[外電] Drive-Thru Special

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間16年前 (2007/11/26 22:38), 編輯推噓11(1103)
留言14則, 13人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/pistons/community/capuchin_071121.html -- Rip Hamilton couldn't get out of the way Tuesday afternoon. 星期二下午RIP忙得不可開支,根本抽不出身。 The cars were rolling through the Capuchin Services Center on Detroit's East Side just fine – “slow and steady, just like a car wash" repeated George Gaering to drivers – receiving turkeys, potatoes and boxes of food until he showed up. 一直到他現身前,源源不絕的車潮通過位於底特律東邊的Capuchin服務中心 - " George Gaering一再對駕駛們說"放慢放慢,就像接受自動洗車那樣" - 接過了火雞、馬鈴 薯還有包裝食品。 Then one guy heard Rip say, "Happy Thanksgiving, boss," and toss a Honeysuckle White turkey in the trunk of his car. The driver, overcome with disbelief, hit the brakes, got out of the car and took a picture with Rip. So much for steady. 然後一個人聽到RIP說,"感恩節快樂,老大,"並把一隻Honeysuckle White的烤雞拋 進他車子的後車箱。這個司機好不容易克服了那種不可置信的感覺,拉起煞車,走出車外 和RIP一起拍了張相。好好開,放心走。 Another driver, a woman in her late 30s or 40s, got so excited after seeing the Pistons All-Star guard, she nearly drove away without her bag of potatoes. So much for slow. 另一個司機,一個年近40或40出頭的女性,因為在看到這個活塞的全明星後衛後太過 興奮,差點連她的那袋馬鈴薯都忘了拿就開走了。好好開,請慢走。 Gaering, an operations manager for Capuchin Services for 10 years, didn't mind the disruption. "This isn't bad. This afternoon we had cars lined up all the way across East Grand Boulevard all the way to the railroad tracks. We were half-a-mile line, doubled up," he said. "If Rip had been there then we would have really had a problem." 在Capuchin服務中心擔任業務經理達10年的Gaering不在乎這些亂象。"這沒關係。今 天下午排隊的車子橫越了東方大道,一直排到了鐵軌前面。算一算大概有半哩長,而且實 際車數還要乘以二,"他說。"如果RIP一直都在那發放物資,那才真的是個大問題。" Gaering was joking; and he wasn't. About 1,200 pre-selected families will come through the warehouse Tuesday and Wednesday, the capacity the Capuchin Services can serve. Though his foundation, Rip contributed 250 turkeys and 400 boxes of non-perishable food with assistance from Feed the Children and Honeysuckle White – which he was there to hand off in person. Gaering在開玩笑;但也不盡然。大概有1,200個經過事先挑選的家庭將會在星期二和 星期三開過這個倉庫,這是Capuchin服務中心能負荷的最大容量。在Feed the Children慈 善團體和Honeysuckle White公司的協助下,RIP透過他的基金會捐贈了250隻火雞和400盒 能夠長久保存的食物 - 而且是由他親手發放。 "It's a little bright spot in people's lives. They've spent so much of their life struggling to make ends meet," Gaering said. "For someone like Rip to show up and support them, to give them a smile and a word of encouragement, it does so much for their lives." "這是這些人們生命中難得感受到的一絲暖意。他們耗費許多心力只求能夠收支平衡, 有一口飯吃,"Gaering說。"有像是RIP這樣的人挺身而出並給予他們支助,給他們一個微 笑以及一些鼓勵的話語,這對他們真的是很大的鼓舞。" It also does a lot for Hamilton, who has been forthcoming about his family’s own difficulties when he was growing up in Coatesville, Pa. The father of a newborn son, Rip can be thankful this holiday season that Richard Clay Hamilton II won't face the same struggle. But he hasn't forgotten many more will. 這對從小在賓州柯特斯維爾的一個貧困家庭中長大的RIP也別具意義。才剛擁有第一個 小孩的RIP能夠更感恩這個假期,因為小RIP將不再面臨同樣的困境。但他並未因此忘記許 多要以助人為樂的心願。 "It's a great opportunity. The city of Detroit has adopted me, done so many great things for me," Rip said. "This is the least that I could do." "這是一個絕佳的機會。底特律市接納了我,對我產生許多良好的影響,"RIP說。"這 不過我能盡到的最少一份心力罷了。" This is the sixth year the Rip City Foundation has worked with a charitable organization in Detroit for "Rip's Thanksgiving Celebration." The past two years he worked with the Salvation Army Temple Corps Community Center. This year was his first time back to the Capuchin Services Center since the inaugural event, in 2002. Tuesday was also the first time his mother, Pam Long, could be there to see it in person. 這是RIP City基金會和底特律當地慈善團體合作舉辦"RIP感恩節慶祝大會"的第六個年 頭。過去兩年他都與基督教救世軍天普團社區中心合作。今年是自從'02年該活動首度舉辦 後他第一次回頭找Capuchin服務中心合作。星期二也是他母親Pam Long能親自到場參與的 第一回。 "It's exciting but it's also heart-wrenching because we remember those days where it was very difficult around the holidays to try to make sure our families could eat, had clothes, toys at Christmas time and things like that," Pam said. "It never leaves the back of our mind. We remember where we come from and we want others to know we haven't forgotten that. Wherever we can be of support, we’re here." "這令人興奮但同時也讓我的心揪得緊緊的,因為我們記得那段日子,在假期時我們還 要忙著確認家人們是否有東西吃,有衣服穿,在聖誕節時孩子們是否能拿到禮物,那時生 活真的相當困苦,"Pam說。"我永遠都不會忘記那段日子。我們記得我們是怎麼熬過來的, 所以我們希望別人了解,我們並未因為變得富有就忘記那一切。不管那裡有我們幫得上忙 的地方,我們就會到那裡去。" Being "here" might be the toughest part. It is not easy to see families in cars with taped windows, smashed taillights and rusted frames. Rip could have donated food and money through his foundation; he could have given back without being there, without seeing them. That doesn't count in his book. 實際到場或許是最難得的一部分。親眼看著那些開著窗戶用膠帶修補過、尾燈破損、 外觀已經斑駁不堪的車子的家庭並不好受。RIP大可透過他的基金捐贈食物和金錢就好;他 可以不用親自到場,不用看見他們。但那麼做並不在他的考慮範圍之內。 "If your heart ain't into it, you shouldn't be doing it, and I always feel everything I do, I want to be a part of it," Rip said. "I want to be here. I don't just want something (where) my name's on it and I don't know anything about it." "如果你的心不在那裡,你根本就不應該去做,而我一向認為每一件我做的事,我都希 望能親力親為,"RIP說。"我希望能在場。我不希望只是發放出去一些上面印有我的名字的 東西出去,但我卻一無所知。" Actually, he knows more about it than he'd probably care to. It's not forgetting that reminds Rip – and should remind all of us – to be thankful this holiday season. 事實上,他所了解的遠比他可能會關心的還要多。是不要忘記曾經困頓的日子提醒了 RIP - 而且應該也提醒了我們全部的人 - 應該要對於這個假期心懷感恩。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/26 22:41, , 1F
11/26 22:41, 1F

11/26 23:15, , 2F
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11/26 23:52, , 3F
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12/11 04:58, 5年前 , 12F
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