[外電] A Covert Operation

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間16年前 (2007/11/30 00:34), 編輯推噓12(1204)
留言16則, 14人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/pistons/community/covertop_071120.html -- You should not be reading this article because I should not have been able to write it. 你應該讀不到這篇文章的,因為我應該沒辦法寫下它。 If Chauncey Billups and Antonio McDyess had things their way, I wouldn’t have known about their visit to All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Pontiac Monday evening, just like the rest of the media. 如果槍蜥和袋鼠維持他們一貫的低調作風,就像其他媒體同業一樣,我根本無法得知 他們在星期一傍晚去探望了位於龐蒂亞克的聖公會教堂。 It was quite the covert operation those two put together. It began earlier in the month when they approached the Pistons community relations staff looking for a way to help families put Thanksgiving dinner on the table. 這是他們兩個一起參與的,一個非常隱密的行動。這一切要從月初他們和正在尋求方 法以協助貧困家庭在感恩節時能在家享受豐盛晚餐的活塞社區關係發展部接觸說起。 The Pistons CR staff contacted one of their longtime community partners, Lighthouse of Oakland County - which happened to have a two-day distribution of groceries to families in need Monday and Tuesday - and offered their two volunteers. 活塞社區關係發展部和他們長期合作推動社區服務的夥伴之一 - 奧克蘭郡的燈塔慈善 團體 - 接洽,他們正巧要在星期一和星期二舉辦一個為期兩天的食物(雜貨)慈善發放活動 ,並且提供他們兩名自告奮勇的志願者。 “How do you say no to that?” said Kris Nord, a Lighthouse seasonal staff member and former coordinator of the Thanksgiving grocery program, which provides all the essentials to a complete Thanksgiving Day meal – including the turkey – to approximately 850 families, or 4,000 individuals, each year. "你怎能向這天大的好機會說不?"燈塔慈善團體的臨時成員,同時也是之前感恩節食 物(雜貨)慈善發放活動的協調人Kris Nord說,該活動每一年都提供了完整的感恩節大餐所 需的所有食物和物品 - 包括主菜火雞 - 給大約850個家庭,相當於4,000個人。 Nord called about 50 families and seniors to let them know the Pistons would be coming and that they could change their scheduled pick-up time to see them. Nord remembered calling an elderly woman who had trouble breathing and a weakening voice. Nord heard the woman yelling, "Two Pistons are going to be there!" after she thought Nord had hung up the phone. Nord通知了大概50個家庭和長者,讓他們知道有活塞球員將會到場,而他們可以考慮 是否要改變原訂領取慈善品的時間以便和他們見面。Nord記得他打電話給一位有呼吸問題 而且聲音虛弱的老太太。在老太太誤以為Nord已經把電話掛掉後,Nord聽到她高興地又喊 又叫"有兩個活塞球員要來耶!" Outside of Pistons and Lighthouse staff, Lighthouse clients were the only ones who knew. At All Saints’, there was no indication the Pistons would be there except the red, white and blue balloons next to the tables. 除了活塞和燈塔慈善團體之外,燈塔的感恩戶是唯一知道這件事的人。在聖公會教堂 中,除了桌子旁的紅、白和藍色氣球外,根本沒有其他跡象顯示會有活塞球員現身。 Shortly after 5 p.m. the duo arrived. We know NBA athletes make a lot of money and live pretty comfortable lives, but both players had just spent nine days living in a hotel room. And both had suffered injuries that kept them off the court for a while. On an overcast, chilly Michigan evening, I would not have faulted them if they had said they'd come another time. Perhaps after a night in their own bed. 下午五點過後不久,他們兩個就到場了。我們知道NBA球員都賺了很多錢而且過得相當 豪華而舒適的生活,但他們兩人過去九天的時間都住在旅館房間裡。而且他們兩個都因為 運動傷害而有一段時間無法上場比賽。在密西根州這樣一個陰暗而且冷冽的傍晚,如果他 們說想要改期,我完全不會怪罪他們。因為,或許他們前一整個晚上都躲在自己溫暖的被 窩裡,根本不想離開。 But from the moment they walked through the door, a herd of youngsters, no older than 12, followed. It made it hard for them to actually take the food to the parking lot, but McDyess managed a few trips. “I’ll be back,” he said to one woman as he rolled a dolly with a box of food to someone’s car. The woman remarked at what a nice smile he had. 但從他們過門而入的那一刻起,就有一群孩子,最大的年紀也不超過12歲,緊緊跟在 他們後面。這使得他們難以將食物送至停車場,但袋鼠運用智慧想出了解決之道。"我會再 回來的,"他在把一整個推車的食物放進一個女人的車子時這麼告訴她。那個女人因此對於 他臉上那個親切而燦爛的笑容印象深刻。 Deliver a bag of groceries, pose for a picture, sign an autograph – the cycle continued until all the Lighthouse clients had picked up their food. I assumed the forty-minute frenzy was the craziest time during the distribution period. I was corrected. “You should see the place at 9 a.m. Monday,” Nord said. “ Everyone thinks we’re going to run out of food.” 傳送一整袋的食物(雜貨)、擺pose拍照、簽名 - 這樣的循環一直持續到整個燈塔的感 恩戶都領到了他們的食物為止。我預想這四十分鐘會是整個發放過程中最混亂,而我猜得 沒錯。"你應該來看看星期一早上九點時候的情形,"Nord說。"每個人都誤以為我們快把所 有食物都發放完畢了。" Lighthouse clients are approved on need-based criteria and receive a scheduled pick-up time for their groceries, which, Nord said, is meant to give them a chance to make Thanksgiving dinner at home – a self-sufficient alternative to a soup kitchen. It’s likely the same amount of groceries would have been distributed had the Pistons not been there. And yet their impact runs deeper than a few autographs for kids who could never see a Pistons game in person. 燈塔的感恩戶都經過認可確實需要援助並且會收到一張領取他們感恩品的時間表,如 Nord所說,是為了能讓他們有機會在自家享用感恩節大餐 - 除了到施捨食物給窮人之處所 用餐用還能有另一個自己自足的替代方案可供選擇。可能就算沒有活塞球員到場,發放的 感恩品數量也會一樣多。但他們實際到場參與的影響力遠大於透過他人捐贈一些簽名物品 給從未親眼見過他們的小孩子。 “There’s a real opportunity for people to see athletes like this help out, it gets people to think, ‘Maybe I can contribute, too,’” said John Ziraldo, president and CEO of Lighthouse of Oakland County. “It sets a great example.” "這對人們來說真的是個難得的機會可以看到運動員像這樣默默付出,這讓人們可以反 思,'或許我一樣能有所貢獻,'"燈塔的總裁兼首席執行長John Ziraldo說。"他們設立了 絕佳的典範。" You should not have been able to read this article. But now that you have, how do you feel about doing something else? 你原本不會看到這篇文章的。但現在你有幸讀到,會有股衝動想要做點不同以往的事 嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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第一段是說 本來這件事他會不知道的意思
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推 ~ 活塞都是好人~
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有催淚效果 感人推
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不是沒辦法寫下 https://daxiv.com
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真感人~~ https://moxox.com
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感人推~~ https://muxiv.com
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文章代碼(AID): #17JkeazL (Pistons)