
看板Pistons作者時間17年前 (2007/05/23 18:19), 編輯推噓15(1505)
留言20則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Pistons coach Flip Saunders sat down for a one-on-one with News columnist Rob Parker on Tuesday: Q . This was a tough job to take, taking over a team that went to the NBA Finals two years in a row and had won a championship. Why did you do it? 接管一支連續兩年邁入總冠軍賽並且贏得一個冠軍杯的球隊,這是一件艱難的事。為何你 要這麼做? A . No. 1, my dad once told me if you don't have a team and you're a coach, you're not coaching. So I made a decision that I wanted to get back in. 首先,我老爸曾經告訴我,如果我是個總教頭但我並沒有擁有一支球隊,我並不是在執教 。所以我下定決心我要重返這個位置。 No. 2 was working with Joe (Dumars) -- having trust in Joe and his abilities. He was always going to keep us in a position to be competitive to win a championship. 再來是與老喬一起工作,信任他與他的能力。他讓球隊一直保持著奪冠的競爭力。 You can't go into a situation being afraid to fail. As a coach, you want to have an opportunity to have success, and if you don't have success, you live with it. 你不能害怕失敗。作為一個教頭,你想要擁有一個成功的機會,如果你沒有成功,你也得 接受。 Q . How bad was last season, losing in the conference finals after a record-setting regular season? 上季在刷新球隊例行賽紀錄之後卻兵敗分區決賽,這有多糟呢? A . It was tough. When you're in those situations and things don't go right, you find out a lot about people. You find out a lot about your players, about yourself, your staff, the people you work for, and you find out about the people that are there and really behind you and willing to do things in order for you to have success. 這很艱難。當你杵在這種狀況下,一切都不對勁。你會發現很多你致力工作的人,你的球 員、你自己、你的團隊都站在你的身後支持你並樂意幫助你成功。 Q . What did you think of all the criticism you took because people believed you burned your players out in the regular season? 你是如何看待這些關於你在例行賽操爆自己球員的批評的? A . At times, people show their ignorance by not understanding things. 人們偶爾會因為沒有對事情通盤了解而表現出自己的無知。 I don't think our guys were physically tired. I think they were mentally tired, and part of it had to do with the outside pressure from the media about winning 70 games. You want to talk about a great stat. Wilt Chamberlain averaged 48.5 minutes one year in 48-minute games because he played every minute of overtime as well. And back in the old days, those guys were taking four-hour train rides. 我不認為他們完全/身體累垮了。我認為他們只是精神上的疲勞,這和媒體在談論70勝的外 在壓力有些關係。來談談一個偉大的統計數據,張大帥在一場只有48分鐘的比賽卻出賽平 均48.5分鐘,那是因為他也打滿每一個OT。此外在以前,那些傢伙都得搭四小時的火車。 But I don't think we lost last year to Miami because we were tired. At that time, Miami was a better team. 但我並不認為我們去年輸給邁阿密是因為我們累了。那時候邁阿密是一支比我們更屌的 球隊。 I heard people comment that I can't control 'Sheed because of all the technicals he gets. Three years ago, he had twice as many technicals as he had this year. So sometimes, perception is not reality. 我聽到人們評論我不能控制溪蛙所有的技術犯規。三年前他吃的T是現在的兩倍多。所以感 覺有時候並不是事實。 Q . What's your relationship with Rasheed Wallace? 那你跟溪蛙的關係如何? A . I think we have a good relationship. I understand him as well or better than anyone else. I understand what makes him tick. I think we're very open with each other. If we don't like something, I'll tell him, he'll tell me. I understand his emotion is a part of who he is. I never want to take away a player's personality. It's a fine line. 我認為我們是麻吉。我跟其他人一樣了解他,也許了解的比他們更多。我知道是什麼原因 讓溪蛙怒吼。我想我跟他是剖心肝兼換帖的。如果我們對啥東西不爽,我會告訴他,而他 也會跟我講。我了解溪蛙的激情是他的一部分。我不曾想過去改變一個球員的個性,那是 很微妙的界線。 Q . Did you ever try to tone Wallace down? 你們曾經嘗試過讓溪蛙變溫柔一點嗎? A . We tried it earlier. We tried to get him to play when he wasn't emotional. I went to him and said, 'I can't have you playing like this, you need to play with your emotion. And if you get 25 technical fouls, I'll live with the criticism.' 我們早先就試過了。我們試著讓他打起來在他不激情的時候。我走過去跟他講:「我不能 讓你打成這樣,你必須激情一點。而且如果你吃了25個T,我將會承擔那些批評。」 I really take offense to anyone who says he's uncontrollable. 我真的很介意那些說溪蛙管不住的傢伙。 Q . Can most people tell from looking from the outside in what's taking place between you and 'Sheed? 大部分的人可以藉著從外部的觀察知道你和溪蛙之前發生的事情嗎? A . Last year, we were playing Cleveland late in the year, and he was getting close on technical fouls, and I said, "If you get upset, come scream at me, don't scream at the officials." So he was in the game, and something happened, and he came running over to me screaming, "I can't believe it. " He didn't get a technical foul. But what do you read in the paper the next day, that we have a feud going. 去年,當我們在跟克里夫蘭打的最近一場比賽裡,溪蛙正處在吃T的邊緣,我對他說:「 如果你覺得很不爽就過來訐譙我,別去對那些官員靠夭。」所以當他在那場比賽發生一些 鳥事的時候,就跑過來對我靠北,「淦這是三洨!」因此溪蛙沒有吃T,但你卻在隔天的 報紙看到我們變成世仇云云。 Q . Have you been accepted here by the fans? 你已經被這裡的球迷接受了嗎? A . I really don't know because I really don't deal a lot with people to know where it's at. 我真的不知道,因為我真的沒和很多人談這種事。 Many times, reporters come to me and say, "What do you think about what the people are saying?" I couldn't tell them. 有很多時候記者跑過來問我:「你對那些人們說的話有何感覺?」我並不能跟他們講。 I don't know. And for a coach, it's probably best that way. What you never want to do is make decisions that have any outside influence. You have to make a decision as a coach that you feel is the right decision that puts you there in order to win. 我不知道。我認為那是身為一個教練最好的方式。你絕不想做的就是做出決策時受到外在 的影響。身為教練你做的決策是你認為正確的決策,可以讓你贏球的決策。 第一次翻外電,翻得不是很好...歡迎多多指教 話說翻外電真好玩XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/23 18:22, , 1F
05/23 18:22, 1F

05/23 18:26, , 2F
05/23 18:26, 2F

05/23 18:41, , 3F
喔喔 那就由你代勞了
05/23 18:41, 3F

05/23 19:35, , 4F
05/23 19:35, 4F

05/23 21:07, , 5F
05/23 21:07, 5F

05/23 21:09, , 6F
05/23 21:09, 6F

05/23 21:10, , 7F
05/23 21:10, 7F

05/23 21:10, , 8F
翻外電前請先推文啊 不然這篇原本是spur要翻的 XDDDD
05/23 21:10, 8F

05/23 21:55, , 9F
哈哈哈 我不懂規則@@而且第一次翻 翻得亂七八糟的說XD
05/23 21:55, 9F
shin770107:感謝Penny來信指導XD ※ 編輯: shin770107 來自: (05/23 22:17)

05/23 22:17, , 10F
不是指導啦 XDDD 是囉唆 感謝你的翻譯了!
05/23 22:17, 10F

05/23 22:18, , 11F
05/23 22:18, 11F

05/23 22:24, , 12F
溪蛙:「淦這是三洨!」 好好笑~ 愛死他了
05/23 22:24, 12F

05/23 22:45, , 13F
05/23 22:45, 13F

05/23 22:46, , 14F
05/23 22:46, 14F

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05/23 23:50, 15F

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05/24 00:08, 16F

05/24 03:08, , 17F
05/24 03:08, 17F

05/24 11:34, , 18F
05/24 11:34, 18F

05/24 11:35, , 19F
推生動的翻譯~~ 原來老桑這麼用心良苦阿
05/24 11:35, 19F

05/24 11:37, , 20F
05/24 11:37, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #16L1KQkz (Pistons)