[外電] Rip Hamilton never walks alone (五)

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/06/13 17:45), 編輯推噓8(806)
留言14則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://0rz.net/121rP -- Hamilton spots Long's jersey. That's Long's version of a tux, he says. Long doesn't disagree. Soon the gang is caught up in a heated debate on the time-honored topic: Tupac vs. Biggie. Hamilton turns 27 tomorrow. The party's tonight and everyone's in town. Then again, when Hamilton's around, they're always close at hand. Thirty minutes later, it seems half of Coatesville is standing on the white marble floor of his two-story foyer. Hamilton towers over everyone, adjusting his ever-present do-rag. "How many people we got?" he asks, trying to count heads. "Fifteen? Sixteen? Seventeen? Who are the designated drivers? How many cars do we need?" RIP指了指Long身上的運動服戲謔地說"那是Long風的晚禮服",Long則不同意RIP的說 法,不過很快地這群人又轉移話題,開始熱烈地談論起那個一直以來都很熱門的話題: Tupac對Biggie。RIP明天就要滿27歲了,他的生日聚會將會在今晚舉行而每個人都會出席 。而一如往常,當RIP一聲令下,他的哥兒們總會排除萬難現身。三十分鐘後,似乎有一半 的科特斯維爾人都站在RIP二層式住宅的白色大理石地板上了。RIP站在大家的面前,一面 調整他總是圍著的頭巾,一面問道"我們有幾個人?15個?16個?17個?誰是被指定當司機 的人阿?我們需要多少台車子阿?" Someone asks if tonight will be fun. "Yes siiiiir," shouts Hamilton, using his personal catchphrase. His pals call it a Coatesville thing. When you hear it, things are going well in the House of Rip. Tonight is a Yes Sir kind of night. 某個人問說今晚會不會很有趣?RIP大聲地以他的口頭禪回道"那當然!"他的哥兒們說 那是科特斯維爾特有的東西,當你聽到它,在RIP的房子裡的每件事都會變得很有趣,而今 晚也將是個想當然耳的狂歡夜。 Because the crew is so deep, we have to commandeer Hamilton's entire fleet. The birthday boy throws on his fox fur -- complete with real fox heads on the elbows -- and jumps in the Maybach he bought last year with the money he got for winning the championship. The license plate reads 04 BONUS. 因為人數實在太多,我們必須借用RIP所有的車子。那個壽星匆匆披上他的狐皮大衣 -- 那是由一整隻狐狸做成的,狐狸的頭就在他的手肘處 -- 然後跳上了他去年用贏得總冠 軍的獎金買來的Maybach,車牌上面寫著"'04年的額外收穫"。 Long gets behind the wheel of the Bentley coupe. A third driver takes command of the Range Rover. Hamilton lets his sister and her friends drive the Jag. He's owned that car for awhile so he won't be too upset if the bumper comes back dented. I ride with Nochimson in his Audi. As we roll down Woodward Avenue through Birmingham, a leafy suburb not unlike Philadelphia's exclusive Lower Merion, Antonio McDyess pulls his car out of a bank parking lot and cabooses our caravan. Long搭上了後面那台Bentley的雙門雙座汽車,而第三個司機則是駕駛Range Rover。 RIP讓他的妹妹和她的朋友開積架的車,那台車他已經賞玩過一陣子,所以如果那台車開回 來的時候保險桿被撞爛了,他也不至於太難過。我和Nochimson一起開他租來的奧迪A6。當 我們一行人沿著伍德沃德大道經過伯明罕 - 一個綠意盎然,和費城的Lower Merion高級住 宅區截然不同的郊區 - 時,袋鼠架著他的車從一個銀行的停車場裡出來然後加入了我們的 行列。 This is how you're supposed to roll. 這就是為何今晚會很有趣的原因。 The street leading to the club that will host Hamilton's party is routinely closed to traffic, barricaded by police officers with orange cones. Hamilton inches the Maybach toward the cones and rolls down the window. A police officer scurries off to move the cones aside and we proceed half a block to the club's entrance. The line to get in winds around the block. Hoochie mamas stand three and four across next to girls who have to get up at seven in the morning and go to work at banks or doctor's offices. 前往那間將要舉辦RIP生日宴會的俱樂部的街道照例禁止外人通行,警察用橘色的圓錐 路標設下路障。RIP緩緩地開著Maybach貼近圓錐路標並搖下車窗,一個警察急忙將路障移 開,而我們的車陣繼續了半條街道才到達了俱樂部的入口。通往入口的路線上站了三五個 穿著清涼的美眉,其中還穿插著好幾位看起像是七點就起床去銀行或醫院上班的制服辣妹 。 "Are they shooting a rap video or something?" I ask. 我問道"這裡有人要拍饒舌音樂錄影帶或類似的影片嗎?" "I don't think so," Nochimson replies. Nochimson回說"我想應該沒有。" "They need to be." "他們看起來就像是準備好要開拍了阿。" We quintuple park right in front of the club, which used to be a strip joint, and open our doors in unison. It'd look really cool in slow motion. When the onlookers see Hamilton, they let out a gasp. "Look at his coat," says one admirer. 我們五輛車就停在那間過去曾是脫衣舞夜總會的俱樂部前面,然後一起打開車門。這 如果用慢動作看來一定很帥,當觀眾看到TIP時,他們開始大聲叫囂,有一個仰慕他的人說 "看看他的大衣,這真是屌貨一件。" Two 300-plus-pound bodyguards emerge from the club's door to escort us inside. We line up single file, one bouncer in front, the other in the rear, and snake our way to the third floor. Scarcely an inch of unoccupied dance floor remains. The club's new owners left the stripper poles up and they're getting plenty of use by young women. I'm sandwiched between Hamilton and McDyess. People reach out to touch them as we walk by. 兩個超過三百磅重的保鑣從俱樂部的門走出來然後護衛我們進場,我們排成一縱列, 一個保鑣在前,另一個在後,帶我們走上三樓。那幾乎沒剩下一點點跳舞的空間,這間俱 樂部的新主人把脫衣舞孃全都叫了上來而他們清一色都是年輕貌美的小妞。我夾在RIP和袋 鼠中間,每個走過的人都伸手去摸她們。 The bouncers lead us to a VIP area on the top floor. We take cover in a small room way in the back. I'm pretty sure it was once the champagne room. Behind the bar, a mother and daughter team are serving thirsty patrons. I spend most of the night just inside the roped-off VIP area chatting up the Coatesville crew and watching the women vying to crash the party. One in her mid-20s, dressed in fishnet stockings and a tight black skirt, manages to convince a bouncer that she's a guest. She gets all the way to the tight hallway outside the former champagne room. She can see Hamilton's white do-rag bobbing in the crowd. She whispers something to the bouncer guarding the entrance. He isn't buying it. She'll have to wait for Hamilton to come to her. 保鑣將我們帶到位於頂樓的貴賓區,我們進了後面那間隱蔽的小房間。我很肯定他們 不是第一次來這房間飲酒作樂,吧檯後面,一對母女正在服侍這群饑渴的老主顧們。我幾 乎整個晚上的時間都只是在這個禁止閒雜人等進入的貴賓區和那群科特斯維爾之友聊天, 然後看著女人們搶著要出鋒頭。有一個25歲左右,穿著網眼襪和深黑色裙子的女生,一直 試圖要讓保鏢相信她是客人。她用盡所有的辦法想要接近走廊深處的那間小房間,她能看 到RIP白色的頭巾在眾人中晃得特別顯眼。她向守在入口處的保鏢輕聲說了些什麼,但他不 買帳,她只能在那等著RIP發現她。 She stands for nearly 25 minutes with her neck craned skyward, staring intently in Hamilton's direction, willing him to make eye contact with her. 她站著將近有25分鐘,引頸企望,直直地盯著RIP所在的方向,希望他的眼神和她相會 。 "Do you know Rip?" I ask her. 我問她"妳認識RIP嗎?" "Yeah, I met him twice. Once at a mall," she says with confidence. "He definitely remembers me. I'm just waiting for him to come out. We're really good friends." 她很有自信地回答"是阿,我們見過兩次面,一次是在大賣場,他很明顯地還認得我, 我一直在等他的到來,我們真的是很好的朋友。" "If you're such good friends, how come you're standing here?" "如果你倆的關係真像妳說得這麼好,為什麼妳會站在這?" She shoots me a frown. 她狠狠地瞪了我一下。 "The bouncer doesn't recognize me. They usually have a different bouncer here." "那保鑣認不得我,他們這的保鏢常常在換。" When the house lights come up, it takes the club's staff nearly half an hour to clear the way for Hamilton's crew. The girls in fishnet's gang are reluctant to leave without any face time. Two bouncers drag one away by the arms. She curses them, telling them that her brother will be back to shoot up the place. Outside in the street, the cars are waiting right where we left them. The police clear a path so we can make a quick getaway up I-75. 當俱樂部要打烊時,他們大概花了半個小時的時候才幫RIP和他的哥兒們清出一條路, 那群穿著洞洞裝的辣妹露出心不甘情不願的表情面對這分離的時刻,而兩個保鑣用他們的 手臂幫忙開路。她咒罵他們,並告訴他們說她的哥哥將會回來夷平這個地方。外面街道上 ,車子還是好好地停在剛在我們下車的地方,警察幫我們清出一條路,讓我們可以很快把 車開上I-75號公路。 Nochimson whips out his phone, going over the last-minute details for tomorrow morning's trip. Hamilton has chartered a jet to fly a dozen of his boys to Connecticut for a 1 o'clock game against North Carolina. They have to wake up in four hours. Nochimson撥出他的電話,去做明天早上行程細節的最後一次確定。RIP已經訂好了一 架可以搭載他一打哥兒們的噴射機,他們準備要搭機去看下午一點,康乃迪克對上北卡的 球賽。他們必須在四個小時後就起床。 "The jet is going to cost us a fortune for one day's use," says Nochimson, taking off his earpiece one last time. "But it truly is the only way to fly." 最後一次拿下他的耳機後,Nochimson說"對於只用一天來說,這架噴射機可是花費不 貲呀!但別無他法,搭飛機是唯一選擇。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (06/13 21:49)

06/13 21:50, , 1F
06/13 21:50, 1F

06/13 21:59, , 2F
04 BONUS是不是該譯成"04年的獎賞(or獎金)"會好點?
06/13 21:59, 2F

06/13 22:00, , 3F
06/13 22:00, 3F

06/13 22:05, , 4F
推 辛苦了
06/13 22:05, 4F

06/13 22:07, , 5F
錯誤部份已修訖 謝謝mikacat 有錯還請不吝指教
06/13 22:07, 5F

06/14 00:15, , 6F
06/14 00:15, 6F

06/14 00:52, , 7F
The jet is going to cost us a fortune for one day's use
06/14 00:52, 7F

06/14 00:52, , 8F
06/14 00:52, 8F

06/14 00:52, , 9F
(改完後可以刪除我的推文 :) )
06/14 00:52, 9F

06/14 09:06, , 10F
我不要小費啦 現在只期待小溫請的Skylark 嘿嘿嘿~
06/14 09:06, 10F

06/14 09:08, , 11F
大大說的話要留作紀念 不可以隨便刪掉 XDDDDD
06/14 09:08, 11F

06/14 11:37, , 12F
還敢說你沒拿小費 XD
06/14 11:37, 12F

06/14 20:09, , 13F
06/14 20:09, 13F

06/15 09:52, , 14F
06/15 09:52, 14F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (06/23 21:53)
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