[外電] Webber's leadership brings harmony t …

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間17年前 (2007/02/28 21:16), 編輯推噓27(2702)
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原文出處: http://0rz.tw/662sV -- On Sunday afternoon, the Pistons trailed the Chicago Bulls by 16 points in the third quarter. They needed someone to speak up during a time-out and shake the team from its funk. 在星期天傍晚的比賽第三節時,活塞一度落後芝加哥公牛多達16分。他們需要某個人 在暫停時挺身而出,說一些提振士氣的話,讓球隊可以重振旗鼓。 Usually, that duty would fall to team captain Chauncey Billups or coach Flip Saunders, who did his part by inserting Jason Maxiell into the game and switching to a zone defense. 通常,那個責任會落在球隊隊長槍蜥或是已經盡到應負責任,即時將J.Maxiell換上場 並把防守陣勢調整為區域防守的總教練老桑身上。 But it was newcomer Chris Webber who stepped in and got everyone's attention. 但這次是新成員C.Webber跳了出來並得到了每個人的注意力。 "He said to guys, 'Hey, we're going to get this thing going, and we're going to win this thing,' " Saunders said. "I mean, he didn't just say it. Sometimes guys just say it, and it's like, 'Yeah, OK.' But this, you could tell he meant it -- we were going to get it going, we were going to win it." "他向隊友們說,'嘿,我們要拿出應有的表現,並贏得這場比賽,'"老桑說。"我是說 ,他不只是打嘴砲而已。有時候某些傢伙只是隨口說說,就像是,'Yo man,沒問題吧。' 但他不一樣,你可以聽得出來他是認真的 -- 我們要拿出應有的表現,並贏得比賽。" The Pistons won. And since Webber's arrival, that has been the norm. 活塞最終奪回了比賽勝利。而自從Webber加入之後活塞就勝多敗少,獲勝似乎已經變 成了一種常態。 While Saunders has done plenty of gushing about Webber's passing, he became the latest disciple of another trait -- leadership -- on Sunday. 儘管老桑已經多次讚揚Webber精湛的傳球功夫,他在星期天成了最近一個折服在 Webber另一項過人特質 -- 領導能力 -- 之下的信徒。 "He's shown very, very good leadership qualities," Saunders said. "You have to respect a guy coming into a situation where you have a lot of guys who have been here and have had success. He's not afraid to speak his mind and say, ' Here's what we need to do.' " "他展現了相當,相當出色的領導能力,"老桑說。"你不得不尊敬這樣一個甫加入一支 已經存在多年並證明過擁有奪冠實力的隊伍之中便能立即展現領導能力的好傢伙。他不害 怕把他的內心話說出來,像是'這就是我們需要做的'之類的話。" Webber often has been that guy during his career. From his high school days at Birmingham Detroit Country Day to his infamous run at the University of Michigan, to the Golden State Warriors, Washington Bullets, Sacramento Kings and Philadelphia 76ers, Webber was typically the leader in the locker room and on the floor. 籃球生涯一路走來Webber總是扮演著領導者的腳色。從他在底特律伯明罕就讀高中時 開始,到他留下不名譽紀錄的密西根大學期間,再到進入NBA後的金州勇士、華盛頓子彈、 沙加緬度國王和前一支球隊費城七六人,Webber總是在球員休息室和球場上扮演著球隊領 袖的腳色。 "Back then, so much of the weight was on him," said Pistons assistant coach Terry Porter, who worked with Webber in Sacramento. "He was kind of the face of the franchise. He was expected every night to set the tone. Here, he doesn't have to worry about that. We have so many other guys who can take the load off his shoulders." "當時,有太多太多的責任壓在他的肩上,"和Webber曾經在沙加緬度共事過的助理教 練T.Porter說。"他就是球隊的代表人物,他被期待在每晚的比賽中都是擔任球隊尋求勝利 的基石。在這裡,他不需要擔心這種事,球隊陣中有太多能夠幫他分攤肩上重責大任的好 球員了。" Webber can pick his spots to speak, like he did during that time-out. And most liberating of all is that he can do most of his leading by example. He did that Sunday, too, when he played despite pregame nausea and irritation in his scratched eye. Webber可以選擇適當的時間再發言,就像他在那個暫停時所做的一樣。而他所得到最 大的自由莫過於在大部分的時間只要以身作則就能展現他的領導能力。他在星期天也做到 了,因為他無視於賽前反胃、噁心以及被抓傷的眼睛等身體不適,仍舊拿出了21分、9籃板 (其中有5個是進攻籃板)、3抄截的好表現。 It's a great relief for a player who's used to carrying a heavier burden. 那對一個過去必須肩負更多球隊勝敗重任的球員來說只能用如釋重負來形容。 "It feels really good to be with a group of guys you can trust and go to war with," Webber said. "I just feel like I need to be myself. ... It feels good to be a part of (a group) who, any time, (anyone) can step up and be a leading scorer, anyone can step up and be a vocal leader, (anyone) can get in your face ." "能跟這樣一群可以完全信任的傢伙一起奮鬥真的讓人覺得很舒服,"Webber說。"我覺 得只要做自己。...這是一支隨時,任何人都勇於首當其衝接下頭號得分手的責任,任何人 都可以負責發言鼓舞士氣,或當你不小心犯錯,任何人都能當面告訴你哪裡還有改進的空 間的球隊,成為其中的一份子真的讓人覺得很棒。" Pistons vice president of basketball operations John Hammond said that Webber has fit in just as well off the court as he has on it. He called him a no-maintenance player who shows up on time, does what he's asked to do and has infused the team with positivity through his "unselfish spirit." 活塞籃球事務副總J.Hammond表示Webber在場外跟在場上一樣和大家相處都很融洽。他 說Webber是一個毫不保留的好球員,他總是準時現身並盡力做到他被交付的任務,而且他 "無私的奉獻精神"帶給球隊相當正面的影響。 It reminds him very much of another midseason Pistons addition. 這一切讓他不禁回想起另一次活塞在季中所做的絕佳補強。 "We keep saying that's exactly what Rasheed (Wallace) did when he came here in '04," Saunders said. "Our team was playing well, and it was a good fit, but there still was a piece missing, and I think Rasheed was that missing piece, not because of the player but because of the person, because of the unselfish spirit. "我們一直都認為那就像是溪蛙在'04年加入時帶給球隊的(正面影響),"老桑說。"我 們球隊原本表現就不錯,但總覺得還缺少一點什麼,而我認為溪蛙就是遺落的那塊總冠軍 拼圖,並不是因為他的球技,更因為他這個人,以及他無私的犧牲奉獻精神。" "And the same exact thing has happened with Chris. He's been a great fit on the floor, but as much as anything, he brings a great unselfish spirit. As you can see every time he catches the ball on the floor, looking to pass, looking to make someone else better." "而Webber的加入也帶來了幾乎一模一樣的正面效益。他在場上和其他人搭配地天衣無 縫,但最重要的還是他所帶來的無私精神。就像你每次看到的,他在場上拿到球並不會急 著出手,反而會先觀察其他隊友是否有更好的出手機會,並伺機將球傳到對方手上。" And looking to speak up and be a leader, too. 而且在適當的時機做出適當的發言並且也能當一位好的領導者。 "Guys respect his comments," Porter said. "He's been around the game. He's been on some good teams. So everyone respects what his basketball IQ is and what he has to say." "大家都很尊重他的言論,"Porter說。"他已經在球場打滾好一陣子,也待過某幾支強 隊。所以每個人都敬重他的籃球智商還有他所說的話。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/28 22:04, , 1F
感覺Webber像Dice一樣積極 都是為了球隊好
02/28 22:04, 1F

02/28 22:06, , 2F
02/28 22:06, 2F

02/28 22:07, , 3F
02/28 22:07, 3F

02/28 21:56, , 4F
02/28 21:56, 4F

02/28 22:02, , 5F
02/28 22:02, 5F

02/28 22:23, , 6F
02/28 22:23, 6F

02/28 22:26, , 7F
02/28 22:26, 7F
樓上的推文我幫忙修了一下,請不要介意。 ※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (02/28 22:52)

02/28 23:01, , 8F
02/28 23:01, 8F

02/28 23:41, , 9F
給Webber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! 推一個啦~~
02/28 23:41, 9F

03/01 00:02, , 10F
03/01 00:02, 10F

03/01 00:06, , 11F
03/01 00:06, 11F

03/01 00:14, , 12F
03/01 00:14, 12F

03/01 00:22, , 13F
03/01 00:22, 13F

03/01 00:29, , 14F
Webber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! (欺負長ID....)
03/01 00:29, 14F

03/01 01:04, , 15F
03/01 01:04, 15F

03/01 01:22, , 16F
03/01 01:22, 16F

03/01 01:23, , 17F
03/01 01:23, 17F

03/01 01:59, , 18F
03/01 01:59, 18F

03/01 08:34, , 19F
ebber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! 媽 一樓欺負我
03/01 08:34, 19F

03/01 10:12, , 20F
03/01 10:12, 20F

03/01 12:00, , 21F
Webber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! 超感人的...老將..
03/01 12:00, 21F

03/01 12:15, , 22F
03/01 12:15, 22F

03/01 12:54, , 23F
03/01 12:54, 23F

03/01 13:30, , 24F
Webber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! (Webber衝啦)
03/01 13:30, 24F

03/01 15:49, , 25F
03/01 15:49, 25F

03/01 16:26, , 26F
03/01 16:26, 26F

03/01 18:36, , 27F
03/01 18:36, 27F

03/01 19:22, , 28F
03/01 19:22, 28F

03/01 21:49, , 29F
:Webber、Dice一枚冠軍戒指吧! 我也要一枚~
03/01 21:49, 29F
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