[外電] Dumars:通通可以賣

看板Pistons作者 (De-troit Basketball)時間16年前 (2008/06/04 06:48), 編輯推噓41(41020)
留言61則, 32人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/6gnhpd http://tinyurl.com/5c4fck http://tinyurl.com/5p7z94 "Make no mistake, everybody's in play now," Dumars said. "There are no sacred cows here. You lose that sacred cow status when you lose three straight years like this." Dumars:現在每個人都可以賣了。當你連續三年像這樣輸掉後沒有人是"聖牛"了。 “The reason I haven’t gotten all those calls about players yet is for the last five years or so I’ve said everybody is not in play. So after we leave here today, with the Internet and all your sites and people reading it, they’ ll know. They’re in play.”" "過去五年我沒接到什麼詢問交易的電話是因為我說過每個人都不賣。但今天我們離開 後,透過網路和你們的網站人們會讀到,他們也都將知道。他們都可以賣了。" “The idea you can make yourself bad and make yourself good again, that’s a farce,” he said. “I have no interest in completely ripping the team down. Will I look to making significant changes? Yeah, you’re damn right I will.” "Dumars:我沒有興趣完全拆散球隊。但我會期望做些重大改變。 還記得Sheed第六戰賽後唯一吐出的話嗎 或許還算個預言 “That’s the end, man.” “They understood that before the season started,” Dumars said. “It’s not like this is the first time I’m saying that to those guys. I’ve said that before the season started last year and I reminded them during the season – get it done. Get it done. It’s old hat for those guys. They understand.” "他們在球季開始前就了解這點了。"我也不是第一次跟他們說了。我在球季開始前就說 - 完成它吧。完成它吧。他們都了解。" “The most disappointing game for me in the whole series … you get Game 2 and you come home and lose Game 3 like that, you’re not urgent. You can spin it any way you want. You can tell me they shot great. I’m not going to sugar coat it and it something it’s not. So I said, ‘OK, that’s enough. I’ve seen enough of this.’ ” Dumars說東區冠軍戰他最失望的就是第三戰輸掉,表示活塞沒有警戒心。他也受夠了。 “The last 10 minutes of Game 6 really was a microcosm of the last three years for me. We’re good enough, we’re right there, we didn’t get it done. That last 10 minutes played out, I looked at it, I said, this is the last three years right here. … And as I walked out of The Palace that night, I had a real sense of calm. OK, I’ve seen enough. I’ve seen enough.” Dumars還提到第六戰最後十分鐘就是活塞過去三年的縮影。球隊夠好,但不能把事情完 成。那晚他走出宮殿時就覺得他受夠了。 “I just want to make sure that we are all on the same page and that wasn’t always the case, I felt, this year," he said. "It was scattered too much, at times. It really doesn’t matter how strong you are in this seat that I sit in. That one voice has to make sure we keep everything and everybody on that same page.” Dumars覺得本季活塞有時候太鬆散了。他需要一個能讓大家站在同一陣線上的教練。 “We’re going to talk to people this week. This will not be a long, drawn-out process,” Dumars said about a replacement for Saunders. “The next coach is going to be handed a good team. You worry more when you don’t have the players to compete at the level you need them to.” Dumars:這星期會和教練人選會談。不會是個長時間的過程。下一個教練會有隻好球隊 。我比較擔心球員們不能在該有的層級上打拼。" 獵人接受廣播專訪 http://tinyurl.com/5ugnfb “I just think with the type of team and the type of personalities that we have you can’t give the guys as much leeway as he did. With some guys that’ s good, with certain teams that good but with a team of peculiar characters like we obviously had you got to tighten the reins a little more.” 談到老桑當教練最大的缺失,獵人認為老桑給球員太多的餘裕。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/04 07:04, , 1F
Oh My God .... This is a Bad NEWS ...><
06/04 07:04, 1F

06/04 07:54, , 2F
看來可能會有一波球員大變動 sheed到底會不會被交易呢?
06/04 07:54, 2F

06/04 07:55, , 3F
借轉 謝謝~
06/04 07:55, 3F
ccab99:轉錄至看板 NBA 06/04 07:55

06/04 08:07, , 4F
老杜真的不高興了...= =
06/04 08:07, 4F

06/04 08:39, , 5F
06/04 08:39, 5F

06/04 08:45, , 6F
06/04 08:45, 6F

06/04 09:10, , 7F
06/04 09:10, 7F

06/04 09:26, , 8F
又不是養老院 拆得好 這陣容已經證明不行了
06/04 09:26, 8F
※ 編輯: pennymarcus 來自: (06/04 09:50)

06/04 09:51, , 9F
的確這幾年求勝意志沒辦法每場堅持 來點調整是好事
06/04 09:51, 9F

06/04 09:54, , 10F
06/04 09:54, 10F

06/04 09:56, , 11F
06/04 09:56, 11F

06/04 10:05, , 12F
Q_Q 如果Sheed離開~以後看到他回宮殿..唉~感覺很怪..
06/04 10:05, 12F

06/04 11:09, , 13F
SHEED那種態度 留下來能幹嘛??
06/04 11:09, 13F

06/04 11:16, , 14F
建議大家到官網看一下影片 老杜的態度非常堅決 尤其是大
06/04 11:16, 14F

06/04 11:17, , 15F
動作那句話 那個表情....
06/04 11:17, 15F

06/04 11:25, , 16F
Will I look to making significant changes? Yeah, you’re
06/04 11:25, 16F

06/04 11:25, , 17F
damn right I will.
06/04 11:25, 17F

06/04 11:36, , 18F
06/04 11:36, 18F

06/04 11:37, , 19F
06/04 11:37, 19F

06/04 11:38, , 20F
稱之為 Farce,說那是BS的做法。他開這個記者會的時候情緒很
06/04 11:38, 20F

06/04 11:38, , 21F
06/04 11:38, 21F

06/04 11:40, , 22F
06/04 11:40, 22F

06/04 11:40, , 23F
06/04 11:40, 23F

06/04 11:44, , 24F
@@ 已經四個人打電話來應徵教練了?
06/04 11:44, 24F

06/04 11:45, , 25F
06/04 11:45, 25F

06/04 11:46, , 26F
06/04 11:46, 26F

06/04 11:48, , 27F
06/04 11:48, 27F

06/04 11:50, , 28F
震驚!!!!!!!! 囧"
06/04 11:50, 28F

06/04 11:55, , 29F
06/04 11:55, 29F

06/04 11:55, , 30F
06/04 11:55, 30F

06/04 11:57, , 31F
Dumars admitted that there was one sacred cow on the
06/04 11:57, 31F

06/04 11:57, , 32F
roster, and that was Stuckey.
06/04 11:57, 32F

06/04 11:59, , 33F
教練人選:Avery Johnson Michael Curry 和 Terry Porter
06/04 11:59, 33F

06/04 12:09, , 34F
我也聽完了= = 感覺很錯愕~NO EXCUSE...
06/04 12:09, 34F

06/04 12:10, , 35F
有看完的人心理頭應該都很複雜吧 JoeD 好威!
06/04 12:10, 35F

06/04 12:12, , 36F
而且他說他看 final 4我們打得最不認真,這也讓他很不高興吧。
06/04 12:12, 36F

06/04 12:27, , 37F
對了,JoeD 說要交易很可能會把#29一起向上交易。
06/04 12:27, 37F

06/04 12:53, , 38F
哦哦哦 老杜又要拿出魄力了,老實說Hill交易出去那年我
06/04 12:53, 38F

06/04 12:54, , 39F
就對任何球員來去不是那麼的傷痛了 不捨一定會有
06/04 12:54, 39F

06/04 12:55, , 40F
只是這畢竟是職業運動 球員交易是很正常的 Joe您真威
06/04 12:55, 40F

06/04 13:06, , 41F
拆的好 連續三年都不行的話 是該改變了
06/04 13:06, 41F

06/04 14:48, , 42F
職業運動是很現實的 期待改變
06/04 14:48, 42F

06/04 15:06, , 43F
06/04 15:06, 43F

06/04 15:22, , 44F
06/04 15:22, 44F

06/04 15:57, , 45F
06/04 15:57, 45F

06/04 15:57, , 46F
06/04 15:57, 46F

06/04 18:06, , 47F
看來老桑比較適合公牛 他們不是嫌史凱爾管太多嗎
06/04 18:06, 47F

06/04 18:34, , 48F
哭惹~ 今後要不要繼續支持活塞打上問號
06/04 18:34, 48F

06/04 18:55, , 49F
支持重整啦 不然球隊很沒活力
06/04 18:55, 49F

06/04 20:01, , 50F
06/04 20:01, 50F

06/04 20:45, , 51F
推 該做些改變了
06/04 20:45, 51F

06/04 23:16, , 52F
06/04 23:16, 52F

06/04 23:16, , 53F
真的是很希望TD或KG會來活塞 但應該不太可能
06/04 23:16, 53F

06/04 23:18, , 54F
補個能切入 打禁區 買犯規的球員吧╮(﹀_﹀")╭
06/04 23:18, 54F

06/04 23:18, , 55F
老喬這三年一直不補 想不通orz
06/04 23:18, 55F

06/04 23:19, , 56F
如果去年有補 今年或許會更好
06/04 23:19, 56F

06/05 22:53, , 57F
樓上 史塔基好像就是類似的球員..或者杜馬斯期望他以後是
06/05 22:53, 57F

06/08 10:37, , 58F
回樓上 活塞一直都不是靠強力切入型球員主打的球隊啊XD
06/08 10:37, 58F

06/08 10:37, , 59F
06/08 10:37, 59F

12/11 05:13, 5年前 , 60F
好像有記者問JoeD會 https://daxiv.com
12/11 05:13, 60F

04/19 21:31, 5年前 , 61F
看來可能會有一波球員大 https://moxox.com
04/19 21:31, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #18HSerBQ (Pistons)