or Mavs owner Mark Cuban cursing on television. It wasn't about the Mavs avenging a loss five years ago to the Heat. This was about hating on LeBron James and the Heatles. 大家慶賀小牛隊封王這件事,和Nowitzki得到MVP,或 Cuban 在電視上咒罵無關,甚至大 家也不太在意小牛報復了五年前輸給了熱火這件事。整件事主要是對LBJ及熱火的討厭。 We have a public enemy No. 1 in the NBA and he calls himself the King, although he looked more like the court jester during the fourth quarter of these games. James all but disappeared in crunch time and now he is being called a choker and gag artist. (People are passing around jokes that James can't make change for a dollar because he cannot produce the fourth quarter. I've heard this joke a million times so please stop e-mailing it to me like you thought of it.) 在NBA中有一個全民公敵,而他自稱自己是大帝,雖然他在決賽的第四節中,常常看起來 像事不關已的冷面笑匠。LBJ做了所有的努力,但卻在關鍵時刻消失,結果現在被叫做失 敗者,及笑話的題材。(鄉民們傳頌著LBJ無法找零錢的笑話,我已經聽了幾百萬次了,所 以,請別再email 我了。) I will admit things became so tense for him in the fourth quarter that his head band began to squeeze so tight around his forehead that I thought it was going to explode. I am sure the King never imagined all this when he said he was taking his talents to South Beach. He did not imagine an entire country rooting against him. He did not imagine a tweet 15 minutes after the game from Cavs owner Dan Gilbert taking swipes at him. And I am sure he never imagined watching a German become a hero in his own country. 我承認,在第四節時,壓力是如此的巨大,以至於他的頭帶看起來是如此的緊繃,讓人覺 得快爆炸了。當LBJ宣稱他將帶著他的天賦及才能到邁阿密時,他永遠無法想像全國的人 將與他為敵。他無法想像騎士隊的老闆在他失敗後15分鐘時就開始消遣他。而我確定他無 法想像親眼目睹一個德國人在他自己的國土上成為英雄。 This is the reverse of Joe Louis and Max Schmeling. 這簡直是拳擊史上,Joe Louis(美國人) 及 Max Schmeling(德國人) 的角色反轉! All of this happened because James dared step outside the borders of tradition and announce he was becoming a free agent on a prime-time sports show dedicated to him and his selfish behavior. People are not mad at him for leaving Cleveland. They are mad at the way he did it. The man got bad advice and he is paying for it now. 這所有的反應,肇始於LBJ自己太過膨風及自我的行為,他竟有違常理的在黃金時段的個 人秀上,宣佈了自己將成為一個自由球員。鄉民們並沒有對他離開Cleveland感到生氣, 而是對他處理事情的方式感到忿怒。天啊,這傢伙得到失敗的建議,結果現在正得到報應 了。 James forever will be the poster boy for this loss. What will be glossed over is that the Heat lacked a true point guard to lead the team, which allowed Jason Kidd and Jason Terry to control tempo. And the Heat lacked a post player to punish the Mavs inside. Those are major pieces to be missing. It is why I did not believe the Heat would make the Finals in the first place. And those are issues the team must address in the offseason. LBJ 將永遠成為決賽失敗的看板人物,可惜的是,這將模糊了一些值得注意的事情,像是 熱火缺少了一個真正的控球後衛,以至於讓 Kidd 及Terry 得以輕易的控制比賽的節奏。 或者,熱火少了一個可以轟炸小牛禁區的內線球員。這些是熱火缺少的主要拼圖,也是我 從不認為他們會打進決賽的原因。現在,熱火必須在暑假時解決這些問題。 But none of that matters. James is a choke artist and that will overshadow all the other things that happened. No one is talking about how Nowitzki walked off the court without shaking hands. But they are talking about James walking off the court not shaking hands, although he actually did. 但,就算這樣,這些一點也不重要。LBJ成為一失敗者的事實,將掩蓋了其它所有正在發 生的事。現在不會有人去談論為何 Nowitzki 出場時沒有握手。但鄉民們會談論LBJ出場 時沒有握手,雖然他真的有握手。 When you are hated, even your good actions are ignored. And when you are loved, your bad actions are ignored. 當你被討厭時,你所有的好行為都會被忽視。而當你被喜愛時,你所有的壞行為都可被容 忍。 One of James' problems is he just doesn't know how to conduct himself. James and Dwyane Wade were caught on tape mocking Nowitzki by coughing when the Mavs forward had a 101-degree fever. When it was over, James talked about people going back to their miserable lives. The dude needs a public relations man, not a yes man. LBJ的主要問題之一,在於他根本無法約束自己。例如,被看到和Wade一起嘲諷Nowitzki ,當 Nowitzki 發燒到101 度時。而當決賽結束時,他還談到那些討厭他的鄉民,最後還 是得回到他們悲哀的人生。天啊,這傢伙真的需要一個公關,而不是一些只會奉承他的人 。 The defeat is good for the NBA because the Heat is a prime-time villain. When the league comes back, it will sell more tickets to see the Heat. The TV ratings will be even higher because it will be good-vs.-evil every night. The Heat will be like big-time wrestling when Bobby "The Brain" Heenan would tell you how his guy was gonna knock your block off. But you paid money to see his guy get beat along with "The Brain." 熱火及LBJ的失敗,對NBA是個好事。現在,熱火已成了一個當紅的惡棍。當新的球季開始 時,會有更多的人買票去看熱火的比賽。電視的收視率將會飆高,因為每個晚上,每場比 賽,都像是正義和邪惡的大戰。熱火就像摔角比賽中,那個喜愛恐嚇你的主持人及他的伙 伴,而你買票進場的原因,就是想看到主持人及他的伙伴被痛打一番。 People showed up to see Muhammad Ali lose. They root against Sidney Crosby and Ron Artest and the other villains of the game. 嘿,鄉民比較想要看到拳王阿里輸掉。就像底特律的鄉民們痛恨 Crosby (冰上曲棍球 Red Wings的死敵),Artest,及其它比賽中的惡棍。 No villain inside sports is bigger than James now. It is why a nation celebrates his misery. And it is why his legacy will grow even more despite being a loser. 當今運動界的最大惡棍,非LBJ莫屬了。這就是為何他的失敗,成了舉國歡騰的盛事。而 他的失敗,今後將更會成為人們茶餘飯後的話題了。 So where is the celebration? 所以,慶祝活動要在那裡舉行啊? It is everywhere in this country except South Beach. 全國各地都有,除了邁阿密外。 terry.foster@detnews.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/16 21:46, , 1F
06/16 21:46, 1F

06/16 22:14, , 2F
06/16 22:14, 2F

06/16 22:14, , 3F
做人失敗到這種程度 真的要好好反省了。
06/16 22:14, 3F

06/16 22:35, , 4F
阿泰: 這麼多年了還是沒忘了我 A_A
06/16 22:35, 4F

06/17 07:45, , 5F
06/17 07:45, 5F

06/17 08:49, , 6F
他就是不反省才會這樣啊... 專心打球哪會有這麼多有的沒的
06/17 08:49, 6F

06/17 16:15, , 7F
06/17 16:15, 7F
nagisanoff:轉錄至看板 NBA 06/17 16:16

06/17 20:09, , 8F
It is everywhere in this country except South Beach
06/17 20:09, 8F
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